Chapter 4. Revising Generics

In This Chapter

  • Understanding variance

  • Working with contravariance

  • Using covariance

Generics are covered in length in Books I and II, as they relate to creating collections of objects or business concepts, and how they impact object-oriented programming. They also play a large role in dynamic design and programming, which Chapter 1 of this book covers.

The generics model implemented in C# 2.0 was incomplete. Although parameters in C# all allow for variance in several directions, generics do not.

Variance has to do with types of parameters and return values. Covariance means that an instance of a subclass can be used when an instance of a parent class is expected, while Contravariance means that an instance of a superclass can be used when an instance of a subclass is expected. When neither is possible, it is called Invariance.

All fourth-generation languages support some kind of variance. In C# 3.0 and earlier versions, parameters are covariant and return types are contravarient. So, this works because string and integer parameters are covariant to object parameters:

public static void MessageToYou(object theMessage)
   if (theMessage != null)
MessageToYou("It's a message, yay!");

And this works because object return types are contravarient to string and integer return types (for example):

object theMessage = MethodThatGetsTheMessage();

Generics are nonvariant in C# 2.0 and 3.0. This means that if Basket<apple> is of type Basket<fruit>, those Baskets are not interchangeable like strings and objects are in the preceding example.


If we look at a method like the preceding one:

public static void WriteMessages()
    List<string> someMessages = new List<string>();
    someMessages.Add("The first message");
    someMessages.Add("The second message");

and then we try to call that method like we did earlier with a string type:

//This doesn't work in C#3!!
public static void MessagesToYou(IEnumerable<object>
    foreach (var item in theMessages)

this fails in Visual Studio 2008. Generics are invariant in C# 3.0. But, in Visual Studio 2010 this complies because IEnumerable<T> is covariant — you can use a more derived type as a substitute for a higher-order type. Let's look at a real example.


In my scheduling application, I have Events, which have a date, and then a set of subclasses, one of which is Course. A Course is an Event. Courses know their own number of students.

Anyway, back at the ranch, I have a method called MakeCalendar.

public void MakeCalendar(IEnumerable<Event> theEvents)
    foreach (Event item in theEvents)

Pretend it makes a calendar; for now, all it does is print the date to the console. MakeCalendar is systemwide, so it expects some enumerable list of events.

I also have a Sort algorithm at the main system, called EventSorter. This is used to pass into the Sort method of collections. It expects to be called from a list of Events. Here is the EventSorter class:

class EventSorter : IComparer<Event>
    public int Compare(Event x, Event y)
        return x.WhenItIs.CompareTo(y.WhenItIs);

I am writing the Instructor Led Training section of the event manager, and I need to make a list of courses, sort them, and then make a calendar. So I make my list of courses in ScheduleCourses, then I call sort and pass in the EventSorter:

public void ScheduleCourses()
    List<Course> courses = new List<Course>()
        new Course(){NumberOfStudents=20, WhenItIs = new
        new Course(){NumberOfStudents=14, WhenItIs = new
        new Course(){NumberOfStudents=24, WhenItIs = new
    //Now I am passing an ICompare<Event> class to my
   List<Course> collection.
    //It should be an ICompare<Course> but I can use
   ICompare<Event> because of contravariance
    courses.Sort(new EventSorter());

    //I am passing a List of courses, where a List of Events
   was expected.
    //We can do this because generic parameters are covariant

But wait, this is a list of courses I am calling Sort from, right, not a list of events. Doesn't matter — IComparer<Event> is a contravariant generic for T (its return type) as compared to IComparer<Course> so I can still use the algorithm.

Now I have to pass my list into the MakeSchedule method, but that method expects an enumerable collection of Events. Because parameters are covariant for generics now, I can pass in a List of Courses, as Course is covariant to Event. Make sense?

There is another example of contravariance, using parameters rather than return values. If I have a method that returns a generic list of Courses, I can call that method expecting a list of Events, because Event is a superclass of Course.

You know how you can have a method that returns a String and assign the return value to a variable that you have declared an object? Now you can do that with a generic collection, too.

In general, the C# compiler makes assumptions about the generic type conversion. As long as you are working up the chain for parameters, or down the chain for return types, C# will just magically figure the type out.


I now have to pass my list into the MakeSchedule method, but that method expects an enumerable collection of Events. Because parameters are covariant for generics now, I can pass in a List of Courses, as Course is covariant to Event. This is covariance for parameters.

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