Chapter 12. Off-the-Shelf Sensor Hardware

I can suggest three tactics for choosing your actual sensor hardware. The first is to conduct Web searches on sensors and pick a vendor. It takes a fair amount of research, but will yield a wider variety of sources.

The second is to explore what people are using for robotics and DIY works, and concentrate on understanding the sensors offered by those community-aimed vendors. For that sort of sensor work, you will often find good programming and installation support, since they are used to providing to hobbyists. Further, robotics work and satellite work are very similar.

The third is to really understand electronics, then buy directly from Digikey, Farnell, or other electronics shops. This requires knowledge, and is the most difficult path, yet it is also the one most likely to lead to the best performance.


Often, companies that sell detectors for robots, drones, and satellites will indicate either the type of measurement (imaging, acceleration) or the wavelength/data regime (light, IR, magnetic).


A lot of available sensors are not suitable for orbital use. Moisture sensors, sound sensors, and smoke sensors simply will not find anything measurable in orbit, unless they are measuring an item inside the picosatellite itself.

The main purpose of showing these lists is twofold. First, it’s useful for giving you ideas for possible items to fly and missions to run.

Most importantly, it reflects the fact that there is no one schema for defining or selling sensors. One company’s “magnetic field sensor” is another manufacturer’s “Hall effect sensor” and a third’s “biofield detector.”

Here are several sample vendors’ lists:


  • Accelerometers
  • Biometrics
  • Current
  • Flex/Force
  • Gas Sensor
  • ID
  • Infrared
  • Light/imaging
  • Location/direction
  • Magneto
  • Proximity distance sensor
  • Temperature

Trossen Robotics:

  • IR sensors
  • Multi-axis accelerometers
  • Multi-axis gyroscopes
  • Compass sensors
  • PIR motion sensors
  • Object tracking & recognition
  • Temperature and humidity measurement
  • Ph, light, magnetic, and PSI sensors

Infusion Systems:

  • Air
  • Bang
  • BendMicro/BendMini/BendShort (flex of a material)
  • Flash (visual light)
  • GForce3D
  • Hot (temperature)
  • Light (visual light)
  • Magnetic
  • MoveAlong/MoveAround/MoveOn
  • Orient/Orient3D
  • Spin2D
  • Stretch
  • Turn
  • Vibe


  • High-end scanning lasers and obstacle detectors
  • Infrared and light sensors
  • Stretch and bend sensors
  • Force sensors
  • Accelerometers
  • Gyroscopes
  • Inertia measurement units
  • Inclination & tilt sensors
  • RFID
  • Cameras and vision sensors
  • Contact and proximity sensors
  • Magnetic sensors/compass
  • Current and voltage sensors
  • Temperature and humidity sensors
  • Thermal array sensors

Particle Damage

One concern is that orbit has a high flux of charged particles from the Sun, which can damage electronics. Radiation-hard parts are available, but cost more than off-the-shelf. Typical picosatellite mission lifetimes are short (less than 3 months), so I’m not worried about cumulative damage. I used to do radiation damage models back in school and it turns out that modern electronics are surprisingly robust on short time scales. We will primarily have single event upsets (SEPs) that scramble a sensor or computer, but since we don’t need 100% uptime this shouldn’t be a problem.

Be aware that many off-the-shelf parts may not exactly perform as their spec sheets suggest. One CubeSat team was using an imaging sensor that simply refused to perform as specified. It wasn’t the sensor’s fault so much as the vendor; their documentation did not match the actual sensor’s interface and the interface code as provided was not robust. By that logic, you would be best served by choosing more than one sensor, then seeing which one performs best for you in your lab based on the skill sets of your team.

“Project Calliope” Sample Sensor Loadout

Given the fact that I suggest you try many sensors before settling on your final loadout, it’s only fair I document my own efforts. I enjoyed testing the first batch of sensors I bought from ICube-X (two different Magnetics and a Hot). My final flight rig includes these sensors:

  • (1)Mag v2 for magnetic field strength
  • (1)Hot temperature sensor
  • (3)Flash and
  • (1)Light (since the satellite will have an unpredictable spin)
  • (1)Orient3D for magnetic field orientation

The function of the light sensors will be largely binary, to catch the bright/dark cycle as the satellite itself spins to face toward or away from the Sun, as well as catching the overall day/night cycle of each orbit. If there is a slight tumble to the satellite, all the better. These light sensors will provide a basic rhythm track.

Part of the reason I settled on this one vendor is that, by the time I’d spent hours figuring out their spec sheets and parameters, I simply did not want to take the time to learn yet another company’s way of defining devices. Given that there is no one standard, just keeping up to date on the material can be difficult, unless you’re an electrical engineer. So I chose this product because it’s a good tool for the job, and I understand it, even though it may not technically be the absolute best tool available. I won’t know what the best is until I encounter it. I chose ICube-X because, once I found it and bought my first set, I didn’t need to search for something better/faster/cheaper.

Another reason for my choice was that I was able to get technical clarification on key parameters. For example, their techs suggested that their Reach detector, a capacitive charge detector, could potentially be used to detect high-energy particle events. In the end, due to time, I decided not to add it as a detector, but if my launch date gets pushed back further, I may revisit that decision and do a refit.

They also pointed out their sensors are only guaranteed to –40°C. Most electronics have trouble below –40°C, so just to support the computer and transmitter, I’m assuming my satellite will maintain a temperature above that.

That said, a metal plate in low Earth orbit will cycle from –170°C to 123°C, depending on time in sunlight. Since it’s spinning, this range is fortunately smaller (as heat has time to distribute and dissipate), and with a 90-minute orbit, we should cycle through three ranges: too cold to register, transition regions where the sensor returns valid, slowly-changing data, and possible oversaturation at the high end. But I don’t think we’ll go much above 100°C, and I believe we’ll usually be above –40°C. Obviously, thermal profiling is key.

ArduSat Sample Sensor Loadout

Early this March, ArduSat (“Your Arduino Experiment in Space”) project announced their sensor loadout. Similar to Calliope, they are flying a magnetic field sensor, a brightness sensor, and a space-facing temperature sensor.

However, ArduSat adds greatly to the mix by tossing in a position gyro, an accelerometer for collecting attitude information, and a way to measure the satellite’s internal temperature. They also add both an imaging camera and a spectrometer!

Specifically, ArduSat is using a Freescale MAG3110 three-axis magnetometer, an InvenSense ITG-3200 three-axis digital gyro, an Analog Devices ADXL345 three-axis accelerometer, a Melexis MLX90614 IR temperature sensor, a Texas Instruments TMO102 digital temperature sensor, a LND, Inc. Geiger counter, an Adafruit TSL2561 luminosity sensor for IR & visible light, a MySpectral Spectruino optical spectrometer, and a 1.3 megapixel optical camera. Except for the camera, all are low-bandwidth detectors.

Sensor Integration

True, I could just wire up a $10 Hall Effect sensor with an op amp, toss in some optical sensors, and call it a day. But where’s the fun in that? The intent of Project Calliope was to show that someone without extraordinary skill in the art can build an effective musical satellite.

Using ICube-X sensors to create MIDI messages that feed into a BasicX board for transmission to Earth may not be the most technologically efficient or elegant approach, but it is the easiest. The problem becomes purely one of integrating systems, not of developing or heavy coding. To me, that shows that DIY picosatellites are feasible.

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