
Peter Bakhirev

Writing this book is part of a journey that started long time ago. Many better, kinder and smarter people than myself stood along the way and made this journey possible. Papa, thanks for putting that first computer together, for that tape with Basic on it, and for the wisdom (and all of the games, too). Mike, thanks for giving me a chance at that interview, for teaching me everything that I know about programming today, and for always being there ("We should do this again some time"). Lenny, thanks for believing that we could go from A to B (otherwise, I'd be going from 9 to 5 instead of writing this). Mama and Olya, thanks for the encouragement and asking about how the book is going almost every day. Lena, thanks for being and for believing, ILU and IWTHKWU. Thanks to Keith Shepherd for the introduction to Clay and Apress. Thanks to Clay Andres, Kelly Moritz, Douglas Pundick, Marilyn Smith and all of the wonderful people at Apress for pushing and pulling and making this happen.

PJ Cabrera

My gratitude goes out to Peter Bakhirev, Jeff Pepper, and Marilyn Smith for their help improving my chapters. Many thanks to Kelly Moritz and Dominic Shakeshaft for their patience. Kudos to Clay Andres and Douglas Pundick for their support. And last but not least, to my friends in the good ol' SNAP team, Kevin, Lenny, Ernesto, Cesar, Alejandro, Javier, Xavier, Edwin, thanks for keeping computing fun amidst a sea of chaos.

Ben Britten Smith

Ben would like to thank Neil from Tin Man Games for the use of his art assets.

Eric Wing

I want to acknowledge and give my everlasting thanks to a wonderful group of volunteers who reviewed my chapters.

First, my thanks to Daniel Peacock and Ryan Gordon for bringing to bear the full force of their technical expertise of OpenAL and audio in general to catch any mistakes and omissions. Also my thanks to Ian Minett for providing details about the Xbox implementations of OpenAL and Garin Hiebert for tracking down some obscure information concerning OpenAL for me.

Next, I wish to thank Josh Quick, Victor Gerth, Carlos McEvilly, and Wang Lam who reviewed my chapters from the perspective of the general audience for this book, thus enabling me to improve things before the book went to press.

Finally, there are several people who wish or need to stay anonymous. I wish to thank them nonetheless because their contributions were also significant.

And of course, my thanks to my co-authors and to the people at Apress for all their support.

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