Types, properties and processing of bio-based animal feed

E.J. Burton and D.V. Scholey,    Nottingham Trent University, UK

P.E.V. Williams,    AB Vista, UK


This chapter considers the history and utilisation of bio-based co-products from biorefining and their use in the animal feed sector. The path of development from traditional by-products to higher value materials is outlined with references to the influence of production scale, energy and water costs. Properties of biorefinery co-products are described together with their potential use in the animal feed sector and features that constrain their use. The chapter then expands on the impact of processing technology including potential improvements. Finally, the chapter reports on the emerging trends in bio-based co-products and discusses constraints and drivers in their development.

Key words

biodiesel; bioethanol; DDGS; co-products; animal feed; yeast; feed legislation; protein source

24.1 Introduction

In order to consider bio-based nutrients for feed, it is necessary to make a refinement to the definition of bio-based. Beyond mineral supplements and synthetic forms of some vitamins and amino acids which are manufactured via chemical syntheses, few non-bio-based feed materials exist. Therefore in the current context, the term bio-based nutrients/feed ingredients is taken to mean feed materials that are derived directly or as co-products from fermentation and biosynthetic processes. Bio-based nutrients for feed is not a new concept but, whilst the scale has grown dramatically in recent decades (nearly 200-fold), the technology and the fundamental principles have to a great extent remained unchanged.

This chapter starts by outlining the origins of bio-based feed ingredients and how they are utiised in the global animal feed sector, before explaining in more detail the opportunities in that market. Types and properties of existing bio-based feed materials are then described with evaluation of their advantages and limitations. The chapter subsequently expands on the impact of processing technologies on the nutritional value of bio-based feed. The final sections profile emerging products with explanation of both the constraints and drivers in their development.

24.2 Background

One technology that has provided bio-based feed ingredients for over 200 years is that of potable alcohol production. Whilst in the early days of alcohol production, the use of the co-product as animal feed was an incidental benefit to the process, modern trends and new pressures have significantly altered the perception of how the co-products can be handled and disposed of. It was not unknown for the co-products of potable alcohol production to go into landfill or for liquid wastes to be discharged directly into the sea. There is now a considerable charge for putting waste to landfill and discharge into the sea is environmentally not permissible. In the early days, drying the co-product and marketing it as a feed for livestock was primarily a convenient means of removing the excess material from the site of production. In the meantime, a valuable business has evolved in marketing co-products as animal feed and this business is now a valuable green credential in the process of bioethanol and biodiesel production. Factors such as these, plus the need to recover as much of the available nutrients which enter the biorefining process as possible, have placed new pressures to capitalise on all available nutrients.

Therefore as a start to considering bio-based nutrients, it is worth contemplating in more detail how processes evolve to meet the needs of the animal feed industry and how the technology can be used as a blueprint for emerging novel bioprocesses. The current global approach to sustainable agriculture hinges on balancing supply of the 4Fs: feed, fuel, food and fibre. The incorporation of biorefinery co-products into animal feeds provides a major conduit for finding balance; excess fibre and feed from production of fuel may be converted into food via animal production.

The animal feed industry may be loosely divided into two sectors: one sector addressing the requirements of ruminant animals (primarily cattle and sheep) and the other sector addressing non-ruminants (primarily fish, pigs and poultry). The ability of ruminants to digest fibre as an energy source and to utilise non-protein nitrogen to meet their amino acid requirements means that the fibrous products are predominantly integrated into ruminant diets, whilst the majority of high protein biorefinery co-products are directed towards non-ruminants. The very high growth rates of commercial strains of pig and poultry render them extremely sensitive to fluctuations in the quality of feed provided and the density of protein and energy in the feed, which limits the inclusion of many co-products.

24.2.1 History of distilling co-products

One of the first bio-based feed materials was produced as early as 1790, when the surplus grain from the Kilbagie Distillery, Clackmannanshire, was recorded as being fed to cattle. Indeed in the early days of distilling, it was natural to feed the residues of producing the water of life ‘uisage beatha’ to livestock. The scale of this production, approximately 2.3 million litres alcohol per annum from approximately 8,000 tons of barley, compares with a modern bioethanol plant producing in excess of 400 million litres of ethanol from approximately one million tons of grain. Production of potable ethanol is a mature technology using enzyme liquefaction and saccharification of starch to produce glucose which is then fermented by Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast to produce ethanol. The leftover mash (whole stillage) is decanted into a fibrous wet grain and a liquid component, thin stillage, which contains the majority of the yeast protein and soluble components. Thin stillage has a very high water content, with only around 60–85 g/kg dry matter (Mustafa et al., 1999), so it is evaporated into a syrup, remixed with the wet grain and dried to form distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS). The drying of the co-product is an energy-demanding, expensive necessity in order to remove all the ‘waste’ material not required for the production of ethanol from the distillery which, if not removed, would congest the primary process of ethanol production.

24.2.2 Scale of bioethanol production

The European Commission published the Biofuels Directive in 2003 (EU, 2003a) which promotes renewable fuels as a means of reducing carbon emissions. Targets were set for member states and in the UK these were incorporated into the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation, which specifies that renewable fuels must make up 3.5% of fuel supplied on UK forecourts (RTFO, 2007), increasing up to a 5% inclusion by 2014. In 2010/11, 1,507 million litres (Ml) of biofuel were supplied in the UK, of which 41% was bioethanol (618 Ml/year), the majority of which was imported from Brazil and the USA (Department for Transport, 2012). In 2011 the EU produced 4,400 Ml, an increase of 105% on 2007 making it the third largest producer behind Brazil and the US (European Bioethanol Fuel Association, 2012). The significance of these figures for feed ingredients is based on the one-third rule: in first generation bioethanol production it is generally recognised that from the grain feedstock, one third of the grain goes into ethanol, one third into carbon dioxide and one third into animal feed. Growth in bioethanol production leads to growth in feed production.

Biodiesel production is globally some way behind bioethanol production (Fig. 24.1), but makes up the majority of the biofuel production in the EU. Feedstock accounts for 80 percent of the cost of a gallon of biodiesel, so feedstock availability is the driver for biodiesel production. This accounts for the relatively small production in the US, although this is increasing and 1.1 billion gallons were produced in 2011 (The National Biodiesel Board, 2012). The growth in renewable fuel produced from the fermentation of plant material has resulted in an equal growth in the co-product residue, which as indicated earlier has traditionally been targeted predominantly to one segment of the animal feed market, namely ruminant nutrition.

24.1 Biofuels production for 2008 to 2011 (compiled from US EIA (2013) data).

24.2.3 The demand for feed: attributes and trends

Increases in consumer demand for meat, especially in developing countries, will require increasing protein supplies for animal feed. Beyond the energy component of the diet, protein forms the largest dietary component for pigs, poultry and fish. The usefulness or quality of a plant protein source for animal feeds depends on three main factors: the volume of protein provided, the availability of that protein to the animal and the number of antinutritional factors (ANFs) contained with the material. Antinutritional factors are components within a plant-derived feed material that invoke a detrimental response within the animal, such as reduced growth or tumour induction. Availability of protein depends on how closely the profile of amino acids in the protein source matches the requirements of the growing animal and also how easily each amino acid may be digested.

The major protein sources in use are plant-derived meals (e.g., soya and rape meals), fishmeal and meat and bone meal, with some protein also being sourced from industry co-products and legumes. The majority of protein used in animal feed is from oilseed; Gilbert (2002) quotes an annual figure of 316 million tonnes (Mt) of oilseed protein, 14 Mt from animal by-products and 7 Mt from fishmeal. However, in the EU, legislation constrains the use of animal by-products in animal feed (TSE regulation 999/2001; ABPR 1774/2002). Similarly, although fishmeal is a high quality protein source, overfishing has led to introduction of restrictions to conserve fish stocks and Hardy (2010) stated that further reduction in use of fishmeal will be required in the future. Biorefinery co-products can go some way towards meeting the demand for sustainable animal protein. Globally, around 44 million tonnes of distillery co-products were incorporated into the production of animal feed in 2011, which is an increase of 23.7% on the previous 12-month period (DEFRA, 2011). The majority of these co-products are currently used in ruminant feed.

24.3 Types and properties of bio-based feed ingredients

Most commonly the starch used for bioethanol production is supplied by sugarcane (Brazil) or maize (USA), but in the UK and Canada, the feedstock is wheat. Other feedstocks include roots and tubers and molasses. For biodiesel production, the most common feedstock by a large margin is vegetable-based oils, such as soya bean oil and rapeseed oil, with some production (less than 15%) coming from Jatropha and animal fats.

Biodiesel co-products vary with feedstock; in the EU, rape meal makes up the majority, whereas soya bean meal is dominant in the smaller US market. The protein meals from soya and rape are well recognised and extensively used in the livestock feed industry. Other oilseeds supply a small but significant volume of co-product to the animal feed industry. The major biofuel co-product in terms of volume remains the traditional alcohol co-product, DDGS.

24.3.1 Distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS)

Distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) are produced from de-alcoholised fermentation residues, after the yeast fermentation of grains to convert starch to alcohol (Weigel et al., 1997) and are a co-product of both bioethanol and potable alcohol production. DDGS is an internationally recognised protein source for cattle. An excellent review of the use of DDGS as a feed source has been written at Iowa State University (Babcock et al., 2008). Figure 24.2 shows the global DDGS production since 2002.

24.2 Global production of DDGS from 2002 to 2011 (compiled using data from Renewable Fuels Agency, 2012).

Nutritional value of DDGS as a feed ingredient

Removal of the starch from the cereal source through fermentation approximately triples the concentration of all remaining components including valuable nutrients such as protein in the DDGS product (see Table 24.1; Thacker and Widyaratyne, 2007). Unfortunately, in periods when grain may be of poor quality from moulding, for example, the concentration of the mould in the final product will also be tripled. The nutritional variability found in DDGS can affect feed manufacturing as nutrients contributed by DDGS can vary so widely that the final feed can be out of tolerance for final product specification (Behnke, 2007).

Table 24.1

Comparison of nutritional content of wheat, wheat DDGS and maize DDGS

Variable Wheat Wheat DDGS Maize DDGS
Moisture 11.8 8.1 11.8
Crude protein 19.8 44.5 30.3
Non-protein N 4.6 10.2 5.4
Fat 1.8 2.9 12.8
Ash 2.1 5.3 4.8
ADF 2.7 21.1 14.6
NDF 9.4 30.3 31.2


Source: Thacker and Widyaratyne, 2007.

The digestible amino acid content of DDGS does not necessarily correspond to its increased protein content compared to the native cereal, as some amino acids (such as proline and alanine) concentrate more rapidly than others during fermentation (e.g., histidine and leucine) (Liu, 2011). Also, the high possibility of Maillard reactions during DDGS drying leaves lysine digestibility as a major concern for the use of DDGS as a feed ingredient. Maillard browning reactions result in the formation of indigestible polymers based on the epsilon amino group of lysine and a reducing sugar.

The major feedstock for DDGS in the US is maize, whereas wheat is the major feedstock in Europe. Currently wheat DDGS is successfully used in ruminant nutrition at inclusion levels of between 25 and 35% without affecting nutrient digestibility or growth characteristics (Li et al., 2011; Yang et al., 2012), with maximum performance characteristics found with around 20% inclusion of DDGS (Buckner et al., 2007; Klopfenstein et al., 2008). The high fibre content decreases feed intake and limits nutrient utilisation in both pigs (Nyachoti et al., 2005) and chicks (Thacker and Widyaratyne, 2007), as the fibre increases dietary bulk. Wheat DDGS has been used successfully in pig feed at 30% with no effect on performance traits (McDonnell et al., 2011) and in broiler feeds at 15% inclusion (Thacker and Widyaratyne, 2007; Youssef et al., 2008). Loar et al. (2010) suggested that feeding DDGS levels of 15% or higher may adversely affect young chicks less than 28 days of age, but that feed intake in older chicks is reduced if chicks are not exposed to DDGS in starter diets. Although levels up to 12% have no effect on meat quality or consumer acceptance, above these levels there may be a negative effect on thigh meat as increased fatty acids may increase oxidation (Corzo et al., 2009; Schilling et al., 2010).

For maize DDGS, suggested inclusion rates for broilers are 24% when fully balanced for amino acids (Shim et al., 2011) and 6% when not fully supplemented (Lumpkins et al., 2004). Wang et al. (2007) did suggest that there may be a possible loss of breast meat yield at 20% maize DDGS inclusion. Inclusion rates for layers are suggested at 10% (Lumpkins et al., 2005), and Masa’deh et al. (2011) found that egg weight was reduced when more than 15% DDGS was included in the diet.

DDGS has also been investigated in aquaculture diets; in tilapia, Schaeffer et al. (2010) found that higher levels of DDGS (over 20%) reduced feed conversion ratio and bodyweight gain. These authors also hypothesised that replacing fishmeal with DDGS would require amino acid supplementation at higher inclusion levels. Again in tilapia diets, it has been shown that diets supplemented with lysine can contain up to 40% DDGS without any reduction in performance (Li et al., 2011). Figure 24.3 shows the current usage of DDGS in the different animal feed sectors.

24.3 DDGS usage globally in the animal feed sectors (compiled using data from Renewable fuels Agency, 2011).

Variability in DDGS production

One of the major issues with DDGS as an ingredient in animal feeds is the lack of consistency, which makes accurate feed formulation difficult. Differences have been found in nutritional quality within and between production plants for both maize (Cromwell et al., 1993; Spiehs et al., 2002) and wheat DGGS (Lan et al., 2008; Azarfar et al., 2012). Some of this variation is due to feedstock differences which can lead to changes in alcohol conversion efficiency (Cottrill et al., 2007) but Belyea et al. (2010) found that fermentation batches were the most influential source of variation. Other processing factors can affect product composition including temperature, concentration of solids and water quality (Rausch and Belyea, 2006), the mix of grains to solubles (Noll et al., 2007) and the drying method (Swietkiewicz and Koreleski, 2008).

Processing issues with DDGS

Much of the supplementary feed used in livestock production is pelleted to ease handling and increase bulk density for transport. DDGS has been found to deleteriously affect pellet quality; increasing DDGS content has been negatively correlated with pellet durability (Shim et al., 2011) and has been shown to increase the quantity of fines (Loar et al., 2010). Loar and Corzo (2011) discussed the effect of oil addition on the pelleting of DDGS, concluding that the oil addition required to add energy to DDGS-containing diets would form a more viscous diet, which required more energy to pellet. Loar et al. (2010) also found that higher DDGS inclusion increased energy use in the condenser due to the viscosity of the mash. The production rate was shown to decrease with 30% DDGS inclusion, which may be due to reduced supplemental rock phosphate, which has a scrubbing effect in the die (Loar et al., 2010). However, the same study also showed a decrease in energy through the pellet mill to be due to the fat content, which lubricates the product through the die.

A further issue is that wheat DDGS contains varying amounts of non-starch polysaccharides (Saulnier et al., 1995) which increase viscosity, causing issues for mixing and transport during processing (Smith et al., 2006), and can cause uneven drying.

24.3.2 Oilseed meals

Oilseeds not only provide a valuable fuel source, but also a valuable feed material as the high oil content of the seed is usually coupled with high protein content. Post-oil extraction, the resulting meals form the backbone of protein supply to the global animal feed industry. The dominant feed protein product is soya bean meal, due to its widespread availability and balanced amino acid profile, which is generally well suited to the requirements of growing non-ruminant animals.

A number of oilseed meals other than soya also make a significant contribution to global animal feed protein. Table 24.2 shows the global production of oil-bearing seeds in 2011 and the digestible protein content of the subsequent meal.

Table 24.2

Global production of oil bearing seeds in 2011 with the total and digestible protein content of the subsequent meals

Protein meal source Production (Mt million) Total crude protein percentage (dry matter basis) Apparent ileal digestibility coefficients of crude protein
Soya bean (Glycine Max.) 251.5 44.8–49.9 0.82–0.88
Rapeseed (canola) (Brassica napus) 60.8 27.7–39.1 0.68–0.81
Cotton seed (Gossypium spp.) 46.6 38.3–44.9 0.72–0.75
Peanut (Arachishypogaea) 38.9 46.4–49.0 41.7–44.6
Sunflower seed (Helianthus annus) 35.5 31.0–36.6 0.79–0.87
Palm kernel (Elaeisguineensis) 13.4 13.6 0.54
Copra (coconut) (Cocos nucifera) 5.8 21.7 0.63


Source: Soy Stats, 2012; Bryden et al., 2009; Kearl, 1982.

Soya bean meal

Soya bean meal is used globally as a protein source in both ruminant and non-ruminant feeds due to its high protein content (around 40%) and favourable amino acid profile. It now provides the benchmark against which novel protein sources for animal feeds are measured. However, there are limits to the inclusion of soya bean meal in feed. Soya beans contain a number of anti-nutritional factors (ANFs) which cause reduced growth and feed conversion efficiency in livestock production if the soya is not appropriately heat treated (Grant, 1989; Clarke and Wiseman, 2005). The two main proteinaceous ANFs present in soya are trypsin inhibitor and lectin and it is the inactivation of these factors without reducing protein quality that forms the nexus of soya bean meal processing.

Early stages in biorefining of soya beans, such as dehulling, flaking and expanding, focus on optimising the beans for maximum oil extraction using hexane. Extraction of oil from the soya beans is achieved by washing baskets of the product with hexane in a countercurrent flow system, where the hexane is continuously recycled. Whilst the original aim of the final desolventiser-toaster stage was to maximise hexane recovery, the increasing value of the soya meal product has redirected focus to optimising protein quality by reducing trypsin inhibitor activity (TIA) levels to below 4 mg trypsin inhibition per gram of soya. However, studies into the effects of soya bean meal processing conditions on chick growth show that young broiler chicks are sensitive to variation in the quality of soya bean meal, even when samples are processed to below the recommended TIA threshold of 4 mg/g (Clarke and Wiseman, 2007). Similar sensitivity to residual TIA has been shown in pigs (Zarkadas and Wiseman, 2005).

Rapeseed meal

Rapeseed is usually cultivated in climates unsuited to soya production due to its high oil yield. Rapeseed oil has become the primary feedstock for biodiesel in Europe and outside Europe the dominant producers are China, India, Canada and Australia (Table 24.3). After crushing to remove oil, the resulting rapeseed cake is processed through a similar solvent extraction process to soya to produce rapeseed meal. As with many animal feed materials, its composition varies widely depending on a range of factors including origin, growing conditions, the manufacturing process and degree of oil extraction.

Table 24.3

Top rapeseed producing countries in 2011–12

Location Rapeseed production (million Mt)
Canada 14.17
China 13.00
India 6.50
France 5.36
Germany 3.87
Australia 3.19
UK 2.76
Poland 1.86
Ukraine 1.50
EU 27 19.07
World Total 60.60

Source: United States Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service.

Rapeseed meal contains a blend of amino acids suited to non-ruminant diets but its use is limited by the presence of several ANFs. Whilst sinapine is responsible for the fishy taint of eggs from hens fed high levels of rapeseed meal, the most significant ANF with regard to feed is glucosinolate, which is highly goitrogenic and cannot be inactivated by heat processing. However, conventional (non-GM) plant breeding has addressed this through the production of ‘double-zero’ varieties of rapeseed containing low content of erucic acid and low content of glucosinolates. Virtually all rapeseed production in the European Union has shifted to rapeseed 00 (double zero), but unfortunately the development of low glucosinolate varieties suited to Asian countries has been less successful. It is imperative to know the source of the rapeseed meal to ensure rate of dietary inclusion does not reach levels known to impede animal performance and health. One of the first varieties of double zero rapeseed meal was developed in Canada: canola ‘CANadian Oilseed, Low-Acid’. The term has now been adopted as a worldwide standard covering all double zero varieties of rapeseed meal, wherever they were produced. Table 24.4 indicates suggested inclusion levels of canola in production animal diets. Inclusion level of traditional (high glucosinolate) rapeseed meal is dictated by the concentration of glucosinolate within the meal, but halving the canola rate of inclusion has been suggested as a guide (Fenwick and Curtis, 1980).

Table 24.4

Recommended rate of Canola inclusion in production animal diets

Type of diet Canola inclusion /g/kg
Cattle: Dairy compounds and blends 250
Other cattle: compounds and blends 400
Cattle: Protein concentrates 600
Sheep: Breeding compound and blends 250
Sheep: Grower/finisher compounds and blends 150
Pig grower  30
Pig finisher  30
Pig breeder  50
Poultry layer feeds  50
Poultry broiler feeds  30

Source: Cottrill et al., 2007.

Other oilseed meals

Despite the high values shown in Table 24.2 for both total protein content and proportion of digestible protein, the use of oilseed meal is often hindered by the presence of antinutritional factors or contamination with toxic substances such as mycotoxins. Although mycotoxin contamination may affect almost any feed that is improperly processed or stored, peanut (sometimes referred to as groundnut) meal appears particularly susceptible to contamination by aflatoxins which are potent carcinogens. Similarly, the use of cottonseed meal in non-ruminant diets is restricted due to the presence of gossypol. In normal concentrations, gossypol has no toxic effect on cattle, but it has been shown that liveweight gain in beef cattle is reduced when the gossypol content is high. When cottonseed cake is used in poultry and pig rations, levels of up to 10% are usually recommended (Chicco and Shultz, 1977). Palm oil production is derived from two oil sources within the same plant: the majority from the mesocarp and a smaller contribution from the palm kernels. Mesocarp-sourced palm oil does not yield an animal feed co-product but the kernels are commonly used as a feed material in Africa and Asia. While there appear to be no nutritional limitations to the use of palm kernel meal, its use in ruminant feeding is restricted by its dry, unpalatable texture, in spite of its relatively high oil content. The low protein content of palm kernel oil compared to other oilseed meals also renders it unattractive for inclusion in non-ruminant feed but it has been successfully incorporated into laying hen diets at inclusions rates of up to 40% without affecting egg production (Perez et al., 2000).

24.3.3 Corn gluten meal

The majority of global bioethanol production uses the simple dry grind process which produces DDGS as a co-product. However, there is an alternative wet grind process, which is both a more capital requiring and intensive process which separates parts of the corn kernel to make syrups, oil and other products. The final by-product of the wet grind process is corn gluten meal which is a protein product primarily used as cattle feed but which is now gaining acceptance as a protein supplement in a number of different applications including aquanutrition.

24.3.4 Liquid feeds

There are a number of liquid biorefinery co-products that are well suited and economical for use in feed. However, in addition to the challenges over variability in nutritional value discussed earlier for dry biorefinery feed products, transportation costs are increased by the lower nutrient density of liquid feeds.

Whilst the majority (around 70%) of bioethanol production blends fibrous and liquid fractions to create DDGS as the primary feed product, bioethanol production may also yield two feed liquid products which rising cereals costs are likely to promote as attractive feed materials. Condensed distillers solubles (CDS) from the bioethanol dry milling process are suited to liquid feeding systems used for pig production. CDS can positively affect growth performance but low palatability limits inclusions to a maximum of 20% in pig diets (de Lange et al., 2006) and presence of live yeast may lead to additional fermentation and frothing during storage. Corn steepwater (also known as condensed steepwater solubles) from the bioethanol wet milling process is viewed as an excellent source of soluble protein for beef cattle liquid feed supplements. Corn steepwater contains substantially more crude protein, ash, phosphorus and lactic acid than CDS, but the low oil levels leave it with low energy content. The similarity in consistency of CDS to molasses has raised interest in the product as a pellet quality enhancer, but the hygroscopicity of CDS is relatively high, presenting risk of mould contamination of pellets (DeFrain et al., 2003).

A final molasses-type product under consideration as an animal feed is the 5 carbon sugar product from the hemicellulose component of cellulosic bioethanol production, termed 5C molasses, which is 65% dry matter (Persson, 2009). To date, a pilot plant in Kalundborg, Denmark, is producing 11,100 tonnes per annum of 5C molasses which has been successfully trialled in pig diets (data not published) and is currently being marketed both as pig and cattle feed but may ultimately be re-directed into further bioethanol production. Another by-product of cellulosic ethanol production is lignin, which is used to produce pellet binders which increase production and enable the use of hard-to-pellet materials in animal feed, such as DDGS. Their inclusion in diets has also been shown to have a positive effect on poultry performance and caecal fermentation (Kivimäe, 1978; Moran and Conner, 1992) and may improve gastrointestinal health by providing fermentable oligosaccharides (Flickinger et al., 1998).

Biodiesel production from triglycerides yields one liquid product used in animal feed: glycerol. The 2004 boom in biodiesel production more than doubled crude glycerol production and exceeded the capacity of glycerol refineries. Existing markets required refinement of glycerol so the extra one million tonnes of glycerol produced alongside biodiesel was directed into the animal feed sector as crude glycerol. Ruminant feeds appear particularly well suited to incorporation of glycerol, as glycerol is a natural product of rumen fermentation of fat. Inclusion of up to 10% glycerol in the total mixed ration of dairy cows increased milk yield and decreased post-calving weight loss (Bodarski et al., 2005). The plummet in glycerol cost and concurrent hike in cereal costs have heightened interest in the use of glycerol as an energy source for pigs and poultry: it has been successfully incorporated into diets in poultry at levels of up to 9% (Dozier et al., 2008) and up to 10% in pig diets. These inclusion levels also improve pellet quality and production efficiency in the mill (Groesbeck et al., 2008).

24.4 Impact of processing technology on co-product quality

The use of wet co-products in animal nutrition is not unknown but they are not feed materials of choice. The transportation of the water is an added cost; storage over time is limited due to the need to inhibit bacterial contamination and mould formation, and systems have to be specifically constructed and adapted to supply the wet material to the animals. Perhaps the biggest example of liquid feeding is the feeding of liquid waste to pigs. For this reason, the majority of co-products are dried on the site of production. Investment in the drying capacity of the plant is a significant proportion of the overall cost of the plant and the efficient operation of the dryers is essential to the operation of the plant. A breakdown in drying can cause a shutdown of the plant. Particularly in the bioethanol process, drying of the product is therefore integral to the discussion of co-products. An additional factor coming to the fore is the fact that drying the co-product can represent approximately 40% of the overall energy requirements of the plant. Product drying is therefore a major contributor to the carbon footprint of the plant. As energy costs rise and the cost of drying increases, alternatives that obviate the need for drying and water removal by remediating water such that it can be reused in the process will become more attractive.

24.4.1 Drying technologies

The drying method can affect the nutritional content of the finished product, although product deterioration is usually due to the application of excess heat, rather than the moisture removal (Morris et al., 2004). Drying types can be classified by either the mechanism of heating or mechanism of vapour transport. Air drying requires a high temperature air which supplies the heat and removes the water vapour, whereas vacuum drying uses a reduction in pressure to remove the vapour (Chen and Mujumder, 2009).

Ring drying

Ring drying is a first generation drying technology where hot air flows over an extensive area to remove water from the surface of the product. A heated air stream moves the material to be dried through a vertical column and as the particles lose moisture, they are transported to the top of the column and then further dried by moving them through one or more rings attached to the column. Adjustable splitter blades are used to convey the heavier semi-dried material back into the dryer for another pass through the system. This selective extension of residence time allows the ring dryer to process traditionally hard to dry materials. However, there is a greater possibility of burning and overheating, and consistency of product may be an issue as the material is not all dried for the same length of time. Ring drying is a relatively cost-effective method of large-scale drying producing a granular low dust product.

Spray drying

Spray drying is a second generation drying technology, which is defined by the formation of a spray of droplets, which are produced for optimum evaporation and contact with air. A spray dryer converts a suspension to a powder in a single processing step. A nozzle or atomiser is used to convert the liquid input into a fine spray, usually with droplet sizes of 100–200 μm (Niessen, 2002). The liquid fraction is sprayed into a hot vapour stream which vaporises the liquid. This is a very rapid method of drying which produces a consistent particle size and often a fine, free flowing, powder end product. However, spray drying is not appropriate for viscous liquids as they are difficult to atomise into a consistent, fine spray and it is a high energy demand process, which needs to be carefully managed to minimise resource use (Luna-Solano et al., 2005).

Freeze drying

Freeze drying is a third generation drying technology, which has four distinct stages: freezing, vacuum, sublimation and condensing. It has been shown to overcome issues of structural damage to the end product (Karel, 1975; Dalgleish, 1990) and the absence of air prevents oxidative deterioration, and there is no possibility of heat damage. Freeze drying is approximately 4–8 times more expensive than air drying (Ratti, 2001) and therefore the process is more commonly used for smaller scale applications producing very high value products. Lin Hsu et al. (2003) compared hot air, drum and freeze drying of yam flours and found antioxidants were more preserved in freeze dried samples, but otherwise little difference was observed between the drying technologies.

24.4.2 Maillard reactions

Maillard browning reactions are a complex series of stages, beginning with a condensation between a reducing sugar and most commonly the ε-amino group of lysine (Purlis, 2010). When pentoses and hexoses are involved, the reaction forms brown polymers (Martins et al., 2001). Maillard reactions impair the nutritional content and the bioavailability of amino acids and proteins (Moralez et al., 2007). Colour has been correlated to amino acid digestibility by a number of researchers (Batal and Dale, 2006; Fastinger et al., 2006), with lysine digestibility reducing from 80% to 60% with darker DDGS (Ergul et al., 2003). Very dark samples have recently been reported to give very low ileal digestibility values in pigs (Cozannet et al., 2010) and in cockerels (Cozannet et al., 2011a). This heat processing damage also negatively affects the digestible energy content of both maize (Fastinger et al., 2006) and wheat DDGS (Cozannet et al., 2011b). In wheat DDGS, amino acid digestibility was found to be lower in pigs when compared to wheat and some amino acids (including lysine) were significantly reduced by the drying process (Pederson and Lindberg, 2010).

24.4.3 Use of enzymes during processing

The viscosity of a co-product stream may influence the recovery efficiency, which is an effect experienced in the brewing industry. The viscosity of the stream is influenced by the composition of the dissolved solids: in particular, the presence of short chain non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) in the liquid stream will contribute to increased viscosity. Exogenous enzymes such as glucanases are available to counteract the effect of viscosity (Bamforth, 2009). Bamforth and Kanauchi (2001) hypothesised that within barley cell walls, the accessibility to β glucan is hindered by arabinoxylan content, reducing its solubility. Scheffler and Bamforth (2005) provided more evidence to support this hypothesis, and also suggested that it is β glucan rather than arabinoxylan which causes viscosity issues in mash. There is also a role for xylanase in separating the β glucan, so a mixture of enzymes is most effective for viscosity reduction in barley mashes, specifically a xylanase/glucanase mix.

24.5 Improving feedstocks, processes and yields

Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) is produced in the bioethanol process and is the most valuable component of DDGS. Spencer-Martins and Van Uden (1977) estimated that 0.071 g yeast is produced for every gram of starch fermented. Thus a 400 M litre bioethanol plant, fermenting approximately 1.1 M tonnes of wheat per annum would theoretically produce 48,000 tonnes of yeast, so pooled material from several plants of similar size has the potential to be a very valuable source of supplementary protein. Yeast contains valuable proteins, B vitamins, nucleotides and high inositol and glutamic acid levels (Silva et al., 2009).

Yeast has been considered as a protein source in animal feed for many years. It has been fed successfully to chicks at up to 10% total dietary inclusion (Yalcin et al., 1993; Onol and Yalcin, 1995), but higher levels have depressed performance, due to deficiencies in some amino acids (Klose and Fevold, 1945; Caballero-Cordoba and Sgarbieri, 2000) and issues with palatability and texture (Sell et al., 1981; Daghir and Sell, 1982; Succi et al., 1980). In fish, yeast has been used to replace 50% fishmeal, with no significant differences in growth and improved protein conversion (Oliva-Teles and Goncalves, 2001). Yeast is more commonly fed at a lower inclusion level (2% or less), and has been shown to improve performance in pigs (Spark et al., 2005; Carlson et al., 2005), fish (Essa et al., 2011) and poultry (Miazzo et al., 2005; Shareef and Al-Dabbagh, 2009).

24.5.1 Subfractionation

If DDGS could be modified and made more suitable for monogastric nutrition, it would enable the co-product to be more easily utilised in alternative market segments such as the large pig and poultry feed markets as opposed to the current application which is mainly for cattle. Efforts have been made to produce higher protein DDGS. The Elusieve process uses a combination of sieving and air flow to produce a higher protein enhanced DDGS (Srinivasan et al., 2008, 2009). This process has been used with maize DDGS and the high protein fraction was fed to chickens resulting in a partial increase in final bodyweight compared with the non-sieved DDGS (Loar et al., 2009) but no differences in digestible energy or amino acid content were observed (Kim et al., 2010). Using the same process, sieved wheat DDGS improved energy digestibility in rainbow trout (Randall and Drew, 2010). The improvements to DDGS using this process to date have been small and as with DDGS, batch variability and product drying remain key issues. Whilst this product has higher protein than DDGS, its high fibre content renders it fundamentally similar to DDGS and therefore not considered by feed formulators as a yeast protein for use in non-ruminant diets.

24.5.2 Process improvements of bioethanol co-product

The yeast component of bioethanol co-product provides a valuable source of protein if it can be economically separated from DDGS, leaving a high fibre fraction which is nutritionally appropriate for ruminant feeding. A novel, factory scale, continuous-flow process is being developed to separate a yeast-containing, high protein fraction from the distillery stillage called yeast protein concentrate (YPC) (Williams, 2010; Williams et al., 2009). Once separated, the YPC is dried to produce a powder, which may be suitable as either a protein source or a feed additive for monogastric feeds. This technology could be applied in the emerging bioethanol industry, in the existing potable alcohol industry and also in any large-scale grain fermentation facility.

The separation undertaken has three distinct stages: decanting, liquid removal and drying. Decanters are solid walled, horizontal centrifuges used to separate suspensions with a high concentration of solids. In the case of ethanol stillage, the decanter is the first stage of separation after distillation. A decanter houses a rotating horizontal bowl with a cylindrical and a conical section, and a scroll integrated in the bowl. The stillage enters the separation chamber through a centrally arranged feed pipe, and due to centrifugal forces, the solid particles are flung towards the wall of the chamber. The rotating screw in the separating bowl conveys the solids to the cone end of the bowl where they are then discharged. Regulating tubes allow the level of liquid to be altered within the bowl. The liquid phase, containing the yeast flows in the opposite direction to the solid discharge through the cylindrical part of the bowl to discharge under gravity. Further clarification of the liquid fraction is carried out using a centrifugal separator or disk stack.

The disk stack is a continuously operating nozzle centrifuge which is specially designed for liquid separation. Using a centrifuge to remove water is more cost effective than drying (V’ant Land, 1991). The disk stack comprises a rotating bowl equipped with a large number of inserts; conically arranged discs which are stacked into the bowl with small interspaces. The liquid fraction from the decanter enters the bowl through a central feed tube and the product is accelerated and conveyed into the disc portion of the separator. Solids are flung against the underside of the disk above due to their higher density and then they flow down the disc. The separated solids are continuously discharged though nozzles at the bowl periphery. The liquid in the bowl is then picked up by a centripetal pump which discharges the liquid. In the case of the alcohol stillage separation, the solid fraction from the disk stack is a yeast containing high protein cream which is dried to a powder for use as an animal feed ingredient.

However, as with DDGS, batch variability and product drying remain key issues, and any separated product may still contain some of the anti-nutritional factors present in wheat. Initial feeding studies have shown positive performance effects when feeding YPC to both poultry and fish. Digestible amino acid content of this yeast protein concentrate has been shown to be comparable with soya for broiler chicks, and higher than the feedstock alone (Scholey et al., 2011a), although this is heavily influenced by the drying process used. In feeding studies with broiler chicks, dietary inclusion levels of 6% bioethanol YPC gave improved performance characteristics (Scholey et al., 2011b). Bioethanol sourced YPC has been fed to several aquaculture species, with 20% dietary inclusion appearing optimal for performance (Omar et al., 2012; Gause and Trushenski, 2011a, 2011b).

Due to the high ethanol exposure during the process, bioethanol yeast may have a thicker, toughened cell wall, which is more resistant to enzyme proteolysis (Caballero-Cordoba and Sgarbieri, 2000). Rumsey et al. (1991) showed that salmonids fed disrupted yeast had an increased nitrogen absorption compared with whole yeast. This improvement in nutrient utilisation in homogenised yeast has also been shown in poultry (Vananuvat, 1977; Vananuvat and Chiraratananon, 1977) and shrimp (Coutteau et al., 1990). The disk stack process exerts mechanical shear forces on the yeast, which has been shown to disrupt the cell walls, thereby increasing access to the intracellular nutrients. Yeast cell walls can be considered a prebiotic which can improve performance characteristics in poultry (Parks et al., 2001; Hooge et al., 2003) and pigs (Davis et al., 2004) and positively affect gut morphology in broiler chicks (Santin et al., 2001; Zhang et al., 2005; Morales-Lopez et al., 2009).

24.6 Regulatory issues

The feed sector of animal production is based on the principle of least cost formulation. The properties of a range of available raw materials are held in a computer matrix and linear programming is used to formulate a diet meeting the nutrient requirements of an animal in a given life stage with the cheapest possible blend of raw materials, whilst ensuring any legal or toxic boundaries are not exceeded. This allows the feed sector flexibility to use a range of raw materials based on their availability and cost. However, the matrix relies on feed materials containing known concentrations of both nutrients and anti-nutrients, so high variability renders products unattractive to feed compounders.

24.6.1 Registration of materials for marketing as animal feeds or feed additives

The use of materials as animal feed is tightly governed by legislation ultimately aimed at protecting human and animal health. Legislation surrounding animal feed is most stringent in the EU (EU, 2009), with severity reducing in less developed Asia-Pacific markets. A collaboration between the EU regulatory authority, the European Food Standards Agency (EFSA) and the US authority, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), to align EU and US standards resulted in the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (2011). Additionally, western consumer awareness of food safety is placing pressure on countries exporting animal-based human food products to comply with western legislation.

US and EU legislation on the use and marketing of all animal feeds requires feed to fulfil stipulations relating to safety, quality, purity and traceability. Some aspects of these guidelines are of particular relevance when considering the use of biorefinery products for animal feed. The EU includes restriction on the use of medicated feed, i.e. inclusion of antibiotics (EU, 1990), the need for specific consent for the marketing of any GMOderived product within the EU (EU, 2003b), maximum acceptable levels of microbial contamination and specific legislation on the marketing and use of feed additives (EU, 2003c).

24.6.2 Antibiotics

Antibiotics are used commonly in American bioethanol production to reduce microbial overload. It is estimated that over half of plants are routinely using antibiotics (Olmstead, 2009), usually penicillin or virginiamycin (Hynes et al., 1997; Stroppa et al., 2000) and often prophylactically. There are issues relating to the presence of antibiotic residues in co-products leading to possible resistance and public health consequences (Muthaiyan and Ricke, 2010). There are other options to minimise contamination of bioethanol plants such as chlorine dioxide and natural hop-derived enzymes which are becoming more widely used. FEFAC states that antibiotic bactericides are not routinely used in the EU bioethanol industry, and not used at all in the spirit industry (FEFAC, 2008). There have been several instances in the EU where antibiotic residues have been found in DDGS from bioethanol, but these have been exclusively on Brazilian imports (Pol et al., 2009).

24.6.3 Mycotoxins

There are 400 recognised mycotoxins which may contaminate 25% of cereal feedstocks, but only one of these, Alflatoxin B1 has maximum permitted limit status (EU, 2002). This contamination is concentrated up to three times in DDGS, so contamination needs to be considered and treated in the feedstock. Wu and Munkvold (2008) estimated that contamination from a single mycotoxin could cost the pig industry alone up to $147 million annually, depending on level of DDGS usage.

24.6.4 Feed additives

Some biofuel co-products such as mannan-rich fractions of yeast cell walls may have beneficial properties beyond the simple supply of nutrients: they may improve the quality of feed or the quality of food from animal origin, or improve the animals’ performance and health. Materials with such properties obviously claim a higher price than basic feed materials. However, any such claims cause the product to be classified as a feed additive rather than a feed material and therefore bound to comply with EU and US requirements for scientific verification of efficacy, health and safety of both human handlers and animal consumers of the material (EU, 2003c). Compiled evidence is presented in a dossier that may take 3 years to produce, at an approximate cost of 1 million euros, before authorisation to market the additive within the EU is granted for a specific animal species, under specific conditions of use, for ten-year periods. Similarly in the US, a food additive petition (FAP) is required by the FDA to demonstrate that a material is safe for the proposed use in an animal feed. These requirements are likely to heavily influence decisions on whether to present novel feed products from biorefining as feed materials or feed additives.

24.7 Future trends

24.7.1 Water remediation

In a first generation bioethanol refinery, the ratio of ethanol produced to water used in the process is approximately 1:5. Approximately 40% of the energy use of the plant is used in dewatering the co-product and producing a dry product (DDGS) that can be transported off site. It is inconceivable that such a process can maintain profitability in a situation of rising energy cost, when 40% of total energy is used in dewatering to produce a feed product which has mediocre nutritional value. The stillage stream is generally a dilute solution but rich in protein and non-starch polysaccharides, which are a potential nutrient source for downstream processing. The initial challenge posed in utilising this material is the removal and disposal of the water. Developing processes that either enable the wastewater to be recycled or alternatives to heat to remove water from the co-product stream post-fermentation in a bioethanol plant offer significant benefits in terms of energy saving.

24.7.2 Algae

The need to address water remediation is driving bioethanol production towards adoption of technologies which either reduce reliance on high water volume or permit a higher degree of water recirculation. Algae are ubiquitous in the environment and, as such, a wide variety of organisms have developed the capacity to utilise a range of substrates as nutrients for growth under diverse environmental conditions. A characteristic of algae is the very high rate of biomass production and the fact that the organism has the ability to simultaneously produce a range of products. Large-scale algae production is recognised as a potential future energy source. The value of algae from an ethanol biorefinery is that the feedstock is already a recognised registered feedstuff, hence (barring the introduction of any extraneous components) algae produced in the system are suitable for use in feed. Algae are recognised as a valuable source of protein (Becker, 2007). It is a natural, sustainable feedstuff and for fish can be used as a part replacement of fishmeal supplying both protein and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) omega-3 oils. Algae may also supply a valuable source of carotenoids. Trials have already been completed with algae bioreactors co-located with bioethanol plants in the US and Scotland, demonstrating that geography and climate are not an impediment to the process. In these trials, the algae were fed to poultry and performance was comparable to high protein soya, with the algae also providing increased dietary energy content. These results are significant as they demonstrate that the co-product from a bioethanol plant can be used in the monogastric market segment rather than the traditional use of bioethanol co-products in the ruminant segment. There is the potential that algae from biofuel production could replace a third of soya in pig and poultry diets (Lei, 2012). In poultry rations, algae up to a level of 5–10% can be used safely as partial replacement for conventional proteins (Spolaore et al., 2006).

The drive to discover alternative water remediation processes was also addressed by a group from Iowa State University. The same principles described above were used to grow a fungus (Rhizopus microspores) on stillage. They reported that the fungus removes about 60% of the organic material and most of the solids from thin stillage, allowing the water in the thin stillage to be recycled back into production. The fungus, once harvested and dried, is a protein-rich nutrient which is high in polyunsaturated fatty acids and may be suitable for use in feed for pigs and poultry.

Bioethanol plants are already adopting anaerobic digesters as a means of using the non-starch polysaccharides in the stillage to generate methane. Anaerobic digestion combines energy generation with a degree of water remediation. However, in order to efficiently operate an anaerobic digester, it has been found beneficial to reduce the nitrogen content of the stillage, the major proportion of which is contained in the spent yeast in the stillage. In an anaerobic digester excess nitrogen in the form of protein results in the generation of ammonia which can poison the digestion process. One solution to the recovery of yeast is the production of YPC. The integration of YPC and anaerobic digestion is a prospective breakthrough in novel water remediation.

24.7.3 The potential for genetic modification

There is potential for genetic modification to contribute to the co-product feeds that are produced from biorefining. In the long term, there is the chance that the co-products of biorefining will create more value than the current primary product of ethanol either for fuel or potable alcohol. The principle has been established with soya bean; where the original primary product was oil, now the range of protein materials produced creates more value than the oil in the bean. In biorefining, the primary feedstock is normally plant material with either single cell organisms or products from microorganisms (such as enzymes) used in the conversion process, hence there is the opportunity for genetic modification at both these points in the process.

Genetic modification of the feedstock

The technology of genetic modification of crops is well developed, particularly with respect to agronomic crop protection traits. However, there is a major limitation to the use of the genetic technology in developing quality traits in crops used for biorefining. The primary use of crops employed in biorefining is normally for food or feed, maize and wheat for example. Whilst the proportion of these two crops used in biorefining is increasing, the crops will always be dual purpose and interchangeably used for both food and feed. It follows, then, that any quality trait to be introduced into biorefining must be capable of being demonstrated as being totally safe when the plant is used as food. Furthermore, that the trait has sufficient value to cover the cost of identity preservation of the modified form from the point of cultivation to use and will leave a profit margin for the trait producer and the farmer. These are considerable hurdles in developing quality traits in dual-purpose crops.

Genetic modification of microorganisms used in biorefining

The case for modification of the microorganisms used in biorefining is more positive. These microorganisms can represent a significant proportion of the total dry mass of co-product (up to 10% in the case of yeast in first generation bioethanol) while contributing to the process by enzyme production. David (2007) patented the technology of genetic modification of the fermentation organism to create value-added products in the resulting DDGS. The technology has particular value when in conjunction with YPC yeast separation; for example, the value of the resulting yeast product would be significantly increased if the yeast is able to contain an elevated level of lysine. Other improvements could include the inclusion of high levels of carotenoids such as astaxanthin or canthaxanthin which are used as colorants in fish. Unfortunately, if the yeast cannot be separated from the residual DDGS, the value of the trait in the yeast is diluted to such an extent that it ceases to be of commercial value. Thus, whilst there appears to be considerable value (particularly for feed) in applying genetic modification to biorefining, there are major hurdles to developing a technology that encompasses food safety but maintains practical and economic viability.

24.8 Sources of further information and advice

Feed-related companies are not only the customer for any bio-based feed products, they are experts on the required technical and legal specification of raw feed materials. It therefore makes sense to consult or involve a feed company (or several) during development of a novel bio-based feed product, as upstream processing decisions (focused on other co-products) may profoundly affect the quality or legality of feed material produced.

Guidance on the US FDA regulations for feed registration is provided by the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) (http://www.aafco.org/), whilst the EFSA regulations are implemented by EU member countries through individual organisations such as the UK’s Food Standards Agency (http://www.food.gov.uk/).

Basic information on differing types of feed raw materials is provided on the FAO Animal Feed Resources Information System (http://www.fao.org/ag/AGA/AGAP/FRG/AFRIS/default.htm).

A more modern but narrower compendium containing more detail on processing techniques is being complied by the EU as their Feed Materials Register (http://www.feedmaterialsregister.eu/index.php?page=Register).

Emerging trends in animal feed technology and evaluations of raw materials are well summarised and promptly reported in a series of websites covering each production species published by 5 M: The Pig Site (http://www.thepigsite.com/); The Poultry Site (http://www.thepoultrysite.com/); The Fish Site (http://www.thefishsite.com/). These sites also provide links to the original source of information and highlight relevant meetings and organisations.

24.9 References

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