Subject Index



ACT-R, 216, 218, 228, 234, 236240, 243, 259260, 364, 443

ACT-R/PM, 238, 243

sub-symbolic level, 238239

Adult learners, 307345, 401410, 431432

parents, 406408

teachers, see Teachers, professional development of

undergraduates, 348, 362, 408410, 431432

Affect, 479, 484486, 489

Algebra, 220222, 242243, 249252

algebraic vs. verbal solutions for, 249252

Algorithms, 312313

Analogical reasoning, 52, 96, 113, 137138.

see also Transfer

Assessment, xviixviii, 19, 31, 6470, 9596, 98102, 125126, 138144, 147, 177, 214, 293294, 338345, 367375, 387, 400401, 403, 405, 408, 412, 460, 462, 493494, 496497

cost-benefit, 341342

embedded, 138144, 147

interviews, 6470, 98100, 371375, 401

large-scale, 367371

longitudinal observation, 400401, 408

paper and pencil, 9899, 101102, 125126, 143144, 177

performance, 339342

policy-capturing approach, 339341

with neural networks, 342344

of understanding, 342

work products, 295296

Attention, 213, 238239, 245249



Basic research, 7577, 8182, 114116, 225, 227228, 404406, 494495, 502. see also Empirical research

Belief revision, 174175, 181182

Benchmark lessons, 125126, 132135, 143, 147

BGuILE (Biology Guided Inquiry Learning Environments), 263, 265301, 432

Biology education, 263301

Brain, 210211, 227229, 237238, 259, 428

Brown, Ann, xixiv, xxii, 349, 482, 499

Buoyancy, 131, 133, 144145



Causal mechanisms, 271, 276

Case study approach, 399400, 409

Central conceptual structures, 212, 36, 200

Certainty of conclusions, 43, 105109, 115116, 134135

Classroom-centered design, 272

Classroom culture, 264267, 427, 434437, 464467, 470475

Classroom research, 8182, 9598, 122123, 348349, 359360, 362, 479480, 502

Coconstruction, 179

Cognition, xix, 210, 215224, 227228, 234236, 238240, 258259, 348349, 354356, 362364, 389, 392400, 404, 407412, 428430, 437, 440452, 505

bridging to education, 227228, 235236

computer models of, 215224, 442443

grain size of, 228, 234236, 238240, 258259, 437, 443

educational relevance, 235236, 238

metaprinciples of, xix, 393400, 404, 407, 410412, 429430, 505

subsecond level, 235236, 240, 258

theories of, 210, 215224, 228, 348349, 354356, 362364, 389, 392400, 408409, 428430, 440452, 456, 460462

Cognitive apprenticeship, 316, 335

Cognitive architectures, 227229, 234239, 259260, 443

Cognitive development, xvii, 40, 7577, 116, 199200, 391, 443, 500

Cognitive neuroscience, 228229, 235236, 428, 437

Communities of practice, 159, 445446, 449, 487, 505

Comparisons, 268, 270271, 274, 286

controlled, 270271. see also Experiments, unconfounded

Computation, 1516, 1819, 22, 4243, 5354

Conflict resolution, 395396, 407

Constructivism, xiii, 224, 232, 444, 457

Context, 127, 134, 136137, 139, 143, 145, 331333, 468470, 474, 479480. see also Social context

institutional, 468470, 474

problem, 331333

Control of variables strategy (CVS), 8397, 105114. see also Experiments, unconfounded

Cost constraints, 308309

Creativity, 390391

CSEP (Cognitive Studies in Educational Practice), xvi, 481

Cultural diversity, 470475

Curricular sequences, 1315, 2425



Data, see Evidence

Debugging skills, 387388

Decimals, 8, 1315, 1619, 20, 2223

Density, see Material kind

Design experiments, xii, xx, 349, 456475

Design principles, 41, 147148, 266, 276295, 392400, 410411, 437. see also Instructional design

Developmental disabilities, 399, 401, 407408

Developmental sequences, 6, 3536, 391

Dewey, John, 439440, 446452

DIAGNOSER, 138144, 146, 218, 361, 432433

Discovery learning, 82, 8486

Domain-general skills, 8081, 113

Domain specificity, 7781, 480481, 487, 490



Educationally significant change, 480

Elementary school, 15, 3940, 8284, 110, 112, 152153, 157, 183, 431432

Empirical research, 348, 356358, 362. see also Basic research

Encapsulation, 316317

Engineering approach, xixxx, 95, 307308, 338, 427430, 437, 501, 504, 506

EPAM, 216218, 223224

Epistemology, 4243, 52, 197, 264265, 279, 284286, 481, 483, 488

Everyday experience, 15, 135, 142

Evidence, 7881, 83, 161, 172174, 182184, 267, 277278, 281282, 284, 286, 290293, 297299

Expectations, 322323, 330

Experiments, 7881, 83, 8590, 93, 9596, 100, 102103, 105109, 112, 115116, 134138, 502

error in, 103, 112, 115116

hands-on, 9596, 100, 109

unconfounded, 80, 83, 8590, 93, 102, 105109, 112, 115116. see also Comparisons, controlled

Expert performance, 217218, 223, 310312, 322331, 460, 497, 503

Explanations, 202203, 264265, 276286, 289290, 293299, 342, 501502

seeking, 202203

Explicit training, see Instruction, direct

Eye movement, 228, 240, 242259, 443, 503

attention shifts and, 245249

error disambiguation and, 255

error messages and, 252255

instructional opportunities of, 242260

intervention and, 248249

off-task behavior and, 256258

problem information and, 256

solution methods and, 249252



Facets of thinking, 127148, 361

diagnosis of, 139143

facet-based learning environments, 128147

Feedback, 140142, 252255, 376381

end only vs. immediate, 376381

Fluid properties, 128131, 133, 135138, 143144

Fractions, 68, 1315, 1819, 2223



GIsML (Guided Inquiry supporting Multiple Literacies), 157174, 178

Goals framework, 386392, 401404, 410411

G→P→A (Goals→Program→Assessment) approach, 389, 410411

Gravity, 128129, 144145

Group work, 434437

individual learning and, 435

motivation and, 435436

school vs. workplace, 434435



Heuristics, 354356

High-density sensing, 228, 240242

and intrusiveness, 242

and privacy, 241242

High-level skills, 197198

High school, 123, 220, 242, 266, 274, 290291, 295, 431432, 481484

Humanities education, 481486

Hypotheses, 7881, 112, 147, 179, 264, 267, 269270, 281, 284, 291, 350351, 447



Individual differences, 398400

Information processing theory, xx, 402, 439444, 446448, 452

Inquiry, 112113, 152154, 156, 158159, 173175, 179, 183185, 263301, 445446, 450452, 501

community of, 158, 445446

goals of, 269272, 276, 278

guided, 153, 156, 159, 173175, 183185, 265301, 445

products of, 264, 269272, 286287, 295296

reflective, 446448

transactional, 450452

Instruction, xviii, 82, 8487, 9597, 102, 104, 109, 113114, 196200, 387400, 406, 408410, 459463, 495496, 499, 505

direct, 82, 8487, 9597, 102, 104, 109, 113114

explicit, 387388, 394396

strategies for, xviii, 389400, 406, 408410, 463, 505

theories of, 84, 459462, 495496, 499

Instructional design, xv, 1112, 36, 213, 386387, 456462, 472475, 499501, 504506. see also Design principles

Instructional interventions, 82, 96, 123, 359360, 363, 469470, 488490

interdisciplinary integration of, 488490

sustainability of, 469470

Instructional technology, xix, 25, 2930, 208209, 224, 265, 270272, 274276, 278, 286, 288292, 299301, 307, 345, 360363, 375382, 431434, 501, 503504. see also Tutors, computer

integration of, 288292

training for, 433434

Investigations, 152157, 159174, 180185, 264301, 445446

first-hand, 159160, 171173, 180185

preparation for, 289291

second-hand, 152157, 159174, 180185, 445446

strategic artifacts of, 276, 281282, 294

strategic tools for, 276, 281282, 297299

strategies for, 264, 269272, 276278, 282284, 297299



Knowledge, 2, 24, 5354, 8990, 93, 96, 98, 102, 105, 108, 110113, 125132, 147, 172, 175, 177179, 199200, 232236, 258, 265, 271, 309318, 322333, 344345, 364367, 379, 393394, 396397, 448, 496498

conceptual, 310313, 316318, 323329, 331333, 344

organization of, 324327, 332333

domain, 2, 8990, 93, 96, 98, 102, 105, 108, 110113, 265, 271

decomposition of, 232236, 258, 364367, 379

diagnostic, 322323, 329330

gaps in, 314315

generality of, 364366

inert, 309, 323

linking, 396397

prior, 24, 5354, 125132, 147, 172, 175, 199200, 393394, 396, 496498

rule-based, 310313, 316, 318, 322323, 328, 330331, 344345

syntactic vs. substantive, 177179

three levels of, 310312, 318



Laboratory research, 82, 85, 9598, 349, 479480, 502. see also Basic research

Laboratory schools, 385386, 388412

Language learning, 216, 219220, 223

Learner characteristics, 195, 199, 201203

Learning, xviiixix, 195203, 205225, 233234, 269, 274, 307310, 317345, 391, 428, 440452, 456458, 461, 464465, 494495, 497500, 505

as acquisition, 441444, 451452

approaches to, 391

curves, 233234

by doing, 307310, 317345

from examples, 220222

hands-on, 198199

learner-centered theory of, 210211

maturation and, 206

mechanisms of, 206, 210213

metaphors for, 440441, 451

natural environment and, 209

as participation, 444446, 452, 505

problem-based, 269, 274

research on, 205225

rote, 214

theories of, xiiixiv, xx, 84, 440452, 494495, 497500

tools for, see Instructional technology

trajectories of, 456458, 461, 464465

as transaction, 450452

Light, 160183

LISP, 232233

LOGO, 387388



Material kind, 43, 5254, 5872

Mathematical functions, 1, 811, 2435, 243

Mathematics education, 1136, 3972, 197, 201202, 220222, 456475, 488. see also Statistics education

Meaning, xviii, 201203, 448449, 487

pursuit of, xviii, 201203

Measurement, 4547, 5460, 71, 134

error in, 5960

variability of, 5658

Memory, 211213, 216219, 223, 228229, 236239, 428, 442443, 498

chunks, 236239

declarative, 228229, 236239

procedural, 228229

retrieval, 236239

Metacognition, xiixiii, xvii, 171172, 386

Middle school, 25, 110112, 266, 272274, 290291, 295, 388, 431432, 461462

Misconceptions, 127, 147, 199, 359, 457

Model-based reasoning, 3964, 500

Motivation, 132, 134, 146147, 213, 224, 231, 434436

Multidisciplinary approach, xvxvi, xix, 349, 353, 360363, 380382

communication in, xix, 382



National standards, 83, 112113, 152153

National Research Council, 152153

National Science Education Standards (NSES), 83,112113

Natural selection, 269, 272275, 279, 282, 288289, 295

Number lines, 36, 1718

Number sense, 26, 11, 19, 197, 201, 222



OPS5, 216, 220



PARI (Precursor-Action-Result-Interpretation) method, 328329, 331333

PAT algebra tutor, 231, 242258

Pattern recognition, 429

PC PACK, 333338

card sort, 334335

laddering, 336337

protocol editor, 334

rules, 338

Percents, 6, 1319, 2223

estimating, 15

Perception, 216217, 238239

Physics education, 123148

Piaget, Jean, 206, 392, 486

Practice, 213, 218, 397398, 404, 494

Preschool education, 222, 385412, 431

cognitive goals, 390392

physical goals, 390, 399

social goals, 390

thematic units in, 391, 393398

Problem solving, 223, 231, 240, 243, 258259, 310312, 317331, 339344, 355, 361, 367, 372374, 429, 434437, 439443, 446448, 450452, 497

Process explorer, 324328

Production systems, 218, 220224, 229230, 235239, 364366, 429, 442443

Public policy, 462, 474



Qualitative reasoning, 4143, 143144

Quantitative reasoning, 4143, 50, 53



Rational numbers, 1, 68, 1323

Ratios, 4344, 4853, 61

Reflection, 104, 179, 264, 277, 291295, 446448

Representation, xvii, 28, 1112, 1820, 2335, 4852, 5862, 6669, 9698, 114115, 174, 180181, 184, 201, 278286, 288, 290, 314317, 325327, 332–333, 348, 354, 364366, 396397

algebraic, 2427, 48, 6062

concept webs, 396397

of epistemological commitments, 284286

graphs, 8, 2435, 4852, 5862, 6669, 282283, 290

integrative, 68, 1112

of knowledge, 348, 364366

matrix, 325327, 332333

multiple levels of, 314317

of strategies, 282284

tables, 2426, 9698

of theories, 279282



Scaffolding, 184, 265, 270271, 274, 276, 278, 299, 375381, 392, 501

Schemata, 23, 6, 811, 13

Science education, 3972, 7780, 95114, 116, 151185, 197, 201202, 263301, 488. see also Biology education, Physics education

Scientific argumentation, 7172, 183184, 197198, 266267, 269271, 276, 279282, 297299, 446

Scientific claims, 161175, 182184, 200

Scientific disciplines, 264, 267271, 276, 301

Scientific literacy, 153, 159

Scientific reasoning, 7781, 83, 152, 174, 176177, 183185, 266268

Situated cognition, xx, 467468, 475, 504505

Social context, xixxx, 207209, 224225, 272, 278, 351354, 358, 455, 458, 463475, 482486, 489

classroom, 358, 458, 463475, 489

of learning, xixxx, 207209, 224225

of professional development, 482486

of research, 351354, 358

Social process theory, 444446, 449, 452

Sociocultural theory, 152, 157

Software, see Instructional technology

Statistical reasoning, 350352, 354382

choice of analyses, 373375, 376382

errors in, 354356, 359

goal structure of, 380381

planning in, 374375, 381

steps in, 372374

Statistics education, 146, 222, 347382, 461462, 473474

Strategies, xvii, 16, 2023, 35, 4547, 252, 372375, 380, 387388. see also Instruction, strategies for and Investigation, strategies for

guess-and-test, 374375

Symbol systems, 211, 215224, 238



Talk-aloud protocols, 364, 371374

Task analysis, xv, xviixviii, 213, 220223, 233, 267, 310312, 327328, 333338, 363367, 386387, 390392, 410411, 442443, 487, 493, 496499, 503504

tools for, see PC PACK

Teachers, xiii, xviii, 41, 121123, 146, 157159, 184, 198199, 207, 213, 272, 299300, 402406, 410412, 427, 430434, 458, 469470, 481486, 489490

goals of, 403

professional development of, 41, 121123, 157159, 198199, 402406, 410412, 469470, 481486, 489490

role of, xviii, 121123, 146, 184, 207, 213, 272, 299300, 427, 430434, 458

Text, 110112, 152157, 159161, 171185, 197198, 207208, 481483, 501

authority of, 160

expository, 161, 175

features of, 154156, 174175, 178, 180182

interpretation of, 481483

notebook, 174185

refutational, 154

science, 110112, 152157, 197198

student use of, 155156, 178

Theory articulation, 268270, 274, 277

Transfer, 84, 9194, 96, 113, 348349, 357, 369, 387. see also Analogical reasoning

Tutors, xix, 216, 220, 222, 228260, 382, 429430, 503

achievement gains with, 230232

cognitive, 228260

computer, xix, 216, 220, 222, 240241, 382, 429430, 503

human, 232, 240242



Understanding, xviii, 111, 2223, 5354, 6465, 71–72, 122126, 138145, 171, 173, 179180, 201–202, 214, 217219, 288, 296297, 311–312, 314315, 342, 463466

conceptual, 111, 2223, 6465, 71–72, 122126, 138145, 171, 173, 179180, 288, 296297, 311–312, 314315

individual vs. classroom, 463466

mathematical, 5354, 7172

strategic, 296297



Volume, 4547, 5462, 65, 7071

Vygotsky, Lev, 392



Weight, 5456, 5862, 65, 129130, 133

Work environment, 319322



ZBIE, 216, 218220, 223224

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