
Note: Page references in italics refer to figures.


  • Accountability gaps, 21–34
    • critical roles for addressing, 161–175 (See also Accountability roles)
    • disengagement issues, 25–26
    • for emerging leaders, 26–28
    • final thoughts on, 31
    • Gut Check for Leaders on, 32
    • Hard Work Rule for addressing, 30–31, 197–204
    • matrix environment issues, 24–25
    • at organization level, 23–24, 39–40, 59–60
    • overview, 21–23, 23
    • overwhelmed leaders and, 23–25
    • as skills development issues, 28–29
    • strategic initiative failures, 29–30
    • technology issues, 25
  • Accountability roles, 161–175
    • of the board, 44, 46, 163–164, 168, 169
    • of the CEO, 164–165, 169
    • of the chief human resource officer, 166–168, 169
    • final thoughts on, 174
    • of front-line leaders, 170
    • Gut Check for Leaders, 168, 169, 174
    • Leadership Accountability Audit for, 168–173, 171, 183–184, 200
    • of middle managers, 170
    • overview, 161–162, 162, 169
    • of senior executives, 157, 165–166, 169, 170
    • strategic leadership conversation on, 170–173
    • See also specific leader positions
  • Accountable leaders
    • author's personal story, xvii–xviii
    • context for, xiii (See also Accountability gaps; Emerging context for leaders)
    • contract for (See Leadership contract)
    • culture and (See Community of leaders; Work culture)
    • defined, xix
    • overview, xix–xxii
    • resilience and resolve of (See Hard Work Rule)
    • resources for, xxiv, 111, 116
  • Adaption. See Emerging context for leaders
  • Adecco Group, xviii, 189–192
  • Albarrán, Tammy, 42, 44
  • Amazon, 60–62, 177–179
  • App, for leadership contract, xxiv
  • Ardern, Jacinda, xv


  • Bad behaviors. See Misconduct and misbehavior
  • Balanced compensation strategy, 167, 188
  • Bezos, Jeff, 60–62, 178
  • Bianchini, Gina, 97
  • Blaming behavior, of mediocre leaders, 54
  • Blockbuster, 6–7
  • Board
    • accountability role of, 44, 46, 157, 163–164, 169
    • Gut Check questions for, 169
    • organization-level accountability of, 44, 46
    • strategic leadership conversation with, 170–173
  • Bock, Laszlo, 91
  • Brilliant jerks, 44, 197, 205–206
  • Brown, Brené, 121
  • Bullying, 55, 113, 196
  • Burnout, 25, 55
  • Burns, James MacGregor, 22
  • Business Roundtable, on purpose of corporations, 14–15


  • Camp, Garrett, 42
  • Can You Hear Me? (Morgan), 25
  • Celebrating success, 69, 101, 189, 213
  • CEO (chief executive officer)
    • accountability gaps of, 27–28
    • accountability role of, 157, 164–165, 168, 169
    • as activists, 14–15
    • board's accountability of, 163–164
    • career longevity of, 8
    • community building by breaking down, 218–219, 221
    • culture-level accountability of, 90, 91
    • Gut Check questions for, 169
    • individual-level accountability of, 65, 109, 163–165
    • leadership contract for, 181, 186
    • optimism of, 7
    • organization-level accountability of, 41, 42–46
    • strategic leadership conversation with, 170–173
  • Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA) commercial, 223
  • Chief executive officer. See CEO
  • Chief human resources officer (CHRO)
    • accountability role of, 157, 166–168, 169, 172
    • Gut Check questions for, 169
    • hiring process for, 165
    • leadership contract development with, 181
  • Christensen, Clay, 4
  • Cisco, 187
  • Clarity
    • of accountability roles, 168, 169
    • assessment of, 127, 129–131
    • of culture-level accountability, 95, 102
    • of individual-level accountability, 113, 114–120
    • leadership contract for, 180, 181–189, 182 (See also Leadership contract)
    • of matrix structures, 24–25
    • of strategic initiatives, 29–30 (See also Strategic clarity)
    • of team-level accountability, 73, 73–77, 78, 80–82, 82–83, 127
  • Clean Air Act violation, 90–91
  • Collins, Jim, 58–59
  • Commitment to leadership
    • accountability gaps and, 22
    • accountability roles for, 161–168, 169 (See also specific leader positions)
    • assessment of, 128, 129
    • for community building, 143–145
    • culture-level accountability and, 95
    • for diversity, 13–14
    • expectations of, 180
    • as leadership contract term, xxi, xxi
    • team-level accountability and, 73, 73–76, 78–80, 79, 83–84, 84–85, 131–132
    • See also Obligation of leadership
  • Community building, 143–156, 209–222
    • for addressing accountability gaps, 162, 162 (See also Accountability roles)
    • assessment of, 210–215, 211, 216
    • community, defined, 98
    • Community of Leaders Survey and, 214
    • culture-level accountability and, 97–98
    • example of, 220–221
    • final thoughts on, 156, 222
    • followership and, 145–146, 154–155
    • Gut Check for Leaders, 156, 222
    • individual-level accountability and, 122–123
    • leadership development programs for, 219
    • leadership forums on, 217–219
    • one-company mindset for, xxii, 102, 147–149, 212, 213
    • organization-level relationships and, 122–123, 153–154, 215–219
    • overview, 143–147, 144, 209, 210
    • reputation cultivation, 149–151
    • servant leadership, 145–146, 154–155
    • silo break down for, 145, 152–153, 213
    • strategic clarity for, 210–212
    • triggers for, 221–222
    • united front as, 75, 102, 115, 139–140, 212
  • Community of leaders
    • assessment of, 210–215, 211, 216
    • characteristics of, 95–96, 96, 99–100, 99–103
    • culture created by, xiii, 94–98, 180 (See also Work culture)
    • current state of, 99, 99–103, 105n12
    • defined, 95
    • hiring process for, 204–206
    • as leadership contract term, xxi, xxii
    • servant leadership, 145–146, 154–155
    • standards set by, 60–62
    • trickle-down effect of, xxiii, 26, 56–58, 57, 92–94, 201–202, 205–206
  • Context. See Accountability gaps; Emerging context for leaders
  • CPA (Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada) commercial, 223
  • Culture-level accountability. See Community of leaders; Work culture


  • Davey, Liane, 39
  • Dehaze, Alain, 190–192, 191
  • Dieselgate, 90–91
  • Director of board, 164
  • Diversity, as adaption driver, 13–14
  • Drivers of adaption, 9–15
    • corporation repurposing, 14–15
    • final thoughts on, 223–224
    • geopolitical instability, 10–11
    • overview, 9, 9
    • revolutionizing work, 11–13
    • transformative technologies, 9–10
    • work culture and, 13–14
  • Dual response, of accountable leaders, xxiv–xxvi, xxv, 108, 159, 224–225. See also Accountability roles; Community building; Individual-level accountability; Organization-level accountability; Team-level accountability
  • Dying for a Paycheck (Pfeffer), xvii


  • Edmondson, Amy, 136
  • Emerging context for leaders, 3–19
    • clarity on, 64–65, 74, 77
    • drivers of, 9, 9–15 (See also Drivers of adaption)
    • final thoughts on, 15–16, 223–224
    • gut check for leaders, 16
    • leadership-context relationship for, 8–9
    • leadership contract development and, 182–183
    • to retail apocalypse, 6–7
    • Sears' inability to adapt, 3–6
  • Emerging leaders
    • accountability gap for, 26–28
    • culture-level accountability and, 98
    • individual-level accountability for, 118–120
    • leadership turning points, 118–119, 207
    • support for, 188, 206–207
  • Employee recruitment, 163, 165, 187–188, 204–206
  • Engagement of workers
    • for community building, 212
    • culture-level accountability and, 101
    • mediocre leaders' impact on, 56, 57
  • Executive team. See Senior executive team
  • Expectations, of leadership. See Leadership contract
  • External forces. See Emerging context for leaders


  • The Fearless Organization (Edmondson), 136
  • The Fifth Discipline (Senge), 60
  • Financial Crisis of 2008, 39–40
  • Financial Times, on Volkswagen scandal, 91
  • The Five Dysfunctions of a Team (Lencioni), 72
  • Folkman, Joe, 58
  • Fowler, Susan, 42
  • Frei, Frances, 43–44
  • Front-line leaders, 27, 118–119, 170, 207
  • Fucci, Mike, 215
  • Future context for leaders. See Emerging context for leaders
  • Future Series (FU.SE) conference, 10


  • Gallup report, 26
  • Gardner, John, 21, 64
  • Geopolitical instability, 10–11
  • Geostrategic risk, 11
  • Getting tough. See Hard Work Rule
  • Good to Great (Collins), 58–59
  • Greenleaf, Robert K., 145
  • Grenny, Joseph, 72
  • The Guardian, on future of work, 12
  • Gut Check for Leaders
    • on accountability roles, 168, 169, 174
    • on community building, 156, 222
    • on crisis of leadership, 32
    • on culture-level accountability, 104
    • on emerging context for leaders, 16
    • on individual-level accountability, 66, 122
    • leadership contract, 193
    • on organization-level accountability, 47
    • on team-level accountability, 86


  • Hard Work Rule, 195–208
    • for accountability gaps, 30–31, 197–204
    • assessment of, 198–202, 199
    • for community building, 212–213
    • culture-level accountability and, 100–101
    • for emerging leaders, 206–207
    • hiring for culture, 204–206
    • for individual-level accountability, 62, 120–122
    • as leadership contract term, xxi, xxii
    • overview, xxii, 195, 196
    • taking action and, 200–202, 203–204
    • team-level accountability and, 132–139
    • zero tolerance for misconduct, 196–197
  • Harman, Willis, 14
  • Harvard Business Review
    • on community, 97–98
    • on future of work, 12
    • on optimism and accountability, 64
    • on self-accountability failures, 30
    • on team-level accountability, 72
  • Heroic model of leadership, 23, 93–94, 95
  • Hiring process, 163, 165, 187–188, 204–206
  • Holder, Eric, 42, 44
  • HR. See Human resources
  • Huffington, Arianna, 44
  • Human resources (HR)
    • accountability as function of, 38, 47
    • culture responsibilities of, 90, 91
    • leadership contract toolkit by, 186
    • mediocre leaders transferred to, 202–203
    • organization-level accountability of, 38, 47
    • See also Chief human resources officer


  • IBM, 10
  • Individual-level accountability, 51–67
    • assessments of, 111–114, 112
    • author's personal story, 41, 51–52
    • barriers to, 58–60
    • of CEOs, 65, 109, 163–165
    • characteristics of, 60–65, 61
    • of chief of human resources, 167
    • for emerging leaders, 118–120
    • expectations of, 114–120
    • final thoughts on, 65, 122, 224
    • gaps in, 30–31
    • Gut Check for Leaders, 66, 122
    • Hard Work Rule, 62, 120–122
    • importance of, 109–110
    • of mediocre leaders, 52–60 (See also Mediocre leaders)
    • optimism and, 64
    • at organization level, 120–122
    • reinforcement of, 116–118
    • of senior executives, 166
    • standards for, 60–62
    • strategic clarity and, 63–64
    • strategies for, 110, 114–123
    • team-level accountability and, 72, 73, 81
  • Inflection point, 40
  • In Their Time (Mayo & Nohria), 8
  • Isaac, Mike, 45


  • Kaiser, Rob, 30
  • Kalanick, Travis, 42–46
  • Kamel, Fawzi, 43
  • Katsoudas, Fran, 187
  • Katzenbach, Jon, 72
  • Khosrowshahi, Dara, 44
  • Knightsbridge Human Capital Solutions, xviii


  • Lampert, Edward, 5–6
  • Leadership Accountability Audit, 168–173, 171, 183–184, 200
  • Leadership Accountability Nine-box, 198–202, 199
  • Leadership contract, 177–194
    • assessment of, 111–114, 112
    • benefits of, 179–180
    • context for, 181–184
    • development of, 131–132, 133–134, 181–189, 182
    • draft of, 184–185
    • for employee recruitment, 187–188, 206
    • examples of, 178–179, 187, 189–192, 191
    • failure path to avoid, 181
    • finalization of, 185
    • final thoughts on, 193
    • Gut Check for Leaders, 193
    • Hard Work Rule and, 135
    • Leadership Accountability Audit and, 184
    • organization-wide cascading of, 185–187
    • overview, xix–xx, 177
    • resigning at transition to leadership points, 207
    • resource for, 116
    • taking action on, 187–189, 200–201
    • for team-level accountability, 131–132, 133–134
    • terms and conditions of, xx–xxii, xxi (See also Hard Work Rule)
  • The Leadership Contract (Molinaro)
    • on accountability gaps, 22–23
    • on community of leaders, 95
    • for emerging leaders, 118–120
    • for employee recruitment, 187–188
    • on Hard Work Rule, 62
    • leadership accountability defined by, xix
    • public response to, xx
    • on relationship building, 154
    • as resource, xxiv, 116
    • on system-level accountability, 41
    • on work culture types, 93
  • The Leadership Contract Field Guide (Molinaro)
    • on leadership contract development, 181–182
    • Leadership Timeline Activity of, 139
    • on mediocre leaders, 52
    • overview, xxvi
    • on relationship building, 154
    • as resource, xxiv, 111
    • on tough conversations, 136–137
  • Leadership Contract Inc. app, xxiv
  • The Leadership Gap (Molinaro & Weiss), 38, 92, 150–151
  • The Leadership Pathway framework, 39
  • Leadership Solutions (Molinaro, Weiss, & Davey), 39
  • Leadership Timeline Activity, 139
  • Leadership turning points. See Emerging leaders
  • Lencioni, Patrick, 72
  • LHH (company), xviii
  • Liswood, Laura, 13
  • The Loudest Duck (Liswood), 13


  • Ma, Jack, 62
  • “Mail it in” habit, 152–153
  • Making it. See Commitment to leadership
  • Managers. See Middle managers
  • Marchionne, Sergio, 203
  • Mayo, Anthony J., 8
  • Mediocre leaders
    • assessment of, 113–114, 197–200
    • characteristics of, 53–56, 54
    • Hard Work Rule for addressing, 197–204
    • impact of, 56–60, 57, 201–202
    • leadership contract and, 180
    • prevalence of, 52–53
    • strategic initiative failures by, 30
    • taking action on, 200–204
  • Mediocre teams
    • assessment of, 129
    • mediocre, defined, 52
    • prevalence of, 71, 76, 77
  • Middle managers
    • Leadership Accountability Audit and, 170
    • organization-level accountability of, 41, 46–47
    • transitions to, 119, 207
  • Mintzberg, Henry, 97
  • Misconduct and misbehavior
    • accountability gaps and, xiii, 21–22
    • board's role in dealing with, 163
    • defined, 196
    • toxic work culture and, 42–44
    • zero tolerance for, 195–197
  • Molinaro, Vince
  • Morgan, Nick, 25


  • National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD), 163
  • Navy Seals, 196–197
  • Netflix, 6–7
  • Newton, Richard, 12
  • New York Times, on Amazon's work culture, 178, 179
  • Nohria, Nitin, 8


  • Obligation of leadership
    • accountability gap due to failures of, 30–31
    • crisis of leadership and, 22
    • as individual-level accountability expectation, 114–120
    • as leadership contract term, xxi, xxi–xxii
  • One-company mindset
  • On Leadership (Gardner), 21
  • Optimism
    • for community building, 212
    • culture-level accountability and, 101
    • during emerging contexts, 7
    • final thoughts on, 225
    • individual-level accountability and, 64
    • team-level accountability and, 75, 78, 84
    • tough-minded optimists, 64
  • Organizational Culture and Leadership (Schein), 92
  • Organization-level accountability
    • barriers to, 23–24, 39–40, 42–45, 59–60
    • as business issue, 38
    • community building and, 122–123, 153–154, 215–219
    • evolution of, 37–42, 38
    • final thoughts on, 47, 224–225
    • Gut Check for Leaders, 47
    • importance of, 45–47
    • individual-level accountability at organization level, 120–122
    • inflection point of, 40
    • integration issues, 38–39
    • leadership accountability issues, 40–42
    • transformation issues, 40
    • work culture issues, 42–45
  • Outlook on the Global Agenda 2015 (World Economic Forum), 22
  • Overfield, Darren, 30
  • Ownership of leadership. See Commitment to leadership; Obligation of leadership
  • Oxford University, on future of work, 12


  • Pfeffer, Jeffrey, xvii
  • Publilius Syrus, 224


  • Randolph, Marc, 6–7
  • Resilience and resolve. See Hard Work Rule
  • Results-Based Leadership (Ulrich, Zenger, & Smallwood), 30–31
  • Retail apocalypse, 6–7
  • Ripple effect, xxiii, 26, 56–58, 57, 92–94, 201–202, 205–206
  • Rometty, Ginni, 90


  • Scandals. See Misconduct and misbehavior
  • Schein, Edgar H., 92
  • Schwab, Klaus, 9–10
  • Sears, 3–6, 15
  • Self-accountability. See Individual-level accountability
  • Senge, Peter, 60
  • Senior executives
    • accountability role of, 157, 165–166, 169, 170
    • chief of human resources role in accountability of, 167
    • Gut Check questions for, 169
    • leadership contract and, 186
    • at leadership forums, 218
    • organization-level accountability of, 41, 46
    • team-level accountability and, 131–132, 133–134, 166
    • transitions to, 119, 207
  • Senior executive team
    • culture-level accountability and, 101–102
    • evolution of, 70–71
    • Leadership Accountability Audit and, 170
    • organization-level accountability of, 41, 46
    • strategic leadership conversation with, 170–173
  • Severance costs, 202
  • Sexual harassment, xiii, 21, 42–44. See also Misconduct and misbehavior
  • The Silo Effect (Tett), 102
  • Silos
    • community building by breaking down, 145, 152–153, 213
    • crisis of leadership and, 24
    • culture-level accountability and, 94, 102
    • team-level accountability and, 75, 79, 84
  • Sisyphean task, defined, 31
  • Smallwood, Norm, 30–31
  • Smith, Brad, 10
  • Smith, Douglas, 72
  • S&P 500 companies, 7
  • The State of the American Manager (Gallup report), 26
  • Stepping up. See Obligation of leadership
  • Strategic clarity
    • accountability gap and, 29–30
    • for community building, 210–212, 219
    • conversation on, 170–173
    • culture-level accountability and, 101
    • on external forces, 64–65, 74, 77
    • individual-level accountability and, 63–64
    • leadership contract development and, 182
    • strategic ambiguity, defined, 63
    • team-level accountability and, 74
  • Strategy execution
    • accountability roles for, 163–164
    • barriers to, 29–30, 209
    • at culture level, 102
    • at organization level, 41–42
    • See also Leadership contract
  • Stress, in the workplace, xvii, 25, 55, 56, 71
  • Su, Lisa, 63–64
  • Superhero work culture, 23, 93–94, 95
  • Super Pumped (Isaac), 45
  • Support. See Trust and support


  • Taylor, Bill, 64
  • Team-level accountability, 69–87, 125–141
    • accountability roles for, 131–132, 133–134, 165–168
    • assessment of, 125–129, 126–128
    • clarity of, 73, 73–77, 78, 80–82, 82–83, 127
    • commitment to, 73, 73–76, 78–80, 79, 83–84, 84–85, 131–132
    • evolution of teams, 70–71 (See also Senior executive team)
    • final thoughts on, 85, 140
    • Gut Check for Leaders on, 86, 141
    • Hard Work Rule, 132–139
    • individual and collective accountability, 72, 73, 81
    • leadership contract for, 131–132, 133–134, 188–189
    • mediocre team prevalence, 71, 76, 77, 129
    • overview, 69–70
    • performance and accountability correlation, 76, 80–85
    • purpose of, 71–73
    • standards for, 75, 78–79
    • study on, 71, 75–84, 87n10
    • tough conversations about, 136–137
  • Technology
    • as adaption driver, 9–10
    • as challenge to leadership, 25
  • Tett, Gillian, 102
  • That Will Never Work (Randolph), 6–7
  • The Adecco Group, xviii, 189–192
  • Thoroughbred work culture, 94, 95, 212
  • Tough conversations
    • for community building, 212–213
    • with teams, 136–137
    • trust and support for, 151
    • See also Hard Work Rule
  • Tough-minded optimists, 64
  • Toxic work culture, xvii, xviii, xxviin3, 42–45, 102
  • Transitions to leadership. See Emerging leaders
  • Trickle-down effect, xxiii, 26, 56–58, 57, 92–94, 201–202, 205–206
  • Trump, Donald, xiv, 42
  • Trust and support
    • community building and, 214
    • culture-level accountability and, 95
    • relationship building and, 153–154
    • stages of, 150–151



  • Values. See Work culture
  • Volkswagen, 90–91
  • Vulnerability, 121–122


  • Wall Street Journal, on Uber's work culture, 44
  • Weiss, David, 38, 39, 92, 150–151
  • Wells Fargo, 22, 90
  • Winterkorn, Martin, 91
  • Work, future of, 11–13
  • Work culture
    • accountability gap and, 24–25
    • accountability roles and, 163, 165, 166, 167
    • as adaption driver, 13–14
    • as an asset, xvi, 90–91, 94–98
    • culture, defined, 92
    • current state of, 98–103, 99–100, 105n12
    • drama and, 56–57
    • final thoughts on, 103
    • Gut Check for Leaders, 104
    • leader-created, xiii, 42–45, 92–98, 178–179, 180 (See also Community of leaders)
    • as a liability, 89–91
    • toxic work culture, xvii, xviii, xxviii, 3, 42–45, 102
  • Workplace stress, xvii, 25, 55, 56, 71
  • World Economic Forum, 22
  • World Health Organization, 25


  • Zenger, Jack, 30–31, 58
  • Zombie-like work culture, 93, 95
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