
address, 19, 23, 24, 30, 35, 82, 94, 134, 167

Agile, 156

alternate key, 155

application tier, 29


claims, 34–37

contract, 32–34

currency, 31–32

architecture, 142

artificial intelligence, 139

Assembly, 2

asymmetric-key cryptography, 23

attestation, 36


BI. See business intelligence

Bill of Lading, 88, 145

BiTA. See Blockchain in Transport Alliance

Bitcoin, 19, 20, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 40, 48, 90, 105, 123, 146, 162, 175

bitcoin currency, 29, 138


explanation, 16–19

how it works, 19–30

variations, 30–40

blockchain architecture, 19–30

Blockchain in Transport Alliance, 88, 146, 202

blockchainopoly, 11, 212

Brewer’s Theorem, 161

Brooklyn Microgrid, 101

business intelligence, 192–97

business process, 50

Byzantine Generals’ Problem, 25

candidate key, 154, 155

CAP Theorem, 161

catch to plate, 87

central power authority, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 38, 136, 212

CEO. See chief executive officer

Charity Navigator, 112

Charity Watch, 112

chief executive officer, 168

chief information security officer, 168

CIO. See chief information officer

CISO. See chief information security officer

claims adjuster, 69

claims applications, 34–37

classification scheme, 182

Commodore 64, 14

consortium blockchain, 38

content management, 181

content management system, 78

contract applications, 32–34

controlled vocabulary, 181, 182

Create, Read, Update, and Delete, 18

CRUD. See Create, Read, Update, and Delete

cryptograph, 25

currency applications, 31–32

custodian, 135

DAMA Wheel, 130

DAMA-DMBOK2, 7, 130, 134, 142, 150, 160, 166, 172, 180, 186, 192, 200, 206, 214

data administration, 160

data architect, 144, 145, 195

data architecture, 142–47

data governance, 134–39

data governance council, 135

data governance office, 135

data governance steering committee, 135, 137, 138, 145

data integration and interoperability, 172–77

data manager, 168

data model, 4, 5, 150, 151, 152, 153, 155, 156, 157, 158, 192

data modeler, 4, 5, 154, 156

data modeling, 4, 5, 44, 150, 157, 158, 214

data owner, 135

data quality, 205–9

data security, 165–70

data steward, 135, 169

data stewardship team, 135

data storage and operations, 160–64

data tier, 28

data warehouse, 145

data warehousing, 192–97, 194

database administrator, 160

database design, 4, 157

database support, 160

database technology support, 160

datamart, 145

DB2, 175

DBA. See database administrator

De Beers Group, 92, 93

decision support system, 192

Depository Trust Company, 15, 58

Dewey Decimal System, 182

DII. See data integration and interoperability


Adjudicate Claim, 72

Buy Digital Product, 126

Crowdfund, 62

Detect Outbreak, 108

Feed the Grid, 100

Make Micro Donation, 116

Put Money in Meter, 82

Verify Authenticity and Condition of Collectibles, 93

document, 181, 183

document and content management, 180–84

double spend, 169

DSS. See decision support system

DTC. See Depository Trust Company

DW. See data warehouse

electronic medical record, 107

EMR. See electronic medical record

enablers, 52

enterprise architecture, 143

enterprise data model, 144

Ethereum, 28, 34, 175

Filament, 98


Announce News, 60

Crowdfund, 62

Perform Audit, 56

Report Capital Gain, 61

Settle Trades, 58

Fitbit, 139

folksonomy, 182

Follow My Vote, 79

foreign key, 154

Fortran, 2

forward engineering, 157

function tier, 28, 40, 212

GDPR. See General Data Protection Regulation

General Data Protection Regulation, 169

Getting the right information to the right people at the right time, 15



Access Public Records, 77

Attestation, 76

Purchase Real Estate, 80

Put Money in Meter, 82

Vote, 79

guides, 52

hash, 23, 24, 26, 35, 120, 121, 125

hashing, 23


Access EMR, 106

Detect Outbreak, 108

Provide Crisis Aid, 105

Record Clinical Trial Outcome, 104

Record Heathcare Administered, 107

HIPPA, 67, 107

Hyperledger, 203

IBM, 15, 39, 58, 60, 61, 209

IEEE, 146

IF-THEN, 2, 28, 33, 40, 212

information technology, 7, 18, 168

inputs, 51


Adjudicate Claim, 72

Appeal Claim Decision, 69

Detect Fraud, 66

Initiate Claim, 67

Research Title, 70

Internet of Things, 68, 96, 97, 99, 139, 146, 203

IoT. See Internet of Things

IT. See information technology

iTunes, 15, 127

Koinify, 63

ledger, 16

Lighthouse, 63

Linux, 203

mainframe, 14

Manufacturing and Retail

Payment, 90

Transfer Warranty, 89

Verify Authenticity and Condition of Collectibles, 93

Verify Lineage, 86

Verify Precious Metal and Stone, 91

Marine Transport International Ltd., 87


Buy Digital Product, 126

Process Royalties, 121, 124

Prove Ownership, 125

Record Ownership, 120

metadata, 200

metadata management, 200–204

Monegraph, 126

National Information Exchange Model, 175

NIEM. See National Information Exchange Model


Acknowledge Donation, 114

Make Donation, 113

Make Micro Donation, 116

Prove Donation, 115

Track Donation Impact, 112

NoSQL, 150

ontology, 180, 183

operational data store, 145

operational metadata, 202

Oracle, 153, 175

outputs, 52

Pascal, 2

patterns, 45

process, 50–53

requirements, 45–49

risk, 49–50

PayPal, 19, 90, 123

PC. See personal computer

PeerTracks, 127


Prove Donation, 115

Prove Ownership, 125

Purchase Real Estate, 80

Record Heathcare Administered, 107

Report Capital Gain, 61

Research Title, 70

Track Global Climate Change, 99

Verify Precious Metal and Stone, 91

permissioned, 37

permissionless, 37

personal computer, 14

predictive analytics, 193

primary key, 154, 155


Access EMR, 106

Acknowledge Donation, 114

Announce News, 60

Appeal Claim Decision, 69

Charge Electric Vehicle, 98

Payment, 90

Process Royalties, 124

Vote, 79

private blockchain, 37, 38, 40, 41, 213

private key, 22, 23, 24, 35, 157, 170, 197

process patterns, 50–53

Professional Sports Authenticator, 94

proof of existence, 76, 77

proof of ownership, 77, 88, 125

proof of work, 27

protocol, 27, 28, 29, 30, 34, 37, 41, 146, 175, 203, 213

public blockchain, 37, 41, 213

public key, 22, 23, 24, 36, 121

R3, 146

reference and master data, 186–89

requirements patterns, 45–49

reverse engineering, 157

Ripple, 28

risk patterns, 49–50

Satoshi Nakamoto, 31

Sean’s Outpost, 114

Secure Hash Algorithm, 23

semi-structured, 180

SHA. See Secure Hash Algorithm

Silk Road, 138

smart contracts, 33, 34, 40, 57, 68, 72, 77, 79, 81, 87, 100, 105, 120, 123, 139, 163, 203, 204, 212

smart meters, 96

Solar Change, 101

Spotify, 127


Access Public Records, 77

Detect Faulty Device, 97

Initiate Claim, 67

Make Donation, 113

Process Royalties, 121

Provide Crisis Aid, 105

Settle Trades, 58

Transfer Warranty, 89

Swarm, 63

T-account, 16

taxonomy, 181

technical metadata, 201

Teradata, 153

Tesla, 169

threats, 167


Attestation, 76

Choose Energy Provider, 96

Detect Fraud, 66

Perform Audit, 56

Record Clinical Trial Outcome, 104

Record Ownership, 120

Track Donation Impact, 112

Verify Lineage, 86

Ujo, 120

unstructured, 173, 176, 177, 180

US Library of Congress Classification, 182


Charge Electric Vehicle, 98

Choose Energy Provider, 96

Detect Faulty Device, 97

Feed the Grid, 100

Track Global Climate Change, 99

Viant, 87

Virtual Notary, 77

vulnerability, 167

Warranteer, 89

Western Union, 19, 113


World Wild Fund for Nature, 87

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