About the Authors

Scott Guelich graduated from Oberlin College in 1993 with a philosophy degree and decided to "only take a few years off" before continuing with graduate school. Unable to find any listing for "Philosopher Wanted" in the classifieds, and having done some programming while growing up, he quickly found himself working with computers. He discovered the Internet the following year and Perl the year after that. Scott has been a web developer for the past few years and currently contracts in the San Francisco Bay Area. He enjoys taijiquan, mountain biking, wind surfing, skiing, and anything that gets him outside and closer to nature. Despite the hours he spends working online, Scott is actually a closet Luddite who doesn't own a television, hasn't bought a cell phone, and still intends to make it to graduate school . . . some day.

Shishir Gundavaram graduated from Boston University with a BS in Biomedical Engineering in May of 1995. For his undergraduate thesis, he developed a Windows application for the Motor Unit Lab of the NeuroMuscular Research Center that allowed researchers to acquire and analyze muscle force output from patients to indirectly observe the electrical activity of muscles. He was the sole author of CGI Programming on the World Wide Web, published by O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., in 1996.

Gunther Birznieks is currently the chief technology officer for eXtropia.com, best known for its open source web programming archives and online tutorials in a variety of subjects related to web programming (Perl, CGI, Java). Before this, Gunther did web programming and infrastructure for the Human Genome Project. Most recently, he was an associate director at Barclays Capital where he had been the global head of web engineering.

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