
This book is the result of the authors’ activities at IST–University of Lisbon and at GRID Consulting Engineers. The support of both institutions is a pleasure to acknowledge and special thanks are due to Professor Francisco Virtuoso from IST and to our colleagues from GRID.

During 45 years of professional life as designer, the first author, A. Reis, had the privilege of meeting a few outstanding bridge engineers. Particular reference is made to Jean Marie Cremer, from Bureau d'Études Greisch, with whom A. Reis had the pleasure of working with on a few bridge projects but, most important, developing a friendship with.

Part of this book was written by the first author, A. Reis, during his stays in 2013 and 2015 as Visiting Professor at EPFL École Polytechnique Féderale de Lausanne, Switzerland. The second author, J. Pedro, had a similar opportunity in 2015. Thanks are due to EPFL and, in particular, to Professor Alain Nussbaumer for these opportunities.

The authors are also grateful to all sources and organizations allowing the reproduction of some figures and pictures with due credit referenced in the text.

Last, but not least, thanks are due to our families for the time this book has taken from being with them.

António J. Reis and José J. Oliveira Pedro
Lisbon, May 2018

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