Chapter 5. User Device Configuration

I don’t always know what I’m talking about, but I know I’m right.

Muhammad Ali

It’s time to connect some SIP user devices to Asterisk. While we are going to focus on the Asterisk end of things, keep in mind that defining a channel in Asterisk for the device to connect through is only half of the configuration; you also need to configure the other end—the device itself (usually a phone)—so it knows where to send its calls.

In other words, there are two separate tasks needed to configure a device to work with Asterisk:

  • Telling Asterisk about the device (configuring the channel credentials in Asterisk)

  • Telling the device about Asterisk (accessing the configuration tools for the device, and telling it where its server is and how to connect)

In this chapter we focus on the configuration of sets from the perspective of Asterisk, so we’re not going to say too much about bootstrapping phones; you are going to need to do your own research in that regard. We’ll be using a couple of softphones in our lab, and you can too. Our examples will attempt to provide enough information that you’ll be able to configure whatever SIP devices you are using. If we can get you through registering a couple of softphones on your lab system, we’ll have set you on the path toward more complex scenarios (which will typically require some research and prototyping on your part).

Telephone Naming Concepts

Before we get started with configuring Asterisk for our telephones, we are going to recommend some best practices regarding telephone naming.

First up, you should not assign your telephones an extension number; instead, design the system so that the extension number is assigned to the user, and then assign telephones or other resources to that user. The telephones themselves should be named in reference to something unique to them, such as a MAC address or computer name. In a flexible, next-generation PBX, you want to abstract the concepts of users, extension numbers, and telephones, so as to have the most flexibility and ease of management.

In Asterisk, there is really no concept of a user at all. Extensions are triggers that initiate a sequence of instructions. Yes, you might write a bit of dialplan specifying that when extension number 100 is dialed, Asterisk will ring the phone on your desk. However, extension 100 could just as easily access a company voicemail box, or perhaps play back a prompt, join a conference room, or do any number of other things. We can even write dialplan that specifies that extension 100 should ring the device on your desk from Monday to Friday between 9 A.M. and 5 P.M., but ring a device on someone else’s desk the rest of the time. Inversely, when a call is made from a device during business hours, the caller ID could show a daytime number, and the rest of the time could show an after-hours number (many reception desks become security desks at night).

In Asterisk, extensions are not phones. Therefore, don’t give your telephones identifiers that are extensions.

The abstraction between the name of an extension and the telephone that extension might ring is a powerful concept. An excellent example of this is a PBX feature commonly known as hot-desking, which allows users to share a desk and/or move around to different desks. Let’s say we have three sales agents who typically work outside of the office, but spend a couple of days each month in the office to do paperwork. Since they are unlikely to be on-site at the same time, instead of each agent having a separate telephone, they could share a single office phone (or on a larger scale, a dozen folks could share a pool of, say, three phones). This scenario illustrates the convenience (and necessity) of allowing the system to separate the concept of a user and extension from the physical phone.

The best way to name a physical desk phone (or any physical SIP endpoint) is using the MAC address of the device, which is unique to the phone, follows it where it goes, and doesn’t require configuration changes to the phone if the user changes. Some corporations have stickers they place on their equipment with a bar code and other information that allows them to keep stock of provisioned equipment; these unique codes would also be an acceptable choice to use for phone names, as they don’t provide any logical relation to a particular person, but do provide specific information about the devices themselves.

Softphones on laptops can also use a MAC address or serial number, but make sure the set name includes a reference to the fact that it’s a softphone. [JIM_VANM_SOFT] is a decent name, but [JIMS_PHONE] is not. If the softphone is running on a desk computer (i.e., it’s not going to move around with a user), then name it using the convention you use for your computers ([DESK-5F23-SOFT] or [CUST_SRVC_001_SOFT] are potentially good names).

The choice is yours as to how you want to name your phones. Our goal is simply to help you understand why the best practice is to abstract any concept of the telephone being owned by a person. A phone is just a way to get audio to and from a human, and signal back and forth, so it’s far better to make it possible to mix and match them as users move around, and people come and go.

Throughout this book, you’ll see us using phone names that look like MAC addresses (such as [0000F3000001] and [0000F3000002]), or generic desk names ([DESK-001-SOFT], [DESK-002-SOFT]) to differentiate between devices. You will generally want to use phone names that match the hardware you are using (or some other string that is unique to the device you are registering).

As a final consideration, we should make it clear that what we are suggesting regarding device names is not a technical requirement. You are free to name your devices anything you want, as long as they meet the requirements of Asterisk’s naming conventions for devices (stay with alphanumeric characters with no spaces and you’ll be fine).

You’ll see plenty of Asterisk systems that tie the device name to the extension of the user, but we’re not fans of this method.

Hardphones, Softphones, and ATAs

There are three types of endpoints you would typically provide your users to serve as a telephone set. They are popularly referred to as hardphones (or desk phones), softphones, and Analog Terminal Adaptors (ATAs).

A hardphone is a physical device—an office telephone. It has a handset, numbered buttons, a screen of some sort, and so on. It connects directly to the network and is probably what people are referring to when they talk about a VoIP telephone (or a SIP telephone). It’s normally going to sit on your desk, but it could be mounted on a wall, in an elevator, at a side-table, or in a box by the side of the road.

A softphone is a software application that runs on a laptop, desktop, smartphone, or other computing device. The audio must pass through the device’s sound system, so you normally need a headset that will work well with telephony applications. Softphone applications have become popular with smartphones because they allow you to connect to telephone networks other than just the cellular network (for example, you can register as an extension on your corporate PBX). The interface of the softphone is often styled to look like a physical telephone, but this is not necessary. WebRTC will allow all sorts of additional capabilities in this area, as it essentially allows a softphone to simply be part of a session within a browser. To the PBX, the softphone looks and behaves exactly the same as a hardphone.

An ATA is designed to allow traditional analog telephones (and other analog devices, such as fax machines, cordless phones, paging amplifiers, and such) to connect to a SIP network,1 and will typically be a sandwich-sized box that contains an RJ-11 connector for the phone (commonly referred to as an FXS port), an RJ-45 connector for the network, and a power connector. Some ATAs may support more than one phone. Other ATAs may have advanced features in them such as a firewall or an FXO port (an analog port that can connect to a PSTN circuit). From the perspective of the PBX, the ATA looks exactly like a SIP telephone.

Hardphones have the advantage that the handsets have good acoustic properties for voice communications. Any decent-quality telephone is engineered to pick up the frequencies of the human voice, filter out unwanted background noise, and normalize the resulting waveform. People have been using telephones for as long as the telephone network has existed, and we tend to like what is familiar, so having a device that communicates with Asterisk using a familiar interface will be attractive to many users. Also, a hardphone does not require your computer to be running all the time.

Disadvantages to hardphones include the fact that they are not easily portable, and they are expensive relative to the many quality softphones on the market today that are available for free. Also, the extra clutter on your desk may not be desirable if you have limited work space. If you move around a lot and are not generally at the same location, a hardphone is not likely to suit your needs (although, one at each location you regularly visit might be a valid solution).

Softphones solve the portability issue by being installed on a device that is likely already moving with you, such as your laptop or smartphone. Also, their minimal cost (typically free, or around $30 for a fully featured one) is attractive. Since many softphones are free, it is likely that the first telephone set you connect to Asterisk will be a softphone. Also, because softphones are just software, they are easy to install and upgrade, and they commonly have other features that utilize other peripherals, like a webcam for video calling, or perhaps an ability to load files from your desktop for faxing. Another potentially huge advantage of a softphone is that it is often possible to integrate them with other applications running on the device.

Some of the disadvantages of softphones are the not-always-on nature of the devices, the necessity to put on a headset each time you take a call, and the fact that many PCs will at random times during the day choose to do something other than what the user wants them to do, which might cause the softphone to stop working while some background task hogs the CPU. In a mobile device, the softphone can consume resources, affecting battery life, performance, and operating expense.

ATAs have the advantage of allowing you to connect analog devices to your SIP network,2 such as cordless phones (which are still superior in many cases to more advanced types of wireless phones, and far less expensive3), paging amplifiers, ringers, and antique telephones.4 ATAs can also sometimes be used to connect to old wiring, where a network connection might not function correctly, or to outbuildings (such as a gatehouse), where a standard ethernet connection would never reach.

The main disadvantage of an ATA is that you will not get the same features through an analog line as you would from a SIP telephone. This is technology that is over a century old.

With Asterisk, we don’t necessarily need to make the choice between having a softphone, a hardphone, or an ATA; it’s entirely possible and quite common to have a single extension number that rings multiple devices at the same time, such as a desk phone, the softphone on a laptop, a cell phone, and perhaps a strobe light in the back of the factory (where there is too much noise for a ringer to be heard).

More than any other endpoint, the softphone is set to evolve into something far more encompassing than a simple telephone application. The emergence of WebRTC may finally deliver that which has been predicted for many long years: the integration of real-time voice into computing (specifically web-based) applications. There are of course many ways to achieve this already, but WebRTC’s advantage is that it is an open standard, built right into all browsers with no plug-ins required. The softphone is dead; long live the softphone.

We still like a desk phone for regular telephone calls, though.

Configuring Asterisk

In this section we’ll cover how to configure PJSIP to handle various SIP endpoints. This was traditionally done by editing files in the /etc/asterisk/ directory; however, we have elected to demonstrate how this is done through a database, as it is a generally superior method, especially as a system grows. If you are more comfortable with using .conf files, you should find that fairly easy to do once you have the basics figured out.5


Asterisk allows devices using many different protocols to speak to it (and therefore to each other), but chan_pjsip is the only VoIP module that is still actively maintained; the rest are legacy code. You aren’t likely to have any use for other VoIP protocols (such as IAX2, Skinny/SCCP, Unistim, H.323, and MGCP). Those protocols have an historical significance, since it was in large part due to the fact that Asterisk would talk to anything and everything that it had such an impact on the telecom industry. Nowadays, however, SIP has pretty nearly replaced everything, so those channel drivers are now historical curiosities, and nothing more. If you are still interested in one of those other protocols, focus on getting comfortable working with SIP first, and recognize that you’re going to be pretty much on your own.

The channel configuration tables in the database6 contain the configuration details relevant to that channel driver, as well as the parameters and credentials specific to the SIP devices and providers you wish to connect to Asterisk (incoming and outgoing). To put that more simply: all calls in and out of Asterisk must pass through a channel.

Most parameters have defaults, which you will find documented in the sample files. Start with reading the pjsip.conf.sample file found in your ~/src/asterisk.<TAB>/configs/samples/ folder. It will provide plenty of information about defaults, as well as information about other resources worth reading. We will not use the file for the actual configuration (we are using the database instead); however, the file is an excellent reference, and you should keep it near at hand, as it will have the answers to many questions you may have about parameters.

We are going to focus on getting a basic device going for you as simply as possible. We have found that setting up channels is one of the more frustrating things new Asterisk users experience, and we want to demonstrate that at its most basic level, it does not need to be painful at all. Once you have succeeded here, you’ll always have a known-good configuration to fall back on, as you move forward into more complex scenarios.

How Channel Configuration Works with the Dialplan

Channels are how Asterisk connects calls to everything outside of it, but it is the dialplan that defines what happens to calls as they pass through the system. Therefore, channels and dialplan are inextricably linked. The dialplan is the heart of an Asterisk system: it controls how call logic is applied to any connection, from any channel, such as what happens when a device dials extension 101, or an incoming call from an external provider is routed to a DID. The PJSIP channel configuration tables in the database, plus the /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf file, will play a critical role in most—if not all—calls routed through the system. Once you have your channels configured, you will find that most of your work will be in the dialplan. We will dive deeply into this in upcoming chapters.

When a call comes into Asterisk, the identity of the incoming call is matched in the channel configuration for the protocol in use (SIP connections are handled by the PJSIP channel driver). The channel driver will handle authenticating the incoming connection. The channel configuration also defines where that channel will enter the dialplan.

Once Asterisk has determined how it will handle the channel (i.e., it’s authenticated and the various parameters for the call have been established), it can pass call control to the correct context in the dialplan. It is the context parameter in the ps_endpoints table that tells the channel where the call will enter the dialplan (which contains all the information about how to handle and route the call).

In Figure 5-2, we see that the call flow through the configuration, for an internal call (set-to-set), will look something like this:

  1. User of set 0000f30A0A0101 dials 102.

  2. Asterisk matches the incoming SIP request against an endpoint (and authenticates it).

  3. The number dialed is matched to the [sets] context in the dialplan.

  4. The Dial() application is used to send a call out a PJSIP channel, to the contact associated with 0000f30B0B02.

  5. The contact address is determined (typically based on registration if it’s a set, but could be hardcoded as well if it is a trunk).

  6. A SIP INVITE message is sent to the destination.

A key point to remember is that the channel configuration files control not only how calls enter the system, but also how they leave the system. So, for example, if one set calls another set, the channel configuration file is used not only to pass the call into the dialplan, but also to direct the call out from the dialplan to the destination.

Figure 5-2. Relationship of pjsip.conf to extensions.conf


The PJSIP channel module is one of the newer modules in Asterisk. It replaced the original chan_sip module.


The old SIP module, chan_sip, has been deprecated, so we will not be documenting it in this book. If you are new to Asterisk, you should stick to PJSIP, but it may be helpful to understand that chan_sip was around for many years, and is still widely used on old systems.

The PJSIP framework, as implemented in Asterisk, is composed of many components. If you check your database, you will find that there are over a dozen tables relating to PJSIP (prefixed with ps_). Not all of them relate to set configuration, though.

The components listed in Table 5-1 will be used in your endpoint configurations.

Table 5-1. PJSIP components of Asterisk
ps_aorsThe Address Of Record (AOR) table is used to define how Asterisk can contact an endpoint. When the set attempts to register, Asterisk will consult the AOR in order to identify it.
ps_authsThe Authentication section contains the credentials that endpoints will need to provide in order to authorize communication with Asterisk.
ps_contactsTypically created automatically as part of the registration process, it is here that Asterisk will store the details of the endpoint determined during registration.
ps_endpointsThe heart of the SIP configuration, it is here that each endpoint is defined. This is also where the associations to the other PJSIP records are defined.

Adding an endpoint

During the installation, several example endpoints were created for you, in order to simplify the process of providing you with a working system. If you want to add additional endpoints, you simply need to define additional records in each of the ps_aors, ps_auths, and ps_endpoints tables.

Let’s say we want to add a couple of softphones to our system, named SOFTPHONE_A and SOFTPHONE_B.

First, into the ps_endpoints table, we’ll want to add the following:

$ mysql -D asterisk -u asterisk -p

Let’s review what we have there already (from the previous chapters):

mysql> select id,transport,aors,auth,context,disallow,allow from asterisk.ps_endpoints;
| id           | transport     | aors         | auth         | context  | disallow | allow |
| 0000f30A0A01 | transport-udp | 0000f30A0A01 | 0000f30A0A01 | starfish | all      | ulaw  |
| 0000f30B0B02 | transport-udp | 0000f30B0B02 | 0000f30B0B02 | starfish | all      | ulaw  |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

We’re going to insert a couple of extra records.

mysql> insert into asterisk.ps_endpoints 
Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.02 sec) 

The ps_endpoints table should then look something like this:

mysql> select id,transport,aors,auth,context,disallow,allow from ps_endpoints;
| id           | transport     | aors         | auth         | context | disallow | allow |
| 0000f30A0A01 | transport-udp | 0000f30A0A01 | 0000f30A0A01 | sets    | all      | ulaw  |
| 0000f30B0B02 | transport-udp | 0000f30B0B02 | 0000f30B0B02 | sets    | all      | ulaw  |
| SOFTPHONE_A  | transport-tls | SOFTPHONE_A  | SOFTPHONE_A  | sets    | all      | ulaw  |
| SOFTPHONE_B  | transport-tls | SOFTPHONE_B  | SOFTPHONE_B  | sets    | all      | ulaw  |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Then, we’ll need two related records in the ps_aors table:

mysql> insert into asterisk.ps_aors (id,max_contacts) 
values ('SOFTPHONE_A',2),('SOFTPHONE_B',2);
Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.01 sec) 

The ps_aors table should then return the following:

mysql> select id from asterisk.ps_aors;
| id           |
| 0000f30A0A01 |
| 0000f30B0B02 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Finally, the ps_auths table will need records for each new device.

insert into asterisk.ps_auths (id,auth_type,password,username) 
values ('SOFTPHONE_A','userpass','iwouldnotifiwereyou','SOFTPHONE_A'), 

Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.00 sec)

And, if all went well, you will have the following authorization records:7

mysql> select id,auth_type,password,username
    -> from asterisk.ps_auths;
| id           | auth_type | password             | username     |
| 0000f30A0A01 | userpass  | not very secure      | 0000f30A0A01 |
| 0000f30B0B02 | userpass  | hardly to be trusted | 0000f30B0B02 |
| SOFTPHONE_A  | userpass  | iwouldnotifiwereyou  | SOFTPHONE_A  |
| SOFTPHONE_B  | userpass  | areyoueventrying     | SOFTPHONE_B  |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

The new endpoints are now ready to have devices register to them. You can verify that they exist with the following Asterisk CLI command:

mysql> exit
$ sudo asterisk -rvvvvv
*CLI> pjsip show endpoints

The output should list your new endpoints:

 Endpoint:  0000f30A0A01                                         Unavailable   0 of inf
     InAuth:  0000f30A0A01/0000f30A0A01
        Aor:  0000f30A0A01                                       2
  Transport:  transport-udp             tls      0      0

 Endpoint:  0000f30B0B02                                         Not in use    0 of inf
     InAuth:  0000f30B0B02/0000f30B0B02
        Aor:  0000f30B0B02                                       2
      Contact:  0000f30B0B02/sip:[email protected] 7542ca7ce1 Unknown         nan
  Transport:  transport-udp             udp      0      0

 Endpoint:  SOFTPHONE_A                                          Unavailable   0 of inf
        Aor:  SOFTPHONE_A                                        2

 Endpoint:  SOFTPHONE_B                                          Unavailable   0 of inf
        Aor:  SOFTPHONE_B                                        2

Hang on a minute…

Do you notice that there’s no transport defined for your new endpoints? That’s because we haven’t defined anything yet for TLS; we’ve just configured for bog-standard UDP-style SIP.

Since we have those fancy keys we generated in the previous chapter, let’s implement them now and see if we can fix this.

$ sudo vim /etc/asterisk/pjsip.conf


cert_file=/home/asterisk/certs/self-signed.crt       #if you used certbot, the location
priv_key_file=/home/asterisk/certs/self-signed.key   #of those keys goes here

Now, because we’re putting some files in a folder that wasn’t part of our SELinux config, we have to fix that. What we want is to get SELinux to generate an error, so we’re going to reload the module, even though it will fail to load the transport correctly:

*CLI> module reload

Now we should have the errors we want, so we’re going to search for them in the system log.

$ sudo grep -i sealert /var/log/messages |egrep "cert|crt" 

You’ll see some messages that look similar to this (we’ve trimmed them for brevity):

SELinux is preventing ... on the file /home/asterisk/certs/self-signed.crt. 
 For complete SELinux messages run: sealert -l 1dbe51e2-7321-41d3-a5bb-f8f1b4a6f787

SELinux is preventing ... on the directory certs. 
 For complete SELinux messages run: sealert -l 879db542-e0a9-43e8-8763-62fcf068bfee

SELinux is preventing ... on the file self-signed.crt. 
 For complete SELinux messages run: sealert -l 8fb85940-ee82-44bd-adcb-e30d31ee516a

What’s useful is that SELinux is telling you exactly what you need to do to solve the problem!

For each of the three messages relating to access to the certs we just configured, run the associated command. We’ll just do one to show you what we mean, but you may need to run more than one until it loads clean.

$ sealert -l 8fb85940-ee82-44bd-adcb-e30d31ee516a

You’re going to get something like this:

SELinux is preventing asterisk from read access on the file self-signed.crt.
*****  Plugin catchall (100. confidence) suggests   **************************
You can generate a local policy module to allow this access.
allow this access for now by executing:
# ausearch -c 'asterisk' --raw | audit2allow -M my-asterisk
# semodule -i my-asterisk.pp

You’re not root, but you’ll run both the commands it specifies:

$ sudo ausearch -c 'asterisk' --raw | audit2allow -M my-asterisk

$ sudo semodule -i my-asterisk.pp

Remember how everybody is telling you to just disable SELinux? Well, you don’t have to do that anymore.

OK, restart Asterisk ($ sudo service asterisk restart) and make sure your logfile isn’t generating SELinux errors (ignore the .odbc.ini errors as they don’t relate to /etc/odbc.ini, and shouldn’t affect anything).

You should see that transport-tls is now ready to use:

*CLI> pjsip show transports
Transport:  <TransportId........>  <Type>  <cos>  <tos>  <BindAddress....................>
Transport:  transport-tls             tls      0      0
Transport:  transport-udp             udp      0      0

If you find it’s still not loading, go back and work the SELinux errors in the /var/log/messages file. Sometimes more than one has to be dealt with.

Testing to Ensure Your Devices Have Registered

Once your devices have registered to Asterisk, you will be able to query the location and state of them from the Asterisk CLI.


It is a common misconception that registration is how a device authenticates itself for the purpose of obtaining permission to make calls. This is incorrect. The only purpose of registration is to allow a device to identify its location on the network, so that Asterisk8 knows where to send calls intended for that device.

Authentication for outgoing calls is an entirely separate process and always happens on a per-call basis, regardless of whether a set has registered. This means that your set may be able to make calls, but not receive them. The most common cause of this is a firewall that has closed the incoming port (and the solution is to set a registration timer that’s low enough that it will re-register every few minutes, so that the firewall will keep the relevant SIP port open).

It is possible to have a set register successfully, and yet still not be allowed to make calls. Point being, just because it’s registered doesn’t mean it can make calls (although this will almost always be the case).

Verifying the registration of a set is the simplest way to verify that you have configured it correctly.


Remember that configuration of the set does not happen in Asterisk. You have to configure the device using whatever tools the manufacturer has provided.

To check the registration status of a device, simply call up the Asterisk CLI:

$ sudo asterisk -rvvvv

Typing the following command returns a listing of all the peers that Asterisk knows about (devices that have registered will have a corresponding Contact):

*CLI> pjsip show aors
      Aor:  <Aor..............................................>  <MaxContact>
    Contact:  <Aor/ContactUri............................> <Hash....> <Status> <RTT(ms)..>
      Aor:  0000f30A0A01                                         2

      Aor:  0000f30B0B02                                         2
    Contact:  0000f30B0B02/sip:[email protected]:5 7542ca7ce1 Unknown         nan

      Aor:  SOFTPHONE_A                                          2

      Aor:  SOFTPHONE_B                                          2

A Basic Dialplan to Test Your Devices

In the next chapter we’re going to dive into the Asterisk dialplan. Here, we’re going to lay down a very simple dialplan so that if you register devices to the various SIP endpoints already in the PJSIP configuration, you should be able to make test calls between them.

$ sudo -u asterisk vim /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf


exten => 100,1,Dial(PJSIP/0000f30A0A01)

exten => 101,1,Dial(PJSIP/0000f30B0B02)

exten => 102,1,Dial(PJSIP/SOFTPHONE_A)

exten => 103,1,Dial(PJSIP/SOFTPHONE_B)

exten => 200,1,Answer()
     same => n,Playback(hello-world)
     same => n,Hangup()

From your Asterisk console type the following command:

*CLI> dialplan reload

*CLI> dialplan show

You will see that in the context sets there are some extension numbers you can call.

This basic dialplan will allow you to dial your SIP devices using extensions 100, 101, 102, and 103. You can also listen to the hello-world prompt that was created for this book by dialing extension 200.

Register a couple of SIP phones (you can download a softphone to your PC and another one to a tablet or smartphone). You should be able to dial between your extensions. Open up the CLI in order to see the call progression. You should see something like this (and the set you are calling should ring):

    -- Executing [102@sets:1] Dial("PJSIP/SOFTPHONE_A-00000001", "PJSIP/0000f30B0B02") 
    -- Called PJSIP/0000f30B0B02
    -- PJSIP/0000f30B0B02-00000002 is ringing

If this does not happen, review your configuration and registration and ensure you have not made any typos.

If you register a second device (you have four of them now!), you can make test calls between them.

Spend a bit of time on this and make sure you understand it all. It’s all critical to everything that follows.

Under the Hood: Your First Call

In order to get you thinking about what is happening under the hood, we’re going to briefly cover some of what is actually happening with the SIP protocol when two sets on the same Asterisk system call each other.

Asterisk as a B2BUA

Bear in mind that there are actually two calls going on here: one from the originating set to Asterisk, and another from Asterisk to the destination set. SIP is a peer-to-peer protocol, and from the perspective of the protocol there are two calls happening. The SIP protocol is not aware that Asterisk is bridging the calls; each set understands its connection to Asterisk, with no real knowledge of the set on the other side. It is for this reason that Asterisk is often referred to as a B2BUA (Back to Back User Agent). This is also why it is so easy to bridge different protocols together using Asterisk.

For the call you just made, the dialogs shown in Figure 5-3 will have taken place.

For more details on how SIP messaging works, please refer to the SIP RFC.

Figure 5-3. SIP dialogs


In this chapter you learned best practices for device naming by abstracting the concepts of users, extension numbers, and devices, and how to define the device configuration and authentication parameters in the channel configuration files. Next, we’ll delve into the magic of Asterisk that is the dialplan, and see how simple things can create great results.

1 Or any other network, for that matter. ATAs could more formally be said to be analog-to-digital gateways, where the nature of the digital protocol may vary (e.g., proprietary ATAs on traditional PBXs). Point being, an ATA is not necessarily a SIP device.

2 An ATA is not the only way to connect analog phones. Hardware vendors such as Digium and Sangoma sell cards that go in the Asterisk server and provide analog telephony ports. Larger installations can also use channel banks or MSANs; however, this method of connecting legacy telecom circuits is a more advanced subject, and not the focus of this book.

3 For a really awesome cordless analog phone, you want to check out the EnGenius DuraFon devices, which are expensive, but impressive.

4 Our friend Brian Capouch has mashed together many entertaining demonstrations of how antique telephone hardware can be made to work with Asterisk.

5 Put simply, you would need to find the pjsip.conf.sample file, and use it as a template to create a pjsip.conf file in your /etc/asterisk folder, and then edit that file in a manner similar to how we’re going to do things in the database.

6 Or in the .conf file, if you choose to go that route.

7 Except, of course, that your passwords will be far better than the ones we’ve used here.

8 Or any other SIP registrar server, for that matter.

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