
There are so many people to thank for this book that it could've been another chapter. However here is a list (in no particular order, other than my family first).

My family, Christie, Ryan, Abby, Don, Lynn, Tracy and Melissa – You have all supported my craziness over the years and with out you I would never have been able to accomplish this.

Ed Gonzalez, Tom Stacy, Elliot Cotto and the rest of Best Innovation Group, thank you for not killing me while I was writing this.

Kevin and Susan Johnson – Thank you both for your support over the years in this industry, your insight and leadership was a big part of the inspiration for this book.

Kevin and Irene Sarber – Thank you for your support and enthusiasm for all my projects!

Suncoast, GTE, Wescom and all of the other organizations I have been a part of over the years, this includes every person I worked with and the members of each of these storied institutions. Each of the organizations shaped me.

The crew from WRG for all of the hours we spent in the trenches.

Paul Ablack and OnApproach, Paul and his group have helped shape the collaborative landscape of data analytics and I am deeply thankful for their support.

Kirk Kordelski – Thank you for your wisdom and guidance.

CUNA – The Credit Union National Association, Julie Esser, Eric Gelly, and Cheryl Sorenson who once said “you should write a book…”

My Podcast network. John Jancleas, Glen Sarvady, Anne Legg, Laura Wiese and all of the listeners.

Christina Verigan – The poor lady who was assigned to turn my giant mess of thinking into a book!

James Burke Frazier – The king of “what if we did this boss?” and one of the most creative people I have ever met.

Kirk Drake, Paul Fiore and Chris Otey- Who taught me how to be an entrepreneur and not give everything away.

Brett King – for inspiring me to follow in his footsteps (even if his shoes are too big to fill).

There are a million more people to thank and I have no doubt missed more than a few for this I apologize, there are only so many chapters in a book.

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