

abduction, 58

abuse, 23

accidents, 40

active listening, 21

acute myocardial infarction (AMI), 79

adduction, 58

ADEs (adverse drug effects), 55

ADLs (activities of daily living), 16

bathing, 4749

partial bedbaths, 10708

perineal care, 108

dressing, 110

grooming, 5051

hygiene, 47

nutrition, 5153, 124

for paralyzed residents, 81

for vision-impaired residents, 74

oral hygiene, 4950, 109110

rest/sleep, 5456

toileting, 5354, 125

advance directive, 92

adverse drug effects (ADEs), 55

aggression, 8889

aging, effect on body systems, 3133

aiding and abetting, 23

AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome), 37, 76, 87

airborne transmission, 34

Alzheimer’s disease, 7576, 8990

AM care, 47

ambulation, 56

ambulation assistance with gait-transfer belt, 122123

AMI (acute myocardial infarction), 79

analgesia, 55, 9293

angina, 79

anorexia, 89

answering questions on written examination, 68

antisepsis, 34

aphasia, 8081

apical pulse, 60, 105

apnea. See respiratory arrest

arteriosclerotic, 79

aspiration, 50

assault, 23

atrophy, 57

autonomy, 4748

axilla, 48

axillary temperature, 103


bacteria, 33

bathing, 4749

partial bedbaths, 107108

perineal care, 108

battery, 23

bedpans, 125


making, 111112

with mechanical lifts, 120121

bedsores, 48

beneficence, 26

biohazardous waste, 38

blood clots, 7980

blood pressure, 60, 106107

blood pressure cuffs, 60

blood sugar level signs/symptoms, 85

blood-borne pathogens, 37

body alignment, 58

body mechanics, 59

body systems, effect of aging on, 3133

body temperature, 50

measuring, 101104

axillary temperature, 103

oral temperature, 101102

rectal temperature, 102103

tympanic membrane temperature, 103104

Braden scale, 48

breathing problems, 7678


calories, 5152

cancers of digestive and urinary tract, 83

carbohydrates, 8485

cardiac arrest, 79

cardiovascular problems, 7980

caring characteristics, 18

cataracts, 73

catheter care, 128129

cerebral vascular accident (CVA), 7576

chair, transferring resident to, 119

Cheyne-Stokes respirations, 93

CHF (congestive heart failure), 79

choking, 76, 132

cholecystitis, 82

chronic illness

of digestive organs, 8384

risk factors, 33

circulatory conditions, 7980

cirrhosis, 83

clean catch urine specimen, 130

cleansing enema, 126

clinical skills test (CST)

ambulation assistance with gait-transfer belt, 122123


partial bedbaths, 107108

perineal care, 108

blood pressure, measuring, 106107

body temperature, measuring, 101104

condom catheter, applying, 129

handwashing, 101

intake and output (I&O), recording, 127

isolation procedures, 131133

making occupied bed, 111112

monitoring resident in restraints, 124

passive range of motion (PROM) exercises, 123124

personal care skills

bedpans, 125

cleansing enema, 126

direct care, 100

dressing, 110

feeding, 124

indirect care, 99100

indwelling catheter care, 128129

nail care, 108109

oral hygiene, 109110

ostomy care, 125

urinary drainage bag, 127

positioning resident

Fowler’s position, 113114

lateral position, 114115

logroll, 117118

orthopneic position, 116

prone position, 115116

on side of bed, 112113

Sim’s position, 115

supine position, 113

post-mortem care, 133134

pulse, measuring, 104105

respirations, measuring, 105106

specimen collection

stool, 131

urine, 130

test-taking strategies, 89

tips for taking, 34

transferring resident

to chair/wheelchair, 119

with mechanical lift, 120121

sitting on side of bed, 118119

to stretcher, 121122

CNAs. See nurse assistants/aides (CNAs)

coccyx, 48

code of ethics, 26

colon, 83

colostomy, 83

comatose residents

oral hygiene, 50

on ventilators, 78

commode, 54

common cold, 34

communicable diseases

preventing. See infection control

terminology, 3334

communication skills of nurse assistants/aides, 2122

condom catheter, 129

confidentiality, 26

confusion, 88

congestive heart failure (CHF), 79

contact isolation, 36

contagion, 3334

content outline for written examination, 12

continuing education, 17

contracture, 57

coronary arteries, 79

CST. See clinical skills test (CST)

cultural diversity, 2122, 6263

CVA (cerebral vascular accident), 7576

cyanosis, 76


data collection and reporting, 6567


post-mortem care, 133134

of terminally ill residents, 93

debilitated, 76

decubitus ulcer, 48

defecate, 5354

dehydration, 5152

delirium, 54

delusion, 89

dementia, 8990

dentition, 5152

dentures, 4950, 109110

depression, 9091

diabetes, 8486

blood sugar level signs/symptoms, 85

nail care, 51

diabetic retinopathy, 73

diarrhea, 54

dieticians (RDs), 20

digestive problems, 8286

direct care, 100

disoriented, 88

diversion, 83

DNR (do not resuscitate), 92

D.O.N. (Director of Nursing), 19

dorsiflexion, 58

dressing, 110

droplet transmission, 34

dysphagia, 8081

dysphasia, 7576

dyspnea, 55, 76

dysuria, 97


edema, 52, 79

elimination, 5354

elimination problems, 8286

emesis, 84

emotional needs, 6162

empathy, 18

end of life issues, 9293

enema, cleansing, 126

environment, infection control in, 38

ethics, 26

euthanasia, 92

extension, 58

eye protection, 36


face shields, 36

falls, protection against, 39, 4748

false imprisonment, 23

fecal impaction, 54

feeding. See nutrition

fever, 59

fire safety, 39

flaccid, 8081

flexion, 58

fluid intake, 5153

food intake, 5153

Fowler’s position, 58, 113114

fungi, 33


G tube (gastrostomy tube), 83

gait-transfer belt, 59, 74, 122123

glaucoma, 73

gloves, 36

putting on, 132

removing, 132133


putting on, 132

removing, 132133

gowns, 36

putting on, 132

removing, 132133

grief process, 9091

grooming, 5051

gurney, transferring resident to, 121122


hair care, 51

hallucination, 89

hand sanitizers, 3536

handwashing, 3536, 101

hazardous wastes, 38

HBV (hepatitis B virus), 37

health, 31

health maintenance and restoration, 5960

hearing, aging and, 33

hearing impairment, 7475

heart attack, 79

heart disease, 79

hemiplegia, 8081, 82

hemorrhage, 83

hepatitis, 82

hepatitis B virus (HBV), 37

high blood pressure. See hypertension

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), 37, 87

holistic health care, 92

hospice, 92

HS care, 47

hydration, 5152

hygiene, 47

hyperglycemia, 85

hypertension, 55, 80

hypoglycemia, 85

hypotension, 76

hypoxia, 76


I&O (intake and output), 53, 127

identification required for examination, 2

immobility, 5759, 8081

immunity, 32

incident reports, 40

incontinence, 8081

independence, 5657

indirect care, 99100. See also standard precautions

individualism, 6263

indwelling catheter care, 128129

infection, symptoms of, 34

infection control, 34

in environment, 38

linens, 38

medical asepsis, 3536

personal protective equipment (PPE), 36

resident equipment, 3738

role of CNAs, 3435

sharps, 37

surgical asepsis, 38


of digestive organs, 8283

HIV and AIDS, 87

infectious diseases. See communicable diseases

influenza, 34

infusion-IV therapy, 82

intake and output (I&O), 53, 127

intellectual abilities, aging and, 32

interpersonal skills of nurse assistants/aides, 2122

intravenous access device (IV), 82

intubation. See mechanical ventilator

intuition, 65

invasion of privacy, 23

involuntary seclusion, 23

isolation, 34

isolation procedures, 131133

IV (intravenous access device), 82


jaundice, 82

job limitations of nurse assistants/aides, 17

job responsibilities of nurse assistants/aides, 1617


ketones, 8485


larynx, 7576

lateral position, 114115

legal-ethical practice

ethics, 26

liable acts, list of, 2223

resident rights, 2326

liable acts, list of, 2223

Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs), 19

limitations of nurse assistants/aides, 17

linens, 38

listening, active, 21

LMHPs (social workers), 20

logroll, 58, 117118

long-term care residents, rights of, 2326

lotions, 35, 48

LPNs (Licensed Practical Nurses), 19

LSWs (social workers), 20


macular degeneration, 73

malnutrition, 5152, 82

masks, 36

putting on, 132

removing, 132133


blood pressure, 106107

body temperature, 101104

axillary temperature, 103

oral temperature, 101102

rectal temperature, 102103

tympanic membrane temperature, 103104

pulse, 104105

respirations, 105106

mechanical lift, 58, 120121

mechanical ventilator, 78

medical asepsis, 34, 3536

medical liability, list of liable acts, 2223

mental health needs, 6162

metastasis, 83

methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), 33

microorganisms, 33


aging and, 32

paralysis, 8081

restorative care, 5759

monitoring resident in restraints, 124

mouth care. See oral hygiene

MRSA (methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus), 33


nail care, 51, 108109

nares, 77

nasogastric tube, 83

neglect, 23

negligence, 23

nephritis, 82

NNAAP (National Nurse Aide Assessment Program)

clinical skills test (CST)

test-taking strategies, 89

tips for taking, 34

written examination

content outline, 12

identification required, 2

preparation for, 46

self-assessment, 913

test-taking strategies, 68

tips for taking, 3

noncompliance, 5152

non-malfeasance, 26

NPO, 82, 83

nurse assistants/aides (CNAs)

communication/interpersonal skills, 2122

defined, 19

personal qualities, 1718

role of, 16

in infection control, 3435

job limitations, 17

job responsibilities, 1617

other tasks/duties, 17

resident safety, 39

as team members, 1921

nurse practice act, 19

nutrients, 5152

nutrition, 5153, 124

for paralyzed residents, 81

for vision-impaired residents, 74


OBRA (Omnibus Budget and Reconciliation Act) of 1987, 56

occupied bed, making, 111112

opportunistic disease, 87

oral (PO) temperature, 59, 101102

oral hygiene, 4950, 109110

orthopneic position, 116

ostomy care, 83, 125

oxygen, 7678



aging and, 33

signs of, 55

sleep interference, 55

palliative care, 92

pancreatitis, 82

paralysis, 8082

paranoid, 89

paraplegia, 8081

parasites, 33

Parkinson’s disease, 7576

partial bedbaths, 107108

passive range of motion (PROM), 5758, 123124

pathogens, 33, 34

Patient Self Determination Act (PSDA), 92

PCAs/PCTs (patient care assistants/technicians). See nurse assistants/aides (CNAs)

PCP (pneumocystis carinii pneumonia), 76

perineal care, 47, 108

personal care skills. See ADLs (activities of daily living); clinical skills test (CST)

personal protective equipment (PPE), 36

putting on, 132

removing, 132133

personal qualities of nurse assistants/aides, 1718

physical problems

cardiovascular problems, 7980

digestive and elimination problems, 8286

hearing impairment, 7475

HIV and AIDS, 87

paralysis, 8082

respiratory problems, 7678

speech impairment, 7576

vision impairment, 7374

physical therapists (RPTs), 20

plaque, 79

pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP), 76

pneumonia, 34, 76

PO (oral) temperature, 59, 101102

podiatry, 51

polyuria, 85

positioning resident

Fowler’s position, 113114

lateral position, 114115

logroll, 117118

orthopneic position, 116

prone position, 115116

on side of bed, 112113

Sim’s position, 115

supine position, 113

post-mortem care, 133134

PPE (personal protective equipment), 36

putting on, 132

removing, 132133

preparation for written examination, 46

pressure ulcer, 48

prevention skills. See restorative care

privacy in bathing, 4748

PROM (passive range of motion), 5758, 123124

prone position, 58, 115116

prosthesis, 74

PSDA (Patient Self Determination Act), 92

psychological problems

aggression, 8889

confusion, 88

dementia, 8990

depression, 9091

psychosocial care skills, 61

cultural needs, 6263

emotional and mental health, 6162

sexual needs, 6465

spiritual needs, 6364

pulse, measuring, 104105


quadriplegia, 8081

quality assurance, 17

questions, answering on written examination, 68


radial pulse, 60, 104105

range of motion (ROM), 5758

rapport, 6364

RDs (dieticians), 20

reality orientation, 88

rectal temperature, 102103

registered nurses (RNs), 19

rehabilitation, 56

religion. See spiritual needs

reporting data, 6567

rescue breathing, 76

resident equipment, infection control, 3738

resident safety, 39

Resident’s Bill of Rights, 2326

respirations, 60

measuring, 105106

of terminally ill residents, 93

respiratory arrest, 76, 78

respiratory problems, 7678

respiratory therapists (RTs), 20

respite care, 92

responsibilities of nurse assistants/aides, 16

job limitations, 17

job responsibilities, 1617

other tasks/duties, 17

restorative care, 56

health maintenance and restoration, 5960

mobility, 5759

self-care, 5657

restraints, 8889, 124

rest/sleep, 5456

risk factors for chronic illness, 33

risk management for blood-borne pathogens, 37

RNs (registered nurses), 19

role of nurse assistants/aides, 16

job limitations, 17

job responsibilities, 1617

other tasks/duties, 17

role reversal, 91

ROM (range of motion), 5758

RPTs (physical therapists), 20

RTs (respiratory therapists), 20


safety of residents, 39

scabies, 34

self-actualization, 63

self-assessment for written examination, 913

self-care, 5657

sensory overload, 75

sensory stimulation, 75

sepsis, 34

sexual harassment, 25

sexual needs, 6465

sharps, 37

shaving, 5051

shingles, 34

shortness of breath. See dyspnea

Sim’s position, 58, 115

sitting on side of bed, 118119

skin care in bathing, 4749

skin conditions, 34

sleep, 5456

social workers (LMHPs/LSWs), 20

specialized care

physical problems

cardiovascular problems, 7980

digestive and elimination problems, 8286

hearing impairment, 7475

HIV and AIDS, 87

paralysis, 8082

respiratory problems, 7678

speech impairment, 7576

vision impairment, 7374

psychological problems

aggression, 8889

confusion, 88

dementia, 8990

depression, 9091

terminal illness, 9293

specimen collection

stool, 131

urine, 130

speech impairment, 7576

sphygmomanometer, 60

spiritual needs, 6364

sputum, 77

standard precautions, 35. See also indirect care

sterile, 38

stethoscope, 60

stoma, 83

stool, 5354, 131

stretcher, transferring resident to, 121122

stroke, 7576, 8081

suicidal ideation, 91

Sundowner’s Syndrome, 88

supine position, 58, 113

support hose, 110

surgical asepsis, 38

syncope, 49


tachycardia, 55, 76

tachypnea, 55

TB (tuberculosis), 34, 77

team members

list of, 1920

nurse assistants/aides as, 1921

temperature. See body temperature

terminal illness, 9293

test-taking strategies

for critical skills test, 89

for written examination, 68

theft, 23

thrombosis, 79

thrombus, 7980

TIA (transient ischemic attack), 79

toileting, 5354, 125

TPN (total parenteral nutrition), 83

tracheostomy, 78

transferring resident

to chair/wheelchair, 119

with mechanical lift, 120121

sitting on side of bed, 118119

to stretcher, 121122

transient ischemic attack (TIA), 79

tuberculosis (TB), 34, 77

tympanic membrane temperature, 103104

tympanic thermometers, 60


urinary drainage bag, 127

urinate, 5354

urine specimen collection, 130

UTI (urinary tract infection), 82


values, 26

ventilator. See mechanical ventilator

viruses, 33

vision, aging and, 32

vision impairment, 7374

vital signs, 5960

void, 5354


wellness, 31

wheelchair, transferring resident to, 119

written examination (WE)

content outline, 12

identification required, 2

preparation for, 46

self-assessment, 913

test-taking strategies, 68

tips for taking, 3

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