Appendix C: Emergency Operations Center Setup Procedures

A location designated as a fully capable Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is an essential element of a campus PPMRR strategy. It can be a dedicated location or one designated to be converted to an EOC as needed. It should be large enough to hold the PPMRR team as well as outside agency representatives in order to centralize incident management.


  • Provides a central point where all information related to the incident is received and analyzed, incident priorities are determined, strategies are developed, and critical resources are assigned to tactical operations.
  • Provides for operations during extended periods of time.
  • Enhances coordination between involved agencies and provides for the efficient and effective use of all modes of communications available for the incident.
  • Minimizes disruption to campus departments not directly affected.
  • Provides a centralized location to conduct planning meetings, tactics meetings, shift briefings, media briefings, press conferences, public information releases, and other information dissemination.


  • Field operations will be controlled from one or more Incident Command Post(s), which will be located near the emergency/disaster scene.
  • The EOC has the capability to communicate with the field operations, as well as local, state, and federal agencies.

Sample statements to be included in the PPMRR guide.

Activation of the EOC

The EOC will be activated when necessary to facilitate response and subsequent recovery from any emergency. The Emergency Classification Levels are used to classify the significance of the event. The following individuals are authorized to activate the EOC:

  • President
  • Director of Emergency Management
  • Provost

Sample to be included in your campus PPMRR

The primary Campus EOC is located in (Room XXX of XXX Hall, Building XX on the Campus map). The facility is a designated, but not a dedicated, EOC facility. Supplies are maintained in a state of readiness for conversion and activation when needed. The EOC serves as the centralized location in which campus staff will report for duty and assume their PPMRR roles. In the event that the primary EOC cannot be used, an alternate EOC will be established in (Room XXX of XXX Hall, Building XX on the Campus map).

EOC Setup

Upon notification of EOC activation, the Logistics Staff will initiate the setup of equipment. General setup responsibilities include

  • Ensure that the EOC is accessible.
  • Ensure that adequate furniture, fixtures, telephones, and space are available.
  • Locate EOC supplies in supply room.
  • Set up and test telephones, fax machines, and other logistical supplies.
  • Set up prepositioned management aids and tools including:
    • General message board
    • Whiteboards
    • Flip charts
  • Set up an area to post communications information (incoming telephone numbers, incoming fax machine numbers, Media Briefing Center number, etc.).
  • Establish a “quiet space” where EOC staff can take a break and make private calls.

Depending on the operation of your campus EOC, PPMRR team members may be asked to bring their own laptops into the EOC.

Sample Emergency Operations Center Floor Plan

Sample EOC Supply List






Analog clock, battery powered (min 11″)



Personal or laptop computers; Building has wireless capability; Staff to bring their own laptops









Easel chart pads



Easel chart markers



Easel chart stand



Campus maps—Large hard copy in addition to GIS based



Individual building maps—Hard copy in addition to GIS based



Masking tape



Writing pads (legal or letter)









Paper clips



File folders






Flashlights with extra batteries






Large whiteboard



LCDs for data projection and commercial TV/media display



Handheld radio 800 MHz

Incident Documentation

It is imperative that all activities involving the event be properly documented from the beginning through the recovery phase. Provide Activity Logs for each UCG, Command, and Section Chief to record the following:

  • Time and information for telephone calls made and received
  • Time and information for actions requested and taken
  • Other general notes and information

As available, the Planning Section Chief collects the Activity Logs and collates information to be entered into Incident Action Reports and Situation Reports.

Shift Changes

In incidents where response and recovery efforts span multiple days, the Director of Emergency Management will evaluate the situation and define necessary shift changes (e.g., 8 or 12 hours). At every shift change, outgoing PPMRR team members will brief the incoming staff. This briefing should include a review of the most recent operational period action plan, significant changes in the response strategy.

Deactivation and Demobilization of the EOC

The university President or designee, advised by the IC, will determine when to deactivate the EOC and transition to normal campus operations. The process of demobilizing includes demobilizing all units, and documenting the incident in preparation for the After Action Report, and updating the campus plans and procedures. To accomplish this:

  • The IC will notify sections when they are no longer required in the EOC.
  • All staff must ensure that any open actions not yet completed will be handled after the deactivation.
  • All staff must ensure that all required forms or reports are completed prior to deactivation and have copies made of all logs, reports, messages, and any other documents used and received in the EOC. Leave originals in the position folder.
  • The Emergency Management Director will return and secure supplies and equipment to the storage location.
  • An official notification will be sent to all involved internal and external participants that the EOC is deactivated.

This action signifies the transition from the response phase to the recovery phase. Prior to deactivation, the IC will assign staff to a Disaster Recovery Group (DRG) to establish the short-term recovery goals that facilitate long-term recovery. The recovery plan should address the following if necessary:

  • The recovery effort’s goals
  • Short-term recovery operations, such as debris removal and volunteer and donation management
  • Temporary shelter and housing, permanent housing if on-campus housing has been compromised
  • Economic recovery
  • Environmental recovery
  • Infrastructure and lifelines
  • Financial and community resources
  • Social and psychological aspects of recovery

Response Capability Performance Objectives

The campus should develop measurable response capability performance objectives for the capability to activate and manage EOC operations, collect information and conduct situation assessments, develop priorities and strategies for incident management, manage resources, coordinate with other agencies, and implement executive directions. The following table provides targets that can be used in assessing performance in the activation and operation of the EOC.

Performance Objective

Performance Measure

Metric (minutes)


Activate and manage EOC operations

Activate EOC for an incident within 1 hour from determination of need.



Collect information and conduct situation assessment

Ensure the ability to have a planning function capability at the EOC and to establish information linkages with incident command and field assets, university departments, and other governmental entities within 2 hours of determination of need.



Support development of priorities and strategies for EOC management

Coordinate operations at the EOC within 2 hours of notification and establish procedures for developing an Incident Action Plan within 2 hours of determination of need.



Manage resources

Ensure the ability to coordinate logistics within the EOC by receiving, staging, and distributing resources to meet identified needs within 2 hours of determination of need.



Performance Objective

Performance Measure

Metric (minutes)


Coordination with other agencies

Ensure the ability to maintain 24/7 coordination with multiple agencies at an EOC within 2 hours of determination of need.



Support executive decision making

Ensure the ability to establish a Common Operating Picture necessary for decision making within 2 hours of determination of need.


EOC information was extracted from the University of the Rockies Emergency Operations Plan.

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