Building Geronimo

You can download the source code of Geronimo and build the server from it. The Geronimo source code is maintained in a Subversion repository. The URL is There are different tags for the different releases. For example corresponds to the 2.1.4 release. The branches are for making bug fixes to previous releases if required. The trunk is the latest codebase, where most of the new development is happening. You can check out and build any of these. We will now go through the procedure to download and check out the source code of version 2.1.4.

Go to the location on your disk where you want to check out the code and type the following command:

svn checkout server

You need to install the Subversion client before you can actually checkout the code. The client is available at

Once the process has completed you will notice that a directory called server that contains the source is created. You will now need to download and install Apache Maven 2, which is required in order to build the server from the source code. You can download Maven 2 from

You need to use Sun JDK 1.5.x and Apache Maven 2.0.9, to build Geronimo version 2.1.4 server from source code.

Once you finish installing Maven 2, you need to change your directory to the directory into which you checked out the source, and then run mvn install.

The build process will take 30 to 40 minutes and you will need to be connected to the Internet during the build. Once the build is successful (all the tests need to pass for the build to succeed), you can find the various server distributions in the assemblies directory. In case there is a build failure, due to test failures you can run the builds with the

-Dmaven.test.skip=true, -Dmaven.itest.skip=true

flags, so that test failures are ignored.

The assemblies directory contains the following subdirectories:

  • geronimo-boilerplate-minimal

    Provides boilerplate files for all of the Geronimo server assemblies

  • geronimo-framework

    A Geronimo server framework assembly

  • geronimo-jetty6-javaee5

    Java EE 5 certified Geronimo version with Jetty as the web container and CXF as the web services engine, and all the bells and whistles

  • geronimo-jetty6-minimal

    Minimal version of Geronimo with just the web container (Jetty) and the Geronimo framework

  • geronimo-tomcat6-javaee5

    Java EE 5 certified Geronimo version with Tomcat as the web container and Axis2 as the web services engine and all the bells and whistles

  • geronimo-tomcat6-minimal

    Minimal version of Geronimo with just the web container (Tomcat) and the Geronimo framework

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