
AEZ. See Art Economic Zones


challenge of commercialism, 1720

conventional definition of, 3

cultural embeddedness and, 4951

culture and, 4749

culture free, 5254

institutional context of, 56

Art communities, 141

Art Economic Zones (AEZ), 141

Art galleries

core functions of, 74

effectual reasoning, 7880

Istanbul, 7778

research and findings, 8082


being sellout, 2021

entrepreneurial behavior of, 112

entrepreneurship and, 45

paradox of, 1617

as self-employed entrepreneur, 111

as students, 20

Artist entrepreneurs

business structure, 3739

clarifying artistic philosophy, 2830

customer profile development, 3436

goal settings, 3637

idea generation, 3033

implementing proposed process, 41

postmortem, 3940

premortem, 3940

strategic action plan, 138140

strategies for execution, 3637

visioning, 3334

ARTrepreneur Roundtables, 88

ARTrepreneurship, 85

ARTrepreneur Workshop Series (AWS), 86, 9193

Arts entrepreneurship

context of, 125126

extant definitions, 125

learning points, 104

overview of, 124

strategic assessment guide, 136137

strategies in, 135136

Audience development, 61

Available means principle, 80

AWS. See ARTrepreneur Workshop Series

Behavior of artist, 111112

Branding and marketing, 92

British Council, 48

Budgeting, 93

Business structure, 3739

Channels, 38

Cinema, Iranian, 611

Client base development, 9899

Commercialism, 1720

Commercial-uncommercial firm, 2122

Contemporary art

chronology of, 7477

description of, 73

growth rate of, 7374

research and findings, 8082

in Turkey, 7477

Copyrights and Contracts, 9293

Cost structures, 38

Course content relationship, 99100

Cross-cultural researchers, 52

Cultural embeddedness

arts and, 4951

domains, 5152

managing challenges of, 5455

Cultural exception, 62

Culture and creative industries (CCI)

internationalization, 6063

small and medium-sized enterprises, 5960

Culture free arts, 5254

Customer profile development, 3436

Customer relationships, 38

Customer segments, 38

Diverse revenue streams, 92

Downside risk principle, 8081


artist and, 1617

artist entrepreneurs and, 28

Entrepreneurial behavior of artists, 112

Entrepreneurial learning, 112

Entrepreneurial self-employed artist, 110


artist and, 45, 1617

classical definitions of, 5

Fado, cultural journey, 51

Forming partnerships principle, 81

Goethe Institute, 48

Insidership, 61

Institutional context of arts, 56

Internationalization at home (IaH) strategy

description of, 60

Glej Theatre, case study, 6668

IGLU—Improvisational Theatre of Ljubljana, case study, 6466

International projects

client base development, 9899

course content relationship, 99100

internationalization, 100

learning from successes, 100105

recommendations for, 105107

International research learning points, 102103

Iranian cinema, 611

Istanbul, contemporary art galleries, 7778

Key activities, 38

Key partners, 38

Key resources, 38

Learning points

arts and entrepreneurship, 104

International research, 102103

management, 103

operational, 101102

solution, 105

Leveraging contingencies principle, 81

Limited Liability Company (LLC), 37

LLC. See Limited Liability Company

Management learning points, 103

Mentors, 141

Negotiation, 92

Operational learning points, 101102

Opportunity recognition, 31

Optimal scenario, 114

Personal development, 141

Personality, 111

Postmortem, 3940

Premortem, 3940

Professional memberships, 140141

Revenue streams, 38

Self-employed entrepreneur, 111

SEM. See Single European Market

Single European Market (SEM), 60

Social networks, 141

2016 Society for Arts Entrepreneurship Education, 36

Solution learning points, 105

Strategic action plan, 138140

Strategic thinking

arts entrepreneur, 128133

future of, 132133

modes of thinking, 130132

perspectives on, 128

traditional process, 126127

Strategic thinking bridge, 128130

Suboptimal scenario, 115

Teaching through community, 8891

Turkey, contemporary art, 7477

Uncommercial firm, 2122

University partnerships, 8891

Value proposition, 38

Visioning, 3334

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