This chapter deals with the general linear hypothesis. In a wide variety of problems the experimenter is interested in making inferences about a vector parameter. For example, he may wish to estimate the mean of a multivariate normal or to test some hypotheses concerning the mean vector. The problem of estimation can be solved, for example, by resorting to the method of maximum likelihood estimation, discussed in Section 8.7. In this chapter we restrict ourselves to the so-called linear model problems and concern ourselves mainly with problems of hypotheses testing.

In Section 12.2 we formally describe the general model and derive a test in complete generality. In the next four sections we demonstrate the power of this test by solving four important testing problems. We will need a considerable amount of linear algebra in Section 12.2.


A wide variety of problems of hypotheses testing can be treated under a general setup. In this section we state the general problem and derive the test statistic and its distribution. Consider the following examples.

where t is a mathematical variable, β 0, β1, β2 are unknown parameters, and ε is a nonobservable RV. The experimenter takes observations Y1,Y2,…,Yn at predetermined values t1,t2,…,tn, respectively, and is interested in testing the hypothesis that the relation is in fact linear, that is, images.

Examples of the type discussed above and their much more complicated variants can all be treated under a general setup. To fix ideas, let us first make the following definition.

In what follows we will assume that ε1,2,…,εn are independent, normal RVs with common variance σ2 and images, images. In view of (2), it follows that Y1,Y2,…,Yn are independent normal RVs with


We will assume that H is a matrix of full rank r, images, and X is a matrix of full rank images. Some remarks are in order.

Remark 1. Clearly, Y satisfies a linear model if the vector of means images lies in a k-dimensional subspace generated by the linearly independent column vectors x1,x2,…,xk of the matrix X. Indeed, (1) states that EY is a linear combination of the known vectors x1,…,xk. The general linear hypothesis images states that the parameters β12,…,βk satisfy r independent homogeneous linear restrictions. It follows that, under H0, EY lies in a images -dimensional subspace of the k-space generated by x1,…,xk.

Remark 2. The assumption of normality, which is conventional, is made to compute the likelihood ratio test statistic of H0 and its distribution. If the problem is to estimate β, no such assumption is needed. One can use the principle of least squares and estimate β by minimizing the sum of squares,


The minimizing value images is known as a least square estimate of β. This is not a difficult problem, and we will not discuss it here in any detail but will mention only that any solution of the so-called normal equations

is a least square estimator. If the rank of X is images, then X' X, which has the same rank as X, is a nonsingular matrix that can be inverted to give a unique least square estimator

If the rank of X is images, then X' X is singular and the normal equations do not have a unique solution. One can show, for example, that images is unbiased for β, and if the Yi’s are uncorrelated with common variance σ2, the variance-covariance matrix of the images’s is given by

Remark 3. One can similarly compute the so-called restricted least square estimator of β by the usual method of Lagrange multipliers. For example, under images one simply minimizes images subject to images to get the restricted least square estimator images. The important point is that, if ε is assumed to be a multivariate normal RV with mean vector 0 and dispersion matrix σ2In, the MLE of β is the same as the least square estimator. In fact, one can show that images is the UMVUE of images, by the usual methods.

Similarly, we may assume that the regression of Y on x is quadratic:


and we may wish to test that a linear function will be sufficient to describe the relationship, that is, images. Here X is the images matrix


and H is the images matrix (0, 0, 1).

In another example of regression, the Y's can be written as


and we wish to test the hypothesis that images. In this case, X is the matrix


and H may be chosen to be the images matrix


The model described in this example is frequently referred to as a one-way analysis of variance model. This is a very simple example of an analysis of variance model. Note that the matrix X is of a very special type, namely, the elements of X are either 0 or 1. X is known as a design matrix.

Returning to our general model


we wish to test the null hypothesis images. We will compute the likelihood ratio test and the distribution of the test statistic. In order to do so, we assume that ε has a multivariate normal distribution with mean vector 0 and variance-covariance matrix σ2in, where σ2 is unknown and In is the images identity matrix. This means that Y has an n-variate normal distribution with mean Xβ and dispersion matrix σ2In for some β and some σ2, both unknown. Here the parameter space Θ is the set of images -tuples images, and the joint PDF of the X's is given by


It remains to determine the distribution of the test statistic. For this purpose it is convenient to reduce the problem to the canonical form. Let Vn be the vector space of the observation vector Y, Vk be the subspace of Vn generated by the column vectors x1, x2,…,xk of X, and images be the subspace of Vk in which EY is postulated to lie under H0. We change variables from Y1,Y2,…,Yn to Z1,Z2,…,Zn, where Z1,Z2,…,Zn are independent normal RVs with common variance σ2 and means images, images. This is done as follows. Let us choose an orthonormal basis of images column vectors {ai} for images, say images. We extend this to an orthonormal basis images for Vk, and then extend once again to an orthonormal basis images for Vn. This is always possible.

Let z1, z2,…,zn be the coordinates of y relative to the basis {α1, α2, …, αn}. Then images and images, where P is an orthogonal matrix with ith row images. Thus images, and images. Since Xβ ∈ Vk (Remark 1), it follows that images for images. Similarly, under H0, images, so that images for images. Let us write images. Then images, and under images. Finally, from Corollary 2 of Theorem 6 it follows that Z1, Z2,…,Zn are independent normal RVs with the same variance σ2 and images. We have thus transformed the problem to the following simpler canonical form:




The quantity images is minimized if we choose images, so that

Under images, so that images will be minimized if we choose images. Thus

It follows that


Now images has a images distribution, and, under images has a χ2(r) distribution. Since images and images are independent, we see that images is distributed as images under H0, as asserted. This completes the proof of the theorem.

Remark 4. In practice, one does not need to find a transformation that reduces the problem to the canonical form. As will be done in the following sections, one simply computes the estimators images and images and then computes the test statistic in any of the equivalent forms (14), (15), or (16) to apply the F-test.

Remark 5. The computation of images is greatly facilitated, in view of Remark 3, by using the principle of least squares. Indeed, this was done in the proof of Theorem 1 when we reduced the problem of maximum likelihood estimation to that of minimization of sum of squares images.

Remark 6. The distribution of the test statistic under H1 is easily determined. We note that images for images, so that images has a noncentral chi-square distribution with r d.f. and noncentrality parameter images. It follows that images has a noncentral F-distribution with d.f. images and noncentrality parameter δ. Under images, so that images has a central images distribution. Since images, it follows from (19) and (20) that if we replace each observation Yi bu its expected value in the numerator of (16), we get σ2δ.

Remark 7. The general linear hypothesis makes use of the assumption of common variance. For instance, in Example 4, images. Let us suppose that images.. Then we need to test that images before we can apply Theorem 1. The case images has already been considered in Section 10.3. For the case where images one can show that a UMP unbiased test does not exist. A large-sample approximation is described in Lehmann [64, pp. 376–377]. It is beyond the scope of this book to consider the effects of departures from the underlying assumptions. We refer the reader to Scheffé [101, Chapter 10], for a discussion of this topic.

Remark 8. The general linear model (GLM) is widely used in social sciences where Y is often referred to as the response (or dependent) variable and X as the explanatory (or independent) variable. In this language the GLM “predicts” a response variable from a linear combination of one or more explanatory variables. It should be noted that dependent and independent in this context do not have the same meaning as in Chapter 4. Moreover, dependence does not imply causality.


  1. Show that any solution of the normal equations (5) minimizes the sum of squares images.
  2. Show that the least square estimator given in (6) is an unbiased estimator of β. If the RVs Yi are uncorrelated with common variance σ2, show that the covariance matrix of the images’s is given by (7).
  3. Under the assumption that ε [in model (2)] has a multivariate normal distribution with mean 0 and dispersion matrix σ2In show that the least square estimators and the MLE's of β coincide.
  4. Prove statements (11) and (12).
  5. Determine the expression for the least squares estimator of β subject to images


In this section we study regression analysis, which is a tool to investigate the interrelationship between two or more variables. Typically, in its simplest form a response random variable Y is hypothesized to be related to one or more explanatory nonrandom variables xi's. Regression analysis with a single explanatory RV is known as simple regression and if, in addition, the relationship is thought to be linear, it is called simple linear regression (Example 12.2.3). In the case where several explanatory variables xi's are involved the regression is referred to as multiple linear regression. Regression analysis is widely used in forecasting and prediction. Again this is a special case of GLM.

This section is divided into three subsections. The first subsection deals with multiple linear regression where the RV Y is of the continuous type. In the next two subsections we study the case when Y is either Bernoulli or a count variable.

12.3.1 Multiple Linear Regression

It is convenient to write GLM in the form

where Y,X,ε, and β are as in Equation (12.2.1), and 1n is the column images unit vector (1,1,…, 1). The parameter β0 is usually referred to as the intercept whereas β is known as the slope vector with k parameters. The least estimator (LSE) of β0 and β are easily obtained by minimizing.

resulting in images normal equations






An unbiased estimate of σ2 is given by


Let us now consider the simple linear regression model


The LSEs of (β0, β)′ is given by




The covariance matrix is given by


where images

Let us now verify these results using the maximum likelihood method.

Clearly, Y1,Y2,…,Yn are independent normal RVs with images and images, and Y is an n-variate normal random vector with mean Xβ and variance σ2In. The joint PDF of Y is given by


It easily follows that the MLE’s for β0, β1 and σ2 are given by


where images.

If we wish to test images, we take images, so that the model is a special case of the general linear hypothesis with images, images. Under H0 the MLE’s are




From Theorem 12.2.1, the statistic images has a central images distribution under H0. Since images is the square of a images, the likelihood ratio test rejects H0 if

where c0 is computed from t-tables for images d.f.

For testing images, we choose images so that the model is again a special case of the general linear hypothesis. In this case



It follows that


and since


we can write the numerator of F as


It follows from Theorem 12.2.1 that the statistic


has a central t-distribution with images d.f. under images. The rejection region is therefore given by


where c0 is determined from the tables of images distribution for a given level of significance α.

For testing images, we choose images, so that the model is again a special case of the general linear hypothesis with images. In this case



From Theorem 12.2.1, the statistic images has a central images distribution under images. It follows that the α-level rejection region for H0 is given by


where F is given by (26), and c0 is the upper α percent point under the images distribution.

Remark 1. It is quite easy to modify the analysis above to obtain tests of null hypotheses images, and images, where images are given real numbers (Problem 4).

Remark 2.. The confidence intervals for β0, β1 are also easily obtained. One can show that images -level confidence interval for β0 is given by

and that for β1 is given by

Similarly, one can obtain confidence sets for (β0, β1)′ from the likelihood ratio test of images. It can be shown that the collection of sets of points (β0, β1)′ satisfying


is a images -level collection of confidence sets (ellipsoids) for (β0, β1)′ centered at images.

Remark 3. Sometimes interest lies in constructing a confidence interval on the unknown linear regression function images for a given value of x, or on a value of Y, given images. We assume that x0 is a value of x distinct from x1,x2,…,xn. Clearly, images is the maximum likelihood estimator of images. This is also the best linear unbiased estimator. Let us write images. Then


which is clearly a linear function of normal RVs Yi. It follows that images is also normally distributed with mean images and variance

(See Problem 6.) It follows that

is images(0,1). But σ is not known, so that we cannot use (32) to construct a confidence interval for images. Since images is a images RV and images is independent of images (why?), it follows that


has a images distribution. Thus, a images -level confidence interval for images is given by

In a similar manner one can show (Problem 7) that

is a images -level confidence interval for images, that is, for the estimated value Y0 of Y at x0.

Remark 4. The simple regression model (2) considered above can be generalized in many directions. Thus we may consider EY as a polynomial in x of a degree higher than 1, or we may regard EY as a function of several variables. Some of these generalizations will be taken up in the problems.

Remark 5. Let (X1, Y1), (X2, Y2),…,(Xn, Yn) be a sample from a bivariate normal population with parameters images,images,images,images, and images.

In Section 6.6 we computed the PDF of the sample correlation coefficient R and showed (Remark 6.6.4) that the statistic

has a images distribution, provided that images. If we wish to test images, that is, the independence of two jointly normal RVs, we can base a test on the statistic T. Essentially, we are testing that the population covariance is 0, which implies that the population regression coefficients are 0. Thus we are testing, in particular, that images. It is therefore not surprising that (36) is identical with (18). We emphasize that we derived (36) for a bivariate normal population, but (18) was derived by taking the Xs as fixed and the distribution of Ys as normal. Note that for a bivariate normal population images is linear, in consistency with our model (1) or (2).

Let us next find a 95 percent confidence interval for images. This is given by (34). We have


so that the 95 percent confidence interval is images.

(The data were produced from Table ST6, of random numbers with images, by letting images and images so that images, which surely lies in the interval.)

12.3.2 Logistic and Poisson Regression

In the regression model considered above Y is a continuous type RV. However, in a wide variety of problems Y is either binary or a count variable. Thus in a medical study Y may be the presence or absence of a disease such as diabetes. How do we modify linear regression model to apply in this case? The idea here is to choose a function of E(Y) so that in Section 12.3.1


This can be accomplished by choosing the function f to be the logarithm of the odds ratio


where images so that images. It follows that


so that logistic regression models the logarithm of odds ratio as a linear function of RVs Xi. The term logistic regression derives from the fact that the function images is known as the logistic function.

For simplicity we will only consider the simple linear regression model case so that


Choosing the logistic distribution as

let Y1, Y2,…,Yn be iid binary RVs taking values 0 or 1. Then the joint PMF of Y1, Y2,…,Yn is given by


and the log likelihood function by


It is easy to see that


Since the likelihood equations are nonlinear in the parameters, the MLEs of β0 and β are obtained numerically by using Newton-Raphson method.

Let images and images be the MLE of β0 and β, respectively. From section 8.7 we note that the variance of images is given by


so that the standard error (SE) of images is its square root. For large n, the so-called Wald statistic images has an approximate N(0, 1) distribution under images. Thus we reject H0 at level α if images. One can use images as a (1–α) -level confidence interval for β.

Yet another choice for testing H0 is to use the LRT statistics –2logλ (see Theorem 10.2.3). Under H0, images has a chi-square distribution with 1 d.f. Here


In (40) we chose the DF of a logistic RV. We could have chosen some other DF such as ϕ(x), the DF of a N(0, 1) RV. In that case we have images. The resulting model is called probit regression.

We finally consider the case when the RV Y is a count of rare events and has Poisson distribution with parameter λ. Clearly, the GLM is not directly applicable. Again we only consider the linear regression model case. Let images, be independent Pi)RVs where images, so that


The log likelihood function is given by


In order to find the MLEs of β0 and β1 we need to solve the likelihood equations


which are nonlinear in β0 and β1. The most common method of obtaining the MLEs is to apply the iteratively weighted least squares algorithm.

Once the MLEs of β0 and β1 are computed, one can compute the SEs of the estimates by using methods of Section 8.7. Using the SE images, for example, one can test hypothesis concerning β1 or construct images -level confidence interval for β1.

For a detailed discussion of Geometric and Poisson regression we refer Agresti [1] . A wide variety of software is available, which can be used to carry out the computations required.


  1. Prove statements (12), (13), and (14).
  2. Prove statements (15) and (16).
  3. Prove statement (19).
  4. Obtain tests of null hypotheses images, and images, where images are given real numbers.
  5. Obtain the confidence intervals for β0 and β1 as given in (28) and (29), respectively.
  6. Derive the expression for images as given in (31).
  7. Show that the interval given in (35) is a (1—α) -level confidence interval for images, the estimated value of Y at x0.
  8. Suppose that the regression of Y on the (mathematical) variable x is a quadratic

    where β0, β1, β2 are unknown parameters, x1, x2,…,xn are known values of x, and ε1, ε2,…,εn are unobservable RVs that are assumed to be independently normally distributed with common mean 0 and common variance σ2 (see Example 12.2.3). Assume that the coefficient vectors images, are linearly independent. Write the normal equations for estimating the β's and derive the generalized likelihood ratio test of images.

  9. Suppose that the Y's can be written as

    where xi1, xi2, xi3 are three mathematical variables, and εi are iid images(0,1) RVs. Assuming that the matrix X (see Example 3) is of full rank, write the normal equations and derive the likelihood ratio test of the null hypothesis images.

  10. The following table gives the weight Y (grams) of a crystal suspended in a saturated solution against the time suspended T (days):
    1. Find the linear regression line of Y on T.
    2. Test the hypothesis that images in the linear regression model images.
    3. Obtain a 0.95 level confidence interval for β0.
  11. Let images be the odds ratio corresponding to images. By considering the ratio images, how will you interpret the value of the slope parameter β 1?
  12. Do the same for parameter β1 in the Poisson regression model by considering the ratio images.


In this section we return to the problem of one-way analysis of variance considered in Examples 12.2.1 and 12.2.4. Consider the model


as described in Example 12.2.4. In matrix notation we write




As in Example 12.2.4, y is a vector of n-observations images, whose components Yij are subject to random error images is a vector of k unknown parameters, and x is a design matrix. We wish to find a test of images against all alternatives. We may write H0 in the form images, where h is a images matrix of rank (k–1), which can be chosen to be


Let us write images under H0. The joint PDF of Y is given by


and, under H0,by


It is easy to check that the MLEs are


By Theorem 12.2.1, the likelihood ratio test is to reject H0 if

where F0 is the upper α percent point in the images distribution. Since


we may rewrite (9) as

It is usual to call the sum of squares in the numerator of (11) the between sum of squares (BSS) and the sum of squares in the denominator of (11) the within sum of squares (WSS). The results are conveniently displayed in a so-called analysis of variance table in the following form.

One-Way Analysis of Variance
Sum of Squares Degrees of Freedom Mean Sum of Squares F-Ratio
Between images images BSS/(k–1) images
Within images images images
Mean images 1
Total images n

The third row, designated “Mean,” has been included to make the total of the second column add up to the total sum of squares (TSS), images

From the data images, and


Also, the grand mean is



Analysis of Variance
Source SS d.f. MSS F-Ratio
Between 1140 2 570 images
Within 1600 12 133.33

Choosing images, we see that images. Thus we reject images at level images.

From the data images, images, images. Also, the grand mean is



Analysis of Variance
Source SS d.f. MSS F-Ratio
Between 303.41 2 151.70 151.70/489.67
Within 11,752.00 24 489.67

We therefore cannot reject the null hypothesis that the average grades given by the three instructors are the same.


  1. Prove statements (5), (6), (7), and (8).
  2. The following are the coded values of the amounts of corn (in bushels per acre) obtained from four varieties, using unequal number of plots for the different varieties:

    Test whether there is a significant difference between the yields of the varieties.

  3. A consumer interested in buying a new car has reduced his search to six different brands: D, F, G, P, V, T. He would like to buy the brand that gives the highest mileage per gallon of regular gasoline. One of his friends advises him that he should use some other method of selection, since the average mileages of the six brands are the same, and offers the following data in support of her assertion.
    Distance Traveled (Miles) per Gallon of Gasoline
    Car D F G P V T
    1 42 38 28 32 30 25
    2 35 33 32 36 35 32
    3 37 28 35 27 25 24
    4 37 37 26 30
    5 28 30
    6 19

    Should the consumer accept his friend's advice?

  4. The following data give the ages of entering freshmen in independent random samples from three different universities.
    A B C
    17 16 21
    19 16 23
    20 19 22
    21 20
    18 19

    Test the hypothesis that the average ages of entering freshman at these universities are the same.

  5. Five cigarette manufacturers claim that their product has low tar content. Independent random samples of cigarettes are taken from each manufacturer and the following tar levels (in milligrams) are recorded.
    Brand Tar Lavel (mg)
    A 4.2, 4.8, 4.6, 4.0, 4.4
    B 4.9, 4.8, 4.7, 5.0, 4.9, 5.2
    C 5.4, 5.3, 5.4, 5.2, 5.5
    D 5.8, 5.6, 5.5, 5.4, 5.6, 5.8
    E 5.9, 6.2, 6.2, 6.8, 6.4, 6.3

    Can the differences among the sample means be attributed to chance?

  6. The quantity of oxygen dissolved in water is used as a measure of water pollution. Samples are taken at four locations in a lake and the quantity of dissolved oxygen is recorded as follows (lower reading corresponds to greater pollution):
    Location Quantity of Dissolved Oxygen (%)
    A 7.8, 6.4, 8.2, 6.9
    B 6.7, 6.8, 7.1, 6.9, 7.3
    C 7.2, 7.4, 6.9, 6.4, 6.5
    D 6.0, 7.4, 6.5, 6.9, 7.2, 6.8

    Do the data indicate a significant difference in the average amount of dissolved oxygen for the four locations?


In many practical problems one is interested in investigating the effects of two factors that influence an outcome. For example, the variety of grain and the type of fertilizer used both affect the yield of a plot or the score on a standard examination is influenced by the size of the class and the instructor.

Let us suppose that two factors affect the outcome of an experiment. Suppose also that one observation is available at each of a number of levels of these two factors. Let images be the observation when the first factor is at the ith level, and the second factor at the jth level. Assume that


where αi is the effect of the ith level of the first factor, βj is the effect of the jth level of the second factor, and εij is the random error, which is assumed to be normally distributed with mean 0 and variance σ2. We will assume that the εij’s are independent. It follows that Yij are independent normal RVs with means images and variance σ2. There is no loss of generality in assuming that images for, if images, we can write


and images Here we have written images and images for the means of images’s and images’s, respectively. Thus Yij may denote the yield from the use of the ith variety of some grain and the jth type of some fertilizer. The two hypotheses of interest are


The first of these, for example, says that the first factor has no effect on the outcome of the experiment.

In view of the fact that images and images and we can write our model in matrix notation as





The vector of unknown parameters β is images and the matrix X is images (b blocks of a rows each). We leave the reader to check that X is of full rank, images. The hypothesis images or images can easily be put into the form images. For example, for we can choose H to be the images matrix of full rank images, given by


Clearly, the model described above is a special case of the general linear hypothesis, and we can use Theorem 12.2.1 to test Hβ.

To apply Theorem 12.2.1 we need the estimators images and images. It is easily checked that


where images Also, under Hβ, for example,

In the notation of Theorem 12.2.1, images, so that images, and




we may write

It follows that, under images has a central images distribution.

The numerator of F in (8) measures the variability between the means images and the denominator measures the variability that exists once the effects due to the two factors have been subtracted.

If Hα is the null hypothesis to be tested, one can show that under Hα the MLEs are

As before, images, but images. Also,


which may be rewritten as

It follows that, under images F has a central images distribution. The numerator of F in (11) measures the variability between the means images.

If the data are put into the following form:


so that the rows represent various levels of factor 1, and the columns, the levels of factor 2, one can write




It is usual to write error or residual sum of squares (SSE) for the denominator of (8) or (11). These results are conveniently presented in an analysis of variance table as follows.

Two-Way Analysis of Variance Table with One Observation per Cell
Source of Variation Sum of Squares Degrees of Freedom Mean Square F-Ratio
Rows SS1 images images MS1/MSE
Columns SS2 images images MS2/MSE
Error SSE images images
Mean images 1 images
Total images ab images

In our notation, images, images, images, images, images, images, images, images, images, images.



The results are shown in the following table:

Analysis of Variance
Source SS d.f. MS F-Ratio
Variety of wheat 34.67 2 17.33 14.2
Fertilizer 4.67 3 1.56 1.28
Error 7.33 6 1.22
Mean 481.33 1 481.33
Total 528.00 12 44.00

Now images and images. Since images, we reject Hβ, that there is equality in the average yield of the three varieties; but, since images, we accept Hα, that the four fertilizers are equally effective.


  1. Show that the matrix X for the model defined in (2) is of full rank, images.
  2. Prove statements (3), (4), (5), and (9).
  3. The following data represent the units of production per day turned out by four different brands of machines used by four machinists:
    Machine A1 A2 A3 A4
    B1 15 14 19 18
    B2 17 12 20 16
    B3 16 18 16 17
    B4 16 16 15 15

    Test whether the differences in the performances of the machinists are significant and also whether the differences in the performances of the four brands of machines are significant. Use images.

  4. Students were classified into four ability groups, and three different teaching methods were employed. The following table gives the mean for four groups:
    Teaching Method
    Ability Group A B C
    1 15 19 14
    2 18 17 12
    3 22 25 17
    4 17 21 19

    Test the hypothesis that the teaching methods yield the same results. That is, that the teaching methods are equally effective.

  5. The following table shows the yield (pounds per plot) of four varieties of wheat, obtained with three different kinds of fertilizers.
    Variety of Wheat
    Fertilizer A B C D
    α 8 3 6 7
    β 10 4 5 8
    γ 8 4 6 7

    Test the hypotheses that the four varieties of wheat yield the same average yield and that the three fertilizers are equally effective.


The model described in Section 12.5 assumes that the two factors act independently, that is, are additive. In practice this is an assumption that needs testing. In this section we allow for the possibility that the two factors might jointly affect the outcome, that is, there might be so-called interactions. More precisely, if Yij is the observation in the (i,j)th cell, we will consider the model


where images represent row effects (or effects due to factor 1), images represent column effects (or effects due to factor 2), and γij represent interactions or joint effects. We will assume that εij are independently images(0,σ2). We will further assume that

The hypothesis of interest is


One may also be interested in testing that all α’s are 0 or that all β’s are 0 in the presence of interactions γij.

We first note that (2) is not restrictive since we can write


where images, and images do not satisfy (2), as


and then (2) is satisfied by choosing




Next note that, unless we replicate, that is, take more than one observation per cell, there are no degrees of freedom left to estimate the error SS (see Remark 1).

Let Yijs be the sth observation when the first factor is at the ith level, and the second factor at the jth level, images. Then the model becomes as follows:

Levels of Factor 1
Levels of Factor 2 1 2 b
1 y111 y121 y1b1
y11m y12m y1bm
2 y211 y221 y2b1
y21m y22m y2bm
a ya11 ya21 yab1
ya1m ya2m yabm

images, and images, where εijs’s are independent images(0,σ2). We assume that images. Suppose that we wish to test images. We leave the reader to check that model (4) is then a special case of the general linear hypothesis with images, and images.

Let us write


Then it can be easily checked that

It follows from Theorem 12.2.1 that



we can write (7) as


Under Hα the statistic images has the central images distribution, so that the likelihood ratio test rejects Hα if


A similar analysis holds for testing images.

Next consider the test of hypothesis images for all i, j, that is, that the two factors are independent and the effects are additive. In this case images, and images. It can be shown that





so that we may write


Under Hγ, the statistic images has the images distribution. The likelihood ratio test rejects Hγ if


Let us write




Then we may summarize the above results in the following table.

Two-Way Analysis of Variance Table with Interaction
Source of Variation Sum of Squares Degrees of Freedom Mean Square F-Ratio
Rows SS1 images images MS1/MSE
Columns SS2 images images MS2/MSE
Interaction SSI images images MSI/MSE
Error SSE images images
Mean images 1 images
Total images abm images

Remark 1. Note that, if images, there are no d.f. associated with the SSE. Indeed, SSE images if images Hence, we cannot make tests of hypotheses when images, and for this reason we assume images.

Teaching Method I II III
1 95 60 86
85 90 77
74 80 75
74 70 70
2 90 89 83
80 90 70
92 91 75
82 86 72
3 70 68 74
80 73 86
85 78 91
85 93 89

From the data the table of means is as follows:

images images
82 75 77 78.0
86 89 75 83.3
80 78 85 81.0
images 82.7 80.7 79.0 images


Analysis of Variance
Source SS d.f. MSS F-Ratio
Methods 169.56 2 84.78 1.25
Instructors 82.32 2 41.16 0.61
Interactions 561.80 4 140.45 2.07
Error 1830.00 27 67.78

With images, we see from the tables that images and images, so that we cannot reject any of the three hypotheses that the three methods are equally effective, that the three instructors are equally effective, and that the interactions are all 0.


  1. Prove statement (6).
  2. Obtain the likelihood ratio test of the null hypothesis images.
  3. Prove statement (10).
  4. Suppose that the following data represent the units of production turned out each day by three different machinists, each working on the same machine for three different days:
    Machine A B C
    B1 15, 15, 17 19, 19, 16 16, 18, 21
    B2 17, 17, 17 15, 15, 15 19, 22, 22
    B3 15, 17, 16 18, 17, 16 18, 18, 18
    B4 18, 20, 22 15, 16, 17 17, 17, 17

    Using a 0.05 level of significance, test whether (a) the differences among the machinists are significant, (b) the differences among the machines are significant, and (c) the interactions are significant.

  5. In an experiment to determine whether four different makes of automobiles average the same gasoline mileage, a random sample of two cars of each make was taken from each of four cities. Each car was then test run on 5 gallons of gasoline of the same brand. The following table gives the number of miles traveled.
    Automobile Make
    Cities A B C D
    Cleveland 92.3, 104.1 90.4, 103.8 110.2, 115.0 120.0, 125.4
    Detroit 96.2, 98.6 91.8, 100.4 112.3, 111.7 124.1, 121.1
    San Francisco 90.8, 96.2 90.3, 89.1 107.2, 103.8 118.4, 115.6
    Denver 98.5, 97.3 96.8, 98.8 115.2, 110.2 126.2, 120.4

    Construct the analysis of variance table. Test the hypothesis of no automobile effect, no city effect, and no interactions. Use images.

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