
Develop Your Personal Success Story

THE BEST TOOL YOU HAVE to promote your business is you. Everyone prefers real-life experiences to lectures, and when you share your story, people will listen. These true stories are testimony to the power of personal experience.

David's Story

When a driver ran a red light and smashed into his car, David's hands were so badly burned, his career as a graphic designer was destroyed in an instant.

Although doctors advised skin grafts to repair the damage, a friend recommended David first try a new range of healing skin products. Facing months of expensive, painful surgery, David decided he had nothing to lose.

Several times a day he massaged the balm into his hands. To document his progress and to keep his spirits up, his wife took photos. As the wounds healed and new skin grew beneath the scars, it became obvious surgery was unnecessary.

The photos created an outstanding testimonial for the products. David was so impressed that he started selling the products himself and soon developed a thriving business. To introduce new people to his opportunity, he shows the photos and lets the evidence speak for itself.

Angela's Story

An avid beach volleyball player, Angela practically lived in the sun in her teens and twenties. By age forty, she was paying for it. Depressing brown blotches were appearing on her face, chest, and arms.

At first Angela tried covering the spots with makeup, but that made her skin look dull and masklike.

Angela's dermatologist recommended a skin-care program to fade the blotches and protect her skin from further sun damage. Within weeks, the blotches had disappeared and Angela's skin looked fresh and glowing again.

Angela is now a leading distributor for the products.

Catherine's Story

When Catherine heard about her high-school reunion, her excitement quickly turned to dread. When she last saw her classmates she was a size six and captain of the cheerleading team. Now she weighed 180 pounds.

After a sleepless night, Catherine decided if there was ever a time to do something about her weight, this was it. She called a friend who had recently become a weight-loss consultant and signed up on the spot. Every day, she replaced two meals with a nutritionally balanced shake and most days she walked for at least thirty minutes. As hard as it was to stay focused, she lost ten pounds in less than a month.

When friends saw how great she was looking, everyone wanted to know her secret. Catherine quickly spotted the potential in sharing her experience and decided to start selling the program herself. Not only could she buy her own products cheaper, she made enough money to buy a whole new wardrobe.

Catherine attended her high-school reunion weighing thirty pounds lighter and wearing clothes she never dreamed she could afford. Several former classmates commented on how great she looked.

To promote her business, Catherine carries three photos with her—the ‘‘fat’’ photo she took the day she started the program, her class reunion photo, and a photo taken in Hawaii on a trip she earned for her sales, wearing a bright red size-six swimsuit.


Real-life experiences always are more persuasive than facts, figures, and statistics. The more vivid the picture you paint, the more powerful your story.

If your story is not dramatic, you can create a powerful testimonial with thought and preparation. Start developing your story by answering the following questions:

  • Why did you start using the products?
  • What changed when you started using the products?
  • What were you doing before you started your business?
  • What prompted you to start your business?
  • What doubts did you have?
  • How were they resolved?
  • What challenges did you have?
  • How did you overcome them?
  • How has your life changed since you started your business?
  • What experiences have you had as a direct result of your business?
  • How has your business affected your family?

If it seems too soon to build your story, perhaps the following questions will help:

  • What difference do you hope your products will make in your life?
  • What do you hope your business will change in your life?
  • Who will benefit from your business besides yourself?
  • How will they benefit?
  • What has been the highlight of your business so far?
  • What is the next goal you are working toward?
  • What is your ultimate goal?

If you are setting out on a skin-care, weight-loss, or nutritional program, take photos to document the change. Capture special events on camera to support the story of your business.

We all have a story to tell and we all love listening to stories. Use your experiences and your imagination to create a story that brings your products and your business to life. Your sincerity and enthusiasm will shine through your words.

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