
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


. (dot)
DNS database root node, The Domain Name System, in a Nutshell
trailing dot indicating FQDN, The BIND 4.9 and later search list
/ (slash), leading slash in full pathnames, The BIND 4.9 and later search list
/etc/hosts file
site-wide or workgroup, keeping for disasters, Coping with Disaster
“no” preceding nslookup option’s name, Option Settings


A (address) records
multiple, using to set up round-robin, Round-Robin Load Distribution
query statistics on BIND 8 nameserver, BIND 8 statistics
AAAA (address) records
example, AAAA and
absolute pathnames, The Domain Name System, in a Nutshell
access lists, support in BIND 8 and 9, Getting BIND
ACE, Internationalized Domain Names
converting to and from Unicode, DNS and WINS
encoding utilities, Internationalized Domain Names
acl statement, Address Match Lists and ACLs, acl
using with view statement, Views
ACLs (access control lists), Address Match Lists and ACLs
applying to particular zone, Restricting queries in a particular zone
applying to zone transfers, Restricting queries in a particular zone
global, puttin on zone data, Protecting zone data on the bastion host
actions, The Windows XP Resolver
Active Directory, DNS, Windows, and Active Directory
handling servers, Handling Windows servers
address match lists, Address Match Lists and ACLs
named, Address Match Lists and ACLs
address sorting, Address and Alias Records
by nameserver, Nameserver Address Sorting
address type, The Internet Domain Namespace
address-to-name lookup, Setting Up Zone Data
advertising nameservers, “Advertising” nameserver configuration
aero domains, New top-level domains
AFSDB records, Additional Resource Records
algorithm field
DNSKEY records, The DNSKEY Record
RRSIG records, The RRSIG Record
aliases, The Domain Name System, in a Nutshell, Address and Alias Records
configuring mailers to identify, DNS and Email Authentication
not checked by mailers, The MX Algorithm
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Quotations
allow-notify substatement (zone), accepting messages from nameservers other than zone master nameservers, Incremental Zone Transfer (IXFR)
allow-query substatement
placing global access list on zone data, Protecting zone data on the bastion host
restricting queries in a zone, Restricting queries in a particular zone
restricting queries to internal network, “Resolving” nameserver configuration
allow-recursion substatement, Avoiding a Bogus Nameserver
allow-transfer substatement, Restricting queries in a particular zone
allow-update substatement, Securing Your Nameserver
also-notify substatement (zone), DNS NOTIFY (Zone Change Notification)
suppressing NOTIFY messages to all nameservers except list, Incremental Zone Transfer (IXFR)
any (address match list), Address Match Lists and ACLs
ANY records, queries on BIND 8 nameserver, BIND 8 statistics
architecture, Architecture
DNS operations, Operations
external, authoritative DNS infrastructure, External, Authoritative DNS Infrastructure
forwarder infrastructure, Forwarder Infrastructure
internal DNS infrastructure, Internal DNS Infrastructure
arpa domain, Country-code top-level domains
ARPAnet, Background
asymmetric cryptographic algorithms, Public-Key Cryptography and Digital Signatures
spoofing attacks involving recursion, “Resolving” nameserver configuration
au top-level domain, New top-level domains
auth-nxdomain substatement, The ABCs of IPv6 Addressing
dynamic updates to signed zones, DNSSEC and Dynamic Update
email authentication and DNS, DNS and Email Authentication
SPF, The Sender Policy Framework
authoritative servers for a zone, nonrecursive nameserver as, Avoiding a Bogus Nameserver
AXFR records
IXFR versus, Incremental Zone Transfer (IXFR)
queries on BIND 8 nameserver, BIND 8 statistics


backbones, A (Very) Brief History of the Internet
base-64 encoding of a password, rndc and controls (BIND 9)
bastion host, Internet Forwarders
configuring for split namespace, Configuring the bastion host
forwarding mail to the Internet through, How internal nameservers use internal roots
split namespace, protecting zone data on, Protecting zone data on the bastion host
using views on, Using views on the bastion host
BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain)
compatibility matrix, BIND Compatibility Matrix
compiling and installing on Linux, Instructions for BIND 8
controlling the nameserver, Controlling the Nameserver
debugging, Reading BIND Debugging Output
forward zones, Forward Zones
forwarding, Forwarding
getting the software, Getting BIND
history of, The History of BIND
logging, Logging
categories, Category Details
channels, The logging Statement
channels and categories, Logging
nameserver and resolver configuration, BIND Nameserver Boot File Directives and Configuration File Statements
nameserver statistics, Understanding the BIND Statistics
BIND 8, BIND 8 statistics
BIND 9, BIND 9 statistics
using, Using the BIND statistics
negative caching by nameservers, Caching
new update-policy mechanism (version 9), Versions
packet-filtering firewalls and BIND 8 or 9, Proxies
recent versions, advantages of, Getting BIND
resolver (version 8.4.6), The Resolver
resolver configuration
default search list, The Search List
recent versions, Securing Your Nameserver
setting up, Setting Up BIND
configuration file, Setting Up a BIND Configuration File
zone datafiles, Setting Up Zone Data, Setting the Zone’s Default TTL
source code for most recent versions, Getting BIND
support of DNS dynamic update (versions 8 and 9), DNS Dynamic Update
versions, Versions
views (BIND 9), Views
bitstring labels (IPv6 reverse mapping), DNAME records and reverse mapping
biz domains, New top-level domains, The generic top-level domains
blackhole substatement, System Tuning
bogus nameserver, avoiding, Avoiding a Bogus Nameserver
Boolean options (nslookup), Option Settings
BSD Unix operating system, A (Very) Brief History of the Internet
bstat tool, BIND 8 statistics


C programming
with resolver library routines, C Programming with the Resolver Library Routines
ca (Canada) domain, Nameservers and Zones
caching, Caching
cleaning stale cache entries, Limiting SOA queries
preventing a nameserver from building a cache, A Nonrecursive Nameserver
root nameservers, Resolution
TTL, Time to Live
values on cached records, TTLs
Windows XP resolver, Caching
negative caching, Caching
caching-only nameservers, Caching-Only Servers
not registering, Changing TTLs
Canada (ca) domain, Nameservers and Zones
canonical names
mailers looking for, The MX Algorithm
canonical, domain names, The Domain Name System, in a Nutshell
carriage return and a newline (Windows), The ABCs of IPv6 Addressing
Carroll, Lewis, Quotations
categories (logging), Logging, stderr channel
BIND 8, stderr channel
BIND 9, BIND 9 categories
config, Data formatting for all channels
default, Logging
logging to channels, Logging
specifying in channel logging statement, Logging
viewing all category messages, Viewing all category messages
chain of trust, The DS Record and the Chain of Trust
channels (logging), Logging
configuring, Logging
data formatting, stderr channel
discarding default category messages, Logging
file, File channels
logging categories to, Logging
null, null channel
severity levels of messages, Logging
stderr, stderr channel
syslog, File channels
CHAOS class, Classes
Class A, Class B, and Class C networks
subnetted Class A and B networks on nonoctet boundaries, /8 (Class A-sized) and /16 (Class B-sized) networks
subnetted Class C networks on nonoctet boundaries, /8 (Class A-sized) and /16 (Class B-sized) networks
for internets, Resource Records
record types defined by, The Internet Domain Namespace
cleaning-interval substatement, Limiting SOA queries
client/server architecture of DNS, The Domain Name System, in a Nutshell
clients, limiting number served by nameserver concurrently, Changing the open files limit
CNAME (canonical name) records, Using CNAME Records
attached to interior nodes, Using CNAME Records
mailers and, The MX Algorithm
network or subnet hosts moved to new subdomain, Managing the Transition to Subdomains
query statistics on BIND 8 nameserver, BIND 8 statistics
using address records instead of, Address and Alias Records
com domain, The Internet Domain Namespace, The generic top-level domains
command line, changing nslookup options from, Option Settings
compatibility, nameservers, Compatibility
complete Internet access, Our Zone
compressing a domain name, ns_msg_id
conditions, nsswitch.conf
config category (logging), stderr channel
configuration files
format of, Setting Up Zone Data
connection-specific DNS suffixes, The Windows XP Resolver
continue action, The Windows XP Resolver
control statements, acl
zone datafiles, Using Several Directories
$INCLUDE, Including Other Zone Datafiles
$ORIGIN, Changing the Origin in a Zone Datafile
coop domains, New top-level domains
core size limit, Changing the core size limit
country top-level domains
second-level domains, Where in the World Do I Fit?
country-code top-level domains, Top-Level Domains
critical severity, Logging
cryptographic checksum, One-Way Hash Functions
cryptographic keys
KSKs, Zone-Signing Keys and Key-Signing Keys
public-key cryptography, The DNS Security Extensions
sending to be signed, Sending your keys to be signed
ZSKs, Zone-Signing Keys and Key-Signing Keys
cryptography, public-key, The DNS Security Extensions
CSNET class, Classes


daemon facility, Logging, File channels
data segment size, changing default limit on, Changing the stack size limit
database dumps
changing location of nameserver dump file, Logging
datafiles, Zone Datafiles
date command, BIND 9 statistics
db.cache file
getting current version, Setting Up a BIND Configuration File
temporary root nameserver, Really Long Outages (Weeks) file (example), Signing your zone
db.root file, The db.root file
forwarding internal hosts’ mail to the Internet, How internal nameservers use internal roots
DC (Domain Controller), Handling Windows servers
debug message (example), stderr channel
debug severity, Logging
debugging levels, Debugging Levels
turning on, Turning On Debugging
Perl script converting IP addreses to names, Tools
default category (logging), Logging
BIND 8, stderr channel
BIND 9, BIND 9 categories
default-key substatement, rndc.conf file, Using rndc to control multiple servers
default-server substatement, rndc.conf options statement, Using rndc to control multiple servers
default_stderr channel (logging), stderr channel
delegation, Delegation
checking using host, Good Parenting
forward mapping, by internal roots, Forward-mapping delegation zones, by internal roots, Forward-mapping delegation
with stubs, Managing delegation with stubs
managing transition to subdomains, Managing the Transition to Subdomains
subdomains, Nameservers and Zones, Creating and Delegating a Subdomain
administrative overhead, When to Become a Parent
deciding on, How to Become a Parent: Creating Subdomains
to unsigned zones, Delegating to unsigned zones
zones, Nameservers and Zones
DHCP, DNS Dynamic Update
dial-up connections, Dial-up Connections
dig tool, Using dig
options, dig Options
specifying query aspects on command line, Using dig
zone transfers, Zone Transfers with dig, How to Use named-xfer
disasters, network
coping with, Coping with Disaster
long outages (days), Coping with Disaster
planning for, Planning for Disasters
dist file, Adding More Nameservers
dname parameter (res_search), res_send
DNAME records, IPv6 Forward and Reverse Mapping
reverse mapping and, DNAME records and reverse mapping
DNS (Domain Name System), The Domain Name System, in a Nutshell
architecture, Architecture
external, authoritative infrastructure, External, Authoritative DNS Infrastructure
forwarder infrastructure, Forwarder Infrastructure
internal infrastructure, Internal DNS Infrastructure
operations, Operations
dial-up Internet connections, A Limitation of MX Records
domain namespace, The Domain Namespace
electronic mail and, What’s Next?
email authentication, DNS and Email Authentication
SPF, The Sender Policy Framework
Internet firewalls and, DNS and Internet Firewalls
internal roots, Internal Roots
split namespace, A Split Namespace
master file format, Master File Format
message format, C Programming with the Resolver Library Routines
messages, DNS Messages
network failures, Planning for Disasters
parsing responses, ns_parserr
situations for using or not using DNS, The History of BIND
Windows 2000 DNS white paper, The Windows XP Resolver
Windows and Active Directory, DNS, Windows, and Active Directory
handling Windows cients, BIND and GSS-TSIG
handling Windows servers, Handling Windows servers
WINS and, DNS and WINS
DNS database, structure of, The Domain Name System, in a Nutshell
DNS resource records, The Zone Datafiles
DNSEXT, Handy Mailing Lists and Usenet Newsgroups
DNSKEY records, Islands of security, Zone-Signing Keys and Key-Signing Keys
adding to zone datafile, Signing your zone
algorithm field, The DNSKEY Record
flags field, The DNSKEY Record
in keyset file, Sending your keys to be signed
protocol field, The DNSKEY Record
public key, The DNSKEY Record
signed by dnssec-signzone, Signing your zone
DNSSEC (DNS Security Extensions), Versions, The DNS Security Extensions
algorithm number, Configuring TSIG
signing a zone
parent zone, Signing a parent zone
sending keys to be signed, Sending your keys to be signed
dnssec-keygen program
-a, -b, and -n options, Signing your zone
-f KSK option, Signing your zone
dnssec-signzone program, Signing your zone
creation of DS record, Sending your keys to be signed
keyset file, Sending your keys to be signed
options, Signing your zone
re-signing records, Sending your keys to be signed
re-signing zone, Sending your keys to be signed
DO flag, DO, AD, and CD
Domain Controller (DC), Handling Windows servers
domain name aliases, The Domain Name System, in a Nutshell
domain names, The Domain Name System, in a Nutshell
choosing, Choosing a Domain Name
compression, Domain Name Compression
local domain name for resolver, Resolver Configuration
mapped to OSI Network Service Access Point addresses, BIND 8 statistics
mappings between aliases and, Providing Aliases
translating E.164 numbers to, ENUM
domain namespace, The Domain Namespace
Internet domain namespace, The Internet Domain Namespace
RRs, Resource Records
domains, The Domain Name System, in a Nutshell
deciding number of nameservers, How Many Nameservers?
delegating, Delegation
lifecycle of parent domain, The Life of a Parent
structure, mirroring organization structure, What to Name Your Children
subdomains, Domains
top-level, Top-Level Domains
zones versus, Nameservers and Zones
DS (delegation signer) records
creation by dnssec-signzone, Sending your keys to be signed
Dunlap, Kevin, The History of BIND
dynamic severity, Logging
dynamic updates (DNS), Versions, DNS Dynamic Update
access lists, Getting BIND
causing notification, DNS NOTIFY (Zone Change Notification)
restricting with TSIG, Securing Your Nameserver
use by Windows, DNS, Windows, and Active Directory


E.164 numbers, ENUM
mapping to URIs, ENUM
edu (educational) domain, The Domain Name System, in a Nutshell, The Internet Domain Namespace
edu zone, Nameservers and Zones
electronic mail, DNS and Electronic Mail
authentication, DNS and, DNS and Email Authentication
SPF, The Sender Policy Framework
forwarding for certain Internet domain names using internal roots, Mail to specific Internet domain names
mail exchangers,’s Mail Server
mail from internal hosts, sending through internal root, How internal nameservers use internal roots
mail server for example domain,’s Mail Server
MX algorithm, The MX Algorithm
MX records, MX Records
elliptic curve-based public-key algorithm, The DNSKEY Record
end-of-line sequences, Windows and Unix, The ABCs of IPv6 Addressing
ENUM (Telephone Number Mapping), Organization, ENUM
E.164 numbers, translating to domain names, ENUM
NAPTR records, The NAPTR Record
error severity, Logging
example programs in this book, Obtaining the Example Programs
expanded space (us domain), The generic top-level domains
expanding domain name, ns_name_skip
explicit argument (notify substatement), DNS NOTIFY (Zone Change Notification)
explicit views, zone statements within, Round-Robin Load Distribution
external DNS infrastructure, External, Authoritative DNS Infrastructure
external view, Views
recursion turned off, DNS and Internet Firewalls
extranets, On the Internet and Internets


facilities, syslog channels, File channels
fetch-glue substatement, A Nonrecursive Nameserver
file descriptors, Common Syslog Messages
requirements by named, Changing the open files limit
open, limiting number for named, Changing the open files limit
filesystem, DNS database, The Domain Name System, in a Nutshell
Internet, DNS and, DNS and Internet Firewalls
internal roots, Internal Roots
proxies, Proxies
split namespace, A Split Namespace
forward mapping, Setting Up Zone Data
delegation by internal root nameservers, Forward-mapping delegation
IPv6, IPv6 Forward and Reverse Mapping
experimental, A6, DNAMEs, Bitstring Labels, and
forward zones, Versions, Forward Zones, Configuring the bastion host
using, Using forward zones
forward-first mode, Forwarding
forward-only mode, A More Restricted Nameserver
forwarders, Forwarding, Forwarder Infrastructure
Internet, A Bad Example
problems with, The trouble with forwarding
nonrecursive nameservers, not listing as, Avoiding a Bogus Nameserver
selection by nameservers, Views
forwarders substatement, Forwarding
empty list of forwarders, Forward Zones
forwarding, Forwarding
forward zones, Forward Zones
problems with, The trouble with forwarding
forwarding mail, MX Records
FQDN (fully qualified domain name)
indicated with trailing dot (.), The BIND 4.9 and later search list
freeze zone command (rndc program), New rndc commands


h2n script
deleting aliases for subdomain hosts created on parent, The Life of a Parent
other options, Generating Zone Datafiles from the Host Table
Harvest tool, BIND 8 statistics
Hesiod class, Classes
hidden primary, External, Authoritative DNS Infrastructure
HINFO (host information) records
query statistics on BIND 8 nameserver, BIND 8 statistics
HMAC-MD5 cryptographic algorithm, TSIG
host program, Good Parenting
download sites, Good Parenting
using to check delegation, Good Parenting
host tables
DNS advantages over, What’s Next?
example domain, Setting Up Zone Data
translating into DNS zone data, Setting Up Zone Data
host-statistics substatement, BIND 8 statistics
determining local domain from, Resolver Configuration
configuring, Configuring Hosts
electronic mail programs, Electronic Mail
nsswitch.conf file, Additional Configuration Files
resolver, Configuring Hosts
Windows XP resolver, The Windows XP Resolver
DNS information about, The Domain Namespace
domain name aliases, The Domain Name System, in a Nutshell
domain names, The Domain Name System, in a Nutshell
per-host statistics, BIND 8, BIND 8 statistics
represented by domain names, Domains
hosts database, Additional Configuration Files
listing with ypcat, Troubleshooting Tools and Techniques
human resources management industry (jobs) domain, New top-level domains
HUP signal, Using Signals


ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), New top-level domains
ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol)
port unreachable message, Outages
port unreachable, host unreachable, or network unreachable, One nameserver configured
idle time, limiting for zone transfers, Limiting the frequency of zone transfers
IDN (Internationalized Domain Names), Organization domains
subdomains of, Subdomains of Domains zones
delegating, Delegating an Zone
delegation by internal roots, Forward-mapping delegation
registering nameservers, Registering Nameservers
include statement, acl
incremental zone transfer (IXFR), Versions, Incremental Zone Transfer (IXFR)
info domain, New top-level domains, The generic top-level domains
info severity, Logging
int (international organizations) domain, Country-code top-level domains
interface ID (IPv6 addresses), The ABCs of IPv6 Addressing
interface interval, Interface interval
internal view, Views
recursion turned on, DNS and Internet Firewalls
international organizations (int) domain, Country-code top-level domains
history of, A (Very) Brief History of the Internet
necessity of DNS, Must I Use DNS?
versus internets, On the Internet and Internets
Internet access, types of, Our Zone
Internet connections
dial-up, Dial-up Connections
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), New top-level domains
Internet domain namespace, The Internet Domain Namespace
top-level domains, Top-Level Domains
Internet firewalls
DNS and, proxies, Proxies
Internet root nameservers, Root Nameservers
Internet Systems Consortium, The History of BIND
TCP/IP-based, deciding on use of DNS, Must I Use DNS?
versus the Internet, On the Internet and Internets
Network Modification form, Registering Nameservers
site, Choosing a registrar
intranets, On the Internet and Internets
IP addresses
assignment by DHCP, DNS Dynamic Update
converting to names in debugging output, Tools
nameserver address sorting, Nameserver Address Sorting
IP prefixes, Address Match Lists and ACLs, IPv6 Forward and Reverse Mapping
IPv4 transport, configuring, Addresses and Ports
addresses, Compatibility
:: notation, The ABCs of IPv6 Addressing
allocation of addresses to sites, Addresses and Ports
global routing prefix, The ABCs of IPv6 Addressing
interface ID, The ABCs of IPv6 Addressing
prefixes, The ABCs of IPv6 Addressing
subnet ID, The ABCs of IPv6 Addressing
suffixes, The ABCs of IPv6 Addressing
forward and reverse mapping, A6, DNAMEs, Bitstring Labels, and
A6 records and forward mapping, A6 records and forward mapping
DNAME records and reverse mapping, DNAME records and reverse mapping
using AAAA records and, Versions
ISC (Internet Software Consortium)
BIND web page, Handy Mailing Lists and Usenet Newsgroups
web site for BIND source code, Getting BIND
ISC DHCP server, Handling Windows clients
ISO 3166 top-level domains
country-code abbreviations, Country-code top-level domains
uk model, New top-level domains
United States model, New top-level domains
ISPs (Internet service providers)
assignment of IP addresses by DHCP, DNS Dynamic Update
iterative queries, Recursion
IXFR records, Incremental Zone Transfer (IXFR)


JEEVES, The History of BIND
.jnl (journal) files
configuring maximum size, Forwarding
jobs domain, New top-level domains


key statements, acl
defining for multiple nameservers, New rndc commands
within view statement, Views
keyset file, Sending your keys to be signed
KSKs (key-signing keys), Signing your zone


lame delegation, Registering Nameservers
lame TTL, TTLs
LANs (local area networks), On the Internet and Internets
deciding whether to use DNS, Must I Use DNS?
volume of DNS traffic, Capacity Planning
least privilege, Running BIND with Least Privilege
limited Internet access, Our Zone
Linux, compiling and insalling BIND on, Instructions for BIND 8
listen-on substatement, Addresses and Ports
load balancing, Round-Robin Load Distribution
load distribution, Round-Robin Load Distribution
shuffle address records, Round-Robin Load Distribution
LOC records, LOC
Local Area Connection Properties (Windows XP), The Windows XP Resolver
local domain name, The Local Domain Name
inability to look up, Problem Symptoms
local0 facility, syslog channel using, File channels
LOCALDOMAIN environment variable, The Local Domain Name
localhost (address match list), Address Match Lists and ACLs
locality space (us domain), The generic top-level domains
localnets (address match list), Address Match Lists and ACLs
log.msgs file, Logging
logfiles, Dynamic Update and Zone Datafiles
dynamic updates, Dynamic Update and Zone Datafiles
BIND, Changing System File Locations
categories, Category Details
channels, The logging Statement
channels and categories, Logging
NOTIFY message information, DNS NOTIFY (Zone Change Notification)
queries, Logging Queries
logging statement, Logging, logging
category specification, Logging
syntax, The logging Statement
viewing all category log messages (BIND 8), Keeping Everything Running Smoothly
loopback address
IPv6, The ABCs of IPv6 Addressing
not using with multiple nameserver directives, One nameserver configured
lwres statement, logging


mail exchangers, MX Records,’s Mail Server
good mail exchangers, qualities of, What’s a Mail Exchanger, Again?
inability to use IP address instead of domain name to identify,’s Mail Server
preference value or priority, MX Records
mail servers, example domain,’s Mail Server
mail-routing loops, preventing
MX algorithm, The MX Algorithm
preventing, MX Records
mailing lists, BIND users
updated db.cache file, Setting Up a BIND Configuration File
maintenance intervals, nameservers, Limiting SOA queries
cleaning interval, Cleaning interval
interface interval, Interface interval
statistics interval, Statistics interval
many-answers transfer format, Limiting the frequency of zone transfers
master file format, Setting Up Zone Data, Master File Format
master server, Types of Nameservers
masters substatement, DNS NOTIFY (Zone Change Notification), The ABCs of IPv6 Addressing, masters
specifying alternate port, Addresses and Ports
match-clients substatement, Views
match-destinations substatement, Views
match-recursive-only substatement, Views
max-journal-size substatement, Forwarding
max-ncache-ttl substatement, Interface interval
max-refresh-time and min-refresh-time substatements, Limiting the frequency of zone transfers
max-retry-time substatement, Limiting the frequency of zone transfers
max-transfer-idle-in substatement, Limiting the frequency of zone transfers
max-transfer-idle-out substatement, Limiting the frequency of zone transfers
max-transfer-time-in substatement, Limiting the total number of zone transfers served
max-transfer-time-out substatement, Limiting the total number of zone transfers served
MD5 cryptographic algorithm, TSIG
limits on use by named process stack, Changing the stack size limit
message digest, One-Way Hash Functions
Microsoft DHCP Server, Problems with Active Directory and BIND
Microsoft DNS Server, DNS and WINS
Active Directory-integrated zones, Compatibility
interoperability problems, Interoperability and Version Problems
support of DNS NOTIFY, DNS NOTIFY (Zone Change Notification)
Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q246804, Problems with Active Directory and BIND
mil domain, Country-code top-level domains
min-refresh-time substatement, Limiting the frequency of zone transfers
min-retry-time substatement, Limiting the frequency of zone transfers
MNAME field (zone SOA record), listing primary nameserver, DNS Dynamic Update
mobi domain (mobile devices), New top-level domains
Mockapetris, Paul, The Domain Name System, in a Nutshell, The History of BIND
multi-master zone substatement, The ABCs of IPv6 Addressing
museum domains, New top-level domains
MX records, MX Records
backup mail server, identifying,’s Mail Server
destinations with A record and no MX record, MX Records
explanation of, What’s a Mail Exchanger, Again?
limitation of, A Limitation of MX Records
MX algorithm, The MX Algorithm
preference value, MX Records
query statistics on BIND 8 nameserver, BIND 8 statistics
wildcard, Mail from internal hosts to the Internet, Wildcards


name collisions, The Domain Name System, in a Nutshell
name domains, New top-level domains
name-to-address lookup, Setting Up Zone Data
name-to-address mappings, Address and Alias Records
finding process ID and sending signal, Updating Zone Datafiles
stack size limit, Changing the stack size limit
named address match list, Address Match Lists and ACLs
named-conf file, trusted-keys statement, Islands of security
named-xfer file, Troubleshooting Tools and Techniques
named.conf file
address match list defined with acl statement, Address Match Lists and ACLs
bastion host for split namespace, Configuring the bastion host
bastion host nameserver in split namespace, The final configuration
caching-only nameserver, Caching-Only Servers
complete example, Views
controls substatement, Using rndc to control multiple servers
db.root file for root nameservers, Configuring other internal nameservers
limiting total number of zone transfers, Limiting the total number of zone transfers requested
parent zone authoritative nameservers configured as stub for child zone, Managing the Transition to Subdomains
primary nameserver
configured as slave, Subdomains of Domains
reconfiguring slave nameserver as primary, Coping with Disaster
rndc-confgen, using with, Using rndc to control multiple servers file, Logging, Turning On Debugging
named.stats file, Logging, BIND 8 statistics, BIND 9 statistics
named_dump.db file, Logging
nameserver directive (resolvers)
multiple nameservers configured, One nameserver configured
one nameserver configured, One nameserver configured
using multiple, The nameserver Directive
nameservers, Preface, The History of the Domain Name System, Nameservers and Zones
adding, Adding More Nameservers
caching-only, Caching-Only Servers
partial-slave, Partial-Slave Servers
primary master and slave, Adding More Nameservers
address sorting, Nameserver Address Sorting
authority for a zone, Nameservers and Zones
blackhole list, Avoiding a Bogus Nameserver
bogus, avoiding, Avoiding a Bogus Nameserver
caching, Caching
TTL, Time to Live
compatibility with resolvers and other nameservers, Compatibility
configuring to use internal root nameserver, Configuring other internal nameservers
controlling, Maintaining BIND
deciding on number, How Many Nameservers?
guidelines, How Many Nameservers?
designating as forwarder, Forwarding
emulation by nslookup, Is nslookup a Good Tool?
external, authoritative, Architecture
forward-first mode, Forwarding
forwarder selection, Views
IPv4 configuration, Addresses and Ports
iterative resolution, Iteration
logging, Logging
categories, Category Details
channels, The logging Statement
channels and categories, Logging
nonrecursive, A Nonrecursive Nameserver
organizing your files, Organizing Your Files
preferring on certain networks, Preferring Nameservers on Certain Networks
preventative maintenance, Keeping Everything Running Smoothly
recursive resolution, Recursion
registering, Registering Nameservers
caching-only, Registering Nameservers
some of your nameservers, Registering Nameservers
resolution, Resolution
securing, Using TSIG
BIND versions, Securing Your Nameserver
unauthorized zone transfers, Restricting queries in a particular zone
serving as internal root and authoritative nameserver, Configuring other internal nameservers
setting up, Setting Up BIND
zone data, Setting Up Zone Data
zones, Setting Up BIND
specified for Windows XP resolver, The Windows XP Resolver
stub zones (BIND 8 and 9), Managing delegation with stubs
tuning, System Tuning
maintenance intervals, Limiting SOA queries
zone transfers, Limiting transfers requested per nameserver
types of, Types of Nameservers
updating zone datafiles, Updating Zone Datafiles
root hints, Keeping the Root Hints Current
TXT records, General text information
zone datafiles, Zone Datafiles
namespace, domain, The Domain Namespace
shadow, A Split Namespace
split, A Split Namespace
naming services, hosts database, Additional Configuration Files
naming, views, Views
NAPTR records, The NAPTR Record
ndc program
getting statistics from BIND 8 nameserver, BIND 8 statistics
help, ndc and controls (BIND 8)
support for commands by rndc program, New rndc commands
toggling query logging, Updating Zone Datafiles
negative caching, Caching
BIND 8, The Resolver Search Algorithm and Negative Caching (BIND 8)
BIND 9, The Resolver Search Algorithm and Negative Caching (BIND 9)
max-ncache-ttl options substatement, Interface interval
TTL, Changing TTLs
Windows XP resolver, Caching
negative responses
format of, Compatibility
net domain, Country-code top-level domains
Net::DNS module, Perl Programming with Net::DNS
Net::DNS Perl module, Using TSIG
NetBIOS names, DNS and WINS
network infrastructure, organizatins providing, Country-code top-level domains
network interfaces, scanning for nameserver host, Interface interval
Network Modification form, Registering Nameservers
network resources, mirrored, Round-Robin Load Distribution
Network Solutions, Inc., Choosing a registrar
deciding number of nameservers, How Many Nameservers?
failures, coping with, Coping with Disaster
long outages (days), Coping with Disaster
failures, planning for, Planning for Disasters
names and numbers, Network Names and Numbers
newlines, The ABCs of IPv6 Addressing
NIS (Network Information Service), Must I Use DNS?
deciding if problem is caused by, Is NIS Really Your Problem?
nodes, DNS database, The Domain Name System, in a Nutshell
noncommercial organizations, Top-Level Domains
none (address match list), Address Match Lists and ACLs
nonrecursive queries
sent between nameservers, Forwarding
:: notation, IPv6 addresses, The ABCs of IPv6 Addressing
NOTFOUND condition, Additional Configuration Files
notice severity, Logging
NOTIFY, What’s New in the Fifth Edition?, Primary Master and Slave Servers, DNS NOTIFY (Zone Change Notification)
adding nameservers besides those in zone NS records to list, DNS NOTIFY (Zone Change Notification)
announcement identification, DNS NOTIFY (Zone Change Notification)
announcements sent by slave after zone transfer, DNS NOTIFY (Zone Change Notification)
BIND slave nameservers not supporting (NOTIMP error), DNS NOTIFY (Zone Change Notification)
response by slave to NOTIFY announcement, DNS NOTIFY (Zone Change Notification)
turning off, DNS NOTIFY (Zone Change Notification)
zone transfer scheme, complex, DNS NOTIFY (Zone Change Notification)
notify substatement (zone), explicit argument, DNS NOTIFY (Zone Change Notification)
NS (nameserver) records
delegated subdomain
checking on parent zone nameserver, Good Parenting
explicit TTL specified on, Registering Nameservers
query statistics on BIND 8 nameserver, BIND 8 statistics
NSAP records, queries on BIND 8 nameserver, BIND 8 statistics
NSEC records, Delegating to unsigned zones
signed for parent zone, Signing a parent zone
NSFNET, A (Very) Brief History of the Internet
traffic report, Capacity Planning
common tasks, Avoiding the Search List
looking up record types, Avoiding the Search List
emulation of resolver or nameserver, Is nslookup a Good Tool?
less common tasks, Less Common Tasks
options, Option Settings
abbreviating, Option Settings
BIND 9.3.2, Option Settings
Boolean and value, Option Settings
changing, Option Settings
listed, Option Settings
search list, The Search List
avoiding, Avoiding the Search List
timeouts, Timeouts
troubleshooting, Troubleshooting nslookup Problems
looking up right data, Troubleshooting nslookup Problems
no response from server, No Response from Server
unspecified error, Unspecified Error
using NIS, Troubleshooting Tools and Techniques
versions, Versions
zone transfers, Zone Transfers, How to Use named-xfer
nsswitch.conf file, Additional Configuration Files, Troubleshooting Tools and Techniques
nsupdate program, DNS Dynamic Update
-k option, key files generated by dnssec-keygen, Securing Your Nameserver
-y option, Securing Your Nameserver
commands, DNS Dynamic Update
TSIG-signed dynamic updates, Using TSIG
ns_get32 routine, ns_get16 and ns_put16
ns_init_parse routine, ns_get16 and ns_put16
ns_msg_count routine, ns_msg_base, ns_msg_end, and ns_msg_size
ns_msg_get_flag routine, ns_msg_base, ns_msg_end, and ns_msg_size
ns_msg_id routine, ns_msg_id
ns_name_compress routine, ns_msg_id
ns_name_skip routine, ns_name_skip
ns_name_uncompress routine, ns_name_skip
ns_parserr routine, ns_parserr
ns_put32 routine, ns_get16 and ns_put16
ns_update( ) resolver routine, DNS Dynamic Update
null channel (logging), Logging, stderr channel
null label (” “), The Domain Name System, in a Nutshell


one-way hash functions, TSIG
open files limit, Changing the open files limit
operating systems
compiling BIND source code, Getting BIND
operations, DNS, Operations
options statement
allow-query substatement
global ACL on zone data, Protecting zone data on the bastion host
allow-recursion substatement, Avoiding a Bogus Nameserver
allow-transfer substatement, Restricting queries in a particular zone
auth-nxdomain substatement, The ABCs of IPv6 Addressing
BIND 8, options, masters
BIND 9, BIND 9 Options Statement
blackhole substatement, System Tuning
cleaning-interval substatement, Limiting SOA queries
fetch-glue substatement, A Nonrecursive Nameserver
forwarders substatement, Forwarding
host-statistics substatement, BIND 8 statistics
lame-ttl substatement, Compatibility
listen-on substatement, Addresses and Ports
max-journal-size substatement, Forwarding
max-ncache-ttl substatement, Interface interval
max-refresh-time substatement, Limiting the frequency of zone transfers
max-transfer-idle-in substatement, Limiting the frequency of zone transfers
max-transfer-idle-out substatement, Limiting the frequency of zone transfers
max-transfer-time-in substatement, Limiting the total number of zone transfers served
max-transfer-time-out substatement, Limiting the total number of zone transfers served
min-refresh-time substatement, Limiting the frequency of zone transfers
query-source substatement, Proxies
recursive-clients substatement, Changing the open files limit
rfc2308-type1 substatement, Compatibility
serial-queries substatement, Limiting SOA queries
setting host-statistics, BIND 8 statistics
sortlist substatement, Nameserver Address Sorting
statistics-interval substatement, Interface interval
transfers-out substatement, Limiting the total number of zone transfers served
transfers-per-ns, Limiting transfers requested per nameserver
use-id-pool substatement, “Resolving” nameserver configuration
view statement and, Views
options statement (rndc.conf)
default-server substatement, Using rndc to control multiple servers
options substatements (zone)
allow-notify, DNS NOTIFY (Zone Change Notification)
speficying also-notify as, DNS NOTIFY (Zone Change Notification)
within view statement, Views
org domain, Country-code top-level domains, The generic top-level domains
$ORIGIN statement, Organizing Your Files
OSI Network Service Access Point addresses, domain names mapped to, BIND 8 statistics


packet-filtering firewalls, Packet filters
popular commercial firewalls, Proxies
problems with BIND 8 or 9, Proxies
parent zones
registering nameservers, Registering Nameservers
signing, Signing a parent zone
partial-slave nameservers
registering, Registering Nameservers
Perl module, Net::DNS, Securing Your Nameserver
Perl scripts, converting IP addresses to names in debugging output, Tools
Perl, programming with Net::DNS, Perl Programming with Net::DNS
PID files, Updating Zone Datafiles
polling mechanism to determine need for zone transfer, DNS NOTIFY (Zone Change Notification)
port unreachable message, Outages
configuring for IPv4, Addresses and Ports
specifying for nameserver listening, IPv4, Addresses and Ports
post (postal community) domain, New top-level domains
preference values (MX records), MX Records, The MX Algorithm
mailer at highest preference, The MX Algorithm
prefixes, IPv6 addresses, The ABCs of IPv6 Addressing
primary DNS suffix, The Windows XP Resolver
Primary DNS suffix of this computer, Handling Windows clients
primary master nameservers
datafiles, Zone Datafiles
primary nameservers
adding, Adding More Nameservers
configured to use forwarder, Forwarding
delegated subdomain, configuring as slave, Subdomains of Domains
hidden, External, Authoritative DNS Infrastructure
listing in MNAME field of zone SOA record, DNS Dynamic Update
registering, Registering Nameservers
TTL, Changing TTLs
private key, Public-Key Cryptography and Digital Signatures
KSKs, Zone-Signing Keys and Key-Signing Keys
specifying for dnssec-signzone, Signing your zone
pro (professionals) domains, New top-level domains
processing mail, MX Records
professionals (pro) domains, New top-level domains
program examples in this book, Obtaining the Example Programs
proxies, Proxies
ps command, finding process ID of nameserver, Updating Zone Datafiles
pstree program, Updating Zone Datafiles
PTR (pointer) records, PTR Records
mapping network number to a name, Network Names and Numbers
query statistics on BIND 8 nameserver, BIND 8 statistics
public key, Public-Key Cryptography and Digital Signatures
public-key cryptography, The DNS Security Extensions


access lists, Getting BIND
IXFR type, Incremental Zone Transfer (IXFR)
refused, Query Refused
query logging, Logging Queries
query-source substatement, Proxies
querylog command
rndc program, New rndc commands
querytype option (nslookup), Avoiding the Search List


rdist tool, Adding More Nameservers
reconfig command, rndc program, New rndc commands
recursion, Recursion
nonrecursive nameserver, A Nonrecursive Nameserver
turning off, “Resolving” nameserver configuration
recursive queries, Recursion
forwarders, nonrecursive nameservers and, Avoiding a Bogus Nameserver
resolving nameserver for, “Resolving” nameserver configuration
sent by nameservers to forwarder, Forwarding
recursive-clients substatement, Changing the open files limit
refresh intervals, DNS NOTIFY (Zone Change Notification)
limiting zone transfer frequency, Limiting the frequency of zone transfers
refresh zone command (rndc program), New rndc commands
nameservers, Registering Nameservers
caching-only, Registering Nameservers
partial-slave, Registering Nameservers
some of your nameservers, Registering Nameservers
registrars, On Registrars and Registries, whois
choosing, Choosing a registrar
registration policies and procedures, Registering Your Zones
registration, On Registrars and Registries
anon-nameserver, Registration of a non-nameserver
zones, Checking That Your Network Is Registered
registries, On Registrars and Registries
RIRs, Checking That Your Network Is Registered
relative pathnames, The Domain Name System, in a Nutshell
reload command
rndc program, New rndc commands
resolution, Resolution
caching, Caching
iterative, Recursion
recursive, Recursion
root nameservers, Resolution
resolv.conf file, Resolver Configuration
comments in, Comments
nonrecursive servers, not listed in, A Nonrecursive Nameserver
sample configurations, local nameserver, Minimizing Pain and Suffering
resolver routine, ns_update( ), DNS Dynamic Update
resolvers, The Domain Name System, in a Nutshell, Configuring Hosts
address sorting, Nameserver Address Sorting
configuring, Resolver Configuration
comments, Comments
local domain name, Resolver Configuration
search directive, The BIND 4.8.3 search list
search list, The Search List
timeouts in BIND 4.9 to 8.2, More than one nameserver configured
emulation by nslookup, Is nslookup a Good Tool?
library routines, Domain Name Compression
nameserver serving, “Resolving” nameserver configuration
nonrecursive nameservers and, A Nonrecursive Nameserver
query messages, Querying Like a BIND Nameserver
sample configurations
local nameserver, Local Nameserver
search algorithm, The Resolver Search Algorithm and Negative Caching (BIND 8)
Windows XP, The Windows XP Resolver
advanced configuration, The Windows XP Resolver
automatic registration, The Windows XP Resolver
DNS suffixes, The Windows XP Resolver
negative answers, The Windows XP Resolver
retransmission algorithm, The Windows XP Resolver
resolving nameserver, “Resolving” nameserver configuration
resource limits for nameservers
core files size limit, Changing the stack size limit
data segment size limit, Changing the data segment size limit
limiting number of clients, Changing the open files limit
limiting SOA queries, Limiting SOA queries
open files limit, Changing the open files limit
stack size limit, Changing the stack size limit
from unexpected source, 13. Response from Unexpected Source
parsing, ns_parserr
res_init routine, herror and h_errno
res_mkquery routine, herror and h_errno
res_query routine, res_query
res_search routine, res_query
res_send routine, res_send
retransfer zone command (rndc program), New rndc commands
return action, The Windows XP Resolver
reverse mapping, Setting Up Zone Data
IPv6, IPv6 Forward and Reverse Mapping
bitstring labels, DNAME records and reverse mapping
DNAME records, DNAME records and reverse mapping
experimental, A6, DNAMEs, Bitstring Labels, and
queries for domain names sent to forwarders, Using forward zones
rfc2308-type1 substatement, Compatibility
RIPE Network Coordination Centre, Checking That Your Network Is Registered
rndc program
-p option, New rndc commands
-s option, New rndc commands
controlling multiple servers, Using rndc to control multiple servers
getting BIND 9 nameserver statistics, BIND 9 statistics
new commands (BIND 9.3.2), New rndc commands
rndc-confgen command, Using rndc to control multiple servers
trace command, Logging
root hints
caching-only nameserver, Caching-Only Servers
root nameservers
internal, Using forward zones
configuring all internal nameservers to use them, Configuring other internal nameservers
db.root file, The db.root file
forward-mapping delegation, Forward-mapping delegation delegation, delegation
mail from internal hosts to the Internet, How internal nameservers use internal roots
mail to specific Internet domains, Mail to specific Internet domain names
problems with, The trouble with internal roots
use by other internal nameservers, How internal nameservers use internal roots
recursion and, A Nonrecursive Nameserver
resolution, Resolution
root node, DNS database, The Domain Name System, in a Nutshell
round robin, Address and Alias Records
round-robin load distribution, Round-Robin Load Distribution
routing loops, preventing for mail, MX Records
MX algorithm, The MX Algorithm
RR (resource records) (DNS), Additional Resource Records
adding/deleting in zone with DNS dynamic update, DNS Dynamic Update
CLASS fields, Classes
classes, Resource Records
CNAME, Address and Alias Records
data, Data Transmission Order
DNSKEY record, The DNSKEY Record
DNSSEC records, How the Records Are Used
DS, The DS Record and the Chain of Trust
looking up different types with nslookup, Avoiding the Search List
MX, MX Records
nonexistent for a domain, Troubleshooting nslookup Problems
ns_parserr routine and, ns_parserr
re-signing DNSSEC records with dnssec-signzone, Sending your keys to be signed
rotation by nameserver for a domain, Round-Robin Load Distribution
changing, Changing TTLs
tuning values, Interface interval
rrset-order substatement
order for records returned by nameserver, Nameserver Address Sorting
adding or deleting with dynamic update, DNS Dynamic Update
RRSIG records, Delegating to unsigned zones, How the Records Are Used
algorithm field, The RRSIG Record
for DS record, Signing a parent zone
labels field, The RRSIG Record
signature expiration and inception fields, The RRSIG Record
signature field, The RRSIG Record
signer’s name field, The RRSIG Record
rsync tool, Adding More Nameservers
RTT (round-trip time)
choosing between nameservers based on, Preferring Nameservers on Certain Networks


search algorithm, resolver, The Resolver Search Algorithm and Negative Caching (BIND 8)
search directive (BIND resolvers), The BIND 4.8.3 search list
search list, The Search List
application by dig tool, Using dig
avoiding with nslookup, Avoiding the Search List
BIND 4.8.3 resolvers, The BIND 4.8.3 search list
BIND 4.9 and later, The BIND 4.9 and later search list
BIND versions 4.8.3 to 4.9, The BIND 4.9 and later search list
nslookup, Is nslookup a Good Tool?
second-level domain, Domains
security, Security
BIND, latest versions, Getting BIND
DNS and Internet firewalls, DNS and Internet Firewalls
internal roots, Internal Roots
split namespace, A Split Namespace
DNSSEC, The DNS Security Extensions
ENUM, The NAPTR Record
nameservers, Securing Your Nameserver
BIND versions, Securing Your Nameserver
unauthorized zone transfers, Restricting queries in a particular zone
adding alias to file, DNS and Email Authentication
ANY record queries, BIND 8 statistics
CNAME queries to canonicalize mail address, BIND 8 statistics
destinations with A record and no MX record, MX Records
getting mail to Internet without configuration changes, How internal nameservers use internal roots
mail-routing loop, error message, The MX Algorithm
sequence space arithmetic, Starting Over with a New Serial Number
serial numbers
Active Directory-integrated zones, Microsoft DNS Server, The ABCs of IPv6 Addressing
forgetting to increment, Potential Problem List
serial-queries substatement, Limiting SOA queries
serial-query-rate options substatement, Limiting SOA queries
server statement, server, server
associating nameserver with key, New rndc commands
transfers substatement, Limiting the total number of zone transfers requested
within view statement, Views
set command, changing nslookup options, Option Settings
set type=any command (nslookup), Troubleshooting nslookup Problems
debug level 1, stderr channel
logging messages, Logging
specifying for file channel, File channels
shadow namespace, A Split Namespace
zone datafile, A Split Namespace
shell scripts, programming with nslookup or dig, Shell Script Programming with nslookup
shuffle address records, Round-Robin Load Distribution
signing, Public-Key Cryptography and Digital Signatures
parent zone, Signing a parent zone
sending keys to be signed, Sending your keys to be signed
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), MX Records
size substatement (file channel), File channels
slave nameservers, Types of Nameservers
AXFR queries to initiate zone transfers, BIND 8 statistics
configured to use forwarder, Forwarding
datafiles, Zone Datafiles
network traffic between hidden primary and, External, Authoritative DNS Infrastructure
NOTIFY announcements, sending after zone transfer, DNS NOTIFY (Zone Change Notification)
NOTIFY announcment response to master, DNS NOTIFY (Zone Change Notification)
polling mechanism to determine need for zone transfer, DNS NOTIFY (Zone Change Notification)
reconfiguring as primary during outages, Coping with Disaster
registering, Registering Nameservers
TTL, Changing TTLs
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), MX Records
SOA (start of authority) records
changing values
refresh value, Changing Other SOA Values
limiting number of queries on nameserver, Limiting SOA queries
MNAME field, listing primary nameserver for a zone, DNS Dynamic Update
query statistics on BIND 8 nameserver, BIND 8 statistics
sortlist substatement, Nameserver Address Sorting
SPF (Sender Policy Framework), Versions
split namespaces, The trouble with internal roots
configuring the bastion host, Configuring the bastion host
protecting zone data on bastion host, Protecting zone data on the bastion host
security precautions on bastion host nameserver, Protecting zone data on the bastion host
views, using on bastion host, Using views on the bastion host
sponsored TLDs (sTLDs), New top-level domains
spoofing attacks
involving recursion, “Resolving” nameserver configuration
NAPTR records, The NAPTR Record
response from unexpected source, 13. Response from Unexpected Source
SRV records
fields, SRV
stack size limit, changing for named, Changing the stack size limit
BIND, understanding
BIND 8, BIND 8 statistics
BIND 9, BIND 9 statistics
using BIND statistics, Using the BIND statistics
statistics-interval substatement, Interface interval
stats command
rndc program, New rndc commands, BIND 9 statistics
stderr channel (logging), stderr channel
stealth slave, Internal DNS Infrastructure
sTLDs (sponsored TLDs), New top-level domains
stub resolver, Resolvers
stub zones, Managing delegation with stubs
subdomains, The Domain Name System, in a Nutshell, Domains, Parenting
creating, How to Become a Parent: Creating Subdomains
deciding on delegation, How to Become a Parent: Creating Subdomains
deciding how many to implement, When to Become a Parent
delegated, Delegation
signed and unsigned, Islands of security
delegating, Delegating Subdomains
checking using host, Good Parenting
domain name, Domains
lifecycle of parent domain, The Life of a Parent
managing transition to, Managing the Transition to Subdomains
naming, What to Name Your Children
establishing conventions, What to Name Your Children
of generic top-level domains, The generic top-level domains
of domains, Subdomains of Domains
reasons for implementing, When to Become a Parent
responsibility for, The Domain Name System, in a Nutshell
rules for dividing domain into, What to Name Your Children
subnet ID (IPv6), The ABCs of IPv6 Addressing
looking up name for IP address, Network Names and Numbers
SUCCESS condition, Additional Configuration Files
DNS, using with Windows XP resolver, The Windows XP Resolver
IPv6 addresses, The ABCs of IPv6 Addressing
symmetric encryption algorithms, Public-Key Cryptography and Digital Signatures
common messages
bad owner name, Common Syslog Messages
lame server, Common Syslog Messages
Malformed response, Common Syslog Messages
reloading nameserver, Common Syslog Messages
Response from unexpected source, Common Syslog Messages
configuring channel to go to, Logging
logging channels directed to, File channels
NOTIFY message information, DNS NOTIFY (Zone Change Notification)
severity levels, Logging


TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol), A (Very) Brief History of the Internet
thaw zone command (rndc program), New rndc commands
Through the Looking-Glass, Quotations
versions 4.9 to 8.2, More than one nameserver configured
versions 8.2 and later, More than one nameserver configured
top-level domains
country code, Country-code top-level domains
existing or reserved names, not using to name subdomains, How to Become a Parent: Creating Subdomains
Internet domain namespace, The Internet Domain Namespace
new, New top-level domains
generic top-level domains, New top-level domains
traditions and extent to which they are followed, New top-level domains
topology feature (BIND 8), Preferring Nameservers on Certain Networks
trace command
rndc program, Logging
traceroute, 8. Loss of Network Connectivity
transfers substatement, Limiting the total number of zone transfers requested
IPv4, Addresses and Ports
travel domain, New top-level domains
tree structure, DNS database, The Domain Name System, in a Nutshell
troubleshooting, Troubleshooting DNS and BIND
forgot to increment serial number, Potential Problem List
local name can’t be looked up, Problem Symptoms
NIS, Is NIS Really Your Problem?
response from unexpected source, 13. Response from Unexpected Source
using named-xfer, Troubleshooting Tools and Techniques
trust anchor, Islands of security
trusted-keys statement, Islands of security, Signing a parent zone, server, server
TRYAGAIN condition, Additional Configuration Files
TSIG (transaction signatures), Versions, TSIG
keys, Configuring TSIG
time synchronization, Configuring TSIG
errors, TSIG Errors
GSS-TSIG, Secure Dynamic Update
limitations of, The DNS Security Extensions
one-way hash functions, TSIG
records, TSIG
TTL (time to live), Interface interval
changing, Changing TTLs
explicit, specified on NS records, Registering Nameservers
raising default for zones not changing frequently, Planning for Disasters
records in root hints file, Setting Up a BIND Configuration File
TXT records
queries on BIND 8 nameserver, BIND 8 statistics
SPF, The Sender Policy Framework
common mechanisms used in, The Sender Policy Framework


datagrams, EDNS0
uk domain, organizationally oriented subdomains, New top-level domains
UNAVAIL condition, Additional Configuration Files
uncompressing domain names, ns_name_skip
Unicode, Internationalized Domain Names
converting ACE to and from, DNS and WINS
BIND software included with, Getting BIND
domain sockets, rndc and controls (BIND 9)
end-of-line sequence, Compatibility
networking commands, search list applied to domain name argument, The BIND 4.9 and later search list
Unix epoch, converting to date, BIND 9 statistics
Unix filesystem, DNS database versus, The Domain Name System, in a Nutshell
unsigned zones, delegating to, Islands of security
unsponsored gTLDs, New top-level domains
update forwarding, DNS Dynamic Update
TSIG-signed, TSIG-Signed Updates
update-policy substatement, Securing Your Nameserver
URIs, mapping E.165 numbers to, ENUM
use-id-pool substatement, “Resolving” nameserver configuration


value options (nslookup), Option Settings
verifying, Public-Key Cryptography and Digital Signatures
versions substatement (file channel), File channels
view statement, Views, view
match-clients substatement, Views
match-destinations substatement, Views
match-recursive-only substatement, Views
types of substatements, Views
views, Views
full named.conf file (example), Views
support by BIND 9, Getting BIND
using on bastion host, Using views on the bastion host


warning severity, Logging
whois, whois
finding right whois server, whois
wildcard MX records, How internal nameservers use internal roots
wildcards, Wildcards
WINCH signal, Using Signals
Windows 2000 DNS white paper, The Windows XP Resolver
Windows operating systems, DNS, Windows, and Active Directory
end-of-line sequence, Compatibility
using dynamic update, DNS, Windows, and Active Directory
Windows Server 2003, Handling Windows servers
Windows XP resolver, The Windows XP Resolver
advanced configuration, The Windows XP Resolver
automatic registration, The Windows XP Resolver
DNS suffixes, The Windows XP Resolver
negative answers, handling of, The Windows XP Resolver
retransmission algorithm, The Windows XP Resolver
WINS (Windows Internet Name Service), Must I Use DNS?, DNS and WINS


X Windows-based user environments, Capacity Planning


ypcat, listing hosts database, Troubleshooting Tools and Techniques


zone ca (Canada), Nameservers and Zones
zone datafiles, Zone Datafiles, Setting Up Zone Data
comments and blank lines, Comments (example), Signing your zone
DNS resource records, The Zone Datafiles
internal and external views, Views
organizing, Organizing Your Files
root zone (db.root), The db.root file
setting up
NS records, NS Records
PTR records, PTR Records
shadow namespace, A Split Namespace
TTL, changing on resource records, Changing TTLs
updating, Updating Zone Datafiles
root hints, Keeping the Root Hints Current
TXT records, General text information
zone statement, server
allow-query substatement, Restricting queries in a particular zone
also-notify substatement, DNS NOTIFY (Zone Change Notification)
BIND 8, zone
dialup substatement, Network Names and Numbers
ixfr-base, BIND 8 IXFR Configuration
masters substatement, DNS NOTIFY (Zone Change Notification), The ABCs of IPv6 Addressing
port specification, Addresses and Ports
max-refresh-time substatement, Limiting the frequency of zone transfers
max-transfer-idle-in substatement, Limiting the frequency of zone transfers
max-transfer-idle-out substatement, Limiting the frequency of zone transfers
max-transfer-time-in substatement, Limiting the total number of zone transfers served
max-transfer-time-out substatement, Limiting the total number of zone transfers served
min-refresh-time substatement, Limiting the frequency of zone transfers
multi-master substatement, The ABCs of IPv6 Addressing
turning off NOTIFY, DNS NOTIFY (Zone Change Notification)
within view statement, Views
zone transfers, Limiting transfers requested per nameserver
access lists, Getting BIND
complex, example of, DNS NOTIFY (Zone Change Notification)
following NOTIFY announcement, DNS NOTIFY (Zone Change Notification)
incremental, Versions, Getting BIND, Incremental Zone Transfer (IXFR)
initiation by AXFR queries, BIND 8 statistics
limiting duration of inbound, Limiting the total number of zone transfers served
limiting frequency of, Limiting the frequency of zone transfers
limiting idle time, Limiting the frequency of zone transfers
limiting requests per nameserver, System Tuning
limiting total number requested, Limiting the total number of zone transfers requested
limiting total number served simultaneously, Limiting the total number of zone transfers served
more efficient, with many-answers format, Limiting the frequency of zone transfers
nslookup, Zone Transfers
polling scheme by slave nameservers to determine need for, DNS NOTIFY (Zone Change Notification)
preventing unauthorized transfers, Restricting queries in a particular zone
using named-xfer, Troubleshooting Tools and Techniques
zones, Preface, The Domain Name System, in a Nutshell, Nameservers and Zones
change notification (DNS NOTIFY), DNS NOTIFY (Zone Change Notification)
delegating hosting of, Must I Use DNS?
domains versus, Nameservers and Zones
example (Movie University), Our Zone
forward zones, Forward Zones, Using forward zones
nameserver authority for, Nameservers and Zones
reason for existing, What to Name Your Children
registering, Checking That Your Network Is Registered
setting up zone data, Setting Up Zone Data
zone datafiles, Setting Up Zone Data, Setting the Zone’s Default TTL
signing, Zone-Signing Keys and Key-Signing Keys
parent zone, Signing a parent zone
sending keys to be signed, Sending your keys to be signed
stub zones, Managing delegation with stubs
top-level, authoritative nameservers for, Resolution
unsigned, deletating to, Islands of security
ZSKs (zone-signing keys), Signing your zone
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