

  • accent colors, 42–44
  • agave succulent, 43, 44, 89–90
  • aster, 85–86
  • autumn leaves, 97–98


  • Blossom Technique
  • fruit blossoms, 51–52
    • hibiscus, 55–56
    • introduction to, 48
    • phlox, 49–50
    • plumeria, 53–54
    • pompom dahlia, 57–58
    • small sedum succulent, 59–60
  • branches, 118, 120
  • buttercream recipe, 20–22
  • buttercup. See ranunculus.


  • chocolate cake, 25–26
  • Christmas rose. See hellebore.
  • chrysanthemums, 81–82
  • colors
    • accents, 42–44
    • colored icings, 107
    • complementary colors, 29
    • deep colors, 28
    • development speed, 22
    • embroidery piping, 112–113
    • gel colorants, 16
    • gradient colors, 27–28
    • green, 29
    • mixing tools, 17
    • palette, 28, 29, 37, 120
    • saturated colors, 28
    • tone, altering, 28
  • cookie cutters, piping with, 112–113
  • couplers, 33
  • curved petal tip: introduction to, 31
  • curved petal tip #60
    • fruit blossom, 51–52
    • pine cone, 76–77
    • small sedum succulent I, 59–60
  • curved petal tip #61
    • autumn leaves, 97–98
    • echeveria succulent III, 99
    • pine cone, 76–77
    • ranunculus, 68–70
  • curved petal tip #120
    • hellebore, 100–101
    • peony, 66–67
    • plumeria, 53–54
  • crumb coat, 104


  • deep colors, 28


  • echeveria succulent I, 71–72
  • echeveria succulent II, 44, 73–75
  • echeveria succulent III, 99
  • exercises
    • buttercream bases, 39–40
    • individual petals, 41
    • spiral technique, 41


  • filler elements
    • branches, 118
    • flower buds, 117
    • icy sugar snow, 119
    • leaves, 116
    • nonpareil sprinkles, 119
  • flower buds, 117
  • flower nails, 12, 38
  • flower nail stands, 13
  • food scale, 17
  • frangipani. See plumeria.
  • freezing
    • buttercream storage, 22, 38
    • cakes, 24
    • solidifying in, 38, 121, 122
    • trays, 14, 37
    • fruit blossoms, 44, 51–52


  • gel colorants
    • deep colors, 28
    • gradient colors, 27–28
    • green, 29
    • introduction to, 16
    • saturated colors, 28
    • tone, altering, 28
  • gradient colors, 27–28
  • grass tip
    • introduction to, 32
    • ranunculus, 68–70
    • green coloring, 29


  • hellebore, 100–101
  • hibiscus flowers, 55–56


  • icing
  • colored icings, 107
  • crumb coat, 104
    • diagonal texture, 109
    • embroidery piping, 112–113
    • horizontal texture, 108
    • piped textures, 110–113
    • rustic textures, 108–109
    • smooth finish, 105–107
    • stitch piping, 110–111
    • vertical texture, 109


  • K series piping tips, 35, 63–65


  • large grass tip (Ateco #234):
  • ranunculus, 68–70
    • large grass tip (Wilton #233):
    • ranunculus, 68–70
  • large leaf tip #366: poinsettia, 91–92
  • large petal tip #127: hibiscus flowers, 55–56
  • large round tip #806
    • coupler as, 33
    • pine cone, 76–77
  • Leaf Technique
    • autumn leaves, 97–98
    • echeveria succulent III, 99
    • hellebore, 100–101
    • introduction to, 94
  • leaf I, 95
  • leaf II, 96
  • leaf tip: introduction to, 32
  • leaf tip #74: sunflower, 83–84
  • leaf tip #352
    • easy leaves, 116
    • sempervivum succulent, 87–88
  • leaf tip #366: poinsettia, 91–92


  • mise en place, 36–37
  • mixing tools, 17
  • Mum Technique
    • agave succulent, 89–90
    • aster, 85–86
    • chrysanthemums, 81–82
    • introduction to, 80
    • poinsettia, 91–92
    • sempervivum succulent, 87–88
    • sunflowers, 83–84


  • nonpareil sprinkles, 119


  • parchment paper, 13, 23, 38
  • peony, 28, 44, 66–67
  • petal exercise, 41
  • petal tip
    • accent colors and, 44
    • introduction to, 30
    • modifying, 34
  • petal tip #102
  • phlox, 49
  • pompom dahlia, 57–58
  • petal tip #125
    • classic rose, 63–65
    • echeveria succulent I, 71–72
    • echeveria succulent II, 73–75
  • petal tip #125K: classic rose, 63–65
  • petal tip #127: hibiscus flowers, 55–56
  • petal tip, curved: introduction to, 31
  • petal tip, curved #60
    • fruit blossom, 51–52
    • pine cone, 76–77
  • small sedum succulent I, 59–60
  • petal tip, curved #61
    • autumn leaves, 97–98
    • echeveria succulent III, 99
    • pine cone, 76–77
    • ranunculus, 68–70
  • petal tip, curved #120
    • hellebore, 100–101
    • peony, 66–67
    • plumeria, 53–54
    • petal tip, small #103
    • leaf I, 95
    • leaf II, 96
  • phlox, 49–50
  • pine cone, 76–77
  • piping bags
    • accent colors, 42–44
    • couplers and, 33
    • introduction to, 12
  • plumeria, 44, 53–54
  • poinsettia, 91–92
  • pompom dahlia, 57–58


  • ranunculus, 68–70
  • recipes
    • buttercream, 20–22
    • chocolate cake, 25–26
    • icy sugar snow, 119
    • vanilla cake, 23–24
  • Rose Technique
    • classic rose, 44, 63–65
    • echeveria succulent I, 71–72
    • echeveria succulent II, 73–75
    • introduction to, 62
    • peony, 66–67
    • pine cone, 76–77
    • ranunculus, 68–70
  • round tip: introduction to, 32
  • round tip #1
    • aster, 85–86
    • embroidery piping, 112–113
    • fruit blossoms, 51–52
    • hellebore, 100–101
    • hibiscus flowers, 55–56
    • phlox, 49
    • poinsettia, 91–92
    • stich piping, 110–111
  • round tip #4: branches, 118
  • round tip #6: flower buds, 117
  • round tip #8: flower buds, 117
  • round tip, large #806
    • coupler as, 33
    • pine cone, 76–77
    • round tip, small #1
    • aster, 85–86
    • hellebore, 100–101
    • poinsettia, 91–92
    • stitch piping, 110–111
  • round tip, small #3: ranunculus, 68–70


  • saturated colors
    • creating, 16, 28
    • development speed, 22
    • icings and, 107
    • tasting, 107
  • scale, 17
  • sedum succulent, 59–60
  • sempervivum succulent, 87–88
  • slip-joint pliers, 15, 34
  • small petal tip #103
    • leaf I, 95
    • leaf II, 96
  • small round tip #1
    • aster, 85–86
    • hellebore, 100–101
    • poinsettia, 91–92
    • stitch piping, 110–111
  • small round tip #3: ranunculus, 68–70
  • spiral technique, 41
  • star tip #18: sunflowers, 83–84
  • stonecrop. See sedum
  • succulent.
  • storage
    • buttercream, 22, 38
    • cakes, 24
    • icy sugar snow, 119
    • trays, 14
  • sunflower, 83–84
  • supplies
    • checklist, 37
    • flower nails, 12, 38
    • flower nail stands, 13
    • food scale, 17
    • gel colorants, 16
    • mise en place, 36–37
    • mixing tools, 17
    • parchment paper, 13, 23, 38
    • pipig bags, 12, 38
    • piping tips, 15, 34
    • slip-joint pliers, 15, 34
    • trays, 14


  • tone
    • altering, 28
    • colored icings and, 107
    • development speed, 22
  • trays, 14


  • U-shaped petal tip
    • accent colors and, 43, 44
    • introduction to, 31
  • U-shaped petal tip #80
    • agave succulent, 89–90
    • chrysanthemums, 81–82
  • U-shaped petal tip #81: aster, 85–86


  • vanilla cake, 23–24
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