Table of Contents

Cover image

Title page


Acclaim for Contextual Design: Design for Life



Part 1. Gathering User Data

1. Introduction

Design for life: the Cool Project

Immersion: tuning intuition and design thinking

Design in teams

Contextual Design V2

2. User Data Drives Design

The challenge of design data

You can’t just ask for design data

Deep insight comes from the field

Dealing with the data as a team

3. Principles of Contextual Inquiry

The master/apprentice model

The four principles of Contextual Inquiry

The Contextual Interview structure

4. The Interpretation Session

Building a shared understanding

The structure of an Interpretation Session

Working in teams

Part 2. Revealing the World

5. From Data to Insight: Contextual Design Models

Models reveal what matters

Graphical representations give the big picture

Consolidation thinking: induction

Design communication: using data to drive design

Putting models into action

6. The Affinity Diagram

Building the Affinity Diagram

Building the Affinity as a team

Design communication and the Affinity Diagram

7. Building Experience Models

The Day-in-the-Life Model

Working in teams

The Identity Model

Modeling Connection

The Relationship Model

The Collaboration Model

Sensation Boards


8. Traditional Contextual Design Models

The Sequence Model

Decision Point Models

The Physical Model


The Power of Models

Part 3. Reinventing Life: Ideation with User Data

9. Inventing the Next Product Concept

Practical innovation

User data drives innovation

People are part of the secret sauce

The challenge of design for life

A design process for invention

10. The Bridge From Data to Design: The Wall Walk

Walking the Affinity

Making lists: creating a focus for creativity

Walking the Experience Models

Walking the Traditional Contextual Design Models

11. Ideation: Visioning and the Cool Drilldown


The Cool Drilldown

Part 4. Defining the Product

12. The Challenge of Product Design

Keeping life coherent

Scenario versus structural reasoning

Design in teams

13. Storyboards

Building a storyboard

The storyboard review

14. The User Environment Design

The User Environment Design elements

Building the User Environment Design from storyboards

The user interface and product structure

Seeing Product Structure

User Environment Design Walk-throughs

15. Interaction Patterns

The right team

Seeing interaction patterns

Innovation and interaction patterns

Building interaction patterns from the user environment design

Part 5. Making It Real

16. Making It Real

Validating with users

Product planning and strategy

Project planning and execution

17. Validating the Design

Building a paper prototype

Running a prototype interview

The structure of an interview

The Interpretation Session

Design iteration

Completing the design

18. Prioritization and Rollout

Planning a series of releases

Partitioning a release for implementation

Driving concurrent implementation

19. Project Planning and Execution

Forming the cross-functional team

Setting project scope

Setting project focus

Determine the interviewing situation

Deciding who to interview

Setting the interview focus

Planning the schedule

Managing the team

Cognitive style and working teams

20. Conclusion


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