
Accounting for FX translation, 5759

Accumulated other comprehensive income (AOCI), 57

Adventure & Recreation Technologies, Inc. (ART), 123134

Altria Group, Inc., 78, 114

Amherst Controls Co., 7677, 7880

American Bio Products Company, 32

AOCI. See Accumulated other comprehensive income

Applied Materials’ Yen Debt, 73

ART. See Adventure and Recreation Technologies, Inc.

At-market swap, 98

Back-to-back loans, 100102

Barcelona Supply AG, 58, 59

Browning Imports Co., 81

Business value, 3940, 4243


Adventure & Recreation Technologies, Inc., 123134

Cash flow hedge, 77

Chestnut Co., 114115

Competitive FX exposure, 2532

Constant growth model, 39

Cross-currency swap, 98

CTA. See Cumulative translation adjustment

Cumulative translation adjustment (CTA), 57, 75

Currency swaps

and FX equity exposure, 109112

back-to-back loans, 100102

fixed-for-fixed currency swaps, 9799

managing FX exposure with, 112115

mark-to-market (MTM) value, 107109

off-market swap, 115116

parallel loans, 100102

swap components, difference check settlement of, 104106

swap-driven financing, 102104

World Bank-IBM swap, 9597

Delta Ltd., 31

Disney’s Synthetic Yen Financing, 103104

Dow Chemical, FX pass-through, 1213

Enterprise value, 4243

Equity market cap, 42

Financial hedging

Adventure & Recreation Technologies, Inc., 127129

of FX exposure, 69

issues in, 8485

Financial leverage, 67

FX hedging and, 8284

Fixed-for-fixed currency swaps, 9799

Fixed-for-floating currency swap, 98

Foreign currency (C), 1

versus home currency, 11

Foreign currency debt, 6769

and FX equity exposure, 6974

and hedge accounting, 7480

issues with, 8588

FX hedging, 8284

financial leverage and, 8284

McDonalds, 68

Foreign exchange operating exposure

Adventure & Recreation Technologies, Inc., 125126

Airbus, 3

analyses, 47

as an elasticity, 12

and competition, 2532

FX pass-through, 1113

high/low, 3

operational hedging, 710

regression estimates of, 32

Functional currency, 57

FX business exposure, 4042

hedging negative, 8082

of multinational, 4344

FX conversion rate, 104

FX economic exposure

operating leverage, 2223

price elasticity of demand, 2325

rate and sales volume, 1922

FX equity exposure, 4449

Adventure & Recreation Technologies, Inc., 126127

currency swaps and, 109112

foreign currency debt and, 6974

regression estimates of, 5052

FX exposure

business exposure, 4042, 8082

business value, 3940, 4243

enterprise value, 4243

equity exposure, 4449

hedging FX exposure, 6162

multinational, business exposure of, 4344

regression estimates, of FX equity exposure, 5052

translation exposure, 5960

FX hedging

financial leverage and, 8284

FX operating exposure. See Foreign exchange operating exposure

FX pass-through, 1113

FX translation exposure, 5960

accounting for, 5759

hedging, 6162

FX translation gain, 57

FX translation loss, 57

Granger Controls Co., 83

Hedge accounting

foreign currency debt and, 7480

Hedging FX exposure, 6162

negative, 8082

Home bias, 132

Home currency (HC), 1

versus foreign currency, 11

Hypothetical loans, 100

Interest rate swap, 99

Intex Co., 70

Intrinsic business value, 39, 40

Major currency index (MCI), 50, 51

Maquiladora, 60

Mark-to-market value, 107109

MCI. See Major currency index

Merck, 85

Modified closing rate method, 57

Moran Manufacturing Company, 42

MTM value. See Mark-to-market value

Naked currency swap position, 109

Net debt, 42, 43, 45

Net financial leverage ratio, 45

Net investment, 58

Net investment hedge, 75

Northern Mining Co., 72

Notional principal, 97

Off-market swap, 115116

Operating leverage, 2223

Operational hedging, 710

Airbus, 10

United Technologies Corporation (UTC), 910

Parallel loans, 100102

Pro forma cash flow statements, 4

Price elasticity of demand, 2325

Regression estimates, 32

Straight bond, 97

Swap interest component, 105

Swap principal component, 105

Swap-driven financing, 102104

Temporal method, 60

Translation exposure, 5960

Tri-State Technologies Co., 73

UIRP. See Uncovered interest rate parity

Uncovered interest rate parity (UIRP), 69

United Technologies Corporation (UTC), 910

UTC. See United Technologies Corporation

Vulcan Materials, 32, 8182

World Bank-IBM swap, 9597

Worldwide tax system, 87

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