
We acknowledge the quality reporting that is cited throughout the book including publications of professional organizations such as the Global Reporting Initiative, the International Integrated Reporting Council, and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board.

The encouragement and support of our colleagues at the University of Memphis and Hong Kong Baptist University are also acknowledged. The assistance of our graduate students Charles Bell, Matthew Cantin, Chinenye Egbuna, Yueming Li, Kai Wang, and Xuemei Zheng is also appreciated. We thank the members of the John Wiley & Sons, Inc., team for their hard work and dedication, including Koushika Ramesh for managing the book through the production process, Jean-Karl Martin for their marketing efforts and Sheck Cho, Executive Editor for editorial guidance.

Our special thanks are due to our families: the Rezaee family, the Rezaee family, the Tsui family, the Cheng family, and the Zhou family Without their love, enthusiasm, and support, this book would not have come to fruition when it did.

Zabihollah Rezaee
Judy Tsui
Peter Cheng
Gaoguang Zhou
March 06, 2019

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