The number functions

Number functions include several functions that you may be familiar with owing to working with applications such as ROUND and ABS. Many of us may not have used several of these functions, such as the trigonometric and exponential functions, since our high school math class. There are some number functions that we will use extensively, such as MIN and MAX, while there are others that have limited uses, such as the geometric and trigonometric functions.

Number functions include the following, in order of decreasing precedence:

  • ABS: This takes the absolute value of a number. It is commonly found in the denominator of table calculations.
  • CEILING: This rounds up a decimal to its nearest integer and is the opposite of INT.
  • FLOOR: This rounds a decimal down to its nearest integer.
  • MAX and MIN: These take the maximum and minimum values in a sequence respectively. They are also considered to be string functions.
  • ROUND: This allows you to specify how many decimals to round up a float number to.
  • ZN: This is predominantly found in table calculations. It tells Tableau Public that if a numeric field has a NULL value, you want to replace it with zero.
  • DIV: This produces the whole number product of a division statement.
  • PI: This produces the numeric value of pi.
  • SIGN: This produces a numeric value (1, 0, or 01) based on the input, which may be positive, zero, or negative respectively.
  • Trigonometric and geometric functions: These are largely beyond the scope of this book. These functions include ACOS, ASIN, ATAN, ATAN2, COS, COT, DEGREES, RADIANS, SIN, and TAN as well as HEXBINX and HEXBINY.
  • Exponential and logarithmic functions: These functions include EXP, LN, LOG, POWER, SQRT, and SQUARE.
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