

  1. A/B testing
  2. Accountability
  3. Accounting
  4. Achievement, alignment (contrast)
  5. Actionable insights
  6. Addresses
    1. account holders, association
    2. change process, consideration
    3. digital address validation, possibility
    4. existence/number
    5. repository, national change
    6. types
  7. Agile (project management process)
    1. branch issues
    2. stakeholder familiarity
    3. usage, timing
  8. AirBnB
  9. AirDC
  10. Algorithm-based technology
  11. Alignment, achievement (contrast)
  12. AlphaRank
  13. Amazon Echo/Alexa
  14. Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  15. AML checks
  16. Analytics, types
  17. Apocalypse
    1. risk
    2. staffing
  18. Apple Pay
  19. Application, engagement
  20. Application programming interface (API)
    1. access
    2. account level security
    3. business logic
    4. creation, reason
    5. documentation
    6. implementation
    7. initiation
    8. steps
    9. VPN/Web accessibility
  21. Aramco, DDoS
  22. Artificial intelligence
    1. fee
    2. future
    3. intelligent augmentation, contrast
    4. personal assistant
    5. threat
    6. usage
  23. Authentication methods, normalization
  24. Automated clearing house (ACH)
    1. charge
    2. credits
    3. fraud
    4. payees, downloading
    5. processing


  1. Backup fire drills
  2. Banking
    1. competitors
    2. evolution
  3. Bank processes, flaws
  4. Bank Security Act (BSA)
  5. Bennett, Tom
  6. Best-practice perimeter, enforcement
  7. Big data
  8. Billpay
  9. Bill pay fraud
  10. Bill pay platform
  11. Bitcoin
    1. advantages
    2. decentralization
    3. history
    4. security
  12. Bitcoin Plan
  13. Blockchain
    1. usage
  14. Botnets
  15. Bring Your Own Platform (BYOP)
  16. Budgeting process
  17. Business continuity
    1. support


  1. Call center representatives (CSR)
  2. Cannibalization
  3. Capabilities, determination
  4. Capital One, cloud usage
  5. Career paths
  6. Castle approach
  7. Catmulls, Ed
  8. Centers of Excellence (CoE), team organization
  9. Change control
  10. Change, reality
  11. Chief analytic officer (CAO), role
  12. Chief digital officer (CDO), impact
  13. Cloud
    1. cloud-based email service provider, scaling
    2. cloud-based system
    3. control, problem
    4. data, sharing
    5. direct expense
    6. ecosystem
    7. expense
    8. fears
    9. financial cloud
    10. impact
    11. players
    12. products, selection process
    13. regulatory needs, conforming (problems)
    14. reliability, absence
    15. security, absence
    16. services, leverage
    17. transition, strategies
    18. usage
  14. Cloud services, types
  15. Code
    1. creation
    2. defects, tracking system
    3. review process
    4. storage/securing, platform
  16. Cognitive analysis
  17. Collaboration
  18. Communications
  19. Compensation
  20. Computers, trainability
  21. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)
  22. Consumer privacy, concerns
  23. Continual improvement
  24. Contract intelligence
  25. Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies (COBIT)
  26. Conversational commerce
  27. Corda
  28. Corporate facility, survivability
  29. Credit card
    1. processing
    2. usage
  30. Credit risk
  31. Creditworthiness, determination
  32. Cross-functional teams, involvement
  33. Cryptocurrency
  34. CryptoCurrency revolution
  35. Cryptonym, provision
  36. CULedger
  37. Culture
    1. breakdowns
    2. example
    3. initiation
    4. innovation, relationship
    5. issues
    6. talent, relationship
    7. technology, relationship
  38. Current Expected Credit Loss (CECL)
  39. Customer
    1. addresses, existence
    2. composite persona
    3. login problem
    4. self-service platform, exposure
  40. Customer relationship management (CRM) platform, setup
  41. CU trust
  42. Cyberattacks
  43. Cybercriminals, attempts
  44. Cyber infrastructure attack
  45. Cyberterrorism


  1. Dark web
  2. Data
    1. actionable insights
    2. analytics
    3. big data
    4. collection
    5. conversion
    6. deletion
    7. discipline
    8. duplication
    9. ecosystem, truth (authority/source)
    10. encryption
    11. engineering
    12. map, high-level overview
    13. mapping
    14. monetization
    15. money, equivalence
    16. quality
    17. sharing
    18. testing
    19. usage
    20. value
  3. Data center
    1. problems
    2. redundancy/fault tolerance, implementation
  4. Data governance
    1. committee
    2. cycle
    3. group
  5. Data security
    1. encryption, relationship
  6. Data Security Standards (DSS)
  7. David, Scott
  8. Department of Defense (DOD)
  9. Digital active users, proportion
  10. Digital address validation, possibility
  11. Digital base, mobile usage
  12. Digital card, usage
  13. Digital change
  14. Digital customers, expense (reduction)
  15. Digital data, characteristics
  16. Digital governance
    1. charter, usage
    2. committee
    3. group
  17. Digital gridlock
  18. Digital insight/intuition
  19. Digital marketing
  20. Digital platforms
    1. continuity
    2. features, API support
  21. Digital products, organizational boundaries
  22. Digital projects, overseeing
  23. Digital security
  24. Digital systems, complexity
  25. Digital transformation, attempt
  26. Digital workflow, impact
  27. Digitization
  28. Direct deposit, usage
  29. Disintermediation
  30. Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks
  31. Distributed ledger
    1. network, diversity
    2. technology
    3. truth, source (creation)
    4. usage
  32. Distributed network
  33. Documentation, importance
  34. Domain knowledge, accumulation (absence)
  35. Domain Name Server (DNS)
  36. Drake, Kirk
  37. Dress code
  38. Dropbox
  39. Drop-offs
  40. Duhigg, Charles


  1. Employees
    1. dress code
    2. evaluations, usage
    3. recruitment
    4. training
  2. Employees, unavailability
  3. Encryption
    1. data security, relationship
    2. ransomware message
  4. End User License Agreement (EULA)
  5. Equifax, breach
  6. Equipment, usage
  7. E-statements, delivery
  8. Ethereum
  9. European MasterCard and Visa (EMV), provision/acceptance
  10. Evaluations, usage
  11. Evolutionary technology
  12. Evolution, inevitability
  13. Executive organizational chart, sample


  1. Facilities, impact
  2. Failure
    1. examples
    2. results, determination
  3. Failure tolerability index (FTI)
  4. Feature paralysis
  5. Features, change
  6. FFIEC
  7. FICO, impact
  8. Fidor
  9. Financial cloud
  10. Financial competitors
  11. Financial institution (FI)
    1. blockchain value
    2. cloud transition
    3. opportunity
    4. roles
  12. Financial revolution
  13. Financial transaction, blockchain (usage)
  14. Finnovate
  15. Firewall problem
  16. Flexibility, example
  17. Full-time employee (FTE)
    1. approval
    2. cost


  1. Gauthier, Patrick
  2. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
  3. Gerstner, Lou
  4. Google
    1. requests, processing
    2. reviews
  5. Google Compute Engine (GCE)
  6. Google Home
  7. Google Photos
  8. Google Play
  9. Google TensorFlow
  10. Google Wallet
  11. Go-to person, usage
  12. Gridlock
    1. breaking


  1. HackerOne
  2. Hackers
    1. access
    2. threat
  3. Hadoop
  4. Halligan, Brian
  5. Historical data
  6. HOA, payment
  7. HubSpot
  8. Human resources
  9. Hybrid cloud
  10. Hyperledger Project


  1. Identity
    1. platform
    2. system, weaknesses
  2. Incentives
  3. Incompetence, tolerance
  4. Incurred loss
  5. Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA)
  6. Information Technology infrastructure, flexibility (capability)
  7. Information Technology infrastructure Library (ITIL)
  8. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
  9. In-house resources, project completion
  10. In-house staff, usage
  11. Innocence of Muslims, The
  12. Innovation
    1. culture, relationship
    2. driving
    3. process
  13. Innovative culture
    1. collaboration
    2. communications
    3. rewards/evaluations
    4. steps
  14. Instant user feedback
  15. Intelligent augmentation, artificial intelligence (contrast)
  16. Interchange
    1. compression
  17. Internal information security systems, enforcement
  18. Internal processes, improvement
  19. Internet of Things (IoT)
    1. breach
    2. devices
    3. gadgets, usage
  20. Internet passport
  21. Internet Protocol (IP) addresses
  22. Internet, shutdown
  23. Intuit
  24. iTunes, reviews


  1. Kabbage
  2. King, Brett
  3. Kissflow tiles
  4. Kittlaus, Dag
  5. Knight, Sarah
  6. KOBO
  7. Kordeleski, Kirk
  8. Kraken
  9. Kroc, Ray
  10. KYC


  1. Learning opportunities
  2. Lending Club
  3. Lieberman, Joseph
  4. Location-based data
  5. Lockbox
  6. Logins, failure
  7. Loop
  8. Lyft


  1. Machine learning
  2. Marketing campaign (implementation), reddit (usage)
  3. Marketo
  4. Market segmentation data, device basis
  5. McDonald's, conception
  6. Mechanic effect
  7. Meet-ups
  8. Merchants, app usage
  9. Microsoft Azure
  10. Microsoft Azure Cloud
  11. Microsoft Cortana
  12. Microsoft Server
  13. Microsoft stock price, reduction
  14. Microsoft Workflow
  15. Minin, process
  16. Mint
  17. Mint Bills
  18. Mirror-image test system
  19. Mobile application, feature (absence)
  20. Mobile loan application tasks/workgroups
  21. Mobile members, demographics
  22. Mobilization
  23. Money, data (equivalence)
  24. Mortgage bubble
  25. Moser, Florian (interview)
  26. Movin
  27. Mt. Gox
  28. MuleSoft
  29. Multifactor authentication (MFA)
    1. problems
  30. Musk, Elon


  1. Nakamoto, Satoshi
  2. National change of address (NCOA), usage
  3. Natural language processor (NLP)
  4. Netflix
    1. transactions
  5. Network
    1. diversity
    2. penetration testing
  6. Network/server equipment, administration/management
  7. Nonbanks
  8. NSA backdoor


  1. Object character recognition (OCR) engines, usage
  2. OFAC
    1. process, usage
  3. Onboarding
  4. 1Password
  5. 1 percent rule
  6. OneDrive
  7. Online ACH debits, size
  8. Online services, usage
  9. Open areas, usage
  10. Open Identity Exchange (OIX)
  11. Operation Ababil
  12. Organizational chart, access
  13. Organizations
    1. agility
    2. cultural considerations/issues
    3. digital data, characteristics
    4. digital strategy, design/implementation
    5. strategic clarity, achievement
    6. type, determination
  14. Outside vendors, usage
  15. Overdraft fee


  1. Payment Card Industry (PCI)
  2. Payment Services Directive (PSD2)
  3. PayPal
  4. People
    1. consistency, absence
    2. cost/time overruns
    3. hiring, goal
    4. solutions
    5. strategy
    6. symptoms
  5. Permissioned networks
  6. Personal identification number (PIN)
    1. implementation
    2. receipt, absence
  7. Personally identifiable information (PII)
  8. Phishing
  9. Pink Panther effect
  10. Plan B
  11. Plan, build, operate paradigms
  12. Platform as a Service (PaaS)
  13. Platforms, commonalities
  14. PMO
  15. Point of sale (POS) device
  16. Prescriptive analytics
  17. Primary financial institution
  18. Process
    1. changes
    2. engineering
    3. implementation
    4. management
  19. Process Street
  20. Products
    1. product-based advice
    2. proposal/integration, review
  21. Projects
    1. completion
    2. distributions
    3. management
    4. managers, experience
    5. phasing ability
    6. ROI responsibility
  22. Proof of work
  23. Public business entity (PBE)
  24. Public Service Directive 2 (PSD2)


  1. QA person
  2. QuickBooks


  1. Ransomware
  2. Record system
  3. Recruitment
  4. Reddit, usage
  5. Reed, Drummond (interview)
  6. Regulatory gridlock
    1. action
  7. Remote employees (human resource)
    1. management, problems
    2. team membership
  8. Research in Motion (RIM)
  9. Revolutionary technology
  10. Rewards
  11. Ripple
  12. Risk
    1. continuum
    2. identification/avoidance
    3. plan
    4. spectrum
  13. Rocket Mortgage (Intuit)
  14. ROKU
  15. Rollback plans


  1. Sales culture, defining
  2. Samsung Pay
  3. Sandbox
  4. Scenario planning
  5. Schedule approval
  6. Security
    1. battle
    2. importance
    3. innovation process
    4. issues
    5. review
  7. Service Organization Controls (SOC
  8. Services, change
  9. Services organization, API initiation
  10. Shamoon (virus)
  11. Shared distributed ledger
  12. SharePoint effect
  13. Silk Road
  14. Sinek, Simon
  15. Single-sale revenue growth
  16. Siri
  17. Smart contract
  18. Software
    1. build/buy, contrast
    2. depreciation
  19. Software A&G
  20. Software as a Service (SaaS)
  21. Solutions, failure process
  22. Sovereign digital identity
  23. Sovereign identity
    1. practice
  24. Sovrin
  25. SpaceX
  26. Sprints
  27. SSL certificate
  28. Staff cuts, cloud (impact)
  29. Stakeholders, availability
  30. Stand-up meeting
  31. Sticky product
  32. Stored value transactions
  33. Storytelling
  34. Strategy, defining
  35. Stress testing
  36. Subject matter experts (SMEs)
  37. SWIFT payment services
  38. System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Program


  1. Talent, culture (relationship)
  2. Target, advertising flyer
  3. Task management tools
  4. Teammates, usage
  5. Team organization
  6. Technical employees, compensation
  7. Technology
    1. company, attributes
    2. culture, relationship
    3. evolution/revolution, contrast
    4. organization, API initiation
    5. team, refocus
    6. updating
  8. TellerMagic
  9. Temenos Community Forum
  10. Tesla
  11. Threats
  12. -Tions
  13. TJ Maxx, hackers (impact)
  14. Top-of-app status
  15. Top of wallet
  16. Training
  17. Trello
  18. Trust frameworks
    1. creation
    2. perspective
  19. Two-way validation


  1. Uber
  4. USAA
  5. Usage monitoring


  1. Value, creation
  2. Vendors, final approval
  3. Venmo, usage
  4. Vimeo content
  5. Virtual private networks (VPNs)
  6. VIV.AI
  7. VMware (VMWARE)
  8. Voice technology, implementation


  1. Wallet app, usage
  2. Wardriving
  3. Waterfall (project management approach)
    1. branch issues
    2. usage, timing
  4. Web application
  5. Wells Fargo, problems
  6. White-hat hacking community, dependence
  7. WHOIS, performance
  8. Wi-Fi, usage
  9. Windley, Phil
  10. Wireless Equivalent Privacy (WEP)
  11. WIRE transfers
  12. Workflow platform
  13. Workspaces, usage
  14. Wunderlist


  1. Yodlee
  2. YouTube content


  1. Zero day
  2. Zombie apocalypse
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