Abbasi, Sohaib, 234

Ab Initio Software Corporation, 233

A/B testing, 242

Accenture, 77, 78, 85, 208

AC Milan, 42

ACNielsen, 131

action, designing decision making for, 163

activity-based costing (ABC), 92

actuarial and risk management 103105

AdSense, 136137

advertising, digital, 133, 136137

AIG, 202

airlines, 59, 78, 8889

Alderson, Sandy, 3738

alerts, 253

Alexander, Rob, 7071

algorithmic trading, 85


analytical decision making at, 3334

analytical leadership at, 193194

analytics-based competition at, 2425

Analytics Maturity Assessment of, 47

Echo/Alexa, 255

experiments at, 73

pricing optimization at, 141

senior management commitment at, 55, 56

supply chain management at, 149151

ambition, 5861

Ambrose, John, 147

American Airlines, 59, 78, 88

American Express, 103, 123124


amateur, 208216, 259

in culture wars, 174175

data access for, 225226

data scientists, 5, 6, 13

data scientists vs. quantitative, 5, 204205

in DELTA model, 17, 4647, 178, 179180

DELTA model on, 47

future of, 256259

managing, 200208, 258259

organization of, 202203

outsourcing, 86, 208

quantitative, 5, 1314

software as replacement for, 187190

analytical capabilities

assessing, 160163

choosing a path for, 164165

DELTA model on, 177181

key elements in, 161

managing for outcomes and, 181185

maturity model on, 61

road map to, 36, 157186

urban legends about, 187190

analytical companies, 6364, 174176

executives’ roles in, 194199

analytical competition, 2144

advantages of, 2730

analytical companies in, 174176

analytical decision making in, 3336

aspirations to, 170174

assessing the degree of, 6167

choosing strategic focus, 161162

data and IT capabilities in, 220221

definition of, 26

differentiation via, 2728

in every industry, 25, 2930

four pillars of, 60

full-steam-ahead vs. prove-it path to, 164170

future of, 249264

human element in, 36, 4344

the leading edge in, 36

at Netflix, 2124

origins of, 3033

prerequisites to, 159165

progress toward, 176186

prove-it detour toward, 165170

road map for, 36, 157186

senior executives and, 190200

in sports, 3743

stages of, 6167

analytical competitors, 176

definition of, 45

enterprise-level approach by, 5154

external processes in, 130

four pillars of, 60

key attributes of, 4567

large-scale ambition in, 5861

senior management commitment at, 5458, 6061

strategic, distinctive capability at, 4851

analytical consulting, 8587

analytical eras. See four eras of business analytics

analytical maturity model. See DELTA model

analytically impaired organizations, 6567

analytical techniques

additional technical capabilities, 180181, 183

for amateurs, 212213

for customer relationship management, 134135

for internal processes, 9294

leaders’ knowledge of, 192193

for marketing, 134135

for supply chain management, 148149

Analytics 1.0–4.0. See four eras of business analytics


commitment to, 7577

definition of, 2527

definitions of terms in, 26

DELTA model for capability building in, 17, 4647

enterprise-level approach to, 5154

in government, 8183 (see also government)

localized, 65

Analytics at Work (Davenport, Harris, and Morison), 17, 46

analytics experts

machine learning and, 1011

skills for, 1314

analytics hubs, 54

Analytics Maturity Assessment, 4647

Apex Systems, 124

Apple, 255

architecture, 217247

of analytical technology, 217224

analytical tools/applications and, 236245

data management, 222, 224233

data repositories, 223, 234236

data transformation, 233234

deployment processes and, 246

at Equifax, 244245

artificial intelligence, 811, 118

artisanal analytics, 10, 1112

Ascential Software, 233

aspirations, 5861

analytical, 170174

competitive, 65

assumptions in quantitative analysis, 34

attribute analysis, 23

autonomous analytics, 812, 25, 26, 251

autonomous decision-making applications, 213214

Bain & Company, 74

Bank of America, 52, 106, 196

Barclays, 5657, 59, 79

barriers, 8889

Barton, Richard N., 24

baseball, 3740, 122, 141, 208

basketball, 4142

Bayesian inference, 92, 97

Beane, Billy, 3738

Beech, Roland, 42

behaviors, managing, 181

Belichick, Bill, 41, 123

Bell, David, 145

Beracha, Barry, 55, 192

Betterment, 172

Beyene, Saba, 128

Bezos, Jeff, 3334, 55, 56, 73, 193194, 229

Bierhoff, Oliver, 42

big data, 46

architecture of, 222223

definition of, 31

mainstream use of, 67

origins of, 31

big data analytics, 32

Big Data @ Work (Davenport), 47

“black box” problem in machine learning, 1011

Blink (Gladwell), 33

Blockbuster, 21

Bloomberg Technology, 151

Bock, Laszlo, 125, 126127

Boger, Joshua, 118

Boston Celtics, 42

Boston Red Sox, 3839, 208209

brand management, 142143

Bridgewater Associates, 85

Brougher, Bill, 109

business environments, changing, 99100

business intelligence, 23, 25, 31

business intelligence and advanced analytics, 32

business models

digital industrial, 7

management skills for, 1415

obsolete, 88

BusinessWeek, 24, 83

buy-in, 5758

Caesars Entertainment, 24

analytical leadership at, 194

analytical professionals at, 201

analytical strategy at, 161162

distinctive capabilities at, 29

enterprise-level approach at, 51

external processes analytics at, 132133

market share at, 59

pricing optimization at, 141

sales creation at, 144145

senior management commitment at, 55, 56

strategic, distinctive capability of, 48

unique strategy of, 79

Cafarella, Mike, 4

campaign management software, 131132

Canadian Tire Corporation, 230

capability maturity model, 61

capacity planning, 148

Capital One, 1213

amateur analysts in, 208

ambition at, 58

analytical decision making at, 34

analytical leadership at, 194

creation of, 6971

data issues at, 225

duplication of strategy at, 79

information-based strategy at, 29

metrics at, 5051

model management at, 255256

outperformance of competitors by, 80

results at, 59

senior management commitment at, 55

subprime customers at, 139

talent management at, 125, 127128

Capital One Health Care, 143144

CareSage, 85

Carnegie Tech, 3031

Catalina, 86

Caterpillar, 116117

cement business, 29, 152153

CEMEX, 29, 152153

CHAID (chi-square automatic interaction detection), 134

change management, 115

Chicago Cubs, 3940, 194

Chico, 177

chief analytics officers, 5354

chief data and analytics officers (CDAOs), 5354, 198199

chief data officers (CDOs), 5354

chief financial officers (CFOs), 9495, 194196

chief information officers (CIOs), 196198

Cinematch, 22

Cisco Systems, 12, 96, 257

city planning, 83

Clark, Ben, 73

clickstream data, 46

Climate Pro, 7

clinical trial design, 119

closed loops of analytics, 142143

cloud, the, 9, 3536, 242243

Coalition Against Insurance Fraud, 103104

cognitive technologies, 811, 236237, 240

collaborative filtering analytics, 150151

Collins, Jim, 73

combinatorial optimization, 9293

combinatorics, 148

company value, 99

competitive advantage

analytics as, 7880

internal processes in, 9192

complacency, 176

CompStat, 81

computer-aided design (CAD), 108109, 241

configuration problem, 110111

conflicts of interest, 9697

conjoint analysis, 134

constraint analysis, 93

consulting, analytical, 8587

content personalization, 146147

cost management, 100103

credit card industry, 6970, 103104

credit scores, 4951

Credit Suisse, 98

crime statistics analysis, 8182, 83, 163

cross-selling, 137

Cuban, Mark, 43


in Analytics 1.0, 3

in Analytics 2.0, 6

in Analytics 4.0, 1011

changing, 1415, 5556

data-driven, 262263

of data scientists, 204205

executive commitment to, 5556

executives in changing, 190192, 196198

at Marriott, 7172

at Netflix, 2324

wars, 174175

customer experience life cycle model, 79

customer loyalty, 59

customer relationship management, 99, 129147

analytical techniques in, 134135

attracting/retaining customers, 133139

brand management and, 142143

connecting suppliers with customers and, 147151

content personalization and, 146147

creating sales and, 143145

life cycle management and, 145

pricing optimization and, 135, 140141

Cutting, Doug, 4

cybersecurity, 104105

dashboards, 99


acquisition of, 232

capabilities by analytical competition stage, 220221

cleansing, 232

in DELTA model, 17, 4647, 177, 178

dirty, 224225

getting, cleaning, and loading, 3

governance, 225, 231232

increasing amounts of, 3435

labeled training, 255

maintenance of, 232233

management, 27

organization and storage, 232

pervasive, 250251

quality, 225, 230231

quantities, 225, 229230

relevance of, 225227

sourcing, 225, 227229

structuring, 13

transformation, 233234

value extraction from, 12, 230231

data analytics

Analytics 1.0, 24

Analytics 2.0, 46

Analytics 3.0, 67

Analytics 4.0, 812

eras in, 117

organizational implications of, 1215

pace of change in, 1

skills for, 1314

data cubes, 235

data lakes, 233, 236, 244

data literacy, 211

data management, 33, 222, 224233

data marts, 31, 235

data mining, 31, 240

data products, 5

data repositories, 223, 234236

DataRobot, 9

data scientists, 5

culture and attitude of, 204205

education of, 6

experimentation skills for, 13

future of, 256259

job requirements for, 204

managing, 200208

“Data Scientist: The Sexiest Job of the 21st Century” (Davenport and Patil), 5

data visualization, 239242

data warehousing, 31, 229230, 234235

Davenport, Thomas H., 5, 17, 46, 259

decision making

analytical, 3336

in analytical competition, 28

automating without monitoring, 186

autonomous, 213214, 251

designing into processes, 163

enterprise systems and, 75

fact-based, 33

at Netflix, 2324

override issue in, 214216

performance and, 7374

decision support, 91

in Analytics 1.0, 3

in Analytics 2.0, 5

in Analytics 3.0, 67

external reporting/scorecards and, 9698

decision support systems (DSS), 3031

deep learning, 8, 14

Deere & Company, 59

Dell, 9798, 110

Deloitte, 49, 85, 105, 195, 208, 261

DELTA model, 17, 4647, 177183

DELTTA model, 47

demand-supply matching, 148

de Molina, Al, 196

Department of Veterans Affairs, 83

deployment processes, 223, 246

descriptive analytics, 25

in Analytics 1.0, 23

definition of, 26

external reporting/scorecards and, 9698

localized analytics and, 65

tools, 243

See also business intelligence

Dhore, Prasanna, 244

diapers and beer urban legend, 187188

Dibble, Bill, 104

differentiation, 2728

digital analytics, 242

digital industrial business model, 7

Disney’s Parks and Resorts, 142143

Disraeli, Benjamin, 186

distinctive capabilities

of analytical competitors, 45, 4851

in analytics, 2829

based on analytics, 2144

competitive advantage and, 7880

DnB NOR, 137

Dodd-Frank Act, 223

Domain Awareness System, 8182

Dow Chemical, 159

Drucker, Peter, 260261

Dunnhumby, 86, 138

dynamic pricing, 140

Earthgrains, 192

eBay, 122

econometric analysis, 133, 136137

econometric modeling, 134, 142

edge analytics, 228

Einstein, 9

E. & J. Gallo, 30, 6061, 194

embedded analytics, 77, 260

employee experience life cycle model, 79

employee learning and innovation, 99


core skills for, 210211

culture wars between, 174175

human resource analytics and, 122128

managing analytical, 187216

override issue and, 214216

energy cost management, 101103

Entelos, Inc., 120

enterprise-level approach, 17, 4647, 5154, 177, 178

amateur analysts and, 208216

to data sourcing, 227229

enterprise performance management, 98100

enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, 30, 31

enterprise systems

analytical tools in, 237

as data source, 227

decision making and, 75

Epstein, Theo, 38, 40

Equifax, 244245

eras, analytics. See four eras of business analytics

Eskew, Mike, 152

ESPN, 40

Evalueserve, 208

event streaming, 241

event triggers, 137138, 253

Everest Group, 9697


analytical, characteristics of, 192193

CFOs, 9495, 194196

commitment of, 5458, 6061, 176, 199200

in culture change, 1415, 5556

fact-based decision making and, 160

in full-steam-ahead approach, 164165

managing analytical people and, 190200

passion for analytics in, 5556

roles of, 194199

sponsorship by, 36

executive support systems, 31

experimental design, 93

experimentation, 73

external processes and, 130

at Google, 109

in marketing, 134

skills in, 13

worker skills in, 210

explanatory analytics, 253

external processes, 129153

customer-based, 133147

supply-based, 147153

extract, transform, and load (ETL), 3, 233234

eye tracking, 109

Facebook, 5, 6, 9

Fairbank, Rich, 55, 56, 6970

fashion industry, 29

Fast Company, 73

FedEx, 152

FICO Corporation, 35, 246

FICO scores, 4951, 80

Field of Dreams approach, 185

financial analytics, 94105

cost management, 100103

enterprise performance management/scorecards, 98100

external reporting, 9698

risk management, 103105

financial results, 184185

financial services

analytical products/services in, 85

Analytics Maturity Assessment of, 47

credit cards, 6970

metrics development in, 4951

risk management in, 103105

senior management commitment in, 5657

wealth management, 171174

Fincher, David, 23

Firewire Surfboards, 108, 110

First Analytics, 112113, 39, 4041

Fleet Bank, 106

flexibility, 1213, 58, 79

focus, choosing strategic, 162

football, 41, 61, 122123

four eras of business analytics, 115

Analytics 1.0, 24

Analytics 2.0, 46

Analytics 3.0, 67

Analytics 4.0, 812

four pillars of analytical competition, 60

Ford, 110111

Foxwoods Resort Casino, 79

Franks, Bill, 6


financial services, 103105

tax, 82, 83

welfare, 82

Friedman, Frank, 195

full-steam-ahead approach, 164165

funding of analytical groups, 206

future-value analysis, 93

Gallo, Joe, 6061, 194

Garga, Sunil, 8687

Garmin TruSwing, 87

Gartner, 32, 258

GE, 7, 8485

data management at, 225

differentiation at, 29

GE Capital, 208

General Motors, 110111

genetic algorithms, 93

Genpact, 208

Gibson, William, 249

Gillette, 34, 106

Gladwell, Malcolm, 33

Golden State Warriors, 4142

golf club sensors, 87, 260

Good to Great (Collins), 73

Google, 5

analytical leadership at, 194

Analytics, 84, 87

analytics-based competition at, 2425

artificial intelligence software, 262

digital advertising at, 133, 136137

experimentation at, 109

experiments at, 73

human resource management at, 43

human resources analytics, 122

machine cognition at, 9

PageRank algorithm, 5

People and Innovation Lab (PiLab), 126

Project Oxygen, 126

talent management at, 125127, 202, 210

governance, 206, 225, 231232


analytics in, 8183

as data source, 228

Internal Revenue Service (IRS) programs, 82

New York City’s CompStat program, 81

Singapore’s “Smart Nation” program, 83

UK police analytics insights, 163

graphics processing units (GPUs), 9

Green Bay Packers, 41

Griffiths, Hugh, 146

Grove, Jonathan, 103

H2O, 13

Hadoop, 4, 229, 235, 244

Harrah’s Entertainment. See Caesars

Harris, Jeanne G., 17, 46

Hastings, Reed, 21, 22, 24, 55, 56

health care, 8283

cost management, 101

insurance and credit scores in, 50

research and development analytics, 120121

Healthways, 121

Henry, John, 38

Hewlett-Packard, 97

Hive, 4

Holland, Chuck, 57

HOLT, 98

Honda, 111112

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 144

House of Cards, 23

Houston Rockets, 42, 43

Hoyer, Jed, 38, 40

human element in analytics, 36, 4344

change driven by, 256259

urban legends on, 187190

See also data scientists; quantitative analysts

human resource information systems (HRIS), 122

human resources analytics, 122128

human resources management, 187216

of analytical amateurs, 208216

of analytical professionals and data scientists, 200208

executives’ roles in, 194199

in sports, 4043

urban legends about, 187190

Hunt, Neil, 2324

IBM, 208

analytical tools, 35

Cognos, 239

Global Services, 85

merger and acquisition algorithms, 34, 106

on performance and analytics use, 77

SPSS, 31

Watson, 9

image mining, 254255

ImageNet, 8, 255

industrial internet, 8485

Infinity Property & Casualty, 104

Informatica Corporation, 233, 234, 236

information distribution, 221

information management, 27, 206

information orientation, 198

Information Resources Inc., 8687, 131

information technology

in architecture of analytical technology, 218224

cybersecurity in, 104105

industry, 97

signposts of effective, 222223

vision for, 171

InformationWeek, 7071, 253

information workers, core skills for, 210211

initiatives, evaluating, 184

in-memory processing, 252

innovation, 117121

in silico research, 120

insurance fraud, 103104

integer programming, 9293

Intel, 95

Intermountain Healthcare, 121

internal processes, 91128.

analytical techniques for, 9294

financial analytics, 94105

human resources analytics, 122128

operational analytics, 106117

mergers and acquisition analytics, 105

research and development analytics, 117121

See also processes

Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 82

National Research Program, 82

Taxpayer Compliance Measurement Program, 82

International Data Corporation (IDC), 74, 217, 237

International Institute for Analytics, 6, 4647, 63

Internet of Things, 15, 3435, 228, 250251

Intuit, 73

intuitive decision making, 2930

evidence on, 33

executive commitment and, 199200

on pricing, 140

inventory optimization, 59

Irish Tax and Customs Authority, 83

Ittner, Chris, 99

Jagex Games Studio, 146

James, Bill, 3839, 42

James, Brent, 121

JetBlue, 88

Johnson & Johnson, 120

kaizen, 131

Keen, Peter, 30

Kheradpir, Shaygan, 196197

Kirby, Julia, 259

Kizer, Kenneth W., 83

Klein, Gary, 33

Knight, Phil, 190191

knowledge discovery, 31

Komatsu, Shigeru, 112

Korn Ferry, 49

Kraft, Bob, 61, 194

Kraft, Jonathan, 56, 61, 194

Kroger, 59, 86, 139

Lane, Katrina, 201

Larcker, David, 99

law enforcement analytics. See government

leadership, 177, 178179

analytical, characteristics of, 192193

in building analytics capability, 17, 4647

in DELTA model, 17, 4647, 166, 178179

emergence of analytical, 193194

See also executives

Leahy, Terry, 138, 139

Lever Brothers, 136

Leverhulme, Lord, 136

Levis, Jack, 5758, 114116

Lewis, Michael, 37, 80, 122

Lewis, Peter, 229

Liberson, Dennis, 127

lifetime value analysis, 134

LinkedIn, 5

Little, Grady, 39

localized analytics, 65

location analysis, 148

Lofgren, Chris, 56

logistics analytics, 114117

logistics management, 151153

Loop AI Labs, 9

Loveman, Gary, 51, 55, 56, 141, 194

loyalty programs, 72, 86, 138139

machine learning, 811, 14, 240

banking industry, 7071

models for, 1011

Macy’s, 140141


alerts, 253

in analytical competition development, 36

by analytical competitors, 45

of analytical people, 187216, 258259

commitment of senior, 5458

enterprise-level approach to analytics and, 5154

fact-based, 25

managing for outcomes and, 181185

of models, 255256

skills across analytics eras, 1315

management consulting, 49

manufacturing analytics, 106111

market experiments, 134


analytical techniques in, 134135

brand management and, 142143

price optimization and, 135, 140141

real-time, 132133

market share, 59

Marriott, J. Willard, 71

Marriott International, 7172, 197

data sharing at, 260

distinctive capability at, 51

overrides in, 214215

strategic, distinctive capability at, 48

Mars, 25

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 77, 78

Maynard, Peter, 244, 245

McDonald, Robert, 83, 194, 197, 211

McKinsey Solutions, 49

McNamara, Robert, 81

Medicaid, 8283

Medicare, 8283

MediSpend, 97

Meng, Xiao-Li, 192193

mergers and acquisitions, 34

analytics on, 105106

meritocracy, 193

metadata repositories, 235

metrics, 261

on analytical activity results, 5859

exploitation and exploration of, 4951

at Marriott, 71

monitoring strategic, 163

staffing, 125

Microsoft, 5

analytical capabilities in software by, 35, 251

crime statics analysis, 8182

energy cost management, 101103

machine cognition at, 9

Milan Lab, 42

mining, 35

MIT Sloan Management Review, 77

MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference, 41, 42

MMIS, Inc., 35

mobile devices, 35, 132133

Model Factory, 1112


predictive, 33, 110111

propensity, 1112

supply chains, 148149

uplift, 135

model management, 255256

Modern Analytics, 1112

Modular Category Assortment Planning System, 148

Moneyball (Lewis), 37, 80, 122

Monsanto, 7

Monte Carlo simulation, 93

Moore’s Law, 8

Morey, Daryl, 42, 43

Morison, Robert F., 17, 46

Morris, Nigel, 67, 6970

multiple regression analysis, 9394, 135

Mu Sigma, 208, 257

natural disaster preparedness, 83

natural language processing, 14, 241

needs assessment processes, 52

Netflix, Inc., 2124

analytical leadership at, 194

experiments at, 73

senior management commitment at, 55, 56

strategic, distinctive capability of, 48, 51

neural networks, 8, 94, 245

New England Patriots, 41, 61, 122123, 194

NewVantage Partners, 14, 262263

New York Police Department, 8182

Nike, 190191

Nucleus Research, 237

numeracy, 210211

O2, 146

Oakland A’s, 24, 3738, 49

Oberhelman, Doug, 116

offshoring, 86, 208, 257258

oil exploration, 35

OLAP (online analytical processing), 31, 238239

On Assignment, 125

open-source technologies

analyst skills in, 13

analytical tools, 35, 237

for big data processing, 45

distributed data frameworks, 235236

machine learning, 9

for machine learning, 911

statistical programming, 2627

operational analytics, 6, 106117

logistics, 114117

manufacturing, 106111

quality, 111112

safety, 112114

operations, 99

Optum, 7

Oracle, 35

ORION. See UPS ORION project

Ormanidou, Elpida, 177

outcomes, managing for, 181185

outsourcing, 86, 208, 257258

override issues, 214216

Owens & Minor, 51

Partners HealthCare, 215

Passerini, Filippo, 197

passion, 192

Patil, D. J., 5, 201

Perez, William, 191

performance, 67, 6989

analytics as competitive advantage and, 7880

commitment to analytics and, 7577

drivers, improving, 162163

evidence assessment and, 7378

external reporting/scorecards and, 9698

managing for outcomes and, 181185

market for analytical products/services and, 8487

monitoring, 31

predictions on, 9798

See also metrics

performance reporting. See descriptive analytics

personalization, 146147

pharmaceutical industry, 80, 118120

Philips, 85

pickstreams, 35

Pig, 4

Pioli, Scott, 123

Planck, Max, 15

Podium Data, 236

point-of-sale (POS) systems, 30, 31

politics, 207

predictive analytics, 25, 254

in Analytics 1.0, 2

in customer life cycle management, 145

definition of, 26

at Netflix, 2223

performance and embedded, 77, 260

predictive lead scoring systems, 143144

predictive modeling, 33, 130

prescriptive analytics, 25, 254

in Analytics 1.0, 2

definition of, 26

Price, Mark, 108

Price, Paul, 106

price management and profit optimization (PMPO) solutions, 140

price optimization, 135, 140141

pricing trend analysis, 130

priorities, 177, 185

technology investments and, 219

privacy, customer, 137138


analytics integration in, 6

deployment, 223, 246

external, 129153

internal, 91128

managing for outcomes, 183

Procter & Gamble, 25, 34, 211

analytical leadership at, 194

data scientists at, 202

experiments at, 73

external processes analytics at, 131

mergers and acquisitions, 34, 106

metrics at, 59

outsourcing at, 258

reporting relationships at, 197

productivity, 122


constraint analysis for, 93

development of, 5, 67

extensions of existing, 117118

incorporating analytics in, 87

managing for outcomes, 183184

research and development analytics, 117121

Profit InSight, 107108

programs, managing for outcomes, 183

Progressive Insurance, 5051, 72, 80, 139, 219

Snapshot, 229

propensity modeling, 1112

prove-it detour, 165170

Python, 4

QlikView, 239, 243

quality analytics, 24, 106107, 111112

quantitative algorithms, 239

quantitative analysis, 33

assumptions in, 34

at Netflix, 24

quantitative analysts, 5, 1314

Quill, 98

R (programming language), 4, 237

radio frequency identification (RFID) sensors, 3435

RapidMiner, 237

RBC Financial Group, 52

real-time analytics, 252253

Recorded Future, 261

regulated industries, 80, 221222

external reporting in, 9698

Reinhardt, Anders, 210211

relational databases, 238239

Renaissance Technologies, 85

renewable advantage, 80

Renwick, Glenn, 219

reporting, 9698, 221222

research and development (R&D) analytics, 117121


allocation of, 163

commitment of, 165

nonfinancial/intangible, 99

retention agents, 145

return on investment (ROI), 74

revenue management, 71, 135

revenue opportunity, 71

revenue optimization, 82

Ricketts, Tom, 40, 194

right-time analytics, 252253

risk management, 103105, 121

Rocky Mountain Steel Mills, 107108, 110

Roland Rating, 42

routing, 149

Royal Bank of Canada, 52

rule engines, 239

RuneScape, 146

Ruthven, Graham, 42

sabermetrics, 3839

safety analytics, 112114

sales, converting customer interactions into, 143145, 9, 35, 143, 251, 254

sales trend analysis, 130

San Antonio Spurs, 4142

San Diego Padres, 38

San Francisco Giants, 141

SAP, 35, 239

Sara Lee Bakery Group, 55

Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, 221222

SAS Institute, 9, 31, 35, 242243, 245

Enterprise Miner, 245

High-Performance Analytics, 244

scenario planning, 142143

scheduling, 149

Schmidt, Steve, 119120, 243

Schneider National, 54, 56, 113, 197

scientific retailing, 140

scorecards, 98100, 261

search engine optimization, 135

self-service analytics, 23

services, managing for outcomes, 183184

shareholders, external reporting to, 9698

Signet Bank, 58, 69

Silver, Nate, 39, 4041

Simchi-Levi, David, 77

Simon, Herbert, 3031

Simon, Rob, 107108

simulation, 93, 94

supply chain, 149

tools for, 241

Singapore “Smart Nation” initiative, 83

situational awareness systems, 261

Six Sigma, 106, 131

Skillsoft, 147

skimming the cream off the garbage, 139

Smart Inventory Management System (SIMS), 110111

Smith, Darrell, 101102

soccer, 42

social media, 15, 228

social media analytics, 242

software, 223

analytical, 2627, 30, 35

in Analytics 1.0, 3

in Analytics 4.0, 8

capability maturity model for, 61

decision support systems, 3031

democratization of analytics, 251252

humans replaced by, 187190

for pricing, 140141

Sorrell, Martin, 136

Southwest, 88

Spacey, Kevin, 23

Spark, 4, 235

speech mining, 254255

sponsors, 36

in analytical aspirations stage, 170174

in analytical companies, 174

in full-steam-ahead approach, 164165

in prove-it detour, 166

sports, analytics in, 3743, 122123

pricing optimization, 141

strategic, distinctive capability and, 48

spreadsheets, 3, 212213, 238

error rates in, 53

Sprint, 79, 145, 158

SPSS, 31

Stabell, Charles, 30

staffing metrics, 125

Stanley, Tim, 132

statistical algorithms, 239

statistical analysis, 33

Strata + Hadoop World conference, 146

strategy, 7

analytical competitors and, 45

change driven by, 259261

choosing focus or target in, 162

cost management and, 100103

distinctive capabilities in, 4851

internal processes and, 9192

management skills for, 1415

suppliers, sharing data with, 132133

supply chain management, 129133, 147153

analytical techniques in, 148149

connecting customers and suppliers in, 147151

logistics analytics in, 116117

logistics management in, 151153

optimization in, 6

support vector machine, 135

sustainable pipelines, 205206

systems, analytics integration in, 6

Tableau, 239, 243

Talend, 233

talent management, 125126

Tamr, 234

Target, 137138

targets, 17, 4647, 178, 179

choosing strategic, 162

tax fraud, 82, 83

Taylor, David, 211

Tesco, 86, 138139

Tesla, 118

“test and learn” approach, 2324

text categorization, 241

text mining, 240, 254255

textual analysis, 94

Thomas, Charles, 54

Thompson, Mike, 112

threat signatures, 104105

time series experiments, 135

tools and technology, 236245

for analytical amateurs, 212213

for analytical competition, 32, 3436

in Analytics 1.0, 23

in Analytics 2.0, 45

architecture of, 217224

change driven by, 250256

in DELTTA model, 180

machine learning, 811

market for analytical, 8487

performance and spending on, 77

returns from investments in, 7475

for self-service analytics, 23

in sports data, 43

visual analytics, 243

Toshiba Semiconductor Company, 111112

Total Quality Management, 106

transaction data, 29

transformation tools, 222

transportation safety analytics, 112113

Trifacta, 234

Trillium, 233

Troutwine Athletic Profile, 123

TrueCar, Inc., 236

trust, 203204

Two Sigma, 85

uniqueness, 79

United Healthcare, 7

University of Utah Healthcare, 101

uplift modeling, 135

UPS ORION project, 7

change management in, 13

logistics analytics in, 114116, 151152

real-time analytics in, 252

savings from, 59

senior management commitment in, 5758

Value Driven Outcomes (VDO), 101

value drivers, 99

VantageScore, 4951

Vardi, Nathan, 85

Varian, Hal, 202

VELUX Group, 210211

Verizon, 196197

Verizon Wireless, 85

Vertex Pharmaceuticals, 65, 118120, 243

Veterans Affairs (VA) hospitals, 83

Visa, 47, 103

vision, 171

visual analytics approach, 112, 223, 243

Walmart, 51

human resources analytics, 122

pricing, 140

strategic, distinctive capability of, 48

supply chain management at, 147149, 260

talent management at, 125, 128

Wanamaker, John, 133, 136

Wayman, Bob, 97

Wealthfront, 172

wealth management, 171174

web analytics, 242

welfare fraud detection, 82

Wells Fargo, 54, 205

Werner, Tom, 38

wine business, 30, 6061

WPP plc, 136

Wynn, Steve, 79

Yahoo!, 9, 229

Yankee Group, 140

yield analysis, 94, 112

yield management, 59, 78, 135

YouTube, 255

Zillow, 5

Zimmer Biomet, 97

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