

accounts (Intersight), creating, 13

ACI provider, 268


HX clusters, 106

server, 64

bulk server actions, 6566

Hard Reset action, 67

Install Operating System action, 6768

Power Cycle action, 67

single server actions, 6465

vKVM versus Tunneled vKVM, 6869

Workload Optimizer, 174175

advisories, 4243

licensing, 46

navigating, 4346

types of, 43

affinity policies in Workload Optimizer, 177178

aggregation with Intersight API, 241242

alarms, 33

mapping to UCS and HyperFlex, 34

states of, 35

types of, 3435

viewing and reacting to, 3538

alerting policies, 159

anti-affinity policies in Workload Optimizer, 177178

API keys, 210213

API Reference section (Intersight API), 207, 214218

APIs. See Intersight API

AppDynamics, 171172

appliance-based consumption models, 79

application stack orchestration, 200

$apply query option, 241242


of HyperFlex, 9297

data distribution, 94

data optimization, 95

high availability and reliability, 95

independent scaling, 95

LAZs (logical availability zones), 96

replication, 96

software encryption, 9697

stretched clusters, 96

of Intersight, 1

operational intelligence, 46

scalability, 12

service architecture, 24

Assist Service, 1113, 117

Attached Clusters, 145

audit logs, 2829, 246248


in Intersight API, 210213

in Python SDK, 231233

authorization in Intersight API, 210213

automation, defined, 187188

automation policies in Workload Optimizer, 178

AWS CloudFormation, 261

AWS targets

claim process, 120121

contextual operations, 130132

contextual visibility, 121129

Azure Resource Manager, 261


backing up HX clusters, 108

best practices for Workload Optimizer, 179

bulk server actions, 6566

burn rate, 159


certifications for security, 30

chassis profiles, 79

Cisco ACI provider, 268

Cisco Intersight provider, 269272

Cisco MSO provider, 268

claim process for targets, 1417

AWS targets, 120121

Kubernetes, 17

on-premises targets, 17

public cloud SaaS model, 17

SaaS model, 1516

security, 2426

traditional storage, 113116

UCS Director instances, 57

vCenter targets, 118119

Virtual Appliance model, 1617

cleared alarms, 35

client SDKs (software development kits)

Intersight API support, 209


client configuration, 231233

use case code build, 233237

virtual environment creation, 231

client-side processing reduction (Intersight API), 240242

cloning workflow executions, 198199

Cloud Witness, 9899


HyperFlex. See HyperFlex

IWE (Intersight Workload Engine)

creating, 162164

monitoring deployment, 164


Attached Clusters, 145

creating, 139141

lifecycle management, 142

node pools, 144

undeploying, 144145

upgrading, 142143

communication with Intersight, 46

compliance, 158

configuration drift, 71


infrastructure support for, 50

requests, 5152

software repository, 5051

tagging, 5253

Intersight Service for HashiCorp Terraform, 265267

NTP settings, 269272

OS tools for HCL, 42

proactive support, 252255

Python client, 231233

Connected Virtual Appliance (CVA) model, 79

connectivity of targets, 10

adding targets, 13

Assist Service, 1113

Device Connector, 1011

security, 2324

target claim process, 1417

target registration process, 1415

consumption models, 6

feature comparison, 10

on-premises appliance-based options, 79

SaaS (Software as a Service), 6

contextual operations in IVS, 130132

contextual visibility in IVS, 121129

contract and warranty status, 48

$count query option, 239240

critical alarms, 35, 245246

CSV files, applying tags from, 248250

CVA (Connected Virtual Appliance) model, 79


data distribution in HyperFlex, 94

data optimization in HyperFlex, 95

data security, 2930

data types (orchestration), 191192

databases, scalability limitations, 12

declarative model of IaC, 259

deployment of HX clusters, 101105

deployment of IKS clusters, 139141, 165

deployment of servers, 69

ID pools, 70

policies, 6970

server profiles, 7071

FI-attached servers, 72

standalone servers, 72

states, 71

templates, 7273

Device Connector, 1011

with Assist Service, 117

data collection, 29

security, 2326

target claim process

SaaS model, 1516

Virtual Appliance model, 1617

target registration process, 1415

UCS Manager and, 73

Device Console, 7879

devices. See targets

domain management, 73

firmware updates, 8283

hybrid domain operations, 7980

IMM (Intersight Managed Mode), 7479

network policies, 8587

network profiles, 8789

traditional UCS domains, 7374

downloading drivers, 4142

drivers, finding and downloading, 4142


Envoy, 146

error budget, 159

execution for workflows, 197

history and cloning, 198199

rollback, 199

executors, 189190

$expand query option, 243

exporting infrastructure inventory data, 54


FI (Fabric Interconnect)-attached servers

IMM (Intersight Managed Mode), 7479

server profiles, 72

field notices, 43

$filter query option, 238239, 244

finding drivers, 4142

firmware updates, 80

standalone servers, 8182

UCS domains, 8283

UCS Manager, 82

full-stack upgrades for HX clusters, 111113


Google Cloud Deployment Manager, 261

groups in Workload Optimizer, 176


Hard Reset action, 67

HashiCorp, 257. See also Terraform

HCI (hyperconverged infrastructure), 91. See also HyperFlex

HCL (hardware compatibility list), 31, 38

configuring OS tools, 42

finding and downloading drivers, 4142

licensing, 42

validation process, 3839

viewing status information, 3940

health checks for HX clusters, 107108

high availability and reliability in HyperFlex, 95

history of workflow executions, 198199

HX. See HyperFlex

HX Edge (HyperFlex at the Edge), 97

hybrid domain operations, 7980

hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI), 91. See also HyperFlex

HyperFlex, 92

architecture of, 9297

data distribution, 94

data optimization, 95

high availability and reliability, 95

independent scaling, 95

LAZs (logical availability zones), 96

replication, 96

software encryption, 9697

stretched clusters, 96

deployment of clusters, 101105

HyperFlex Connect, benefits of, 97101

management of clusters, 105

actions, 106

backup and restore, 108

full-stack upgrades, 111113

health checks, 107108

launching HyperFlex Connect, 106107

monitoring, 108111

mapping alarms, 34

HyperFlex at the Edge (HX Edge), 97

HyperFlex Connect

benefits of, 97101

launching, 106107


IaC (infrastructure as code). See also Terraform

benefits of, 260261

declarative model, 259

imperative model, 259

Intersight and, 263

mutable versus immutable infrastructure, 259

purpose of, 257, 258

steps in, 258259

tools for, 261

ID pools, 70

IKS (Intersight Kubernetes Service)

benefits of, 138139


Attached Clusters, 145

creating, 139141

lifecycle management, 142

node pools, 144

undeploying, 144145

upgrading, 142143

IWE (Intersight Workload Engine)

benefits and features, 161162

deploying IKS in, 165

installing, 162164

monitoring cluster deployment, 164

purpose of, 136138

SMM (Service Mesh Manager)

installing, 147149

launching, 149151

lifecycle management, 151152

multi-cluster topologies, 160161

observability capabilities, 152160

purpose of, 147

IMM (Intersight Managed Mode), 7479

immutable infrastructure, 259

imperative model of IaC, 259

independent scaling in HyperFlex, 95

informational alarms, 35

infrastructure as code. See IaC (infrastructure as code)

infrastructure operations

advantages of Intersight, 33

advisories, 4243

licensing, 46

navigating, 4346

types of, 43

alarms, 33

mapping to UCS and HyperFlex, 34

states of, 35

types of, 3435

viewing and reacting to, 3538

configuration support, 50

requests, 5152

software repository, 5051

tagging, 5253

exporting inventory data, 54

HCL (hardware compatibility list), 38

configuring OS tools, 42

finding and downloading drivers, 4142

licensing, 42

validation process, 3839

viewing status information, 3940

intelligence feeds, 38

ITSM integration, 5456

TAC (Technical Assistance Center), 47

contract and warranty status, 48

log files, 4748

opening support case, 47

proactive support, 4850

UCS Director integration, 5661

$inlinecount query option, 239

inputs (orchestration), 190191

Install Operating System action, 6768


HX clusters, 102105

IWE (Intersight Workload Engine), 162164

Postman, 219

SMM (Service Mesh Manager), 147149

intelligence capabilities of Intersight, 46

intelligence feeds, linking, 38


accounts, creating, 13

architecture, 1

operational intelligence, 46

scalability, 12

service architecture, 24

consumption models, 6

feature comparison, 10

on-premises appliance-based options, 79

SaaS (Software as a Service), 6

IaC (infrastructure as code) and, 263

infrastructure operations. See infrastructure operations

licensing, 21

network operations, 85

domain policies, 8587

domain profiles, 8789

Nexus Dashboard, 8990

partnership with Terraform, 263

security. See security

server operations. See server operations

storage operations. See storage operations

target connectivity, 10

adding targets, 13

Assist Service, 1113

Device Connector, 1011

target claim process, 1417

Intersight API

API Reference section, 207, 214218

authentication and authorization, 210213

benefits of, 1720, 205206

client SDK support, 209

client-side processing reduction, 240242

information model, 207209

OpenAPI and, 206207

payload size reduction, 238240


installing, 219

terminology, 219220

usage example, 220230


client configuration, 231233

use case code build, 233237

virtual environment creation, 231

rate limiting, 209

required API call reduction, 242244

use cases, 213

audit log details retrieval, 246248

critical alarm retrieval, 245246

proactive support configuration, 252255

steps in, 213

tags in CSV file, 248250

toggling locator LED, 213237, 251

version control, 207

Intersight Appliance, 1113

Intersight Cloud Orchestrator. See orchestration

Intersight Kubernetes Services. See IKS (Intersight Kubernetes Service)

Intersight Managed Mode (IMM), 7479

Intersight provider, 269272

Intersight Service for HashiCorp Terraform, 263267

Intersight Virtual Appliance model, 79

Invisible Cloud Witness, 9899

Istio, 146

ITSM integration, 5456

IVS (Intersight Virtualization Service), 117118

contextual operations, 130132

contextual visibility, 121129

orchestration, 132133

target claim process

AWS targets, 120121

vCenter targets, 118119

IWE (Intersight Workload Engine)

benefits and features, 161162

deploying IKS in, 165

installing, 162164

monitoring cluster deployment, 164


Kubernetes, 135136. See also IKS (Intersight Kubernetes Service)


Attached Clusters, 145

creating, 139141

lifecycle management, 142

node pools, 144

undeploying, 144145

upgrading, 142143

target claim process, 17



HyperFlex Connect, 106107

SMM (Service Mesh Manager), 149151

LAZs (logical availability zones) in HyperFlex, 96


advisories, 46

for HCL information, 42

for Intersight, 21

lifecycle management

of IKS clusters, 142

for service mesh, 151152

linking intelligence feeds, 38

log files, 4748


managed objects, 207209

mapping alarms to UCS and HyperFlex, 34

merge policies in Workload Optimizer, 178

microservices, 145

migration to public clouds, 184185

MOIDs (managed object IDs), 208


HX clusters, 108111

IWE cluster deployment, 164

in SMM (Service Mesh Manager), 152154

targets, 33

advisories, 4246

linking intelligence feeds, 38

mapping alarms to UCS and HyperFlex, 34

states of alarms, 35

types of alarms, 3435

viewing and reacting to alarms, 3538

MSO provider, 268

mTLS (mutual TLS), 157

multi-cluster topologies, 160161

mutable infrastructure, 259


network operations, 85

domain policies, 8587

domain profiles, 8789

Nexus Dashboard, 8990

Nexus Dashboard, 8990

node pools, 144

NTP (Network Time Protocol), configuring settings, 269272


observability capabilities of SMM (Service Mesh Manager), 152160

on-demand public cloud services, 182184

on-premises appliance-based consumption models, 79

on-premises targets, claim process, 17

OpenAPI, 1718, 206207. See also Intersight API

opening TAC support case, 47

operating systems, installing on servers, 6768

operational intelligence of Intersight, 46

operational tasks (orchestration), 190


application stack, 200

data types, 191192

defined, 188

executors, 189190

inputs/outputs, 190191

operational tasks, 190

storage operations, 200203

tasks, 193

Terraform and, 272

use cases, 188, 200

virtualization, 132133

workflows, 188189, 194196

execution, 197

history and cloning executions, 198199

rollback execution, 199

version control, 196197

$orderby query option, 242

organizations (in RBAC), 26

OS tools, configuring for HCL, 42

outlier detection, 159160

outputs (orchestration), 190191


payload size reduction (Intersight API), 238240

placement policies in Workload Optimizer, 177178

placement reservations in Workload Optimizer, 181182

planning with Workload Optimizer, 180181


alerting policies, 159

domain policies, 8587

HyperFlex, 99

server deployment, 6970

in Workload Optimizer, 177178

pools, 70

post-installation checklist for HX clusters, 105


installing, 219

terminology, 219220

usage example, 220230

Power Cycle action, 67

pre-installation checklist for HX clusters, 102

private clouds. See IVS (Intersight Virtualization Service)

Private Virtual Appliance (PVA) model, 9


API keys, 213

in RBAC, 26, 169170

proactive support, 4850, 252255


domain, 8789

HyperFlex cluster, 99

server, 7071

FI-attached servers, 72

standalone servers, 72

states, 71

templates, 7273

providers (Terraform), 267268

Cisco ACI provider, 268

Cisco Intersight provider, 269272

Cisco MSO provider, 268

public clouds. See also IVS (Intersight Virtualization Service)

migration to, 184185

Workload Optimizer and, 182185

PVA (Private Virtual Appliance) model, 9


client configuration, 231233

use case code build, 233237

virtual environment creation, 231


rate limiting, 209

RBAC (role-based access control), 2628, 169170

reacting to alarms, 3538


client-side processing, 240242

payload size, 238240

required API calls, 242244

registration process for targets, 1415

replication in HyperFlex, 96

requests, 5152

required API call reduction (Intersight API), 242244

reserved instances (RI), 182184

resource groups (in RBAC), 26

resource management

traditional method, 167168

Workload Optimizer, 169

actions, 174175

best practices, 179

groups, 176

placement reservations, 181182

planning with, 180181

policies, 177178

public clouds and, 182185

supply chain, 172174

targets in, 170172

users and roles, 169170

resource objects, 207208

restoring HX clusters, 108

roles (in RBAC), 26, 169170

rollback execution, 199


SaaS (Software as a Service), 6

public cloud SaaS model, 17

target claim process, 1516

scalability of Intersight, 12

schemas (OpenAPI), version control, 207

SCM (Support Case Manager), 47

SCVM (Storage Controller Virtual Machine), 9394

SDKs (software development kits)

Intersight API support, 209


client configuration, 231233

use case code build, 233237

virtual environment creation, 231


advantages of Intersight, 3031

audit logs, 2829

certifications, 30

data security, 2930

Device Connector, 2326

importance of, 23

RBAC, 2628

security advisories, 43

$select query option, 238, 243

server operations

actions, 64

bulk server actions, 6566

Hard Reset action, 67

Install Operating System action, 6768

Power Cycle action, 67

single server actions, 6465

vKVM versus Tunneled vKVM, 6869

deployment, 69

ID pools, 70

policies, 6970

server profiles, 7073

domain management, 73

hybrid domain operations, 7980

IMM (Intersight Managed Mode), 7479

traditional UCS domains, 7374

firmware updates, 80

standalone servers, 8182

UCS domains, 8283

UCS Manager, 82

supported systems, 63

server profiles, 7071

FI-attached servers, 72

standalone servers, 72

states, 71

tagging, 270271

templates, 7273

service architecture of Intersight, 24

service mesh

purpose of, 145146

SMM (Service Mesh Manager)

installing, 147149

launching, 149151

lifecycle management, 151152

multi-cluster topologies, 160161

observability capabilities, 152160

purpose of, 147

ServiceNow plug-in, 5456

sidecar proxies, 146

single server actions, 6465

SLI (service-level indicator), 158

SLO (service-level objective), 158

SLO (service-level objective) alerting, 157158

SMM (Service Mesh Manager)

installing, 147149

launching, 149151

lifecycle management, 151152

multi-cluster topologies, 160161

observability capabilities, 152160

purpose of, 147

Software as a Service (SaaS), 6

public cloud SaaS model, 17

target claim process, 1516

software encryption in HyperFlex, 9697

software repository, 5051

sorting with Intersight API, 242

standalone servers

firmware updates, 8182

server profiles, 72

states of alarms, 35

states of server profiles, 71

Storage Controller Virtual Machine (SCVM), 9394

storage operations

HCI (hyperconverged infrastructure), 91

HyperFlex, 92

architecture of, 9297

deployment of clusters, 101105

HyperFlex Connect benefits, 97101

management of clusters, 105113

orchestration, 200203

traditional storage, 92, 113116

stretched clusters in HyperFlex, 96

supply chain in Workload Optimizer, 172174

support. See TAC (Technical Assistance Center)

Support Case Manager (SCM), 47

Swagger API, 206


TAC (Technical Assistance Center), 47

contract and warranty status, 48

log files, 4748

opening support case, 47

proactive support, 4850

tagging, 5253

applying from CSV file, 248250

managed objects, 208

server profiles, 270271


claim process, 1417

AWS targets, 120121

Kubernetes, 17

on-premises targets, 17

public cloud SaaS model, 17

SaaS model, 1516

security, 2426

traditional storage, 113116

UCS Director instances, 57

vCenter targets, 118119

Virtual Appliance model, 1617

connectivity, 10

adding targets, 13

Assist Service, 1113

Device Connector, 1011

security, 2324

HCL (hardware compatibility list), 38

configuring OS tools, 42

finding and downloading drivers, 4142

licensing, 42

validation process, 3839

viewing status information, 3940

monitoring, 33

advisories, 4246

linking intelligence feeds, 38

mapping alarms to UCS and HyperFlex, 34

states of alarms, 35

types of alarms, 3435

viewing and reacting to alarms, 3538

registration process, 1415

server operations. See server operations

TAC (Technical Assistance Center), 47

contract and warranty status, 48

log files, 4748

opening support case, 47

proactive support, 4850

in Workload Optimizer, 170172

tasks (orchestration), 193

Technical Assistance Center. See TAC (Technical Assistance Center)

templates for server profiles, 7273

Terraform, 257, 261262

Intersight Service for HashiCorp Terraform, 263267

orchestration, 272

partnership with Intersight, 263

providers, 267268

Cisco ACI provider, 268

Cisco Intersight provider, 269272

Cisco MSO provider, 268

versions available, 262

Terraform Cloud, advantages of, 263

toggling locator LED, 213237, 251

tracing in SMM (Service Mesh Manager), 154

traffic management in SMM (Service Mesh Manager), 154156

Tunneled vKVM, 6869

two-node HX Edge, 9899


UCS (Unified Computing System)

domain management, 73

firmware updates, 8283

hybrid domain operations, 7980

IMM (Intersight Managed Mode), 7479

network policies, 8587

network profiles, 8789

traditional UCS domains, 7374

mapping alarms, 34

UCS Director integration, 5661

UCS Manager, 73

firmware updates, 82

traditional UCS domains, 7374

undeploying IKS clusters, 144145

updating firmware, 80

standalone servers, 8182

UCS domains, 8283

UCS Manager, 82


HX clusters, 111113

IKS clusters, 142143

use cases

Intersight API, 213

audit log details retrieval, 246248

critical alarm retrieval, 245246

proactive support configuration, 252255

Python code build, 233237

steps in, 213

tags in CSV file, 248250

toggling locator LED, 213237, 251

orchestration, 188, 200


validation process for HCL, 3839

vCenter targets

claim process, 118119

contextual operations, 130132

contextual visibility, 121129

version control

in Intersight API, 207

for workflows, 196197


alarms, 3538

HCL status information, 3940

Virtual Appliance model, target claim process, 1617

virtual environment, creating in Python, 231

virtualization. See IVS (Intersight Virtualization Service)


contextual in IVS, 121129

of HyperFlex, 100101

vKVM (virtual keyboard, video, mouse), 6869


warning alarms, 35

workflows (orchestration), 188189, 194196

execution, 197

history and cloning, 198199

rollback, 199

version control, 196197

Workload Optimizer, 167, 169

actions, 174175

best practices, 179

groups, 176

placement reservations, 181182

planning with, 180181

policies, 177178

public clouds and, 182185

supply chain, 172174

targets in, 170172

users and roles, 169170

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