Chapter 2. Asterisk Architecture

First things first, but not necessarily in that order.

Doctor Who

Asterisk is very different from other, more traditional, PBXs in that the dialplan in Asterisk treats all incoming channels in essentially the same manner, rather than separating them into stations, trunks, peripheral modules, and so forth.

In a traditional PBX, there is a logical difference between stations (telephone sets) and trunks (resources that connect to the outside world). This limitation makes creative routing in traditional PBXs very difficult or impossible.

Asterisk, on the other hand, does not have an internal concept of trunks or stations. In Asterisk, everything that comes into or goes out of the system passes through a channel of some sort. There are many different kinds of channels; however, the Asterisk dialplan handles all channels in a similar manner, which means that, for example, an internal user can exist on the end of an external trunk (e.g., a cell phone) and be treated by the dialplan in exactly the same manner as that user would be if they were on an internal extension. Unless you have worked with a traditional PBX,1 it may not be immediately obvious how powerful and liberating this is. Figure 2-1 illustrates the differences between the two architectures.

Figure 2-1. Asterisk versus PBX architecture


Asterisk is built on modules. A module is a loadable component that provides a specific functionality, such as a channel driver (for example,, or a resource that allows connection to an external technology (such as Asterisk modules are loaded based on the parameters defined in the /etc/asterisk/modules.conf file. We will discuss the use of many modules in this book, but at this point we just want to introduce the concept of modules, and give you a feel for the types of modules that are available.

It is actually possible to start Asterisk without any modules at all, although in this state it will not be capable of doing anything. It is useful to understand the modular nature of Asterisk in order to appreciate the architecture.


You can start Asterisk with no modules loaded by default and load each desired module manually from the console, but this is not something that you’d want to put into production; it would only be useful if you were performance-tuning a system where you wanted to eliminate everything not required by your specific application of Asterisk.

The types of modules in Asterisk include the following:

  • Applications—The workhorses of the dialplan, such as Dial(), Voicemail(), Playback(), Queue(), and so forth

  • Bridging modules—Mechanisms that connect channels (calls) to each other

  • Call detail recording (CDR) modules

  • Channel event logging (CEL) modules

  • Channel drivers—Various connections into and out of the system; SIP (Session Initiation Protocol)messaging uses the PJSIP channel drivers

  • Codec translators—Convert various codecs such as G729, G711, G722, Speex, and so forth

  • Format interpreters—As above, but relating to files stored in the filesystem

  • Dialplan functions—Enhance the capabilities of the dialplan

  • PBX modules

  • Resource modules

  • Add-on modules

  • Test modules

In the following sections we have curated a list of modules we feel are important enough to be discussed in this book. You’ll find many other modules in the Asterisk download, but many older modules are either deprecated or have little or no support, and are therefore not recommended for production unless you have access to developers who can maintain them for you.

There is an official list of support status types included within menuselect.2


Dialplan applications are used in extensions.conf to define the various actions that can be applied to a call. The Dial() application, for example, is responsible for making outgoing connections to external resources and is arguably the most important dialplan application. The available applications are listed in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1. Popular dialplan applications
app_authenticateCompares dual-tone multifrequency (DTMF) input against a provided string (password)
app_cdrWrites ad hoc record to CDR
app_chanspyAllows a channel to listen to audio on another channel
app_confbridgeProvides conferencing
app_dialUsed to connect channels together (i.e., make phone calls)
app_directed_pickupAnswers a call that’s ringing at another extension
app_directoryPresents the list of names from voicemail.conf
app_dumpchanDumps channel variables to Asterisk command-line interface (CLI)
app_echoEchos received audio back to source channel (can be helpful in demonstrating latency)
app_execContains Exec(), TryExec(), and ExecIf(): executes a dialplan application conditionally
app_mixmonitorRecords both sides of a call (transmit and receive) and mixes them together into a single file
app_originateAllows dialplan logic to originate a call (as opposed to a call coming in on a channel)
app_pageCreates multiple audio connections to specified devices for public address (paging)
app_parkandannounceEnables automated announcing of parked calls
app_playbackPlays a file to the channel (does not accept input)
app_playtonesPlays pairs of tones of specified frequencies (DTMF mostly)
app_queueProvides Automatic Call Distribution (ACD)
app_readRequests input of digits from callers and assigns input to a variable
app_readextenRequests input of digits from callers and passes call to a designated extension and context
app_recordRecords received audio to a file
app_senddtmfTransmits DTMF to calling party
app_stackProvides GoSub(), GoSubIf(), Return(), StackPop(), LOCAL(), and LOCAL_PEEK()
app_stasisPasses call control to an ARI application—many Asterisk developers use this one application, and from there handle all the rest of their development outside of the Asterisk dialplan
app_systemExecutes commands in a Linux shell
app_transferPerforms a transfer on the current channel
app_voicemailProvides voicemail
app_whileIncludes While(), EndWhile(), ExitWhile(), and ContinueWhile(); provides while loop functionality in the dialplan

Bridging Modules

Bridging modules perform the actual bridging of channels. These modules, listed in Table 2-2, are currently only used for (and are essential to) app_confbridge.

Table 2-2. Bridging modules
bridge_builtin_featuresPerforms bridging when utilizing built-in user features (such as those found in features.conf).
bridge_multiplexedPerforms complex multiplexing, as would be required in a large conference room (multiple participants). Currently only used by app_confbridge.
bridge_simplePerforms simple channel-to-channel bridging.
bridge_softmixPerforms simple multiplexing, as would be required in a large conference room (multiple participants). Currently only used by app_confbridge.

Call Detail Recording Modules

The CDR modules, listed in Table 2-3, are designed to facilitate as many methods of storing call detail records as possible. You can store CDRs to a file (the default), a database, Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS), or syslog.


Call detail records are not intended to be used in complex billing applications. If you require more control over billing and call reporting, you will want to look at channel event logging, discussed next. The advantage of CDR is that it just works.

Table 2-3. Common call detail recording modules
cdr_adaptive_odbcAllows writing of CDRs through ODBC framework with ability to add custom fields
cdr_csvWrites CDRs to disk as a comma-separated values (CSV) file
cdr_customWrites CDRs to a CSV file, but allows addition of custom fields
cdr_odbcWrites CDRs through ODBC framework
cdr_syslogWrites CDRs to syslog

Channel Event Logging Modules

Channel event logging (CEL) provides much more powerful control over reporting of call activity. By the same token, it requires more careful planning of your dialplan, and by no means will it work automatically. Asterisk’s CEL modules are listed in Table 2-4.

Table 2-4. Channel event logging modules
cel_customCEL to disk/file
cel_managerCEL to AMI
cel_odbcCEL to ODBC

Channel Drivers

Without channel drivers, Asterisk would have no way to make or receive calls. Each channel driver is specific to the protocol or channel type it supports (SIP, ISDN, etc.). The channel module acts as a gateway to the Asterisk core. Some of Asterisk’s more popular channel drivers are listed in Table 2-5.

Table 2-5. Popular channel drivers
chan_bridgeUsed internally by the ConfBridge() application; should not be used directly
chan_dahdiProvides connection to PSTN cards that use DAHDI channel drivers
chan_localProvides a mechanism to treat a portion of the dialplan as a channel
chan_motifImplements the Jingle protocol, including the ability to connect to Google Talk and Google Voice; introduced in Asterisk 11
chan_multicast_rtpProvides connection to multicast Realtime Transport Protocol (RTP) streams
chan_pjsipSession Initiation Protocol (SIP) channel driver

Codec Translators

The codec3 translators (often called transcoders) allow Asterisk to convert audio stream formats between calls. So if a call comes in on a PRI circuit (using G.711) and needs to be passed out a compressed SIP channel (e.g., using G.729, one of many codecs that SIP can handle), the relevant codec translator would perform the conversion.


If a codec (such as G.729) uses a complex encoding algorithm, heavy use of transcoding can place a massive burden on the CPU. Specialized hardware for the decoding/encoding of G.729 is available from hardware manufacturers such as Sangoma and Digium (and likely others).

Asterisk does a fairly good job of supporting codecs, but is mostly focused on the codecs typically used by telephone applications (as opposed to codes used for, say, music or video such as MP3 or MP4). These are listed in Table 2-6.

Table 2-6. Common codec translators
codec_alawA-law PCM codec used all over the world on the PSTN (except Canada/USA). This codec (along with ulaw) should be enabled on all your channels.
codec_g729Was until recently a patented codec, but is now royalty-free. As of this writing it is still sold by Digium as an add-on, but it can also be found as a free package. It’s a very popular codec if compression is desired (and CPU use is not an issue), but it imposes load on the CPU, adds latency to calls, reduces quality slightly, and will not reduce overhead in any way.
codec_a_muA-law to mu-law direct converter.
codec_g722Wideband audio codec.
codec_gsmGlobal System for Mobile Communications (GSM) codec. Very poor sound quality.
codec_ilbcInternet Low Bitrate Codec.
codec_lpc10Linear Predictive Coding vocoder (extremely low bandwidth).
codec_opusIntended to replace speex (and vorbis).
codec_resampleResamples between 8-bit and 16-bit signed linear.
codec_speexSpeex codec.
codec_ulawMu-law PCM codec used on PSTN in Canada/USA. It’s more formally written as μ-law, but not many people have a Greek letter μ on their keyboard, so it’s popularly written as ulaw.a This is often the default codec, and should be enabled on all your channels.

a Spoken, you should say “mew-law,” but again, you’ll hear this pronounced “you-law” very often.


Digium distributes some additional useful codec modules: codec_g729, codec_silk, codec_siren7, and codec_siren14. These codec modules are not open source for various reasons. You must purchase a license to use codec_g729, but the others are free. You can find them on the Digium site.

Format Interpreters

Format interpreters (Table 2-7) perform a similar function as codec translators, but they do their work on files rather than channels, and handle more than just audio. If you have a recording on a menu that has been stored as GSM, you would need to use a format interpreter to play that recording to any channels not using the GSM codec.4

If you store a recording in several formats simultaneously (such as WAV, GSM, etc.), Asterisk will determine the least costly format5 to use when a channel needs to play that recording.

Table 2-7. Format interpreters
NamePlays files stored in
format_g729G.729: .g729
format_gsmRPE-LTP (original GSM codec): .gsm
format_h264H.264 video: .h264
format_ilbcInternet Low Bitrate Codec: .ilbc
format_jpegGraphic file: .jpeg, .jpg
format _ogg_ vorbisOgg container: .ogg
format_pcmVarious Pulse-Coded Modulation formats: .alaw, .al, .alw, .pcm, .ulaw, .ul, .mu, .ulw, .g722, .au
format_siren14G.722.1 Annex C (14 kHz): .siren14
format_siren7G.722.1 (7 kHz): .siren7
format_sln8-bit signed linear: .sln, .raw
format_wav_gsmGSM audio in a WAV container: .wav, .wav49

Dialplan Functions

Dialplan functions, listed in Table 2-8, complement the dialplan applications (see “Applications”). They provide many useful enhancements to things like string handling, time and date wrangling, and ODBC connectivity.

Table 2-8. A curated list of useful dialplan functions
func_audiohook​in⁠heritAllows calls to be recorded after transfer
func_blacklistWrites/reads blacklist in astdb
func_callcompletionGets/sets call-completion configuration parameters for the channel
func_calleridGets/sets caller ID
func_cdrGets/sets CDR variable
func_channelGets/sets channel information
func_configIncludes AST_CONFIG(); reads variables from config file
func_curlUses cURL to obtain data from a URI
func_cutSlices and dices strings
func_dbProvides astdb functions
func_devstateGets state of device
func_dialgroupCreates a group for simultaneous dialing
func_dialplanValidates that designated target exists in dialplan
func_envIncludes FILE(), STAT(), and ENV(); performs operating system actions
func_globalGets/sets global variables
func_groupcountGets/sets channel count for members of a group
func_hangupcauseGets/sets hangupcause information from the channel
func_logicIncludes ISNULL(), SET(), EXISTS(), IF(), IFTIME(), and IMPORT(); performs various logical functions
func_mathIncludes MATH(), INC(), and DEC(); performs mathematical functions
func_odbcAllows dialplan integration with ODBC resources
func_randReturns a random number within a given range
func_realtimePerforms lookups within the Asterisk Realtime Architecture (ARA)
func_redirectingProvides access to information about where this call was redirected from
func_shellPerforms Linux shell operations and returns results
func_sprintfPerforms string format functions similar to C function of same name
func_srvPerforms SRV lookups in the dialplan
func_stringsIncludes over a dozen string manipulation functions
func_timeoutGets/sets timeouts on channel
func_uriConverts strings to URI-safe encoding
func_vmcountReturns count of messages in a voicemail folder for a particular user

PBX Modules

The PBX modules are peripheral modules that provide enhanced control and configuration mechanisms. For example, pbx_config is the module that loads the traditional Asterisk dialplan. The currently available PBX modules are listed in Table 2-9.

Table 2-9. PBX modules
pbx_configThis module provides the traditional, and most popular, dialplan language for Asterisk. Without this module, Asterisk cannot read extensions.conf.
pbx_dundiPerforms data lookups on remote Asterisk systems.
pbx_realtimeProvides functionality related to the Asterisk Realtime Architecture.
pbx_spoolProvides outgoing spool support relating to Asterisk call files.

Resource Modules

Resource modules integrate Asterisk with external resources. This group of modules has effectively turned into a catch-all for things that do not fit in other categories. We will break them into some subgroups of modules that are related.

Configuration backends

Asterisk is configured using text files in /etc/asterisk by default. These modules, listed in Table 2-10, offer alternative configuration methods. See Chapter 15 for detailed documentation on setting up database-backed configuration.

Table 2-10. Configuration backend modules
res_config_curlPulls configuration information using cURL
res_config_ldapPulls configuration information using LDAP
res_config_odbcPulls configuration information using ODBC

Calendar integration

Asterisk includes some integration with calendar systems. You can read and write calendar information from the dialplan. You can also have calls originated based on calendar entries. The core calendar integration is provided by the res_calendar module. The rest of the modules provide the ability to connect to specific types of calendar servers. Table 2-11 lists the calendar integration modules.

Table 2-11. Calendar integration modules
res_calendarEnables base integration to calendaring systems
res_calendar_caldavAllows features provided by res_calendar to connect to calendars via CalDAV
res_calendar_exchangeAllows features provided by res_calendar to connect to MS Exchange
res_calendar_icalendarAllows features provided by res_calendar to connect to Apple/Google iCalendar

Other resource modules

Table 2-12 includes the rest of the resource modules that did not fit into one of the subgroups we defined earlier in this section.

Table 2-12. Resource modules
res_adsiProvides ADSIa
res_agiProvides the Asterisk Gateway Interface (see Chapter 18)
res_corosyncProvides distributed message waiting indication (MWI) and device state notifications via the Corosync Cluster Engine
res_cryptoProvides cryptographic capabilities
res_curlProvides common subroutines for other cURL modules
res_faxProvides common subroutines for other fax modules
res_fax_spandspPlug-in for fax using the spandsp package
res_http_postProvides POST upload support for the Asterisk HTTP server
res_http_websocketProvides WebSocket support for the Asterisk internal HTTP server (required by WebRTC)
res_monitorProvides call-recording resources
res_musiconholdProvides music on hold (MOH) resources
res_mutestreamAllows muting/unmuting of audio streams
res_odbcProvides common subroutines for other ODBC modules
res_phoneprovProvisions phones from Asterisk HTTP server
res_pktccopsProvides PacketCable COPS resources
res_security_logEnables logging of security events generated by other parts of Asterisk
res_snmpProvides system status information to an SNMP-managed network
res_speechGeneric speech recognition APIb
res_stasisTies together the various components of the Stasis application infrastructure
res_xmppProvides XMPP resources (FKA Jabber)

a While most of the ADSI functionality in Asterisk is never used, the voicemail application uses this resource.

b Requires a separately licensed product in order to be used.

Add-on Modules

Add-on modules are community-developed modules with different usage or distribution rights from those of the main code (Table 2-13). They are kept in a separate directory and are not compiled and installed by default. To enable these modules, use the menuselect build configuration utility.

Table 2-13. Add-on modules
chan_ooh323Enables making and receiving VoIP calls using the H.323 protocolUsable
format_mp3Allows Asterisk to play MP3 filesUsable
res_config_mysqlUses a MySQL database as a real-time configuration backendUseful

Test Modules

Test modules are used by the Asterisk development team to validate new code. They are constantly changing and being added to, and are not useful unless you are developing Asterisk software.

If you are an Asterisk developer, however, the Asterisk Test Suite may be of interest to you, as you can build automated tests for Asterisk and submit those back to the project, which runs on several different operating systems and types of machines. By expanding the number of tests constantly, the Asterisk project avoids the creation of regressions in code. By submitting your own tests to the project, you can feel more confident in future upgrades.

More information about building tests is available in the “Asterisk Test Suite” document, or you can join the #asterisk-testing channel on the Freenode IRC network.

File Structure

Asterisk is a complex system, composed of many resources. These resources make use of the filesystem in several ways. Since Linux is so flexible in this regard, it is helpful to understand what data is being stored, so that you can understand where you are likely to find a particular bit of stored data (such as voicemail messages or logfiles).

Configuration Files

The Asterisk configuration files include extensions.conf, pjsip.conf, modules.conf, and dozens of other files that define parameters for the various channels, resources, modules, and functions that may be in use.

These files will normally be found in /etc/asterisk. You will be working in this folder a lot as you configure and administer your Asterisk system.


Asterisk modules are usually installed to the /usr/lib/asterisk/modules folder. You will not normally have to interact with this folder; however, it will be occasionally useful to know where the modules are located. For example, if you upgrade Asterisk and select different modules during the menuselect phase of the install, the old (incompatible) modules from the previous Asterisk version will not be deleted, and you will get a warning from the install script. Those old files will need to be deleted from the modules folder. This can be done either manually or with the “uninstall” make (make uninstall) target.

The Resource Library

There are several resources that require external data sources. For example, music on hold (MOH) can’t happen unless you have some music to play. System prompts also need to be stored somewhere on the hard drive. The /var/lib/asterisk folder is where system prompts, AGI scripts, music on hold, and other resource files are stored.

The Spool

The spool is where applications store files on a Linux system that are going to change frequently, or that will be processed by other processes at a later time. For example, Linux print jobs and pending emails are normally written to the spool until they are processed.

In Asterisk, the spool is used to store transient items such as voice messages, call recordings,6 call files, and so forth.

The Asterisk spool will be found under the /var/spool/asterisk directory.


Asterisk is capable of generating several different kinds of logfiles. The /var/log/asterisk folder is where call detail records (CDRs), channel events from CEL, debug logs, queue logs, messages, errors, and other output are written.

This folder will be extremely important for any troubleshooting efforts you undertake. We will talk more about how to make use of Asterisk logs in Chapter 21.

The Dialplan

The dialplan is the heart of Asterisk. All channels that arrive in the system will be passed through the dialplan, which contains the call-flow scripts that determine how incoming calls are handled.

Dialplan is typically written using Asterisk’s own dialplan syntax, which is stored in a file named /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf. There are other ways to control call flow, and we will explore them later, but no matter which method you eventually employ, you will find that a basic understanding of the traditional dialplan will be immensely helpful. That is what we will focus on for most of the first two-thirds of this book.

Later, we will explore handling call flow outside of the dialplan, using technologies such as AMI, AGI, and ARI.


Asterisk is capable of communicating with a vast number of different technologies. In general, these connections are made across a TCP/IP network connection (usually using SIP). However, connections to more traditional telecom circuits, such as PRI (T1, E1, etc.), BRI (EuroISDN) SS7 (mostly T1 and E1), and analog (everything from a few FXO and FXS ports up to large channel banks fed through T1/E1 CAS/RBS connections), can also be achieved using physical cards installed in a server.

Many companies produce this hardware, such as Digium (the sponsor, owner, and primary developer of Asterisk), Sangoma (who recently purchased Digium), Dialogic (also a Sangoma company), OpenVox, Pika, Voicetronix, beroNet, and many others. All of these companies have been involved with Asterisk for many years.

The most popular hardware for Asterisk is generally designed to work through the Digium Asterisk Hardware Device Interface (known as DAHDI). This is a complex architecture, and is out of the scope of this book. Server-based telephony cards will all have installation requirements unique to the manufacturer, and will require you to have strong skills in both Linux hardware installation as well as traditional PSTN circuit troubleshooting and provisioning.

If you need to interface with traditional PSTN circuits using Asterisk, we recommend that you keep Asterisk as a SIP-only platform, and interface using a third-party gateway of some sort. Be warned: this is not entry-level stuff, and if you are just starting out with Asterisk, you are strongly advised to keep your initial solutions to SIP-only.

Asterisk Versioning

The Asterisk release methodology has gone through several styles over time. This has led to some confusion in the past, but these days the versioning is fairly straightforward, and relatively easy to understand. Digium has maintained an excellent reference at the Asterisk wiki, and we encourage you to go there for the latest details on Asterisk versions.

This book was written and tested using version 16, but you will find that the fundamental concepts we explore will be relevant to most Asterisk versions. The conceptual structure of Asterisk has not changed for quite some time, and as of this writing there are no known plans to change that going forward. Future versions will deliver more powerful multimedia and conferencing capabilities, to be sure, but they are likely to be implemented within the existing structure.


Asterisk is composed of many different technologies, most of which are complicated in their own right. As a result, understanding Asterisk architecture can be overwhelming. Still, the reality is that Asterisk is well designed for what it does and, in our opinion, has achieved a remarkable balance between flexibility and complexity.

1 A good indicator that you’ve worked with traditional PBXs is the presence of a large callus on your forehead, obtained from smashing your head against a brick wall too many times to count.

2 This is a command that is available as part of the installation process. We will discuss the use of menuselect in the installation chapter.

3 The term codec is short for “coder decoder.”

4 It is partly for this reason that we do not recommend the default GSM format for system recordings. WAV recordings will sound better and use fewer CPU cycles.

5 Some codecs will impose a significant load on the CPU, so much so that a system that might support several hundred channels without transcoding will only handle a few dozen when transcoding is in use.

6 Not call detail records (CDRs), but rather audio recordings of calls generated by the MixMonitor() and related applications.

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