Chapter 4. Symbolic Synthesis for Cyber-Physical Systems

Matthias Rungger, Antoine Girard, and Paulo Tabuada

Cyber-physical systems (CPS) consist of cyber and physical components interacting through sensors and actuators. Consequently, the behavior of a CPS is described by the combination of discrete dynamics accounting for the behavior of cyber components (e.g., software and digital hardware) and continuous dynamics accounting for the behavior of physical components (e.g., temporal evolution of temperatures, positions, and velocities). The terms discrete and continuous refer to the domains where the quantities of interest live. For example, the quantities used to model cyber components typically live in finite sets, while the quantities used to model physical components are typically real values and, therefore, live in infinite sets. This hybrid nature is one of the main reasons why the modeling, analysis, and design of CPS are so difficult.

In this chapter we take the view that it is easier to design correct CPS than to verify the correctness of CPS. The key insight is that at design time we can make judicious choices that lead to predictable and correct systems. However, when the time comes to perform verification, such choices have already been made—and if incorrectly made, they may lead to undecidable or computationally hard verification problems. The approach we follow relies on abstracting the physical components so that they can be described by the same models used to describe cyber components. Once this is done, we can leverage the existing work on reactive synthesis of cyber systems to synthesize controllers enforcing the desired specifications. Throughout this chapter we will present this approach along with its assumptions and limitations.

4.1 Introduction and Motivation

The synthesis method presented in this chapter proceeds roughly in three steps. In the first step, a finite abstraction of the physical components, often referred to as a symbolic model or discrete abstraction, is computed. In the second step, existing reactive synthesis algorithms are employed to synthesize a controller for the finite model of the CPS obtained by composing finite models for the cyber components with finite abstractions for the physical components. In the third and final step, the synthesized controller is refined to a controller that acts on the physical components to enforce the desired specification on the CPS.

Early ideas on the construction of symbolic models of continuous systems that are adequate for controller design can be found in [Caines98, Förstner02, Koutsoukos00, Moor02]. For example, in [Koutsoukos00, Moor02], supervisory control techniques are employed on the abstract level to design the controller for the symbolic model. The correctness of the design procedure is ensured by exploiting certain properties of the symbolic model. A more modern approach to ensure the correctness of the synthesis method is based on so-called simulation or alternating simulation relations [Alur98, Milner89]. Instead of proving the correctness directly, one shows that the symbolic model and the original CPS are related by an alternating simulation relation, from which the correctness of the controller refinement follows [Tabuada09]. We follow this line of reasoning in this chapter.

4.2 Basic Techniques

In this section, we first introduce the basic modeling techniques to describe the behavior of a system as well as the specification of properties to be verified. We follow this with the definition of the synthesis problem, along with some examples.

4.2.1 Preliminaries

We use Image, Image, and Image to denote the natural (including zero), integer, and real numbers, respectively. Given a set A, we use An and 2A to denote the n-fold Cartesian product and the set of all subsets of A, respectively. We denote the Euclidean norm of Image by |x|.

We denote the closed, open, and half-open intervals in Image by [a, b], ]a, b [a, b[, and ]a, b[ respectively. Intervals in Image are respectively denoted by [a;b], ]a;b[, [a;b[, and ]a;b[.

Given a function f: AB and A′ ⊆ A, we define f(A′):= {f(a) ∈ B|aA′} as the image of A′ under f. A set-valued function or mapping f from A to B is denoted by Image. Each set-valued map Image defines a binary relation on A × B; that is, (a, b) ∈ f if bf(a). The inverse mapping f−1 and the domain domf of a set-valued map f are defined by f–1(b) = {aA|bf(a)} and domf = {aA|f (a) ≠ Ø}, respectively. We use id to denote the identity function; that is, id: AA with id(a) = a for all aA.

Given a subset AX of a metric space (X, d) with metric d, we use Image to denote the inflated set {xX|∃a∈A:d(a, x)≤ε}. The boundary of a set A is denoted by ∂A and the set difference of two sets A and B is denoted, as usual, by Image.

Given a sequence a : [0;T] → A Image in some set A, we use at to denote its t-th element and a[0,t] to denote its restriction to the interval [0, t]. The set of all finite sequences is denoted by A*. The set of all infinite sequences is denoted by Aω. If A is equipped with a metric d, and B is a subset of Aω, then we use Image to denote the set Image.

4.2.2 Problem Definition

In this section, we introduce a mathematical model of CPS that underlies our analysis and describe the synthesis problem with respect to linear temporal logic specifications. Modeling Systems

To be able to capture the rich behavior of a CPS, we use a general notion of system.

Definition 1: A system S is a tuple S = (X, X0, U, →, Y, H) consisting of the following:

• Set of states X

• Set of initial states X0X

• Set of inputs U

• Transition relation →⊆X × U × X

• Set of outputs Y

• Output map H:XY

An internal behavior ξ of S is an infinite sequence ξ ∈ Xω for which there exists an infinite sequence ν ∈ Uω, such that ξ0X0 and (ξt, νt, ξt+1) ∈→ (also denoted by Image) holds for all Image. Every internal behavior ξ of S induces an external behavior ζ of S—that is, an infinite sequence in Y that satisfies ζt = Ht) for all Image. We use B(S) to denote the set of all external behaviors of S.

Definition 2: Alternatively, we say that a system S is metric if Y is a metric space, or the system S is finite if X and U are finite sets. Otherwise, we say that S is an infinite system.

Following are two examples that illustrate the usefulness of the introduced notion of a system. We start with a finite state system, as given in Section 1.3 of [Tabuada09].

Example: Communication Protocol

In this example we model a communication protocol as a system according to Definition 1. We consider a sender and a receiver that exchange some messages over a faulty channel. The sender processes the data from a buffer and sends it to the receiver. After a message has been sent, the sender waits for a confirmation message from the receiver acknowledging the received message. If the confirmation message shows that the message was transmitted incorrectly, the sender retransmits the last message. In case of a correct transmission, the sender proceeds with the next message from the buffer.

This behavior is illustrated by the finite state automaton shown in Figure 4.1. The circles denote the states and the arrows denote the transitions. The upper part of each circle is labeled by the state and the lower part is labeled by the output. The transitions are labeled by the inputs.


Figure 4.1: Graphical representation of the finite-state system modeling the sender

A message can be transmitted either successfully or unsuccessfully over the communication channel. If the received message is correct, the receiver sends a confirmation message to acknowledge the error-free message; otherwise, a repeat request is sent to the sender. The dynamic behavior of the receiver is illustrated in Figure 4.2.

The overall system S is given by the composition of the two systems. We do not provide details on how to compose systems, but rather refer the interested reader to [Tabuada09]. It is clear that S is a finite system. Some possible external behaviors of the sender are given by the following:

idlestxs/rxsacksgets → ...

idlestxs/rxsrepeatstxs/rxs → ...

Now we show that our mathematical system model is also adequate for continuous control systems, such as switched systems.

Example: DC-DC Boost Converter

In this example, we model a DC-DC boost converter, which is depicted in Figure 4.3 as a system. The DC-DC boost converter is a step-up converter that is used to generate a higher voltage on the load side compared to the source voltage. The converter operates in two modes.


Figure 4.2: Graphical representation of the finite-state system modeling the receiver


Figure 4.3: The DC-DC boost converter

When the switch is closed, electrical energy is stored in terms of a magnetic field in the inductor. When the switch is open, the inductor acts as a second source and its voltage adds up to the source voltage on the load side. DC-DC boost converters have been extensively studied in the literature, often from a hybrid control perspective (see, for example, [Beccuti06, Buisson05, Senesky03]), and also in the context of abstraction-based controller design [Girard10, Girard12, Reißig13].

The state of the system is given by x(t) = [il(t), υc(t)]T, where il(t) and υc(t) denote the current through the inductor and the voltage across the capacitor at time t, respectively. The dynamic behavior is described by the switched linear system:


In this system Image, i ∈[1; 2], and b are given as follows:


The system matrices Ai are used to describe the evolution of the state, depending on the position of the switch g(t) ∈ [1;2].

In Section 4.2.4, we design a state-dependent controller to regulate the voltage across the load; it is implemented in a sample-and-hold manner with sampling time Image. Moreover, we restrict our attention to a subset Image of the state space around the desired setpoint. We cast the sampled dynamics of Equation (4.1) on K as the following system:


The transition relation is defined as follows:


Here ξx,g(τ) is the solution of the differential equation (4.1) at time τ for the switch position g∈[1;2]. The system Sτ is a metric system. The external behavior coincides with the internal behavior and corresponds to the sampled continuous-time behavior defined by Equation (4.1).

We do not provide further examples, but refer the interested reader to [Tabuada09] and some recent articles in which the notion of a system according to Definition 1 is employed to describe networked control systems [Borri12] and stochastic control systems [Zamani14]. Linear Temporal Logic

In this section, we recall how linear temporal logic (LTL) can be used to specify the desired system behavior. The logic is defined over a set of atomic propositions P, which is given by a finite set of subsets Pi, i∈[1;p] of the output set Y; that is, the following is used for all i∈[1;p]:


Intuitively, the atomic propositions represent the sets that are relevant for the particular desired system behavior.

Formally, a specification of the desired system behavior is given in terms of an LTL1 formula φ, which is composed of propositional connectives (and “∧”, negation “¬”) with the addition of the temporal operator’s next “X”, always “G”, and eventually “F” over the set of atomic propositions P. An LTL formula is evaluated over infinite sequences π in 2p. A sequence π is said to satisfy Xφ, Gφ, or Fφ if φ holds true in the next time step, in every time step, or at some future time step(s), respectively. A precise definition of a sequence π satisfying a given LTL formula φ is given in Chapter 6, “Logical Correctness for Hybrid Systems,” and can be found in several references, including [Baier08, Vardi96].

1. For the sake of brevity of the presentation, we omit the until operator U and focus on a fragment of full LTL.

A sequence ζ in Y is said to satisfy a formula φ, denoted by Image if the sequence hoζ, with h(y) = {PP|yP}, satisfies φ. The set of all sequences in Y that satisfy an LTL formula is denoted as follows:


We say that a system S satisfies an LTL formula φ, denoted by Image, if every external behavior of S satisfies φ:


Next we illustrate some widely used specifications and interpret their meaning in terms of the external behavior of a given system.


Safety properties are among the simplest and most widely used properties. They express the fact that certain bad system states should never be reached. Such a desired behavior is, for example, given by the following LTL formula:


In this formula, PY is the set of safe outputs. The bad system states are given by YP. Given that a system S satisfies GP, the always G operator implies that every external behavior ζ∈B(S) remains in the good states for all times; that is, ζtP for all Image.

Let us revisit the previously introduced example of the communication protocol. We can use the following safety formula:


This expresses the requirement that the sender should never “believe” that a message was transmitted successfully while the receiver responded with a repeat request; that is, the sender and the receiver should never be in the states with outputs acks and repeatr simultaneously.

Reachability and Termination

Another fundamental property of a system S is expressed by the eventually operator:


This expression indicates that the set PY should be reached after a finite number of steps; that is, every external behavior ζ∈B(S) satisfies ζtP for some Image. For example, if S represents a computer program and PY corresponds to the termination condition—that is, H(x)∈P means that the program terminated—then Image implies that S terminates eventually.

Attractiveness (Under Constraints)

In the context of control systems, asymptotic stability is one of the most common specifications. Since stability is a topological property, we assume for the following discussion that S is a metric system with Y = X and H = id, from which it follows that X is a metric space. Asymptotic stability with respect to an equilibrium x* ∈ X is expressed by two properties: stability and attractiveness. Stability implies that for every neighborhood N of the equilibrium, we can find a neighborhood N′ of the equilibrium such that if we restrict the set of initial states to N′—that is, X0N′—all behaviors remain within N for all times: ξtN for all Image. Attractiveness says that every behavior eventually converges to the equilibrium: limt→∞ξt = x*. We cannot express stability in LTL. However, it is possible to formulate a practical variant of attractiveness by the following formula:


This implies that every behavior ξ of a system S satisfying φ eventually reaches Q and stays in Q afterward; that is, there exists Image such that for all t′≥t we have ξtQ. In addition to this property, we can easily impose certain constraints PY during the transient system behavior, implying that ξtP for all Image, by the following expression:

φ = FGQ∧GP

Example: Regulating the State in the DC-DC Boost Converter

Recall the DC-DC boost converter introduced in the previous section. As mentioned earlier, the goal of a controller for the DC-DC converter is to regulate the output voltage across the load. This is usually done by regulating the state [il(t),νc(t)]T around a reference state xref = [refref]T. To express the desired behavior in LTL we introduce the atomic proposition Q = [1.1, 1.6] × [1.08, 1.18]. We use the LTL formula FGQ to express the notion that the system should eventually reach a neighborhood of the reference state and stay there afterward. In addition, we impose a safety constraint GP with P = [0.65, 1.65] × [0.99, 1.19] resulting in the final specification:

φ = FGQ∧GP

The safety constraint serves two purposes. First, using the safety property, we ensure that certain physical limitations of the DC-DC converter are never exceeded during the transient behavior. For example, with GP we ensure that the current always stays within [0.65, 1.65]. The second purpose of the safety constraint is to restrict the problem domain to a bounded subset of the state space, which facilitates the computation of finite symbolic models. The Synthesis Problem

Now we proceed with the definition of the synthesis problem. We start by introducing the notion of a controller. In general, a controller for a system S is again a system SC and the closed-loop system SC ×I S is obtained by the composition of the system SC and S with respect to an interconnection relation I [Tabuada09]. However, in this text we focus on rather simple safety and reachability problems of the following form:


Here, P and Q are subsets of Y. For those specifications, it is well known that a memoryless or state-feedback controller exists [Tabuada09]. We define a controller C for a system S as the set-valued map:


This controller is used to restrict the possible inputs of the system S. The closed-loop system S/C follows from the composition of S with C by the following expression:


The modified state space XC = XdomC, X0,C = X0domC and the modified transition relation are given by the following expression:

Example: Sampled-Data Dynamics for the DC-DC Boost Converter

A controller C for the sampled-data dynamics of DC-DC boost converter Sτ is given by the following expression:


The closed-loop system is illustrated in Figure 4.4. At sampling times , Image, the controller provides the valid inputs νtCt) based on the current state ξt of the system. The inputs νt are kept constant over the sampling interval [, (t + 1)τ[.

In the implementation of the controller C on a digital device, we can pick any input νtCt) according to some selection criterion.

With the precise notion of a closed-loop system, we formulate the synthesis problem as follows.

Problem 1: Given a system S and LTL specification φ of the form shown in Equation (4.5), we can find a controller C (if it exists) so that B(S/C)≠Ø and S/C satisfies the specification; that is, Image. (With specifications of the form in Equation (4.5), we might also be able to solve more general problems, such as attractiveness specifications.)

Remark 1: Suppose that the output map H of S is injective. We consider two sets Q, PY with QP. Let C1 and C2 be two controllers for S:


Figure 4.4: The closed-loop system Sτ / C

Here Q′ = H(dom C1). Then we define the controller:


We claim that Image. If xdom C1, every external behavior ζ of S with initial state x stays in Q (and P) forever and, therefore, ζ satisfies Image. If xdom C2dom C1, every external behavior with initial state x reaches Q′ in finite time. Let Image be the first time for which ζtQ′. Since H is injective, this implies that the corresponding internal behavior satisfies ξfdom C1, after which controller C1 is used to keep the behavior inside Q, which shows that ζ satisfies FGQGP.

4.2.3 Solving the Synthesis Problem

As outlined earlier in this chapter, CPS and control systems are generally infinite systems, and the usual algorithms for controller synthesis (see, for example, [Pnueli89, Vardi95]) are not directly applicable. Nevertheless, we can employ those algorithms to synthesize controllers by using a finite-state system that abstracts the infinite system on a bounded domain. The correctness of this approach is ensured by establishing a so-called approximate simulation relation [Girard07] between the original system and the finite approximation—that is, the symbolic model. In this section, we introduce the precise definition of approximate simulation relation and show how this notion facilitates the transfer (or refinement) of a controller that is found for the symbolic model to a controller for the original system. We follow here the approach developed in [Tabuada08] and [Girard12]. Approximate Simulation Relations

Approximate simulation relations are usually defined with respect to two metric systems that have the same output space [Girard07] but are allowed to have different input spaces. To keep the discussion simple, we consider a more restrictive situation and assume not only that both systems are metric with the same output space, but also have the same input space. For this case, the definition of approximate (bi)simulation relation is as follows.

Definition 3: Let S and Ŝ be two metric systems with U = Û, Y = Ŷ, and metric d. Consider the parameter Image. The relation


is said to be an ε-approximate simulation relation (ε-aSR) from S to Ŝ if the following is true:

• For all x0X0, there exists Image so that Image and for any Image:


Image implies the existence of Image such that Image

We say that Ŝ approximately simulates S or that S is approximately simulated by Ŝ, denoted by the following if there exists an ε-aSR from S to Ŝ:


If R is an ε-aSR from S to Ŝ and R–1 is an ε-aSR from Ŝ to S, then R is called an ε-approximate bisimulation relation (ε-aBSR) between S and Ŝ. We say that S is ε-approximately bisimilar to Ŝ, denoted by the following if there exists an ε-aBSR between S and Ŝ:


The next theorem shows that approximate (bi)similarity implies approximate behavioral (equivalence) inclusion. The theorem comes from Proposition 9.4 in [Tabuada09].

Theorem 1: Let S and Ŝ be two metric systems with U = Û, Y, = Ŷ, and metric d. Suppose that there exists an ε-aSR from S to Ŝ. Then, for every external behavior ζ of S, there exists an external behavior Image of Ŝ such that


Equivalently we have the following:


If S and Ŝ are ε-approximately bisimilar, we have the following:


In the following discussion, let us assume that we are given a system S and a finite system Ŝ, that ε-approximately simulates S. Theorem 1 allows us to (approximately) answer verification problems for S using the abstraction Ŝ. Suppose that we would like to know if S satisfies a safety property φ = GP. By utilizing well-known algorithms from automata theory [Vardi96], we can check whether Ŝ satisfies Image for Image. The formula Image represents a more restricted variant of φ and accounts for the approximate behavioral inclusion in Equation (4.7) in the sense that Image holds. If Ŝ satisfies Image we deduce from Equation (4.7) that S satisfies φ. We express this fact in symbols as follows:


Note, however, that Image does not allow us to make the reverse conclusion; that is, Image does not imply Image. To reason about the reverse direction, we need the stronger notion of bisimilarity. Given that Image, we deduce from Equation (4.8) that Image, with Image, implies Image and we obtain both directions as follows:


In contrast to Image the formula Image represents a relaxed variant of the formula φ and there exists a “gap” in the decision procedure based on approximately bisimilar models. However, as we will see in Section 4.2.4, under suitable stability assumptions this gap can be made arbitrarily small. Controller Refinement

Let us now consider the following situation. Suppose we are given a system S, a specification φ, and a finite model Ŝ that is approximate bisimilar to S. Moreover, we obtained a controller Ĉ for Ŝ so that the closed-loop system Ŝ/Ĉ satisfies Image, where Image represents the specification for Ŝ, which is derived from φ. Such a controller can be computed, for example, by the algorithms described in [Pnueli89, Vardi95] or [Tabuada09].

In this section we show how to refine the controller Ĉ for Ŝ to a controller C for S. Depending on the particular specification at hand, we will employ different refinement strategies. The controller refinement for general specifications based on bisimulation relations can be found in [Tabuada08]. The specialized case considered in this chapter is reported in [Girard12].

We start with the rather straightforward refinement strategy for safety specifications φ = GP. Let R be an ε-aBSR between S and Ŝ. We then refine a controller Ĉs for Ŝ to a controller Cs for S:


The control inputs available at a state x of the original system are given by the union of control inputs that are available to the symbolic model at the related states Image.

The refinement strategy for reachability specifications φ = GPFQ is formulated in terms of the minimal time function Image associated with a controller Ĉr for Ŝ. The function is defined as the least upper bound on the entry time of all external behaviors of Ŝ/Ĉ with initial state Image in the set Q while staying in P:


Since Ŝ/Ĉr is finite, the function can be computed iteratively by a shortest-path algorithm. We obtain the refinement strategy for reachability specifications as follows. Let R be an ε-aBSR between S and Ŝ and let Ĉr be a controller for Ŝ. Let TĈr be given according to Equation (4.10). Then we define the controller Ĉr for S:


Here, we use the convention that argminx∈Af(x) = Ø for infx∈Af(x) = ∞. The control inputs available at a state x of the original system are given by the control inputs that are associated with a related state Image that attains the minimum in Image. Basically, we pick the inputs associated with a symbolic state Image from which the symbolic model Ŝ/Ĉr reaches the set Q the fastest.

In the following theorem, we summarize Theorem 1 and Theorem 3 of [Girard12], which ensure the correctness of the presented refinement procedures. Moreover, we provide a statement for the case when the specification for the symbolic model is unrealizable—that is, when there exists no controller such that the closed-loop system satisfies the specification. This statement follows immediately by the symmetry of the presented refinement strategies; that is, a controller for the original system can be refined to a controller for the symbolic model by exchanging the roles of the system and the symbolic model.

Theorem 2: Let S and Ŝ be two metric systems with U = Û, Y = Ŷ, and metric d. Let R be an ε-aBSR from S to Ŝ. Consider the sets P, QY and their approximations:


The following implications hold:


Here the controllers Ci, i ∈ {s, r} for S are refined from the controllers Ĉi for Ŝ according to Equations (4.9) and (4.10), respectively.

Moreover, if Image (or Image) is unrealizable with respect to Ŝ, then GP (or GPFQ) is unrealizable with respect to S.

4.2.4 Construction of Symbolic Models

In this section, we show how to compute symbolic models for control systems. We follow the approach presented in [Girard10]. Because our intention is to provide a rather easy-to-follow introduction to these methods, we focus on a special case of the general scheme outlined in [Girard10]. In particular, we consider switched affine systems Σ = (K, G, Ag, bg) of the following form:


Here control input gG = [1;k], Image system state Image, and system matrices and affine terms are given by Image and Image, respectively.

A trajectory of Σ associated with an initial state Image and a constant input gG is given by the following expression:


where eA denotes the matrix exponential defined by the series Image. Let us define the system that captures the sampled behavior of Σ.

Given a sampling time Image, we define Sτ(Σ) as follows:


The transition relation is defined by the following:


In the following sections, we construct a symbolic model for Sτ(Σ). Stability Assumptions

The construction of symbolic models is based on certain incremental stability assumptions [Angeli02]. One variant of those assumptions is the existence of a common Lyapunov function that implies the switched system Σ (for piecewise constant switching signals) is incrementally globally uniformly asymptotically stable (δ-GUAS). Intuitively, δ-GUAS implies that trajectories associated with the same switching signal, but with different initial states, approach each other as time progresses.

We assume in the present discussion that there exist a symmetric, positive definite matrix Image and a constant Image that satisfy the following inequality:


Conditions on the matrices Ag, gG that imply the existence of such a matrix M and k are given in [Shorten98] and [Liberzon99]. Given M, we define the following function:


We argue that V is actually a δ-GUAS Lyapunov function for Σ [Girard13, Definition 2]. Let λ and λ+ be the smallest and largest eigenvalues of M, respectively. Then we can verify that V satisfies the following inequalities for all x,Image and gG:


Here DiV denotes the partial derivative of V with respect to i-th argument. Observe that the inequalities in Equations (4.15) and (4.16) are sufficient for V being a δ-GUAS Lyapunov function and the following inequality holds:


Moreover, it is easy to show that W(x) := V(x, 0) is a norm on Image and, therefore, satisfies the triangle inequality. Then we use V(x, y) = V(x - y,0) and obtain the following inequality for all x,y,Image:

Image The Symbolic Model

The construction of the symbolic model is based on a uniform discretization of the state space Image. We use the following notation. Given a set Image and Image, the following expression denotes a uniform grid in K:


Based on the definition of the grid, balls of radius η centered at the grid points [K]η cover the set K:


With the discretization parameter Image at hand, we define the system:


The transition relation is given by the following:


Note that Sτ(Σ) and Sτ,η(Σ) are metric systems with the same input and output space. The metric is simply given by d(x, y) = |x - y|. Moreover, given that G is finite and K is bounded, the system Sτ,η(Σ) is finite.

The following theorem is from Theorem 4.1 in [Girard10].

Theorem 3: Consider a control system Σ, discretization parameters τ,Image, and a desired precision Image. Suppose a symmetric, positive definite matrix M and a constant Image satisfy Equation (4.14). Let Image and λ+, λ be the largest and smallest eigenvalues of M, respectively. If the relation


holds, then the following is an ε-aBSR between Sτ(Σ) and Sτ,η(Σ) with respect to the metric d(x, y) = |x - y|:


Let us provide the proof of this theorem, as it nicely illustrates the relationship between Equation (4.21) and R being an ε-aBSR between S and Ŝ.

We show only that R is an ε-aSR from S to Ŝ. The reverse direction follows by the symmetry of the arguments. Recall Definition 3 of an ε-aSR. Let us check the first condition. From Equation (4.19), it follows that for every xK, there exists Image such that Image. We use Equation (4.15) to see that Image. From Equation (4.21), it follows that Image, which implies that Image.

To show the second condition, let Image. From Equation (4.15), we get the inequality Image; it follows from the definition of R that Image.

We proceed with the third condition in Definition 3. Let Image and Image. Then, by definition of the transition relation, we have x′ = ξx,g(τ). We pick Image so that Image with the following:


By the definition of the transition relation of Sτ,η(Σ), such an Image always exists. Now we deduce by the following series of inequalities that Image:

Example: Symbolic Model for the DC-DC Boost Converter

Continuing our running example of the DC-DC boost converter, we construct a symbolic model Sτ,η(Σ) of Sτ(Σ) with the switched dynamics Σ = (K, [1;2], Ag, b), where Ag and b are given in Equation (4.1). We report here the numerical results obtained in [Girard11].

Recall that the desired specification for the converter is given by the LTL formulaφ = FGQGP, where Q represents a neighborhood of the reference state and P are our safety constraints. In the discussion that follows, we restrict the computation of the symbolic model to P and, therefore, set K = P. Moreover, we focus on the following specification instead of φ:

φ′ = FQGP

Nevertheless, as stated in Remark 1, it is a straightforward process to also synthesize a controller for φ with the presented methods.

As a first step in the construction of Sτ,η(Σ), we introduce a state transformation to provide better numerical conditioning. We rescale the voltage, which results in the new state x = [i1, 5νc]T. There exist both a symmetric positive definite matrix M and a constant Image satisfying Equation (4.14), which are given by k = 0.014 and the following:


The eigenvalues of M are λ = 1 and λ+ = 1.02554. We fix the desired accuracy to ε = 0.1 and the sampling time to τ = 0.5. We choose the state-space discretization parameter as η = 97·10–5 so that Equation (4.21) holds, and we compute Sτ,η(Σ), which results in a symbolic model with approximately 7·105 states.

The atomic propositions in the new state space, which are illustrated in Figure 4.5, are given by Q′ = [1.1,1.6] × [5.4, 5.9] and P′ = [0.65, 1.65] × [4.95, 5.95]. We use Image and Image to synthesize a controller Ĉ so that Image. The controller C for S follows by Equation (4.11).

The domain of the controller and some sample trajectories are illustrated in Figure 4.5. The atomic propositions Q′ and P′ are illustrated by the small and large dashed rectangle, respectively. The black region shows the target set for the symbolic model enlarged by ε balls; that is, Image. The dark gray shaded regions show the domain of the controller domC. In particular, the light gray shaded region and the dark gray shaded region show C–1(1) and C–1(2), respectively. Some example trajectories of the closed-loop system Sτ(Σ)/C are shown by the dotted lines.

4.3 Advanced Techniques

Throughout this chapter, we have simplified the presentation on various occasions with the aim of providing easy-to-follow arguments while still conveying the fundamental ideas underlying the symbolic controller synthesis for CPS. For example, in the definition of the synthesis problem, we restricted the LTL formulas to simple safety and reachability specifications. In Section 4.2.3, we assumed that the concrete system and the symbolic model have the same set of inputs, and thereby avoided the more involved notion of ε-approximated alternating simulation relations. In Section 4.2.4, we presented the computation of symbolic models only for the sampled behavior of switched linear systems and neglected the inter-sample behavior.


Figure 4.5: Atomic propositions in the new state space

In the following subsections, we discuss some generalizations (related methods) of the presented scheme and provide follow-up references for the interested reader. We explain the curse of dimensionality and refer to existing methods that address this issue. We describe two possibilities to account for the continuous-time behavior of a system and comment on practical aspects of the implementation of the synthesized controllers on embedded devices. We conclude this section by listing software tools that can be used to compute symbolic models for the design of controllers for CPS.

Note that we do not address extensions with respect to more complex specifications. It is conceptually clear that once we have a method to compute symbolic models (together with the appropriate simulation relations) for a particular class of CPS, any controller synthesis method developed for a finite system that is tailored to a specific specification language—for example, LTL, CTL, or μ-Calculus—can be adapted to synthesize controllers for this class of CPS, while enforcing the respective specification.

4.3.1 Construction of Symbolic Models

We now consider the various ways to construct symbolic models. In this discussion, we start with some basic algorithms and then present the most recent innovations. Basic Algorithms

In this section, we make reference to various approaches to compute symbolic models. We restrict our attention to CPS with complex continuous dynamics: The differential equation defining the continuous dynamics is state dependent and therefore excludes, for example, timed automata and linear hybrid automata. Moreover, we focus on symbolic models that facilitate the algorithmic controller synthesis, as opposed to symbolic models for verification [Alur00, Henzinger00, Tiwari08].

Symbolic models of two-dimensional continuous-time single-integrator and double-integrator systems are analyzed in [Kress-Gazit09] and [Fainekos09a], respectively. General discrete-time linear control systems are treated in [Kloetzer08, Tabuada06, Wongpiromsarn12]. [Yordanov12] presents an algorithm to compute symbolic models for piecewise affine systems.

Methods to construct symbolic models for switched polynomial systems are presented in [Ozay13]. General nonlinear systems (with time delays), switched nonlinear systems, and networked control systems under incremental stability assumptions, similar to the one presented here, are considered in [Pola08] ([Pola10]), [Girard10], and [Borri12], respectively. [Reißig11], [Zamani12], and [Tazaki12] provide algorithms to compute symbolic models of nonlinear systems without stability assumptions.

Symbolic models that are adequate for synthesis of hybrid control systems with state-dependent autonomous transitions are not yet fully understood. Two approaches for the special cases of hybrid systems with discrete-time linear dynamics and order-minimal hybrid systems are described in [Mari10] and [Bouyer06], respectively.

Algorithms to compute symbolic models that lead to controllers that are robust against model uncertainties, actuation errors, or uncontrollable environment dynamics are rather rare. In contrast to the unperturbed case, the symbolic model for perturbed systems needs to be related to the concrete system by an alternating simulation relation instead of a simulation relation [Tabuada09]. Alternating simulation relations are used to account for the uncontrollable disturbances and ensure the correctness of the controller refinement under all possible perturbations. [Wongpiromsarn12] considers discrete-time linear systems with bounded disturbances. Symbolic models of perturbed nonlinear systems under stability assumptions are considered in [Pola09]; they are examined without stability assumptions in [Liu14]. Advanced Algorithms

The most fundamental problem that prevents widespread application of the symbolic approach to controller synthesis is the so-called curse of dimensionality (CoD)—that is, the exponential increase in the number of states in the symbolic model with respect to the state-space dimension of the continuous dynamics. The algorithms mentioned to this point in the chapter have all been based on a uniform discretization or partitioning of the state space, so that the CoD is unavoidable. A number of other approaches, however, are specialized for on particular systems or employ search heuristics with the objective of reducing the computational burden.

For example, symbolic models for flat systems are developed in [Tabuada05], [Colombo11], and [Colombo13]. Flat systems have the nice property that the external behavior of the system—that is, the output trajectories—are reproducible (using an input transformation) by a chain of integrators. Therefore, any synthesis problem with respect to the nonlinear system is reducible to a (often lower-dimensional) linear system. By exploiting this property and reducing the chain of integrators further to a first-order system [Girard09], a safety synthesis problem involving an eight-dimensional nonlinear system has been solved [Colombo13]. Another particular system class—monotone systems—is analyzed in [Moor02a].

Rather than focusing on particular system properties, various methods try to reduce the computational burden, by adaptively improving the quality of the symbolic model while solving the synthesis problem on the abstract domain. For example in [Camara11] and [Mouelhi13], symbolic models on multiple time scales are used to locally refine the symbolic model where the controller synthesis fails. In [Rungger12], a heuristic is presented with the objective of reducing one of the most expensive operations—that is, the reachable set computations—in the construction of symbolic models. [Gol12] and [Rungger13] present techniques to adapt the computation of the symbolic model of a discrete-time linear system to a given specification, thereby reducing the domain on which the symbolic model needs to be computed. The aforementioned schemes vary with respect to the considered system dynamics, ranging from linear systems [Gol12, Rungger13], to incrementally stable switched nonlinear systems [Camara11, Mouelhi13], to general nonlinear systems [Rungger12]. Various methods have been used to compute symbolic models of CPS, including those with as many as five continuous variables.

Another interesting approach is described in [Le Corronc13]. These authors propose a quite different scheme to compute symbolic models of incrementally stable switched nonlinear systems. Instead of following the well-known methods in which the states of the symbolic model correspond to grid points or partition elements in the state space, they use bounded sequences of the switching signal as symbolic states. This approach has the potential to yield symbolic models that are constructed independently of the state-space dimension. For example, the authors were able to construct a symbolic model of a five-dimensional switched linear system with three modes.

Yet another advanced approach to compute symbolic models with the objective of reducing the computational burden induced by CoD is based on so-called sampling-based techniques [Bhatia11, Karaman11, Maly13]. Rather than computing the symbolic model on a grid or partition of the continuous state space, the symbolic model is constructed incrementally. New transitions are added to the abstract system by sampling the continuous input space and state space. Several different heuristics are used to guide the growth of the symbolic model. In [Maly13], a symbolic model of a hybrid system with a five-dimensional continuous state space is constructed to solve a synthesis problem with respect to a co-safety LTL specification.

4.3.2 Continuous-Time Controllers

The symbolic models of continuous-time control systems, obtained by methods such as the one presented in Section 4.3.1 and similar approaches [Girard10, Reißig11, Zamani12] account only for the sampled behavior of the original system. Nevertheless, it is possible to use some estimates of the inter-sample time behavior of the continuous system to provide guarantees of the continuous-time behavior. Such an analysis is presented in [Fainekos09]. An alternative event-triggered scheme, in which the LTL specification is directly defined based on the continuous-time behavior of the system, is implemented in [Kloetzer08] and [Liu13]. A drawback of this method becomes evident with the implementation of the synthesized controller, as an elaborate event-detection mechanism is needed to realize the controller on an embedded device. [Liu14] provides a discussion of that matter.

Another issue that relates to the implementation of a controller that is obtained using the symbolic synthesis methods is the required state information. For example, the controller synthesis approach outlined in Section 4.2.3 assumes that complete state information is available at the controller. A more realistic assumption is that only quantized state information is available. Controller refinement schemes that address this issue and require only quantized state information are developed in [Mari10], [Girard13], and [Reißig14].

4.3.3 Software Tools

We conclude this section with a list of available software tools to compute symbolic models of CPS. One of the earliest developed tools for controller synthesis based on symbolic models is LTLCon [Kloetzer08]. This tool supports linear systems and general LTL specifications (without the “next” operator) with atomic propositions defined as conjuncts of strict linear inequalities. Another tool with similar capabilities, focusing on linear systems and finite horizon GR(1) formulas, is TuLip [Wongpiromsarn11]. GR(1) formulas represent a fragment of full LTL formulas for which controllers can be synthesized efficiently. Even though restricted, GR(1) formulas are still sufficiently expressive to formulate interesting properties and are widely used in the robotics community to specify robot mission statements. A tool that supports GR(1) formulas with respect to simple single-integrator dynamics is Linear Temporal Logic Mission Planning (LTLMoP) [Kress-Gazit09]. A nice feature of LTLMoP is its ability to formulate the specification in structured English.

More complex continuous dynamics—in particular, discrete-time piecewise affine systems in connection with full LTL specifications—are supported by conPAS2 [Yordanov12].

Code System from Maria (CoSyMA) [Mouelhi13] is a tool that supports incrementally stable switched systems. CoSyMA uses an advanced multiscale abstraction technique to compute the symbolic models and handles time-bounded reachability and safety specifications.

A versatile tool that provides algorithms to compute symbolic models of various dynamical systems is Pessoa [Mazo10]. It offers synthesis procedures for safety and reachability specifications and is specifically tailored to linear systems. However, Pessoa also supports the construction of symbolic models of nonlinear systems.

4.4 Summary and Open Challenges

This chapter presented a particular variant of the symbolic approach to controller synthesis for CPS. We attempted to strike a balance between the complexity of the problem instance and the clarity of presentation. Often we preferred a simpler problem statement because it led to an easier-to-follow presentation. Specifically, we restricted the specification language to simple safety and reachability requirements. Moreover, we focused on approximate (bi) simulation relations rather than on the more powerful but also more involved notion of approximate alternating (bi) simulation relations. Similarly, we presented a particularly straightforward method for constructing symbolic models for incrementally asymptotically stable switched linear systems. Nevertheless, we provided several pointers to references that treat the more general and complex cases. Examples illustrated the various definitions and results.

The interdisciplinary field of automated controller design for CPS is a rather young research area. The pioneering work reported in [Koutsoukos00], [Moor02], [Förstner02], and [Caines98] has clarified, in principle, how we might leverage discrete algorithmic synthesis methods for CPS, yet numerous questions remain to be answered and challenges are as yet unresolved. The most pressing challenge is perhaps the need to decrease the computational complexity of the symbolic approach. The CoD needs to be addressed for some practically interesting classes of CPS before we can see a widespread application of this approach in practice. Furthermore, when it comes to the deployment of synthesized controllers on an embedded device, the memory size of the controller might represent an obstacle.

In addition to complexity issues, several theoretical questions need to be answered, such as those dealing with the completeness of the symbolic approach. As we have seen, if the control system satisfies certain incremental stability assumptions, it is possible to construct approximate bisimilar abstractions, which implies approximate completeness. However, completeness results for control systems with unstable dynamics or more complex dynamics—for example, hybrid systems—remain an open question.


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