
We’ve come to the end of our 7 Lessons – but for all of you it’s the beginning. The beginning of seeing things that were already out there, that you never perceived. You can now create the body language that is more effective for you by looking at what you did before and set about improving on it. It’s the small things that add up to make an overall impression. Change those minor details and you’ll find you’ve achieved major changes in terms of your effectiveness in dealing with people.

You can look at all the gestures and actions that we’ve spent time on and observe people in your everyday personal and working life, as they consciously and subconsciously bring body language to life. Except now, you know what every body is saying.

John Keats accused Isaac Newton of destroying all the poetry of the rainbow by explaining the origin of its colours, thereby dispelling its mystery. Some people believe that taking human behaviour and unravelling the mysteries of why we do things should be left alone. Body language is too important a subject for that to happen – I hope that with this updated knowledge you’ll have better relationships. You now know that you are truly able to read minds. Remember:

  • The mind produces a thought.
  • The thought produces a feeling.
  • That feeling ‘leaks’ out through the body language.
  • You read the body language to ascertain a person’s feelings. Hey presto, you’re mind-reading.

Before signing off, just a reminder that when you’ve done everything you can, in the best possible way, of course, you will still come up against resistance from time to time. But it won’t be because of your communication style. It will be the other person who is unable to ‘read minds’. Your ‘performance’ will have been up to standard.

You can’t win them all, as the saying goes, but take heart from the message below:

‘The play was a great success but the audience was a disaster.’

Oscar Wilde

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