Adaptive Software Development (ASD) 14


adoption of 25965

alliance 1315, 21

approaches 201, 735

boards 2467

business analysis 2532, 989, 105, 209, 2659

business thinking 329

change projects 29, 213

creating solutions 17

customer collaboration 18

development 102, 118, 155, 157

disciplined 2.0 74

estimation 22231

evolution of iterative methods 13

introduction 11

Manifesto see Agile Manifesto

methods 5976

mindset 1516, 245, 4157

origins of 1213

practices 212

responding to change 189

Three Pillars of 62, 249

12 principles 1920

use cases 174

working software 178, 52

Agile Manifesto 2, 11, 16, 1920, 22, 25, 31, 37, 41, 59, 161

Agile retrospectives: making good teams great (Derby) 2545

AgileUP 21, 70

AHP (analytical hierarchy prioritisation) 132, 141

Ambler, Scott 27, 74, 1012, 161, 263

analysis 1467, 153

Anderson, David 21, 71

‘backbone’ 1989


explanation 20910

iteration 210, 212, 257

and prioritisation 2112

release 212

solutions 20913

and stakeholders 2112

BAM 94

BCS 268

Beck, Kent 14, 66

Bittner, Kurt 174

black box 85

Boehm, Barry 13, 224

boundaries 91

brainstorming 167

brainwriting 167

Brooch, Grady 13

burndown charts 2502

burnup charts 2523


activity models (BAM) 889

actors 91

agility 56, 810

analysis 2567

architects 114

capability maps 812

constraints 262

epics 924, 211

goals 161

managers 112

process maps 878

process models 8990

business analysis 2532, 989, 105, 209, 2659

Agile Manifesto 312

agile software projects 78, 2532, 412, 45

and Agile teams 479, 1023

landscape 45, 67

maturation of 34

pre-project 259

rationale for 23

and Scrum 268

within the development team 301

business thinking 329

lean 357, 39, 88

service 379

systems 324, 39

business use case diagrams 901

business use case models 902

change 2478

change programmes/projects 4, 29, 2930, 211, 213

Checkland, Peter 32

Chrysler 14

Coad, Peter 14

Cockburn, Alistair 1314, 856, 126

Cohn, Mike 185, 193

collaborative working 436, 211

communication 434

competitor organisations 116

continuous improvement 4952

Cooper, Alan 169

core agile values 6, 42

Course Organisation Systems 92

Covey, Stephen 47

Cox, Julian 845

critical success factors (CSFs) 79, 89, 91, 217

Crystal 14

customers 116, 118, 152, 262

DA 2.0 263

DAD 236

daily stand-ups 24950

data architect/managers 115

de Luca, Jeff 14


functional 123, 126

and goals 91, 1226, 1289, 201

and hierarchy 2189

understanding goal levels 1268

Deming cycle 51

Deming, W. Edwards 501, 235

Department for Work and Pensions (UK) 4

Derby, E. 2545

Developing information systems (Cadle) 1213, 84


context 163, 172

use case 163, 172, 1747

DMAIC 52, 57

domain experts see subject-matter experts (SMEs)

Drucker, P. F. 57

Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) 7, 9, 14, 21, 678, 75

elicitation 146, 151, 1538

epics 1834


approaches 2223

divide to size 228

ordering 133, 228

planning poker 22931

relative (bucket method) 227

relative sizing 225

techniques 224

units 226

up-front 2267

why and when 2234

Wideband Delphi 224, 231

Extreme Programming (XP) 14

facilitated workshops 154

Farquhar, John 224

Feature Driven Development (FDD) 14

Fifth Discipline, The (Senge) 32

Fitness for Business Purpose 21

5-forces (Porter) 80

5-Ws 73

Functional Model Map (FMM) 847, 1501, 159, 181

generalising specialists 61, 1012


business 161

and decomposition 1226, 1289, 201

and functional decomposition 91, 1236

and iteration 1289, 2368

levels 1267

to achieve business agility 128

government/legal/regulatory bodies 116

Handbook of Service Science (Spohrer/Maglio) 99

Highsmith, Jim 13

horizontal view see business thinking, lean

human touch, The (Thomas et al) 46

IBM 13


discussing 167

sharing 167

Inmates are Running the Asylum, The (Cooper) 169

International Diploma in Business Analysis 268

INVEST 184, 193


and agile 527, 60

and business analysis 2567

evolution of methods 13

and goals 1289, 2368

introduction/explanation 2336

layered approach 236

managing/monitoring 24953

and modelling 84, 162, 174

non-timeboxed 2489

and planning 2389

product backlog refinement 2446

progress 2457

and requirements approach 151, 154

reviewing 2536

and teams 23944

Jacobson, Ivar 13, 172, 174

Japan 49

Jensen, Mary Ann 49

Jones, Daniel 356, 88

Just Enough, Just in Time

and agile 56, 222, 227, 231

and delivery 2

and DSDM 67

and iteration 2489

Lean principle of 18

and modelling 84, 94, 161

and stakeholders 99

Kaizen (continuous improvement) 501, 57

Kanban 21, 68, 712, 246

Kano approach 132

key performance indicators (KPIs) 79, 89, 91


manufacturing 50, 152

software development 723

startup 73

thinking 21, 41

Lean software development (Poppendieck/Poppendieck) 21, 723

Leffingwell, Den 74

LeSS (Large Scale Scrum) 75

Lightweight Methods 13, 15

Lines, Mark 74, 1012

‘Manage Course Booking’ 183

‘Managing the development of large software systems‘ (Royce) 12

manufacturing products 50

Martin, James 13, 21

Maslow, Abraham 265

Mehrabian, Albert 435

Mehrabian’s model 434

micromanagement 468, 261

Minimal Marketable Product (MMP) 54, 153, 2012

Minimal Viable Product (MVP) 54, 153, 201

misuse characters 163, 168, 1712


in an agile context 94

BDD (behaviour driven development) 185, 1923, 1957

benefits 15961

explanations 159, 180

Functional Model Map (FMM) 847, 1501, 159, 181

functionality 1613

and iteration 84, 162, 174

misuse characters 171

personas 16871

requirements approach 146, 14950

scenarios 1935

and stakeholders 160

system context and scope 1728, 1802

techniques 827

user journeys 1789

user stories 18293, 197203

users and roles 1648

modular business architecture 128

MoSCoW technique 5, 53, 68, 202, 21213, 242

MOST 79, 801

muda (waste) 72

New York Telephone Company 13

Nexus 75

non-functional requirements (NFRs) 162, 21416

North, Dan 196

Ohno, T. 36

OMG Business Motivation Model 33

$100 allocation 132, 141

OpenUP 21, 70

organisational agility 7982

Out of the crisis (Deming) 50

overprocessing 36, 152

overproduction 36, 152

pair programming 22, 66

Patton, Jeff 183, 197, 198

PayPal 128, 218

PDCA cycle 51

personas 101, 103, 105, 107, 15979, 163

PESTLE analysis 80

Plan-Do-Study-Act wheel 235


and agile adoption 260

and agile mindset 53, 56

and agile philosophy 17

and business agility 128

and enterprise 25, 278, 34, 37

key business analysis technique 82, 87

and modelling 184

and requirements approach 150

Poppendieck, Mary and Tom 21, 723

power/interest grid 1078

pre-project analysis 267



application of 1378

and backlogs 2112

decomposition 1389, 144

importance of 1301, 204

issues 13944

and MoSCoW framework 1348, 140, 143

techniques 1314

and timing 134

programme managers 29, 11213

Project Management Institute (PMI) 68

project managers 113

project sponsors 112

prototyping 155

Psychology of Science, The (Maslow) 265

RACI/RASCI 44, 1078

Rapid application development (Martin) 13

Rapid Application Development (RAD) 7, 13, 21, 67

Rational Software Corporation 13, 70

Rational Unified Process (RUP) 13, 70

Relative Mass Estimation see estimation, ordering

requirements approach

agile requirements engineering 1524

business analysis 1568

catalogue 2089, 213

elicitation techniques 1546

and engineering 1459, 1512

functional 207

general 206

hierarchy 21621

introduction 145

itemised backlogs 20914

non-functional 2078

planning of 14951

technical 206

types 2056

resource audits 80

retrospectives 61, 2546

risk reduction/opportunity enablement 133

Royce, Winston W. 123

Rumbaugh, James 13

RUP 21, 70

SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework) 745, 133, 184, 236

scenarios 91, 118, 1556, 180202

Schwaber, Ken 14, 61, 242, 2679


and agile adoption 261, 2678

and agile working practices 24, 615, 98

AND Kanban 72

and backlogs 20910

and DA 2.0 74

daily stand-ups 24950

development process 14

and Disciplined Agile 2.0. 7, 9, 14

and DSDM 68

and iteration 242

job and role definitions 116

and LeSS 75

popular method 21

and roles 111

and sprint 624

Three Pillars of 62

and transparency 246

Scrum Alliance guide (2016) 989

Scrum Guide (Schwaber) 267

ScrumBan 21

Senge, Peter 32

service level agreements (SLAs) 6

Service Science theory 99

7 habits of highly effective people (Covey) 47

Shewhart Cycle 235

‘shout out’ approach 167

‘show and tell’ meetings 2534

Sinek, Simon 56

Six Sigma 50, 52


generic 101

specific 101

Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) 324

Software Development Context Framework (SCF) 263

software products 4, 50

software/application architects 114


architects/designers 114

development 19, 118

testers 118

SPAM 192

Spence, Ian 174

Spiral model (Barry Boehm) 13


and agile philosophy 18

and analytical approaches 27

and backlogs 2112

business analysis 989

business and and system requirements 2930

categorising 1036, 1101

collaborative working 97

communication 82

engagement 84, 10610, 119

external perspectives 11516

and modelling 160

nature of 967

and perspectives 11015, 11619

and prioritisation 131, 143

and requirements approach 146, 149, 1514

understanding 44

and user stories 219

working with 978


and agile boards 247

and burndown charts 250

complex 1856

compound 1857

hierarchy of user 21920

mapping of 197203

and stakeholders 219

writing workshops 155

subject-matter experts (SMEs) 111, 11617

suppliers 80, 90, 107, 109, 116, 206

surveys/questionnaires 154

Sutherland, Jeff 14, 61

SWOT analysis 801

system of interest model 2634

T-shaped professional 96, 99103, 1578

TDD 66

team leaders 118


agile 126, 2479, 2567

culture of 262

and iteration 23944

multi-skilled 99103

self-organising 46, 99

skills of 262

velocity 212

themes 183

Thomas, Dave 13

Thomas, P. 46

Three Pillars of Scrum 62

3Cs 188

throwaway prototypes 156

time criticality 133

timeboxing 167

Toyota Production System 35, 72

traceability 1478

transparency 61


Tuckman, Bruce 489

Tuckman’s model 489

UML (Unified Modelling Language)

activity diagram 177

description 1

notation 13, 91

UP (Unified Process) 21, 701, 236

Use Case Modelling (Bittner/Spence) 174

Use-Case 2.0: the Guide to Succeeding with Use Cases (Bittner) 174

User Stories Applied (Cohn) 182, 193

User story mapping (Patton) 183


analysis matrix 1635

business value 133

interviews 154

journeys 163

roles 1638

UX (user experience) 47, 162

V model life cycle 25

value chains see business thinking, lean

value propositions 38, 105

value stream diagram (Womack/Jones) 88

value streams 812, 88

value-in-exchange 38

value-in-use 38

video conferencing 45

‘waterfall‘ systems 1213, 25, 60

white box 85

‘whole team’ concept 247

WJSF (Weighted Shortest Job First) 75, 1334, 141

Womack, James 356, 88

Work in Progress (WIP) 712

workshops 154, 160, 167, 191

world view analysis 44, 1078

Worldpay 128, 218

Writing effective use cases (Cockburn) 126

WSJF prioritisation technique 228

XP 21, 668, 72, 210, 249

Zachman’s Framework 33

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