Famous-Name Hotels

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  1. Hôtel Esmeralda

    The proximity to Notre-Dame gives the hotel its name. Ask for a room with a cathedral view, and be prepared for a Bohemian atmosphere. The area is noisy and the rooms are not modernized, though most have en suite bathrooms.

    • 4 rue St-Julien-le-Pauvre, 75005

    • 01 43 54 19 20

    • No air conditioning

    • No disabled access

  2. Résidence Lord Byron

    An inexpensive hotel in an expensive area, with a pleasant courtyard garden for summer breakfasts. Top floor rooms are cheaper because the elevator doesn’t go that far, but they do have good views.

    Hotel Résidence Lord Byron
  3. Balzac

    Fashionably chic, this luxurious hotel has a restaurant and a basement bar, both popular with locals. The 57 rooms and 13 apartments are simply but tastefully decorated, with terraced suites offering great views of the Eiffel Tower.

  4. Hôtel Chopin

    Hidden away in one of the city’s passages , the Chopin opened in 1846. At this price don’t expect the best facilities, but it is a pleasant place to stay and the rooms are comfortable. Ask for an upper room for more light.

    Hôtel Chopin
  5. Hôtel Montparnasse Daguerre

    Surprisingly smart hotel at the cheaper end of the market. Rooms are brightly decorated, if a little small, but some of the upper ones have views of Sacré-Coeur and others overlook the patio garden.

  6. Hôtel Flaubert

    Terrific value, slightly out of the centre but not far from the metro. New owners have smartened it up and the lush garden is a delight. Room sizes vary.

  7. Hôtel Baudelaire Opéra

    The French writer Baudelaire lived here in 1854, and today it makes a good bargain find in this central area. Rooms are brightly decorated, although most of them are small.

  8. Hôtel Victor Hugo

    This long-established hotel has some delightful features, including a vegetable cart that’s used for the buffet in the garden breakfast room.

  9. Hôtel Galileo

    Tasteful decor, and a walled garden, all just a short walk away from the Arc de Triomphe.

  10. Grand Hôtel Jeanne d’Arc

    You could pass a whole weekend in Paris without wandering far from this well-equipped hotel, surrounded as it is by Marais attractions.

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