
AIG, 63

Aikido, Japanese styles, 21

Allen, Paul, 15

Analytical behavioral styles, 8, 13

bases of, 4142

data-driven leader in Elon Musk, 4142

disadvantages of, 49

leadership style, 4243

negotiation and communication style, 42

relationships chart, 43

Analytical fighting style. See Judo

Art of War (Sun Tzu), xi, xiii, 32–33, 5354

Ashi waza techniques, judo, 50

Asian martial arts, effective fighting method, 101


Ballmer, Steve, 95

Behavioral styles, 113

business behaviors and fighting styles, 1113

classification of, 26

formal and informal behaviors, 67

natural and adapted behavior, 810

proactive and responsive behaviors, 78

Binomial cause-effect relationships, 17

BJJ. See Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Black Belt Magazine (Carlos Machado), 102

Bob Greenberg, CEO, 1516

A Book of Five Rings, 30, 3637

Miyamoto Musashi, 3236

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ), 74, 75, 78

black belt Rob Biernacki, 108

business learnings for supporter, 105108

Carlos Gracie fighting style of, 102103

effective fighting method of, 101

informal styles, 1112

principles of, 103105

responsive styles, 12

Royce Gracie (world’s Ultimate Fighter), 102

Bringing up Baby (Cary Grant), 7


business learnings from

48 diagrams for self-defense, 88–94

kata, 8587

martial arts knowledge, 8183

transmission of, 8385

“Buffer zone” theory, 5962

Bushido, 32

Business applications analysis, 50

Business behaviors

and fighting mentality, xiii–xvi

and fighting styles, 1113

conclusion, 109110

Business-focused spectator sport, 76

Business learnings, for controller, 2527


Cao Cao, 60, 62

ruled by, 55


analyst behavioral style of, 3940

controlling leadership style for, 1518

promoter behavioral style, 6567

supporter behavioral style of, 9597

Chiang Kai-shek, 54

“China hand,” definition of, 23

Chinese Communist Party, 53

Chinese martial arts, 71

Chinese Wushu, 22

Choleric personality, 4

Collaborative supporter behavior, 106

Combat model vs. War model, 58

Communication style

analyst behavioral style, 42

controller behavioral style, 1819

guidelines, 19

promoter behavioral style, 6869

supporter behavioral style, 9899

Communicative supporter behavior, 106

Conceptual flexibility, judo practice, 49

Controller, business learnings for, 2527

Controlling behavioral styles, 8, 13

bases of, 1718

Bill Gates, 1517

leadership style, 19

negotiation and communication style, 1819

relationships chart, 20

Controlling fighting style. See Karate


Deception tactical behavior, strategies for recurrent usage of, 6163

Decision-making process, controller communication style for, 18

Democratic controllers, 19

Direct contact, transmission paths of, 84

DISC classification, 3

Disciplined worker, controller success for, 18

Dream of the Red Chamber
(Luo Guanzhong), 53

Drills (kihon), karate training format, 2324


Egyptian curse, personality and behavioral styles in, 9

Emotions of Normal People (William Moulton Marston), 3

Execution flexibility, judo practice, 49


Fast decision maker, controller success for, 18

Feint and deception techniques, 9092

Fighting systems, types of, xvi

“Fishing in troubled waters,” 5658

Forbes, 39

Formal behavior style, 67

Formal fighting styles, 11

Forms (kata). See Kata

48 diagrams for self-defense

business learnings from Bubishi’s, 88–94

feint and deception, 9092

level changing, 8890

weak spot targeting, 92–94

Four-step approach, BJJ, 103105

Frame-based movement, 107108

Fukakoshi, Gichin, 83

fighting styles of karate, 2123


Ganryu, 29, 30

Gates, Bill, 1517

controller behavioral styles, 1617

leadership styles, 1617

Gracie, Royce (world’s Ultimate Fighter), 102

Grant, Cary, 78

Grease, 7

“Gregarious democrat,” supporter behavioral style, 97

Ground-and-pound (MMA), 75

Guan Yu, 58, 60

Guidelines, for controller communication style, 19


Han dynasty, 5455

Harvard Business Review article, 16

Heinlein, Robert, xv

Hepburn, Katherine, 7, 8

Hippocrates (Greek physician), 34

Hit Refresh: The Quest to Rediscover Microsoft’s Soul and Imagine a Better Future for Everyone (Satya Nadella), 96

Human behavior, defined as, 5

Human beings

problem-solving, xiv

Robert Heinlein, xv


Idea Man (Paul Allen), 15

“Immortal leaves the cave.” techniques, 82

Industrial modernization process, 45

Informal behavior style, 67

Informal fighting styles, 1112

Isaacson, Walter, characteristics of Steve Jobs, 65


Jab/cross (boxing), 74

Japan transformations, in ancient times, 45

Japanese government and society, 45

Jiu-jitsu. See Jujutsu

“Jobs Reality Distortion Field.”,
65, 66

Jobs, Steve, promoter behavioral style, 6567


business learnings for analyst

positioning and movement, 4849

practice of flexibility, 4950

throwing techniques, 5051

creation of, 4547

formal fighting styles, 11

Japanese styles, 21

responsive styles, 12

science of

methods, 47

techniques, 48

Judogi, 46

Judoka (Judo practitioners), 4751

Jujutsu, 46

Jung, Carl, 45


Kake, judo throwing techniques, 50

Kano, Jigoro, 22, 23, 51

after death Olympic sport, 47

systematization of judo, 45

Tokyo Imperial University, 46

Karate, 48

business learnings for controller

level of internalization, 2627

level of understanding, 26

mechanical level, 26

definition of, 23

formal fighting styles, 11

Gichin Funakoshi modern styles of, 2123

Okinawan fighting styles, 2223

proactive fighting styles, 12

techniques and advantages of, 24

training formats of, 2324

use of kicks in, 2425

Karate-do “The Way of karate,” 22

Kata, 73

concept of, 2527

karate training format, 24

mental aspects, 8687

physical aspects of, 8587

transmission paths of, 8485

Kenyon, Larry, 66

Kinetic energy, practice of karate, 2324

The kingdom of Shu, 5455

The kingdom of Wei, 55

The kingdom of Wu, 54

Kojiro, Sasaki, 2931

Koshi waza techniques, judo, 50

“Kung Fu craze,” 71

Kuzushi, judo throwing
techniques, 50

Kyokushin-kai style, 23


Leadership style

analyst behavioral style, 4243

controller behavioral style, 19

promoter behavioral style, 6970

supporter behavioral style, 99100

Lee, Bruce

MMA fighting style, 73

promoting fighting style of, 7173

Leg scissor technique, 89

Liu Bei, 54–55, 58, 60, 62

Lu Xun, 60

Luo Guanzhong, 53, 54


Machado, Carlos, 102

Mao Zedong, 53

Marston, W.M., 2, 3, 5

Martial arts, in civilian society,

Martial arts knowledge

aspects of, 82

transmission of, 8385

McCarthy, Patrick, 88, 94

McNichols Sports Arena, 101

Melancholic personality, 4

Mikitani, Hiroshi, 58

Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)

Bruce Lee fighting style of, 7173

business learning for promoter

focusing on fighting, 78

importance of performance, 7778

team fighting, 79

informal styles, 1112

proactive fighting styles, 12

MMA. See Mixed Martial Arts

Musashi (Eiji Yoshikawa), 30

Musashi, Miyamoto, 110

A Book of Five Rings, 3236

violent life times of, 3032

Way method, 3637

Musk, Elon

data-driven leader, 3940

principles of, 40

“Myers-Briggs Type Indicator,” 4


Nadella, Satya

rules of leadership, 96

supporter behavioral style of, 9597

Newton-John, Olivia, 7, 8


Okinawa fighting style, 83

Okinawan archipelago, fighting schools in, 82

Okinawan fighting styles, karate, 2223


PDSA action flow. See Plan-do-see-act action flow

Peach Tree Garden, 54

Personality behavior styles, developing for, 10

Personality traits development, 10

Phlegmatic personality, 4

Plan-do-see-act (PDSA) action flow, 87

Proactive behavior style, 8

Proactive fighting styles, 12

Promoter behavioral style, 77, 78

bases of, 6768

leadership style, 6970

negotiation and communication style, 6869

relationships chart, 70

Promoting behavioral styles, 8, 13

Promoting fighting style. See Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)

Psychological Types (Carl Jung), 4


Rakuten, 58

Randori, 105

Ray Stantz (Dan Aykroyd), 9798

Rear naked choke (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu), 75

Red Cliff battle, 55

Responsive behavior style, 8

Responsive styles, 12

Romance of the Three Kingdoms (Luo Guanzhong), 5355

modern-day relevance of, 5563

recurrent usage of tactical behavior, 6163

solve fundamental values and tactical behavior, 5961

survive turbulent environment, 5658

Ronin life, of Musashi, Miyamoto, 31

Round kick (muay thai/karate), 7475



tradition, 34

warrior class, 2931

San Francisco conference, 6

Sanguine personality, 4

Self-motivated worker, controller success for, 18

Shotokan style, established by Funakoshi, 23

Shuhan, 58

“Snow gives way” techniques, 82

Sparring (kumite), karate training format, 24

Sun Quan, leadership of, 54

Sun Tzu, xi, xii, xiii, 32–33, 53

Supporter behavioral style

bases of, 9798

leadership style, 99100

negotiation and communication style, 9899

relationships chart, 100

Satya Nadella, 9597

Supporter fighting style. See Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ)

Supportive behavioral styles, 8, 13


Tactical behavior

strategies for recurrent usage of deception, 6163

strategies to solve in fundamental values and real, 5961

Takedown (wrestling), 75

Takedown technique, 8990

Task-accomplisher, controller success for, 18

Te waza techniques, judo, 50

Texas Instruments BASIC, 16

The Three Kingdoms, 5455

Travel to the West (Luo Guanzhong), 53

Travolta, John, 7, 8

Tsukuri, judo throwing techniques, 50

Turbulent environment, strategies to survive in, 5658


Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) event, 73, 76, 77


Vayman, Allan, 77


War model vs. Combat model, 58

The Water Margin
(Luo Guanzhong), 53

Way method, of Miyamoto Musashi, 3637

Weak spot targeting, 92–94

Wing Chun boxing form, 72

Wong Jack Man, 72

Wozniak, Steve, 66

Written texts and manuscripts, transmission paths of, 85


Yoshikawa, Eiji, 30, 32


Zhang Fei, 58

Zhue Liang, 62

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