Chapter 14

Identifying and fixing your own anti-patterns


Identify your own unique anti-patterns and find ways to replace them with beneficial patterns. We offer several techniques and insights for exploring your own behaviour, assumptions and perceptions, and ways to define and apply new, positive behaviours.


Behavioural change
In the course of the last 13 chapters, we’ve shown you some of the most common anti-patterns that we encounter in the course of building digital products. Each of those anti-patterns can manifest in a wide variety of different behaviors, and we hope that one of the lessons you’ve taken away from the book so far is how to map these behaviors to the anti-patterns. But anti-patterns tend to spring up like weeds, so there are many more than we could ever capture in a book. It’s time to flex your newfound muscles and discover some anti-patterns for yourself.

The tip-off

As every anti-pattern essentially manifests itself in the form of one or more behaviors, the first place to look is in those moments when something has gone wrong in communication. This could be a quarrel that blew up; a time you found yourself being shut out of decision-making; or even a time when you conscientiously stayed away from something that came back to bite you later. We’re not saying that every such instance is a time when you’re at fault or an anti-pattern is at play, but you need to be able to assess these moments objectively to determine which ones you can and should work on.
The easiest place to start is at the points of most disruption in communication, perhaps the loudest, most memorable, or most cringe-worthy. The longer you’ve carried a moment like this with you, the more obvious a tip-off it will be. The authors still remember being involved in screaming arguments and throwing our hands up in disgust at feedback in the previous century. The first place to look is in these moments of the past, and whether any of the reasoning or behaviors that led you there are things that you still encounter today.
Another place to find tip-offs is, of course, in the way other people perceive you. Many organizations have instituted 360-degree reviews to help people discover the perceptions of their colleagues. You can check for feedback on your own with sympathetic colleagues after meetings: “Did that feel like it went well? Do you think I was a bit hard on x?”
It’s a little more challenging, but with practice, you can even learn to feel yourself slipping into a behavioral pattern. For example, think about how you change your voice and the cadence of your speech when you give a presentation. This is a form of behavioral pattern that we invoke consciously. There is a sense of intense focus on the moment, with an almost zen-like quality of concentrating on the big stuff – the strategy of the talk, the wealth of insight behind the words – and letting the small stuff – the words themselves – flow. Indeed at the most pronounced end, behavioral patterns are part of what Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi describes as flow.1 Anti-patterns tend to be so tied up with emotion that it can be harder to be self-observing when they appear, but feeling the argument sweep you away or shut you down is generally a sign that a pattern is taking over.

About flow

Flow is a state that we enter when we focus intently on activities that are complex but that we have skill in. Examples of activities that trigger flow state might be playing a musical instrument, competing in a sport, or writing some complex code. When we enter flow state, the outside world recedes and our perception of time diminishes. We become less aware of individual decisions and actions, or physical motions, and instead perceive ourselves as directly achieving the outcome – a sort of telepathy with our tools.
Flow can make you highly productive, but it also contributes to being in the room but not in the team. You can balance this by learning to recognize both flow itself and the circumstances that help you enter it. Once you can replicate the circumstances effectively, you can enter flow more quickly and more reliably.

The cool-down

When you do find yourself displaying or acting out an anti-pattern, it can be tempting to try and identify and resolve it as soon as possible. However, this can be a counter-productive approach. An anti-pattern occurs because we tell ourselves a story about the situation and the path to our desired outcome and, in the immediate aftermath, that narrative is still playing in our minds. We felt justified in acting that way at that time; we need time and perspective to get to a place where we can evaluate the situation more dispassionately.
That time may mean more than just leaving the meeting and getting the hot drink of your choice. You need to fully internalize the other party’s suggestion so you can empathize with it. If you catch yourself thinking “[This person] is such an idiot, his suggestion is ridiculous,” you’re probably still not ready. Nine times out of ten, your colleagues aren’t idiots. To distance yourself from the initial emotional response, take a break from the work for awhile so you can approach it with a fresh eye, and the alternative suggestion from your team in mind. This will help you identify whether you were caught by the IKEA effect – that is, being a little over-invested in what you made.

Get an outside perspective

For this activity, it helps to have a feedback session. Find a colleague who can help you look at the situation from the outside. Don’t go for the colleague who will automatically back you up or turn this into a pity party. Look for the one who can evaluate the situation objectively and thoroughly. Talk through the situation with as though you were in a retrospective. It may help to repeat the retrospective prime directive (see Chapter 3) to frame your conversation neutrally. Try to evaluate your motives and the other party’s motives; what you and your colleague know of the other party’s previous interactions; what the real intentions were behind any suggestions or complaints made; any unexpected reactions or statements on the other party’s half.
Work with your colleague to identify any previous times that this anti-pattern may have occurred in situations they have witnessed, and any causes or resolutions they have observed. This works both ways – for your behaviors, or the ones of your colleague in question. It’s important to understand the context of this behavior pattern and whether you’re causing it or responding to it.

Find the common factor

What you’re searching for now is the theme that connects the occasions you’ve identified. Who were the players? What was the challenge you were responding to? Was there anything familiar in the counter-arguments? These are all clues that will help you understand the broader context of your anti-pattern. Once you understand what it is and where it’s coming from, it’s time to look at turning it around.

Forgive yourself

If you’ve had an interaction that resulted in conflict or where you were proved decisively wrong, you’re probably feeling pretty bad about it. The first thing to do in coming around to a more positive way of thinking is to let yourself off the hook. We all have anti-patterns and they are not our fault. Blame is an unhelpful action in dealing with anti-patterns and will not help you resolve these anti-patterns. Instead, understand that you are on a path of personal growth and learning, and that it’s OK to learn by making mistakes as you go.

Identify some patterns

With the colleague who’s helping with your feedback assessment, brainstorm different paths that the conflict could have taken. Try to figure out if the point was ever winnable or whether the smart thing would have been to concede gracefully.
There are lots of patterns in this book that can be repurposed to address anti-patterns other than the ones we’ve attached them to. Try role playing the scenario again with a few candidate patterns – some of the very broadly applicable ones include Stepping Back, Paraphrased Playback, Yes and …, and Breaking the Meeting.
If the anti-pattern has a more physiological basis, look at what you could do in the form of a pre-meeting ritual to address it. This can be as simple as a context reset – James has taught himself that snapping the elastic band around the cover of his Moleskine notebook means a change of context, and that acts as a useful reset. If, for example, you become terse when hungry, it could mean getting into the habit of having a handful of peanuts or a banana before late-morning meetings. If you slow down while digesting and the fatigue affects your interactions, try to avoid having a heavy lunch when you’ve scheduled a 2 p.m. session.

Make it a habit

Once you’ve identified the pattern you want to use, you’ll need to find a way to make it your natural response. One of the reasons we name all our patterns is so you can use the name to call up a pattern in the heat of the moment, like a mantra. Make the name of your pattern memorable so it’s easy to remember and recall as needed. You can use role-play with your helpful colleague to get used to calling up the pattern during challenging moments.
Knowing that you have a toolbox full of patterns to call upon can be helpful all on its own. As you enter interactions, that knowledge lets you take a more strategic view of the conversation and opens up opportunities to guide the conversation in fruitful directions that may not otherwise have been available.

Keep going

Before the pattern becomes second nature, you’ll have to work at it a few times. You might also need to tweak it before it becomes optimally effective. Don’t let a lack of success early on discourage you. Test the pattern, learn from the outcome, and refine your implementation, just the same way you would use testing to refine a UX proposition.


1. Csikszentmihalyi Mihaly. Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. New York: Harper Perennial Modern Classics; 2007: ISBN: 978 0061339202.

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