Environmental and sustainability assessment of biorefineries

L. Schebek and O. Mrani,    Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany


Given the fact that biorefineries are gaining increasing attention as a technology for mitigation of climate change and sustainable development in general, it is not surprising that sustainability assessment of biorefineries has also become an issue. The interaction of biorefineries with their environment is very complex. In general, it can be stated that biorefineries may have impacts on the natural or physical as well as on the economic and social-cultural environment. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a systematic approach to analyze and examine the impacts of products or services on the environment. Most LCA studies on biorefineries consider or compare products or raw materials, thus such other classification features of biorefineries as platform and process appear only in the background. Challenges in the future include assessment of the expected competition between material and energetic use on one hand, and land for cultivation of food and feed production on the other hand. As a general prerequisite, the technological processes must be most efficient. In addition to that, social and economic implications of a broad implementation of biorefineries must be better understood, in order to facilitate implementation of solutions.

Key words

sustainability assessment; biorefineries; life cycle assessment (LCA)

3.1 Introduction

The concept of sustainability was introduced by the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED, 1987) in its famous report ‘Our Common Future’, delivered on behalf of the United Nations in 1987. Since then, it has been broadly discussed in scientific literature as well as in public debates at various levels of society. The WCED report defines sustainable development as ‘Development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs’. The popularity of this concept resides in its comprehensive and inclusive idea of fairness today and in future, with nature conservation as prerequisite to implement this idea of global equity. However, its universal applicability raised the need for further specification of goals and strategies to make it operational. A widespread idea of sustainability states that sustainable development must be based on three dimensions: environmental, economic and social (Jänicke et al., 2001). From this generic view, individual strategies for stakeholders may be derived. As one example, Alles and Jenkins propose that in organizational strategies three objectives must be considered (Alles and Jenkins, 2010):

• people – the social consequences of its actions

• planet – the ecological consequences of its actions

• profits – the economic profitability of companies (being the source of ‘prosperity’).

So far, many international, national and company indicator systems to assess sustainability have been worked out. Assefa and Frostell report that more than 500 projects have been implemented to develop quantitative indicators for sustainable development (Assefa and Frostell, 2007). These may be used to assess progress of sustainability on various levels and for different applications. Research and political interest in sustainability assessment of technologies increased during the last decade. The reason is the far-reaching impact of novel technologies, which may contribute to sustainable development, but may also raise novel problems of sustainability.

Given the fact that biorefineries are gaining increasing attention as a technology for mitigation of climate change and sustainable development in general, it is not surprising that the sustainability assessment of biorefineries has also become an issue. Biorefineries are supposed to have a considerable potential to replace fossil fuels and to develop a new concept of economic production in the chemical industry. At the same time, this might pose new challenges. The demand for biomass supply and new patterns for production and workplace surroundings are an example for these. Consequently, environmental impacts are the focus of all sustainability assessments, but also other issues have to be taken into account to obtain a comprehensive picture.

3.2 Methodological foundations of environmental and sustainability assessment of technologies

3.2.1 Methods and indicators of sustainable development

Given the broad concept of sustainability outlined above, it is obvious that sustainability assessment does not mean one single method, but that different types of methodologies and assessment procedures may be applied. This calls for the structuring or a typology of approaches, and indeed such typologies can be found in the literature. Before presenting them, at the most simple, three structuring criteria shall be discussed: first, what indicators are used for the assessment, second, how the object of assessment is defined, and third, how the quantitative or qualitative values for the chosen indicators as to the defined object of assessment are generated.

As to the issue of indicators, these can be defined from the three dimensions of sustainability and on different levels; these levels have to be adequate for the object to be assessed. Many indicator systems have been defined at the country level, e.g. the United Nations Commission for Sustainable Development (UNCSD) Theme Indicator Framework (UN, 2001). Some of these indicators may be meaningful also at the company, product or technology level (e.g., the amount of greenhouse gases), but some may be not (e.g., the national debt).

The task to define the object of investigation is not as trivial as it may seem. Every object has a structure – for example, a product has its components, a technology has auxiliary processes and a demand for material and energy – so each object can be seen as a system and the definition of the objects is equal to the definition of the system boundaries. This system can be specified by technological components, but also by geographical or temporal aspects. One idea of a system boundary is specifically prominent in sustainability assessment which is the so-called life cycle of a product. ‘Life cyle thinking’ means looking at the full process chain from extraction of raw materials through production of a product or technology, its use by the consumer and also its end of life, where materials are transferred back to nature.

These two structuring criteria are decisive for the third one, the methodology, with which quantitative or qualitative values for the chosen indicators and the system boundary are generated. Here, usually two types of procedures are encountered: either information is gathered directly via measurement or statistics (or taken from databases which contain respective data), or a model is built in order to generate new data from a set of data fed in. The choice of methodology makes up the tools that are used for assessment.

Typologies found in the literature make use of these criteria in different ways. Singh et al. report on a broad literature overview of sustainability assessment methods, structured by sustainability indicators, classification and evaluation of methodologies. They address guidelines for the construction of indices; in addition, they give a comprehensive survey and description of existing sustainability indices (Singh et al., 2009). Hacking and Guthrie propose a framework and a consistent terminology for approaches to sustainability assessment found in the literature, which uses three axes: ‘the comprehensiveness of the SD coverage; the degree of ‘integration’ of the techniques and themes; and the extent to which a strategic perspective is adopted’ (Hacking and Guthrie, 2008). Ness et al. present a proposal for assessment tools and arrange them into three main categories: indicators/indices, product-related assessment, and integrated assessment tools. There is a ‘parent category’ (monetary valuation tools), which acts in all categories (Ness et al., 2007).

Markevičius et al. use 35 criteria for a so-called Emerging Sustainability Assessment Framework. The majority of indicators focus on environmental issues (12 indicators), while four social indicators and one economic indicator are added (Markevičius et al., 2010). Hueting and Reijnders report on the construction of sustainability indicators. They make the general criticism that so far suggested economic and social elements for inclusion in indicators do not have plausible causal relation to nature conservation, i.e. ‘sustainability defined as a production level that does not threaten the living conditions of future generations’ (Hueting and Reijnders, 2004). Böhringer and Jochem select 11 indices from 500 Sustainable Development Indicators, that are suggested to researchers and policy makers, including the Living Planet Index (LPI), Ecological Footprint (EF), City Development Index (CDI), and Human Development Index (HDI) (Böhringer and Jochem, 2007). Assefa and Frostell discuss an approach for the evaluation of indicators for social sustainability of technical systems (e.g., waste management and energy systems). Three indicators are reviewed: knowledge, perception and fear (Assefa and Frostell, 2007). Finnveden et al. mention the strategic environmental assessment (SEA), the environmental impact assessment (EIA), the environmental risk assessment (ERA), the cost-benefit analysis (CBA), the material flow analysis (MFA), the ecological footprint, and notably life cycle assesment (LCA) as most frequently used methods (Finnveden et al., 2009). Balkema et al. propose a methodology of sustainability assessment structured in three steps following the approach of life cycle assessment: (1) Goal and definition, (2) inventory analysis, and (3) optimization and results. The last step is essential for assessing sustainability (Balkema et al., 2002).

Sustainability assessment also has to be seen as a decision-making process where the interests of many stakeholders have to be taken into account. The various players have their environmental, social and economic criteria and interests for the development of a sustainable system. To support these decision-making processes and take into account different goals and interests, methods such as multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA), multi-objective decision making (MODM), operations research and management science are proposed. These methods are used to review the assessment of various decisions and political strategies as well as to include the competing interests of various stakeholders and experts (Halog and Manik, 2011). When quantitative sustainability indicators are used, multi-objective optimization can be integrated to identify a group of favorable options for sustainable solutions (Balkema et al., 2002). Such methodology has to be included in a procedural framework of stakeholder participation (see, e.g., Stoll-Kleemann and Welp, 2006).

3.2.2 Technologies and their interaction with the environment

The interaction of a technology with its environment is very complex. In general it can be stated that a technology may have impacts on the natural or physical as well as on the economic and sociocultural environment. The ways in which this interaction takes place may be diverse, depending on the kind of technology. However, every technology has a reason for its application, which ultimately is to deliver either a product or a service to society. This function – if it meets the demands of the final consumer – is what makes a new technology enter the market and consequently drives its impact on the environment. This idea of the interaction of technology with its environment through a function that needs to be fulfilled is shown in Fig. 3.1 (Balkema et al., 2002).

3.1 Interaction between technology and environment (Balkema et al., 2002).

Consequently, the impact of a technology is always assessed taking into account its function. This is what makes it possible to compare a novel technology to ‘old’ technologies or to compare different alternatives for shaping a technology to each other. It is even possible to compare different technologies to services provided that the function for the user remains the same. Although the motivation to compare is very important, if not the most widespread one for sustainability assessment, it may also be interesting to assess one technology on its own. This motivation is encountered mostly in cases where the term technology designates not a single device, process or service, but rather a far reaching change in the sense of systems innovation which usually encompasses technology as well as organizational and social innovation; a well-known example of this is the internet. Here, often the term technology assessment (TA) is used, which covers a wide procedural approach encompassing many methodological tools in order to explore and assess a multitude of possible and maybe interacting consequences on the natural or social environment (van den Ende, 1998; Bütschi et al., 2004).

In contrast, the term sustainability assessment of technologies in the literature is rather used for a more focused assessment and comparison of specific technologies and their interaction with their environment. Keeping in mind that the impact of a technology is always connected to its function, one generic approach of assessment has become most popular: the methodology of life cycle assessment (LCA). It mirrors the view of the function as driving force for the use of a technology and as a point of reference for assessment. Most approaches to sustainability assessment of technologies are based on this method, either exclusively or by incorporating it in a wider framework. This notion is also true when looking at the assessment of technologies for energetic or material use of biomass (Dewulf and van Langenhove, 2006). Consequently, in order to reduce the plethora of names and single approaches, this chapter will be restricted to life cycle assessment as the most widespread concept for sustainability assessment of technologies.

3.2.3 Basics of life cycle assessment (LCA)

Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a systematic approach to analyze and examine the impacts of products or services on the environment. Not only these impacts, but their whole life cycle (i.e., from resource extraction to end-of-life) is analyzed. LCA is based on the modeling of interconnections between the single processes of a product system, in order to identify the material and energy flows within the system. From this model, the so-called ‘elementary flows’ – i.e., material flows between the product system as a whole and the natural environment – can be derived. Finally, the impacts or damage to the environment can be assessed. The core methodology of LCA was developed during the 1990s, with the SETAC ‘Code of Practice’ as a first milestone (Consoli et al., 1993), and today is described in two international standards, ISO 14040 and 14044, which are part of the ISO 14000 family of standards on environmental management.

According to ISO 14040, a life cycle assessment study consists of four phases: goal and scope definition, inventory analysis, impact assessment, and finally interpretation (Fig. 3.2). The double arrows in Fig. 3.2 indicate that an LCA is seen as an iterative process; additional information gained during a study can require a backshift to a previous stage to include further aspects. The first phase of an LCA study, goal and scope definition, defines and specifies the objects and the research questions. It also defines the system boundaries of the product system, e.g. as to space and time. A central task of LCA is the comparison of different products with the same function to extract particularly environmentally friendly goods or services. To fulfill this target, a clearly defined functional unit has to be determined. According to ISO 14040: ‘the functional unit defines the quantification of the identified functions of the product’, which means that the function has to be specified in terms of a quantity of a product or service, e.g. per kg of a product or per km of a transport service.

3.2 Stages of an LCA (DIN EN ISO, 14040) cited from ‘Environmental management – Life cycle assessment – Principles and framework’ (ISO 14040:2006).

The second phase, life cycle inventory analysis (LCI), consists of three parts: creation of a flow model, data collection and calculation of the results. In a flow model, processes of the product system and their connections are described. The product system itself is defined by ISO 14040 as a ‘collection of unit processes with elementary and product flows, performing one or more defined functions and which models the life cycle of a product.’ For each unit process, data for input and output flows have to be gathered, together with other important information as to the process itself. The result of the LCI analysis is the quantification of the elementary flows resulting from the delivery of the functional unit, i.e. the product or service. The third step – the life cycle impact assessment, LCIA – transfers the results of the inventory analysis in a quantification of potential damage to the environment. To do so, the concept of impact categories is used. An impact category represents a certain environmental problem, e.g. climate change. It is quantified by a category indicator, which is based on an understanding of the underlying causes of an environmental problem as described in a respective scientific model (‘characterization model’). As the last phase of LCA, the interpretation transfers the results from the LCI analysis and LCIA to a clearly understandable message for the intended audience of an LCA study. The phase of interpretation also includes procedures of quality assurance and sensitivity analysis.

Details of the methodology of life cycle assessment can be found in textbooks as well as on internet platforms (Baumann and Tillmann, 2004).

3.3 Life cycle assessment (LCA) for biorefineries

The assessment of biorefineries generally encounters as a difficulty, that so far there is no unified classification system. The most widely quoted definition of ‘biorefinery’ has been published by the International Energy Agency (IEA) Task 42. ‘Biorefinery is sustainable processing of biomass into a spectrum of marketable products (food, feed, materials, and chemicals) and energy (fuels, power, heat).’ In the same report, a generic classification of biorefinery systems is proposed based on four main features: platforms, products, feedstocks, and conversion processes. Most LCA studies on biorefineries consider or compare products or feedstocks, thus the other classification features such as platform and process appear only in the background. Information about platform and process only gets a closer look when systems are optimized, e.g. to use the same platform for multiple products, to optimize and reduce processing steps, or to avoid energy-intensive processes. The focus of LCA studies is on the products of biorefineries, which is not surprising, as LCA is always focused along the life cycle of its functional unit. This is an advantage on one hand, as it makes comparisons with other process routes for the same product quite easy. On the other hand, it is a shortcoming because the possible specific advantage of a biorefinery as a networking production system is difficult to account for. Still, in the following section a structure following specific products of biorefineries will be applied, while possible shortcomings by the holistic approaches of biorefineries will be discussed later.

LCA results for biofuels

Given the current policy interest in biofuels, a large number of studies are available. The term biofuels denotes plant oils, biodiesel, bioethanol and biogas. Generally, LCA studies compare biofuels with the respective petrochemical fuels, which are gasoline, diesel and natural gas. An additional interest is to compare different biofuels, which are specified as so-called feedstock-technology combinations, i.e. process chains using a specific feedstock and a specific technology, where one technology may be feasible for different feedstocks and vice versa.

One comprehensive survey including the biofuels ethanol, methanol, biodiesel and biogas has been carried out in a study commissioned in 2007 by the Swiss federal administration (Zah et al., 2007). It covered several technologies as well as biomass from domestic and from main production regions worldwide. The main results are presented in Fig. 3.3.

3.3 GHG emissions for several biofuels per km for biofuels and fossil fuels (Zah et al., 2007).

As Fig. 3.3 shows, the environmental performance as to global warming potential (GWP) is dependent on the type of fuel, the species and the regional origin of the feedstock. The lowest GHG emissions can be found for biofuels based on waste materials. Among agricultural feedstocks, those with high yield due to the species and the climatic conditions of agriculture show better performance; this is true, for example, for sugar cane from Brazil. The other way round, low yields per hectare and high use of nitrogen fertilizer along with the emissions of N2O (nitrous oxide) for certain agricultural techniques, e.g. for corn from the US, lead to comparably high values of GHG emissions. The assessment of biofuels is different for other impact categories, notably eutrophication. Here, fertilizer use generally causes a higher impact compared to fossil fuels but also shifts environmental performance between different feedstock-technology combinations. In addition, specific contributions to other impact categories exist, for example by the use of chemicals in agriculture, toxicity impacts appear.

These general findings are confirmed by the majority of studies, although controversial debates on single issues are encountered in the literature. One of these debates emerged as to the net energy ratio of starchy crops, specifically on bioethanol production from corn in the US, where some authors reported negative results and stated that more fossil fuel is consumed by production than gained as bioethanol (Pimentel and Patzek, 2005). These findings, however, were not confirmed by others (Hill et al., 2006; von Blottnitz and Curran, 2007). In contrast, all studies agree that net energy ratio as well as GWP are far better for sugar cane compared to corn, and that crop yields have a major impact on the overall results, as shown in Fig. 3.4 for GHG savings per acre depending on crop yields.

3.4 GHG savings per hectare as a function of lignocellulosic crop yields (Cherubini et al., 2009).

The large contribution of agriculture is also confirmed for other impact categories. This is shown, for example, for sugarcane by Cavalett et al. (2011) (Fig. 3.5). Due to the use of agrochemicals, agriculture is generally seen as the main contributor to the impact categories of human toxicity and ecotoxicity (Bai et al., 2010; Cherubini and Jungmeier, 2010).

3.5 Comparative environmental impacts breakdown for ethanol production in the E50-B. ADP, abiotic degradation; AP, acidification; EP, eutrophication; GWP, global warming; ODP, ozone depletion; HTP, human toxicity; FWAET, freshwater toxicity; MAET, marine water toxicity; TET, terrestrial toxicity; POP, photochemical oxidation (Cavalett et al., 2011).

During recent years, an additional aspect of agriculture has been recognized as a crucial issue for assessment of biofuels, which is the concern of land use changes (LUC) due to the rising demand for biomass. Land use change implies the direct or indirect change of not-cultivated land for agricultural use. Depending on former use, actual crop and agricultural techniques, carbon contained in the soil and plants can be released to the atmosphere, which in the worst case can jeopardize all GHG savings of biofuels. There are controversial statements regarding this topic since the first publication, but all studies agree that additional contributions to GHG must be expected from the conversion of very carbon-rich areas like peatland. This is confirmed, for example, for the case of palm oil diesel by a recent meta-analytic review of LCA (Manik and Halog, 2013).

The other important issue as to environmental performance of biofuels is the conversion technology itself. Here, several aspects have to be taken into account, primarily the efficiency of the technology. So-called second generation biofuels that make use of the full plant (and not only part of it, like seeds) are expected to show better performance, but this is also controversial. Von Blottnitz considered 47 publications that compare bioethanol production systems using LCA. Some of the LCA studies show a better environmental performance for second generation biofuels than first generation biofuels (Stöglehner and Narodoslawsky, 2009; Cherubini and Jungmeier, 2010). In addition to this, conversion technologies may provide by-products, e.g. glycerin from biodiesel production. In LCA, these are accounted for as to their substitution of fossil-based products. The way this is done on the methodological level may also be decisive for the outcome of an LCA study (see Cherubini and Strømman, 2011).

LCA results for bio-based chemicals

Bio-based basic chemicals, often called platform chemicals, are industrially produced chemicals that are used as raw material for many industrial products. Here, only few LCA studies are available (excluding ethanol, which was included above as part of the biofuels section). In 2006 a study of biotechnological production of 21 bulk chemicals from renewable resources was carried out on behalf of the EU (Patel et al., 2006). All bio-based products were compared with the respective petrochemical product using the categories of non-renewable energy use (NREU), GWP, land use in the form of land occupations and other environmental impacts. From this, significant reductions have been identified for all bio-based products. Limited availability of data and uncertainty concerning novel processes were identified as a main drawback of the assessment. Mainly based on this study, Hermann et al. presented results for the assessment of ten bio-based bulk chemicals produced by biotechnological processes (Hermann et al., 2007): 1,3-propanediol (PDO), acetic acid, acrylic acid, adipic acid, butanol, ethanol, lysine, lactic acid, polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA), and succinic acid. In addition to that, five products produced from the aforementioned products are included: caprolactam, ethyl lactate, ethylene, polylactic acid (PLA), and polytrimethylene terephthalate (PTT). The assessment covers waste management within the system boundary and takes into account the impact categories NREU, GWP, and land use. Results show savings as to GHG and NREU for most bio-based chemicals, already for current technologies. For future technology, it is estimated that due to learning effects the savings will be 25–35% higher. This can be explained by the relatively high energy requirement for the production of petrochemical polymers.

There are some studies focusing on individual bio-based basic chemicals. Ekman and Börjesson show that propionic acid produced from by-products of agriculture leads to significant reduction of GHG emissions compared to fossil fuel alternatives. However, the contribution of propionic acid to eutrophication is higher (Ekman and Börjesson, 2011). Glutamic acid is an important component of waste from biofuel production and an interesting starting material for the synthesis of bio-based chemicals. Lammens et al. compare the environmental impacts of four bio-based chemicals from glutamic acid with their petrochemical equivalents: N-methylpyrrolidone (NMP), N-vinylpyrrolidone (NVP), acrylonitrile (ACN), and succinonitrile (SCN). The bio-based NMP and NVP show less impact on the environment, while for the ACN and SCN the petrol-based chemicals have less impact. Further optimizations indicate that the production of bio-based SCN can be improved to a level that can compete with the petrochemical process (Lammens et al., 2011).

Uihlein and Schebek (2009) compare the environmental impact of a lignocellulose biorefinery system with conventional production alternatives. The biorefinery delivers three products (lignin, ethanol, xylite), which are compared to their fossil counterparts (see Fig. 3.6). It was found that the biorefinery has the largest environmental impacts in the three categories fossil fuel use, respiratory effects and carcinogenics. The environmental impacts mainly arise from the provision of hydrochloric acid and to a lesser extent also from the provision of process heat. The optimal variant (acid and heat recovery) provides better results than the fossil alternatives, whereas the overall environmental impact is approximately 41% lower compared to the fossil alternatives (Uihlein and Schebek, 2009).

3.6 Schematic life cycle comparison of biorefinery vs. conventional products.

Polymers are a main product group of the chemical industry as to the amount produced. This is why bio-based polymers are also the most interesting for biorefinery systems. Vinka et al. have compared the polylactic acid (PLA) production with the production of conventional petrochemical polymers of various kinds for 1 kg product as functional unit by means of LCA. The investigated impact categories are fossil fuel use, GWP and water demand. Fossil fuel use and GWP show significant benefits for PLA. In contrast, water demand shows a much smaller difference between the compared products (Vinka et al., 2003).

Kim and Dale have tried to estimate the ‘cradle to gate’ environmental impact of bio-based polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) packaging film made from crop residues (a mixture of corn grain and corn stover). The PHA production from corn grain was defined as the reference system. Compared to PHA from corn grains only, the PHA made from corn husks and corn grains shows negative GHG emissions by − 0.28 to − 1.9 kg CO2-eq. per kg depending on the technology used. The significant reduction can be explained by the surplus energy from lignin-rich corn stover. Photochemical smog and eutrophication are related to nitrogen-induced soil pollution. PHA fermentation technology is still immature and in the development phase. The trend shows further improvements, thus reducing the environmental impact (Kim and Dale, 2005).

A cradle-to-gate LCA for PHB production was carried out by Harding et al. For the life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) GWP and ten other impact categories were selected. The LCA results were compared with the production of polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE). They show that, on one hand, the energy required for the PHB production is significantly lower than for the polyolefin production, on the other hand, the acidification and eutrophication effects are lower for PE than for PHB (Harding et al., 2007).

Roes and Patel (2007) have developed an approach, which is based on classical risk assessment methods (largely based on toxicology), as developed by the life cycle assessment (LCA) community, with statistics on technological disasters, accidents, and work-related illnesses. The approach has been applied to ethanol and four polymers from cradle to grave: polytrimethylene (PTT), polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA), polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and polyethylene (PE). The results show lower risks for bio-based polymers compared to petrochemical equivalents. However, the uncertainties in the data need to be reduced (Roes and Patel, 2007).

Alvarenga et al. investigate PVC production from bioethanol as a substitute for ethylene. Two scenarios for bioethanol-based PVC for 2010 and 2018 are compared with fossil-based PVC, using several indicators for impact assessment. As to non-renewable resource use and GWP, bio-based PVC performed better; as to other impact categories, for some assumptions it performed worse for the state of 2010. As to 2018, better results turned out due to gains in efficiency and technological learning (Alvarenga et al., 2013).

3.4 Sustainability issues: synopsis of results from assessment of economic and social aspects

3.4.1 Broadening the concept of LCA

Due to the widespread acceptance and use of the LCA methodology for environmental assessment of products and technologies during the last decade, efforts have been made to include the aspects of economy and social issues in LCA in order to derive a full sustainability assessment (Klöpffer, 2008). The aim is, similar to environmental LCA, to study the economic and social impacts of a product or technology, respectively, throughout its full lifetime, from manufacture through use to disposal or recycling. As a result of these efforts, methodological approaches to ‘life cycle costing’ (LCC) as well as ‘social life cycle assessment’ (SLCA) have been proposed. The currently most well-known approaches are the Code of Practice on LCC published by SETAC (Hunkeler et al., 2008; Swarr et al., 2011) and the Guidelines for Social Life Cycle Assessment, published the UNEP-SETAC Life Cycle Intitiative (UNEP, 2009; Benoît et al., 2010). However, no standardized methodology exists, and due to the complex nature of assessment of economic as well as social issues, diverging approaches can be encountered in the literature.

Klöpffer states the conceptual ‘equation’ of life cycle sustainability assessment: LCSA = LCA + LCC + SLCA (Klöpffer, 2008). Prerequisite of this ‘equation’ is that the system boundaries and functional units of LCA, LCC and SLCA are similar. However, this, is not self-evident for approaches to economic and social assessment. The term of ‘life cycle costing’ was introduced during the 1970s; for a short history, see Sherif and Kolarik (1981). It originally denotes a formal analysis tool which is applied in business management. Here, the life cycle of a product is seen to cover the stages from invention, research, commercialization and end-of-life of a product, which is different from the idea of a ‘physical life cycle’ in LCA that covers material flows from research extraction to disposal. The idea of life cycle costing as a summary of all costs caused by a product during its entire life cycle, however, can be transferred also to the notion of a ‘physical life cycle’. In this sense, LCC has also been proposed as a tool of sustainability assessment in recent years, postulating that the life cycle shall be congruent between LCC and LCA (UNEP, 2009). Even if systems boundaries are congruent, major methodological choices for LCC still exist. Notably, the question whether LCC covers monetization of externalities, i.e. environmental burdens, is crucial for any findings from this approach.

As to the method of SLCA, in the first place the question of adequate social indicators arises. Here indicators and indices are taken from different contexts mentioned in Section 3.2.1. However, given the large number of indices and indicator systems, the choice of proper indicators is often a highly controversial issue. Looking at system boundaries and matching to the phases of an environmental LCA, the methodological problem arises that indicators may not be directly related to processes, but rather to the level of companies or organizations (Jørgensen et al., 2008). In addition, for some fields of interest, qualitative rather than quantitative indicators may be adequate. The emerging methodology for SLCA consequently comprises elaborate schemes for the choice of indicators which are operated by use of check-lists (Benoît-Norris et al., 2011). However, it has to be emphasized again that other approaches also exist, which either use only environmental LCA, but combine it with other methods to account for economic and social aspects, or which use different methodological approaches to sustainability assessment. Examples for the variety of methods can be found in, for example, Assefa and Frostell (2007), Sugiyama et al. (2008) and Othman et al. (2010).

3.4.2 Results from economic and social asssessment of biorefineries

Given the far-reaching implications of the concept of biorefinery, economic and social aspects seem most important in addition to environmental assessment. However, the on-going scientific discussion on sustainability assessment methodology, combined with the open definition of the concept of ‘biorefinery’, results in the literature on sustainability assessments of biorefineries being scarce. Moreover, findings from the literature are often snapshots of single aspects rather than an overall sustainability assessment of the concept of ‘biorefinery’.

One general finding stressed by several authors is that environmental and economic optimization go hand in hand. Several publications stress the importance of integration for efficiency improvement and consequently enhancing sustainability as well as environmental issues and costs (e.g., Mateos-Espejel et al., 2011; Gassner and Maréchal, 2013). Generally speaking, the more efficient the chemistry, the lower the energy consumption during the production, and investment costs. A specific aspect is treated by Lange (2007) who points out that in fossil-based chemistry the goal of synthesis is often to add oxygen to hydrocarbons, which requires expensive oxidation processes. This causes a general increase of costs along with increasing the oxygen content in the production (see Fig. 3.7) (Lange, 2007). The generic advantage of renewable resources is that they are often rich in oxygen functionalities. This is why renewable resources can be used best when highly functional intermediates and polymer need to be obtained. Other authors point out that the selective deoxygenation of carbohydrates is more effective and therefore cheaper than the selective oxygenation of hydrocarbonates (Alles and Jenkins, 2010).

3.7 Historical average price of petro- and bio-based chemicals (1975 to 1995 average oil price of about $23/bbl) (Lange, 2007).

Luo et al. dealt with the economic and environmental analysis as well as with technical design of a lignocellulosic biorefinery (LCF), which produces ethanol, succinic acid, acetic acid and electricity. The economic analysis shows that the designed biorefinery has great potential in comparison with a sole ethanol biorefinery even if the price of succinic acid drops or the investment costs double (Luo et al., 2010).

Various studies address the costs of production across the value chain. One important aspect here is transport. Several studies use mathematical models to assess the complete costs of energy use of biomass while considering the whole supply chain (biomass production, harvest, farm and road transport and conversion plant). On the basis of the assessment results, strategies have been proposed to reduce costs. In general the transport of biomass is an important aspect, so processing biomass in the vicinity of agricultural production areas has economic advantages (Yu and Tao, 2009; Akgul et al., 2012; Giarola et al., 2011).

3.5 Conclusion and future trends

Taking a long-time perspective, biorefineries are a generic part of sustainable development in the sense that they substitute fossil resources by renewables. However, findings from existing studies show than countercurrent effects can occur and contributions to sustainable development may disagree as to different impacts and indicators for sustainability. Thus, sustainability assessment is an indispensable part of further development of biorefineries, as it reveals strengths and weaknesses of concepts and supports the optimization of technologies. As an outcome of the present findings, the following aspects can be expected to be the focus of further research on sustainability of biorefineries.

A lesson learned from the present controversy on biofuels is the notion of competition for land and the importance of land use change. Agricultural products are used as a food source, source of raw materials for fuels and as starting products for further material and industrial processing. One challenge in the future is to observe the expected competition between material and energetic use on one hand, and cultivation of food and feed production on the other hand.

From this insight, a further conclusion can be drawn: as also renewables are not unlimited, efficiency of their use is the overriding challenge. In the case of biorefineries, this is notably possible by integration of processes in a biorefinery which also can be seen as a generic strength of the biorefinery concept. However, assessment of the interlinkage of processes in order to derive optimization tools up to now has not been taken into account sufficiently by sustainability assessment. Here, further methodological developments as well as close interaction with technology development in an early phase are necessary.

And last but not least, the social and economic implications of a broad implementation of biorefineries are not well understood. ‘Bioeconomy’ is well known as a catchphrase, but what does it denote? In a global economy, where will the feedstock for a future bioeconomy be produced? Will this be a chance or a risk for local economies, given that many of the most fertile areas are in regions of developing countries with smallholders? How will society have to change to support sustainable cultivation of biomass as well as the closing of material cycles and cascade use of carbon materials in order to enhance efficiency and lower the demand for primary resources? These questions pose scientific challenges; to address them is most important in order to provide science-based advice for policy and society as to the possibly far-reaching transformation process from a fossil-based to a future bio-based economy.

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