Custom server assemblies and server profiles

Apache Geronimo provides a feature known as custom server assemblies. This allows users to assemble servers that are customized to their needs. They can assemble the application servers that contain their applications or plugins prepackaged with only the additional dependent modules that their applications or plugins require. We will go through the steps to assemble a custom server that contains the World Clock plugin as follows:

  1. Log in to the Administration Console, and go to the Plugins portlet.

  2. In the Assemble Server portlet, click on the Assemble a server button. This will bring up the screen shown in the following screenshot:

  3. Enter the groupId, artifactId, version, and the target path where the assembly should be saved under the <GERONIMO_HOME> directory, and select the required format. Select the plugins that need to be included in the assembly, and click on the Assemble button. Always select Geronimo Assemblies :: Boilerplate Minimal. Select the WorldClock plugin. The WorldClock plugin does not need any other Apache Geronimo's services, so we need not include any other assemblies.

  4. Click on the Assemble button at the bottom of the screen. This will bring up the screen shown in the next screenshot:

  5. Click on the Assemble button to assemble the custom server. Once the server assembly process is complete, a screen with the status and the location of the created assembly will pop up.

  6. Now stop the current server, and start the server you just assembled. You will see that the WorldClock plugin is started, as the time will be printed out during startup. You can also assemble custom servers through deploy/assemble command in GShell.

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