

Accept-Testing, 222, 227, See also Simulated Accept-Testing

DANCOIN cash card case, 2122

dedicated team types, 65

final Accept-Testing, 24, 262264

“Friends and Family Testing, ” 21

Workgroup Teams and, 80

Action objects, 247248

Activity Definition, 127129, 171, 325

Activity Description, 103, 129130, 131, 132140, 176, 327

banking system swap case, 153

basic review workshop, 142

catalog supplier case, 344351

defense healthcare case, 172174

examples, 137139, 149

guideline, 135137

post-workshop documentation, 330331

PQA Matrix with Critical Success Factors, 127129, 330, 343

for Risk Manager, 158

stakeholder ownership, 159

Activity manager for PQA Workshop, 129, 159, 326

“The Agile Manifest, ” 14

Agile principles, 1416, See also “No excuse for failure” principle

respect for users and business priorities, 258

team building, 65

Workgroup Teams and, 79

Agile strategy management methods and techniques, 712

advantages compared to other methods/standards, 11

Agile Quality Management standards, 911

core quality objects, 9

framework, 8f

industries using, 8

IRS, See Information Requirements Study

knowledge sharing, 13

Lyngso Model, 2

PQA, See Process Quality Assurance

process cycle, 298f

standards, 3, 34

visualization of solution structure, 10

Agile Strategy Quality Management, 911


Balder myth, 1921

Banking information system swap case, 2730

call for tender, 197208

choice of solution providers, 216218

complications from non-standard PQA, 156158

consultative services agreement, 359361

consultative services framework agreement, 215, 353358

contractual terms, 192193

core-banking setup proposals, 217219

“Friends and Family Testing, ” 21

gap analysis, 27, 54

jobs for solution providers and sub-contractors, 189190

potential improvements, 159

PQA process and Workshop, 149159

program organization example, 60f

program organization principles, 61

solution provider procurement

contractor solicitation, 194197

risk management, 183188

risk response, 188193

solution quality evaluation, 281

stakeholder selection example, 5362

Strategy Governance Team, 59, 6263, 190, 191

tender material, 208216

War Room, 8587, 150

Workflow and Workpackage documentation, 197214

Baseline Variances, 277

Benchmarks, 13

Bohr, Niels, 267


Call for tender, 192, 197208

Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI), 3

Cash card case (DANCOIN), 2122, 117

Catalog order management improvement case, 5052, 334351, See also Web catalog factory (WCAT) case

Change Control Board, 73, 305

Change management, 94

aligning activities and strategy, 221222

banking system swap case, 192

“no conflict” implementation process, 105

PQA Team and, 75

Process Governance Team and, 78

solution scope changes, 270, 294

Change Management Board, 190

Client Relationship Management (CRM) system, 180, 282283

Cloud-based solutions, 181

Coach/Facilitator roles, 4041, 91, 299

Activity Definition and Description, 325

cross team membership value, 81

preparing for PQA and PQA Workshop, 111

Risk Response Matrix preparation, 331

Success Factors formulation, 122

SWOT analysis, 102

working with sponsor and core stakeholder risk, 88

COBIT standard, 178179

Coffee bean methods, 9899, 117, 264

contractual terms, 198

development activities, 228229

implementation activities, 228, 307308

Quality and Project Management (QM/PM) activities, 229230, 265

strategy implementation and, 225228

Communication, 287288, 295, 311313

Governance Teams and Sponsors, 291292

inter-team cooperation, 67, 73

making stakeholders happy, 38

negotiation and, 272, 289290, 295

PQA and, 288

Program Office Governance Team support, 293294

Project Office support, 292293, 312313

strategy governance and, 287294

strategy implementation and, 223

strategy quality and leadership, 33

War Room and, 15

Workgroup Manager and, 289292, 296, 312313

working with sponsor and core stakeholder risk, 8890

Communication plan, 104, 333334

Compound expected value (CEV), 286287, 296, 311

Confidential corporate objectives, 13

Confidentiality agreement, 215, 357

Conflicts, 13, 301

multiple contractor decision makers, 25

“no conflict” implementation process, 105, 317

“no excuse for failure” principle and, 82, 83

PQA and destructive conflict prevention, 104106, 317318

Construction risks, 145

Consultant solicitation, banking information system swap case, 194197

Consultative services agreement, 215, 353358, 359361

Consulting enterprise project management improvement case, 5362

Container line operator case, 7172

Continuous quality improvement, 66, 223225

Contractor solicitation, banking information system swap case, 194197

Contracts, 43

banking system swap case, 150, 192193

call for tender, 197208

consultative services agreement, 359361

consultative services framework agreement, 215, 353358

Framework Agreement, 215

tender material, 208216

buyer competence problems, 185

confidentiality agreement, 215, 357

COTS installation test and, 180

de facto vendor monopoly, 179, 183184

escrow clause, 179180, 181, 216, 305

“no excuse for failure” principle, 193

Service Level Agreement (SLA), 184, 306

Workflow and Workpackage documentation, 197208

Corporate strategy, 1213, 3031, 297

activity alignment under changing conditions, 221222

strategic framework, 101102

Cost/benefit analysis, 392394

Cost Performance Index, 277, 279

COTS (Commodity Off The Shelf) solutions

consulting enterprise project management system, 4750

contractual terms, See Contracts

de facto vendor monopoly, 179, 183184, 305

example of lack of synchronization, 57

installation test issues, 180, 182

IRS Consolidated report as requirements specification, 241

KPI calculation capability, 278

military healthcare information system, See Defense healthcare information system

organization components for using/managing, 178

private bank, See Banking information system swap case

procurement issues, 177182, See also Solution provider procurement

requirements specification and, 6, 28, 179, 182, 187, 190, 193194, 304

risk management, 179181

solution quality evaluation, 280283

training issues, 27, 30, 196

turnkey solutions, 182, 186188

Critical Path Method (CPM), 277

Critical Success Factors (CSF), 100, 103, 329

catalog supplier case, 339343

defense healthcare case, 168171

PQA Matrix with Activity Definition, 127129, 330, 343

PQA Workshop and, 115, 124127, 324327


Data flow diagrams (DFDs), 252, 254

De facto sponsor, 3940, 90

Defense healthcare information system (DHS), 160174, 377378

Activity Description, 172174

IRS Consolidated report, 246247, 256, 381398

cost/benefit analysis, 392394

functional area information needs, 382389

information system requirements, 389392

suggested implementation project, 394398

Object Lifecycle Analysis, 252

PQA introduction, 161165

PQA Workshop results, 165171

suggested Success Factors, 168171

Departmental management level IRS report, 238, 372, 381

Departmental manager interviews, 240, 245246

Design documentation, 259, 266, See also Solution design and development

Design quality, 16

Development activities, 228229, See also Solution design and development


Earned Value Analysis, 277

Entities, 251, 365

Entity relationship diagrams (ERDs), 254, 255f

Escrow clause, 179180, 181, 216, 305

Estimation and forecasting, 310

Executive level IRS (executive board), 367, 373, 381

Executive management commitment, 25, See also Sponsors

Exposure calculation, 94

Extended entity-relationship (EER) model, 251252

External risk, 146


Facilitator roles, 4041, See also Coach/Facilitator roles

Activity Definition and Description, 325

Risk Response Matrix preparation, 331

Success Factors formulation, 122

SWOT analysis, 102

Final Accept-Testing, 24, 262264

Financial risks, 145

Financial services order handling IRS section report, 399411

Force majeure agreement, 357

Forecasting, 273276, 295, 309, 310

FOSIS, See Defense healthcare information system

“Friends and Family Testing, ” 21


Games, 16

Gap analysis, 27, 54, 185


Help Desk, 84

HP Quality Manager, 278

Human resource-based service procurement, 184, 189


Implementation activities, 228, See also Strategy implementation

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) consulting enterprise case, 4750

Information Requirements Study (IRS), 231251, 265266, 363364, See also Object Lifecycle Analysis

activities, 239

areas of responsibility, 368369

banking system swap case, 2829, 62

case studies, 256

continuous quality improvement perspective, 224

defense healthcare case, 377398

departmental management level, 239, 363, 366367

executive board, 367

interviews, 365366, 369370, 380381

departmental manager, 240, 245246, 372, 381

executive level, 373, 381

quality assurance and review, 373

section, 239240, 244245, 370372, 381

introduction to participants example, 363375

IRS Reference Group, 235, 238, 239, 258, 260, 364, 365, 369

IRS Workgroup, 235, 239, 258, 260

kick-off meetings, 243

medical factory implementation case, 26

order handling section report example, 399411

organization, 234238, 364

participant motivation, 242243

PQA Workshop and, 250

Program Office and, 294

sections, 239, 363, 366

terminology, 365368, 374

Workflow-based requirements specification, 231234

Information Requirements Study (IRS), Consolidated report, 232, 233234, 238240, 250, 266, 367368, See also Object Lifecycle Analysis

approval of, 239

case studies, 256

defense healthcare case, 381398

cost/benefit analysis, 392394

functional area information needs, 382389

information system requirements, 389392

suggested implementation project, 394398

departmental level, 238, 246

process duration estimation, 240242

report consolidation, 246249

sectional level, 238, 245, 370372, 381, 399411

suggested structure, 250251

Information technology (IT) infrastructure environment, 153, 178, 180, 260, 305, 320, 321

internal IT employee commitment, 196197

Installation test, 180, 182, 305

Intellectual property rights, 356

Internal risk, 146

ISO 9000 standards, 3

ITIL, 178


Key performance indicators (KPIs), 13, 223, 271, 276279, 311

agile KPI, 279280

benefit delivery measurement limitations, 284

compound expected value, 286287, 296, 311

corporate KPI examples, 285f

corporate scoreboards, 292

higher-level corporate KPI, 292

solution quality evaluation, 280283

Knowledge management center, 64

Knowledge sharing, 13, 115f

Krag, Jens Otto, 33


Lateral thinking, 82, 227

Leadership, strategy quality and, 3233

Logistical risks, 145

Lyngso Information Industry, 7

Lyngso Model, 2, See also Agile strategy management methods and techniques


Manager interviews, 240, 245246

Master plan, 95, 174

Medical factory case, 2426

Military healthcare information system, See Defense healthcare information system (DHS)

Mission and vision statements, 13, 119121, 323, 324, 335337

Monte Carlo simulated forecasting, 274276


Negotiation, 269273, 289290, 295

“No conflict” solutions, 105, 317

“No excuse for failure” principle, 15, 2324, 35, 66, 8183, 300302

contractual terms, 193

key stakeholder motivation, 8182, 301302

risk by not complying with, 8283, 301

Strategy Governance Team and, 73

Workgroup Manager communication management, 289290, 312

Novo Nordisk, 119120


Object Lifecycle Analysis (OLA), 26, 2829, 30, 225, 231, 248, 251253, 266, 364, 373374

diagram usage, 253255

extended entity approach, 251252

matrix usage, 248, 253

solution design and development and, 257

Object Lifecycle Matrices (OLM), 248, 253

Object-oriented functional design, 225

Opportunity-based planning, 95

Organization objects, 12, 45, 100

Organogram, 44


Planning, See also PQA Workshop

master plan and top level process, 174

opportunities to work agile, 280, 295

PQA Workshop review meetings, 130132

Project Office functions, 64, 278

risk management and, 9395, See also Process Quality Assurance; Risk management

Strategic Initiative planning workshops, 146148, 176

uncertainty and, 268269

Workgroup Teams and, 79

Planning Information System, 291, 312, See also Project management information systems

PMI standards, 94, 98

Political risks, 146

PowerPoint presentations, 111, 114115

PQA, See Process Quality Assurance

PQA Matrix, 127129, 133, 171, 253, 330, 343

PQA Teams, 6769, 7476, 92, 106107, 300, 318319

Activity Description and, 132

change management role, 75

Critical Success Factors definition, 124127

incomplete teams, 130

master plan and top level process, 95

members, 77, 106

PQA review meetings and, 130

preparing for PQA and PQA Workshop, 110112, 323

Strategy Governance Team and, 72, 7475, 103, 106

success factors and, 100101

PQA Workshop, 22, 103, 110, 176, 316317, 339343

Activity Description, 129130, 131, 132140, 142, 172174, 327, 330332, 344351

activity manager assignment, 129, 326

activity quality evaluation, 326

agenda, 113, 324327

banking system swap case, 149159

catalog supplier case, 148, 334351

defense healthcare case, 165171

IRS Consolidated report and, 250

key stakeholder involvement, 111112

one-day workshop, 108

personal visions and missions definition, 119121, 166168, 324, 329, 337339

PowerPoint presentations, 111, 114115

PQA Matrix with Activity Definition, 127129, 133, 171, 339343

PQA process and Workshop introduction, 112113

PQA product, 318

PQA Team preparation for, 110112, 323

question and answer session, 116118

review meetings, 95, 130132, 140142, 326

basic Activity Description, 142

Project Office support, 140142

risk management-based review, 142146

Strategic Initiative planning, 146148, 176

Success Factors/CSF suggestions and definitions, 115, 121127, 168171, 324325, 339343

two-day workshop, 108110

War Room preparation, 107108

Prince Standards, 94, 98

Process Governance Team, 41, 67, 7778, 92, 300

members, 78

sponsor role, 104

Workgroup Manager communication management, 289

Process objects, 12, 45, 99

Process Quality Assurance (PQA), 17, 2223, 103104, 175, 303, 327, See also PQA Workshop

banking system swap case, 28, 149159

cascading processes, 106107

communication plan, 104, 333334

communication tool, 288

complications from non-standard PQA, 156158

continuous quality improvement perspective, 224

DANCOIN cash card case, 117

defense healthcare case, 160174

PQA introduction, 161165

Workshop results, 165171

destructive conflict prevention, 104106, 317318

dialogue with key stakeholders, 46

estimation and forecasting, 273, 310

initiating work, 328

introduction to participants example, 315334

agenda and PQA Workshop activities, 324327

post-workshop activities, 327329

scope, 319321

knowledge sharing, 115f

opportunity-based planning, 95

organization, 318319

post-workshop documentation, 330334

PQA process, 319

PQA product, 318, 328329

Program Office and, 294

quality management limitations, 96

risk management and, 22, 9395, 103104, 302

scope establishment and, 1718, 23, 98

solution design and development and, 257

Strategy Governance Team and, 72

SWOT analysis, 98

teams, See PQA Teams

Procurement, See Solution provider procurement

Product objects, 45

Program Office, 63, 6465, 72, 91, 92, 133, 159, 176, 293294, 296, 299

Project and program tracking, 97, 104, 276279, 304, 309, 311, See also Key performance indicators

Project Office functions, 64, 80, 292293

Strategic Initiative planning and scheduling decision making, 147

Workgroup Manager communication management, 291

Workgroup Teams and, 79

Project culture, 328, 339340

Project management, PQA and risk management, 9495, See also Process Quality Assurance; Risk management

Project management information systems, 80, 278, 291, 300

catalog order management example, 5052, 334351

consulting enterprise initiative example, 4750

Project Office and, 64

Strategic Initiative planning workshops and, 147

Project management rules and culture, 328, 339340

Project Office, 6364, 91, 176, 278279, 296, 299

Coach/Facilitator role and, 40

communication support, 292293, 312313

PQA Workshop review meetings and, 140142

Strategic Initiative planning workshops and, 147148

Workgroup Manager communication management, 291

Workgroup Teams and, 80

Project Requirements Document (PRD), 329


Quality and Project Management (QM/PM) activities, 229230, 265

Quality assurance, 11, See also Strategy Quality Management

Workgroup Teams and, 80

Quality control, 12

Quality improvement, 12

Quality Management (QM), See Strategy Quality Management

Quality management COTS, 278

Quality management objects, 1112

Quality objects, See Strategy quality objects


Registration of time spent, 48

Regression testing, 260261

Requirements specification, 43, 273, 310, See also Information Requirements Study; Workflow documentation

COTS system procurement issues, 6, 28, 179, 182, 187, 190, 193194, 304

call for tender, 197

IRS Consolidated report as, 241

strategy implementation and, 222, 307308

Workgroup Team results delivery, 79

Resistance to change, 14

Risk management, 9395, 103104, 174

banking system swap case, 157158

human resource-based service procurement, 189

negotiation, 269273, 309310

PQA and, 22, 9395, 103104, 302

PQA Workshop review, 131, 142146

Program Office and, 294

risk manager Activity Description, 158

Risk Response Matrix, 143, 331332

solution provider procurement, 179181, 219

banking system swap case, 183188

strategy quality and risk, 32, 302303

working with sponsor and core stakeholder risk, 8790

Risk Response Matrix, 143, 331332

Rumsfeld, Donald, 4143


SAP, 47, 270

Schedule Performance Index, 277

Scope of strategic initiatives, 1718, 22, 42, 76, 9798, See also PQA workshop

cascading PQA process, 106

changes, 270, 294, 312

Sectional level IRS report, 238, 245, 370372, 381, 399411

Section interviews, 239240, 244245

Security transaction order handling example, 399411

Self-organizing teams, 16, 65, 91

Service Level Agreement (SLA), 184, 306

Simulated Accept-Testing (SAT), 15, 2324, 35, 222, 259264, 266

agile work breakdown structure, 280

banking system swap case, 30

medical factory implementation case, 26

regression testing, 260261

result documentation, 262

self-organizing teams and, 16

test model, 261

workshops, 230, 266

Six Sigma, 3

SMART solutions (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time bound)

Critical Success Factors, 125

risk response, 94, 303

SAT workshop objectives, 230

Success Factors, 122

vision statements, 121

Solution design and development, 223, 225, 228229, 252, 256259, See also Object Lifecycle Analysis

documentation, 259, 266

Solution object, 12, 99

Solution operation kick-off, 264

Solution provider procurement, 177, 304306, See also COTS (Commodity Off The Shelf) solutions

banking system swap case, 28

call for tender, 197208

choice of solution providers, 216218

contractor solicitation, 194197

core-banking COTS setup proposals, 217219

Framework Agreement, 215

internal IT employees and, 196197

risk management, 183188

risk response, 188193

tender material, 208216

Workflow and Workpackage documentation, 197214

COBIT standard, 178179

contractual terms, See Contracts

human resource-based service evaluation, 184, 189

installation tests, 180, 182

organization components, 178

requirements specification and, 187, 190, 193194, 304

risk management, 179181, 183188, 219

Service Level Agreement (SLA), 184

turnkey solutions, 182, 186188

using multiple vendors, 194, 209

Solution quality evaluation, 280283

Sponsors, 91, 104

banking system swap case, 59

catalog order management improvement initiative, 52, 148

consulting enterprise project management improvement initiative, 48

de facto sponsor, 3940, 90

early forecasts, 274

Governance Team communication, 291292

IRS Consolidated report ownership, 249

IRS kick-off meeting and, 243

original sponsor and key stakeholder risk, 8790

PQA Workshop and, 111112, 114

Process Governance Team role, 104

role of, 3940

Strategy Governance Team and, 74

strong sponsor example, 89

team building and, 299

Sprints, 79, 222

Stakeholder motivation, 8182

IRS-based solution architecture development and, 257258

“no excuse for failure” principle, 8182, 301302

PQA and, 104106

Stakeholders, 297298, See also Sponsors; Team building

agile principles and satisfaction of, 14

communication and making happy, 38

consequences of leaving out potential key stakeholders, 1922

expectations for benefits from initiative, 10

identifying, 19, 35, 4346

key stakeholders, 3839

key stakeholder selection examples, 4663, See also Team building

ownership of results, 7, 14, 159

PQA Workshop and, 111112

scope establishment and, 1718

working with sponsor and core stakeholder risk, 8790

Standards, 3, 34

advantages of Lyngso agile strategy management, 11

Agile Quality Management, 911

strategy implementation and governance, 98

Strategic Initiative planning workshops, 146148, 176

Strategic initiatives, 5, 13

importance of synchronization, 57

organization, 116

preconditions, 4344

as risk, 93, 302

scope of, 1718, 22, 42, 76, 9798

stakeholders and enabling a good start, 3839

support organizations, 6365, See also Program Office; Project Office

uncertainty of results, 268269, 294

Strategic initiative sponsor, See Sponsors

Strategy, See Corporate strategy

Strategy governance, 267, 308309

agile management, 280

communication, 287294

Governance Teams and Sponsors, 291292

Project Office support, 292293

Workgroup Manager and, 289292

compound expected value, 286287

estimation and forecasting, 273276, 295, 310

high-level KPI and, 292

need for performance indicators, 271, See also Key performance indicators

negotiation, 269273, 289290, 295, 309310

Program Office role, 133

solution quality evaluation, 280283

standards, 98

Strategy Governance Team, 67, 7175, 102103, 300

banking system swap case, 59, 6263, 190, 191

catalog order management improvement initiative, 52

communication and communication support, 291294

consulting enterprise project management improvement initiative, 49

defense healthcare case, 160

Information Requirements Study (IRS) and, 234, 239, 240

inter-team communication, 73

master plan and top level process, 95, 174

members, 7374

PQA process and PQA Team establishment, 72

Program Office and, 159, 293294

sponsor and, 39, 74

structure, 68f

SWOT analysis, 71

top-level PQA Team, 7475, 103, 106

Strategy implementation, 221, 264, 306307, See also Accept-Testing; Information Requirements Study

aligning activities and strategy under changing conditions, 221222

coffee bean strategy, 225228, 307308

development activities, 228229

implementation activities, 228, 307308

Quality and Project Management (QM/PM) activities, 228229

continuous quality improvement perspective, 223225, See also Strategy Quality Management

method, 222223

“no conflict” process, 105

solution design and development, 223, 225, 228229, 252, 256259

solution operation kick-off, 264

standards, 98

Strategy Quality Management (SQM), 3031, 9699, 302304, See also Process Quality Assurance

coffee bean strategy, 9899, 227228

communication plan, 104, 333334

corporate strategic framework, 101102

facilitation and initiation, 101103

leadership and, 3233

people and, 3132

Quality and Project Management (QM/PM) activities, 229230, 265

risk and, 32, 302303

SWOT analysis, 71, 9798

Strategy quality objects, 9, 31f, 4546, 99101, 224f, See also Critical Success Factors; Success Factors

attributes, 100101

quality management objects, 1112

Success Factors, 28, 100101, 103, 121124, 175, 273, 310, See also Critical Success Factors

answering questions regarding, 116117

catalog supplier case, 339343

defense healthcare case, 168171

elements, 116f

evaluating suggestions, 123124

PQA Matrix with Activity Definition, 127129

PQA Teams and, 76, 100101

PQA Workshop and, 115, 121124, 324325

solution design and development and, 257

Sustainable development, 15

Swiss Hermes Standard, 98

SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat) analysis, 71, 9798, 102

Synchronization, 35, 34


conflict and, 82

PQA rules and, 110, 111, 175

Quality Management activities and, 227

team building and, 37

System as a Service (SaaS) solutions, 181

Systems Management, 225


Team building, 2223, 35, 3738, 298302, See also PQA Teams; PQA workshop; Strategy Governance Team

agile principles, 65

Coach/Facilitator roles, 4041

common capabilities, 6566

communication and inter-team cooperation, 67, 73

cross team membership, 81

incomplete teams, 130

IRS organization, 234237

key stakeholders, 3839

identification of, 4346

key stakeholder selection examples, 4663

bank information systems swap, 5362

catalog order management improvement, 5052

consulting enterprise project management improvement, 4750

Process Governance Team, 41

procurement team and risk management, 183

self-organizing, 16, 65, 91

solution design and development and, 257

stakeholder motivation, 8182, 301302, See also “No excuse for failure” principle

strategy quality and people, 3132

team types, 6581, 300, See also specific types

PQA Teams, 6769, 7476

Process Governance Team, 67, 7778

Strategy Governance Team, 67, 7175

Workgroup Teams, 69, 7980

War Room and, 8385

Technical design, 225

Technical excellence, 15

Technical risks, 145

Time-based Schedule Performance Index [SPI(t)], 277

Tracking of progress, See Project and program tracking

Training, 27, 30, 196, 259

Turnkey COTS solutions, 182, 186188


Uncertainty in strategic initiatives, 268269, 294

early forecasts, 274

Unknown unknowns, 4143, 91, 94, 302

Use cases, 222, 273, 280281, 304

User guide documentation, 259, 260, 266, 350351

Use Stories, 79


Value chain, 17, 18f, 44, 45f

Vision statement, 13, 119121, 166168, 323, 324, 329, 337339

Volvo Car Group, 119120


War Room, 15, 8385, 92

banking system swap case, 30, 8587, 150

Help Desk and, 84

PQA Workshop, 107108

Web catalog factory (WCAT) case, 5052, 148149, 335337

PQA Workshop results Activity Description, 344351

critical and suggested Success Factors, 339343

personal visions and missions definition, 337339

PQA Matrix, 343

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), 48, 97, 9899, 280, 304, 324325, 327, 332

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) dictionary, 332, 334

Workflow documentation, 29, 153, 190, 193194, See also Requirements specification

call for tender, 197208

IRS and, 231234, 242, See also Information Requirements Study

solution design and development and, 257

tender material, 208214

Workflow Workgroups, 235, 238, 242

Workgroup Manager communication management, 289292, 296, 312313

Workgroup Teams, 69, 7980, 92, 176, 278, 300, 312

Activity Description and, 132, 133

banking system swap case, 152156, 190

members, 8081

negotiation with, 270

planning and tracking functions, 79

PQA Team and, 75, 106

Strategy Governance Team and, 72

War Room meetings, 85

Working solution components, 15

Work Packages, 97, 304, 306

documentation, 197214, 220

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