
The definition of each term also lists the chapter in which the term first appears.


abduction Movement of the limbs to the side, away from the middle of the body

abuse Mistreatment

adduction Movement of the limbs to the middle of the body

ADEs Adverse drug effects

ADLs Activities of daily living such as eating, bathing, grooming, walking, and toileting

advance directive Legal and lay documents that specify certain aspects of care for individuals should they become unable to communicate their preferences

AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome; late-stage infection by HIV

airborne transmission Carried by air

Alzheimer’s disease Type of irreversible dementia in which cognitive function is progressively lost

a.m. care Personal care provided in the morning hours to refresh; usually includes face and handwashing, tooth brushing, grooming, and toileting

ambulation The act of walking

ambulation assistive device Any device used to assist in walking such as a cane, crutches, or a walker

AMI Acute myocardial infarction; heart attack

analgesia Without pain; reduction of the sensation of pain

angina Chest pain

antisepsis The process of inhibiting growth of some microorganisms

aphasia Any speech deficit or loss of speech, writing, or signs, or loss of ability to comprehend spoken or written language due to disease or injury of the cerebral cortex

apical pulse The pulse heard at the apex (tip) of the heart

arteriosclerotic Narrowing and hardening of an artery

assault An attempt or threat to touch someone unjustifiably

atrophy Wasting away; decreased size of an organ or tissue

autonomy Being independent and self directed without outside control; able to make own decisions

axilla Armpit


bacteria Microorganisms

battery Willful or negligent touching of a person or personal belongings

beneficence Doing good for others

biohazardous waste Harmful or potentially harmful wastes

blood pressure The amount of pressure exerted against an artery when blood flows through it

blood-borne pathogens Microorganisms carried through the blood stream

body alignment Positioning the body in a straight line

body image How a person perceives his or her body

body mechanics Using the body safely and efficiently

body temperature The heat produced by the body

Braden scale A tool used to assess the degree to which a person is at risk for developing a pressure ulcer


calorie The amount of energy created by a nutrient or food

carbohydrates Food source; starches and sugars

cardiac arrest Condition in which the heart stops beating

caring characteristics Personal characteristics such as empathy and positive regard for others

cerebral vascular accident (CVA) A brain attack or stroke

Cheyne-Stokes respirations Breathing cycle of rapid breathing, followed by slow breathing and periods where breathing stops

chronic illness Illness that lasts for an extended period of time

coccyx Tailbone

code of ethics Formal written statement of beliefs of a group’s ideals and values; a set of principles that reflects moral judgments and serves as standard for actions

colostomy An artificial opening into the colon

comatose Condition in which a person is unconscious

commode A portable device used for toileting

communicable disease A disease that can spread from one person to another

communication The sharing of thoughts and ideas

competency The knowledge and skill required to perform tasks correctly

confidentiality Keeping information about someone private, telling only to other health team members as appropriate

congestive heart failure Medical condition in which the heart fails to pump blood efficiently, causing fluid and blood to back up into the lungs or extremities

contact isolation Methods used to decrease exposure to pathogens by direct contact of an infectious person or with contaminated objects in the environment

contagion Pathogen that can be spread from one person or surface to another

continuing education Formal learning activities that increase professional knowledge or skill

contracture A permanent shortening of a muscle resulting in the shortening of associated tendons and ligaments

convalescence The period of recovery from an illness or injury

coronary arteries Arteries that supply the heart muscle with blood and oxygen

CPR Cardiopulmonary resuscitation; methods to restore the heartbeat, circulation, and respirations

cultural diversity Traditions, attitudes, and behaviors of persons who identify with a particular group or society

CVA Cerebrovascular accident; stroke

cyanosis Blue color of the skin due to lack of oxygen to the tissues


dangling Sitting on the side of the bed with the feet hanging down

debilitated Weakened or losing strength

defecate To eliminate solid wastes from the body

dehydration Lack of fluid in the body

delirium Reversible, abrupt onset of confusion

delusion False idea of reality

dementia Cognitive impairment that is often progressive and permanent

dentition The type and arrangement of teeth

dentures Artificial teeth

diabetes Endocrine disorder marked by inability of the pancreas to change carbohydrates into fuel needed for energy

diastolic pressure The pressure exerted against the arterial walls when the ventricles are at rest

Director of Nursing (D.O.N) Licensed nurse who has administrative responsibilities to supervise the nursing care of a facility

disoriented Confused as to person, place, time, or circumstance

DNR Do not resuscitate; order written by physician that prevents nursing staff from performing CPR or other life-saving measures

domestic violence Harm committed on another family member

dorsiflexion Bending a body part toward the posterior or the body

droplet transmission Travel of droplet, or drop, through the expired air

dysphagia Difficulty or inability to swallow

dyspnea Difficult breathing

dysuria Painful or difficult urination


ecchymosis Bruise

edema Swelling of tissues caused by accumulation of fluid

emaciated Extremely thin; wasted

embolus A substance (blood clot or air) that moves from its original location

emesis Vomited material

empathy The ability to communicate understanding of what another person is feeling or experiencing

end of life issues Issues relating to death and dying

enema A solution introduced into the rectum or colon to expel feces or flatus

enteral nutrition Providing nutrition for someone unable to consume food normally; formula is introduced through a tube into the stomach of duodenum

ethics Rules of principles governing right behavior

euthanasia The deliberate ending of life of people with terminal illness or unbearable suffering

extension Movement that brings the limb into or towards a straight position; opposite of flexion


false imprisonment Unlawful restraint or detention of a person against his or her will

fecal impaction Hard, retained feces that cannot be expelled

fever Elevated body temperature

first aid Immediate care given to an injured or acutely ill person before the arrival of the doctor or transportation to the hospital

flaccid Limp

flatus Gas in the digestive tract

flexion Movement that brings the limb into or towards a bent position; opposite of extension

Fowler’s position Position of the body in semi-sitting upright position

fracture Break


G tube Gastric tube; placed directly into the stomach for feeding

gait-transfer belt Cloth belt worn by the resident to assist with movement and ambulation

gatch handle Handle at the foot of the bed used to change the bed’s position

geri chair Special chair that assists in positioning a resident to increase body alignment and comfort

geriatric Medical care of older adults

gerontology The study of aging and older adults

graduate A round cylinder with markings to measure amount of liquid

grief process Stages of emotional reactions to loss

gurney A litter with wheels used to transport residents


hallucination Falsely seeing, hearing, or smelling something that does not exist

hemiplegia Paralysis or lack of sensation on one side of the body in the vertical plane

hemorrhage Excessive bleeding

Hepatitis B virus (HBV) Virus that attacks the liver

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) Virus that attacks the liver; relies on HBV for transmission

holistic health care Health care that considers the needs of the entire individual from a physical, psychological, and spiritual perspective

hospice Organization dedicated to end-of-life care for individuals and their caregivers and families

HS care Care given to prepare the resident for sleep

human needs Requirements to sustain health and happiness; air, food, safety and security, love and belonging, and self-actualization

hydration The amount of fluid in the body

hygiene Rules for health and cleanliness

hyperglycemia Excessive amounts of glucose in the blood

hypertension A condition of consistently elevated blood pressure above 140/90; high blood pressure

hypoglycemia Abnormally low amounts of glucose in the blood

hypotension Abnormally low blood pressure

hypoxia Decreased amount of oxygen in the blood


immobilize Make immovable

incontinence Condition in which the resident cannot control urinary or fecal elimination

infection control The process of minimizing the growth of infection

infusion-IV therapy Method of delivering fluids and medications with the use of a needle or catheter inserted into the vein

intake and output (I & O) The total amount of foods and fluids ingested and eliminated from the body

intubation Insertion of a tube into the airway to deliver oxygen to the lungs

isolation Protecting an infected person from spreading disease-causing microorganisms to others


ketones Waste products from the chemical breakdown of fats

KS Kaposi’s sarcoma; a rare form of cancer seen in AIDS patients


lateral position Side-lying position

legal-ethical practice The lawful and correct way to perform professional duties

Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) A licensed nurse who works under the direction of a registered nurse (RN) to plan and provide nursing care

logroll To move the body while maintaining straight alignment

long-term care resident A client who lives in a health-care facility designed to provide rehabilitation and personal care for an extended period of time


malnutrition Insufficient nourishment for the body

mechanical lift Device to assist in lifting a resident who cannot move by oneself

mechanical ventilator Machine that delivers oxygen to the lungs

medical asepsis An environment free of pathogens

medical liability Legal accountability for performance of duties to others

metastasis Invasion of cancer cells in a site distant from the original site of invasion

microorganisms Any plant or animal that cannot be seen by the naked eye

MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) Type of microorganism that is not easily killed by methicillin; an antibiotic


nares Openings into the nose

neglect State of being improperly cared for (physically, psychologically, or emotionally) that results in harm

negligence Failure to care for someone, which results in harm

nocturia Excessive urination during the night hours

non-malfeasance Doing no harm

Noncompliance Deliberately ignoring a plan of care

NPO Nothing by mouth

Nurse Practice Act Law regulating professional practice of licensed nurses

Nursing Assistant-Nurse’s Aide Individual trained to provide personal care under the supervision of a licensed nurse

nutrient Substance in food that supplies the body with fuel for energy


OBRA Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act; Federal law that protects the quality of health care. The act addresses the safety, health, and well-being of patients as well as the quality of education and training for nursing assistants.

opportunistic disease Disease contracted due to the body’s weakened immune system

oral hygiene Care of the mouth, teeth, and gums

orthopneic position Sitting position that improves breathing in which the client leans over an overbed table with arms supported on pillows

OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration; a federal regulatory agency concerned with the health and safety of employees

oxygen A colorless, odorless gas that is necessary for life


palliative care Care for clients whose disease does not respond to treatment; comfort care

paralysis Lack of movement of a body part

paraplegia Paralysis in the lower half of the body

pathogen Disease-causing microorganism

Patient Self Determination Act (PSDA) Federal law giving individuals the right to make health-care decisions expressed through written advance directives and to be informed of his or her rights to accept or refuse health care

PCP (Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia) A rare form of pneumonia contracted by individuals with depressed immune systems such as AIDS

perineal care (peri-care) Cleansing and care of the genital and anal areas of the body

peristalsis Wave-like muscular contractions in the tubular structures of the digestive system to move food

plantar flexion The act of being a body part to decrease the angle between the bones forming a joint

plaque A build-up of cholesterol in the arteries

PO Per os (Latin); by mouth

polyuria Excessive urination

postmortem care Care of the body after death

postoperative After surgery

PPE Personal protective equipment such as gown, gloves, and mask or face shield; used to protect from contamination by pathogens

pressure ulcer Sore or lesion on the skin caused by undue pressure to the body part directly beneath it

prone position Lying on the abdomen, face downward or to the side

prosthesis A device that replaces a body part


quadriplegia Paralysis of both arms and legs

quality assurance A process of evaluating a facility’s services by comparing them to accepted standards


radial pulse Feeling the pulse (heartbeat) in the radial artery

range of motion (ROM) The degree of movement possible in a joint

rapport A relationship of mutual understanding between two people

reality orientation Process of reminding a resident of who he or she is, where he or she is, the current date and time and current events

Registered Nurse (RN) Person educated and licensed to assess, plan, diagnose, provide, and evaluate nursing care

rescue breathing Providing emergency oxygen through own expired air for residents who are not breathing; artificial respiration

Resident’s Bill of Rights Document outlining the rights of residents living in a long-term care facility

respirations Breathes, including inspiration and expiration

respiratory arrest Condition in which a resident stops breathing

respite care Care given to provide rest and emotional support to caregivers

restorative care Care directed to restoring function to its highest level

restraint Any device used to keep a resident from walking away from a location

risk management A system or process to reduce danger to residents and staff

role A set of expectations about how a person occupying a particular position in society acts

role reversal A situation in which a resident’s role is changed from an expected one to a different, often lesser one

rotation Turning on an axis


scabies A contagious skin infection caused by infestation by the itch mite

seizure Sudden contractions of muscles caused by erratic brain activity; convulsion

self-actualization Highest level of human needs; self-fulfillment

sensory overload Overstimulation of the nervous system

sensory stimulation Excitation of sensory nerves

sexual harassment Unwelcomed advances or suggestions with sexual advances or innuendos

sexually transmitted disease/illness (STD/STI) Disease transmitted through sexual contact

shingles Rash caused by the herpes virus

shroud Cloth used to cover the deceased body

Sim’s position Semi-prone, side-lying position with lowermost arm at the back, the body resting on the chest, and the uppermost leg flexed

sphygmomanometer Blood pressure cuff

sputum Mucus secreted from the lungs, bronchi, and trachea

standard precautions Procedures used to protect against exposure to resident’s blood or body fluids

sterile Free from all microorganisms

Sterile Technique Keeping sterile objects sterile or free of all microorganisms

stethoscope Device to transmit sounds from the body to the examiner’s ears

stoma Artificially created opening from a body’s cavity to the outside of the body

stool Solid waste products expelled from the body; feces

suffocation Depriving of air exchange

suicidal ideation Thoughts of suicide that includes a plan, method, and time line

Sundowner’s Syndrome Condition in which confusion and agitation increases during evening hours

supination Turning upward

syncopy Fainting; losing consciousness

systolic pressure Pressure of blood against the arteries when the ventricles contract


terminal illness Illness in which recovery is not anticipated

thrombus Blood clot

TIA Transient ischemic attack; condition in which the brain cells are temporarily deprived of sufficient oxygen

TPN Total parenteral nutrition; method of delivering nutrients through the vein to meet daily caloric needs

tracheostomy Artificial opening into the trachea

Tuberculosis (TB) Infectious disease in which a bacterium invades the body, affecting the lungs, brain, or bones

tympanic membrane Membrane separating the outer from the middle ear that helps transmit sound into the middle ear


urinate To expel liquid wastes from the body; to void


values Set of principles or beliefs held strongly by a person

ventilate To allow air into the lungs

virus A pathogen that grows after invading a body cell

void To expel liquid wastes from the body

VRE (vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus) Bacterium that is resistant to the antibiotic vancomycin

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