  • allostatic stress 58–59
  • Amanda and work-life imbalance 189
  • amygdala hijack 56–58
  • anxiety
    • — definition 101–102
    • — managing 108–111
  • anxiety-busting practices 112–113
  • anxious thoughts, two questions for 110
  • attentional blink 99
  • balance
    • — achieving under stress 51–58
    • — definition 185–188
    • — knowing when out of 188–190
  • behavioural feelings 28
  • being present 12–13
  • Benin, catching malaria in 140–143
  • body scan practice 82–83, 86–89
  • boundaries, creating clear 191
  • box breathing
    • — practice of 67
    • — technique 62–63
  • Bracks, Nick, on anxiety 111
  • breath, power of 61–65
  • breathing, practising 113
  • breathwork, power of 5–7
  • burnout
    • — beating 32–33
    • — no exemptions from 30–31
    • — real-life examples 28–29
    • — stages of 29–30
    • — in stress cycle 58–59
    • — tips for prevention 190–192
  • burnout syndrome 26–27
  • burnout vs stress 60
  • burnout-busting practice 41–43
  • busy, being too 31–32
  • cancer, coping with 104–105
  • Catalano, Nicola and gratitude 163
  • changing your world 151
  • Chapman, Scott on fear in the workplace 124–125
  • Chris and dealing with cancer 104–105
  • chronic stress 58–59
  • cognitive regulation 73–74
  • ‘coming to your senses’
    • — exercise 77–78
    • — practice 85
  • context switching 98
  • cycling
    • — in rural South Australia 2–7
    • — in Southwest United States 21–22
  • deep breathing
    • — and sleep 63–64
    • — when to use 64–65
  • deep diaphragm breathing
    • — practice of 66–67
    • — technique 61–65
  • doing nothing, being comfortable with 78–79, 86
  • dopamine 169, 170–171, 172
  • DOSE, daily 169–172, 178–179
  • downtime and/or meditation domain 197–198
  • dreams, persevering with 146–148
  • ELMO Employee Sentiment Index (2022) 26
  • emotional feelings 28
  • emotional intelligence 9–10
  • emotional regulation 73
  • endorphins 170, 171, 172
  • everyday stress 58–59
  • exercise for self-care 35
  • extrinsic motivators 151–153
  • family relationships domain 196
  • fear
    • — demystifying and understanding 121–123
    • — in the workplace 123–125
  • fear and trust
    • — developing a relationship with 126–128
    • — in Nepal 115–120
  • fear vs trust 128–129
  • fearful thoughts, two questions for 110
  • fears, flipping to trust 129–131
  • feelings, types of 28
  • fight, flight and freeze responses 45–49
  • fight-or-flight response, modern-day 50–54
  • financial wellbeing domain 196
  • ‘five whys’ for finding purpose 153–154, 157
  • fixed mindset phrases 201
  • flip your fears exercise 134
  • formal mindfulness practice 13
  • future as a ‘mental phantom’ 103
  • generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) 101–102
  • gorillas, experience with 45–49
  • gratitude
    • — benefits of 164–165
    • — definition 162–164
  • gratitude journalling 172–173, 178
  • Grossman, Dave and box breathing 62–63
  • growth mindset
    • — adopting 198–201
    • — phrases 201
  • happiness, experiencing 167–169
  • happiness chemicals, daily DOSE of 169–172
  • health and fitness domain 194–195
  • hobbies and interests domain 198
  • imbalance 188–190
  • imposter syndrome 131–133
  • inner strength, search for 5–6
  • intrinsic motivators 151–153
  • Kathmandu, Nepal, royal massacre and fear in 115–120
  • kindness, random acts of 173–175
  • Koh Tao, Thailand, balance in 181–185
  • Ladakh, Indian Himalaya, kindness in 175–177
  • limiting beliefs 131–133, 134–135
  • Mark and chronic stress 59
  • Masai Mara, Kenya, gratitude in 160–162
  • meditation
    • — for self-care 37–38
    • — while in danger 5–6
  • Melbourne, Australia, mindfulness program in 23–25
  • mental phantom, future as a 103
  • mental pillars of self-care 34
  • mental stimulation outside work for self-care 37
  • Michael and self-regulation 81
  • mindful meditation for self-care 37–38
  • mindful response 81
  • Mindfulness 101 11–13
  • mindfulness
    • — creating space with 79–82, 85
    • — getting started 15–17
    • — practice 19
    • — practices 13–15
    • — program in Melbourne, Australia 23–25
  • monastic life 184–185
  • motivators, intrinsic vs extrinsic 151–153
  • mountain climbing and perseverance 143–144
  • mountain gorillas, experience with 45–49
  • multitasking, myth of 97–101
  • negative thoughts, two questions for 110
  • 90-second breath breaks 82, 85
  • 90-second breathing technique 16–17, 18
  • non-formal mindfulness practice 13–14
  • noticing yourself 1–2
  • nutrition for self-care 35–36
  • overwhelm
    • — author's experience of 95–97
    • — managing 106–108
    • — in the modern world 94–95
  • overwhelm-busting practices 112–113
  • oxytocin 169–170, 171, 172
  • parasympathetic nervous system 54–56
  • personal development domain 197
  • Pete and burnout in Melbourne 23–25
  • physical feelings 28
  • physical pillars of self-care 33
  • positive mindset, adopting 198–201
  • present, being 12–13
  • primal fear 120–121
  • progress 145–146
  • purpose
    • — aligning with 148–150
    • — ‘five whys’ for finding 153–154
  • Pygmy village, Cameroon, perseverance in 137–139
  • reactive response 80
  • Rebecca and life changes 39–40
  • relaxation response 54–56
  • renewal breaks for self-care 36–37
  • resilience, about 60–61
  • reticular activating system (RAS) 165–167
  • Ricard, Matthieu, and happiness 167–168
  • rock, paper, scissors game 71–72
  • Rowland, John
    • — on multi-tasking 100–101
    • — on purpose 150
  • rural South Australia, cycling in 2–7
  • Sandra and chronic stress 59
  • self-awareness
    • — first step in 8–10
    • — importance of 10–11
  • self-care, essentials of 33–39
  • self-regulation
    • — developing 76–84
    • — importance of 74–76
    • — positive benefits of 83–84
    • — types of 72–74
    • — in Uganda 69–72
  • sensory regulation 72–73
  • Seppälä, Emma, TED talk on breathing 62
  • serotonin 170, 171, 172
  • skydiving in South Australia 91–93
  • sleep
    • — and deep breathing 63–64
    • — for self-care 36, 192
  • slowing down 182–183
  • social connections domain 196–197
  • South Australia
    • — cycling in rural 2–7
    • — skydiving in 91–93
  • Southwest United States, cycling in 21–22
  • space, creating with mindfulness 79–82, 85
  • storm, cycling in 3–7
  • stress
    • — achieving balance under 51–58
    • — evolution of 58–59
  • stress cycle, phases of 58–59
  • stress response 50–54
  • stress vs burnout 60
  • stress-reduction course, creating 95–97
  • sway bridges, crossing 127
  • sympathetic nervous system 54–56
  • Tess and sailing accident 146–148
  • thoughts, managing 109–111, 112–113
  • time, guarding your 192
  • Tolle, Eckhart and ’mental phantom’ 103
  • too busy, being 31–32
  • trust, flipping fear to 129–131
  • trust and fear
    • — developing a relationship with 126–128
    • — in Nepal 115–120
  • trust vs fear 128–129
  • ‘two questions’ formula 110
  • Uganda, self-regulation in 69–72
  • uncomfortable, seeking the 125–126
  • unitasking 98
  • values
    • — defining your top three 157–158
    • — knowing your 154–156
  • Virunga National Parc, Rwanda, gorillas in 45–49
  • ‘what if’ thoughts 102–105
  • wheel of life
    • — balancing 193–194
    • — domains 194–198
    • — practice 202–203
  • work and career domain 195
  • work-life balance 186–188
  • ‘you’, coming back to 190–191
  • ‘you’ time
    • — practice 204–205
    • — scheduling 191–192
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