Configuring Apache Geronimo logging

Apache Geronimo uses slf4j and log4j for logging. The log4j configuration files can be found in the <GERONIMO_HOME>/var/log directory. There are three configuration files that you will find in this directory, namely:




Just as they are named, these files configure log4j logging for the client container (Java EE application client), deployer system, and the server.

You will also find the corresponding log files—client.log, deployer.log, and server.log. The properties files, listed above, contain the configuration of the various appenders, loggers, and layouts for the server, deployer, and client. As mentioned above, log4j provides a hierarchy of loggers with a granularity ranging from the entire server to each class on the server. Let us examine one of the configuration files: the file:

  • This file starts with the line log4j.rootLogger=INFO, CONSOLE, FILE. This means that the log4j root logger has a level of INFO and writes log statements to two appenders, namely, the CONSOLE appender and the FILE appender. These are the appenders that write to the console and to files respectively. The console appender and file appenders are configured to write to System.out and to <GERONIMO_HOME>/var/log/geronimo.log.

  • Below this section, there is a finer-grained configuration of loggers at class or package levels. For example, log4j.logger.openjpa.Enhance=TRACE.

  • It configures the logger for the class log4j.logger.openjpa.Enhance to the TRACE level. Note that all of the classes that do not have a log level defined will take on the log level of their parents. This applies recursively until we reach the root logger and inherit its log level (INFO in this case).

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