Chapter 5. DNS and Electronic Mail

“And here Alice began to get rather sleepy, and went on saying to herself, in a dreamy sort of way, “Do cats eat bats? Do cats eat bats?” and sometimes “Do bats eat cats?” for, you see, as she couldn’t answer either question, it didn’t much matter which way she put it.”

I’ll bet you’re drowsy too, after that looong chapter. Thankfully, this next chapter discusses a topic that will probably be very interesting to you system administrators and postmasters: how DNS affects electronic mail. And even if it isn’t interesting to you, at least it’s shorter than the last chapter.

One of the advantages of the Domain Name System over host tables is its support of advanced mail routing. When mailers had only the HOSTS.TXT file (and its derivative, /etc/hosts) to work with, the best they could do was to attempt delivery to a host’s IP address. If that failed, they could either defer delivery of the message and try again later or bounce the message back to the sender.

DNS offers a mechanism for specifying backup hosts for mail delivery. The mechanism also allows hosts to assume mail-handling responsibilities for other hosts. This lets diskless hosts that don’t run mailers, for example, have mail addressed to them processed by their servers.

DNS, unlike host tables, allows arbitrary names to represent electronic mail destinations. You can—and most organizations on the Internet do—use the domain name of your main forward-mapping zone as an email destination. Or you can add domain names to your zone that are purely email destinations and don’t represent any particular host. A single logical email destination may also represent several mail servers. With host tables, mail destinations were hosts, period.

Together, these features give administrators much more flexibility in configuring electronic mail on their networks.

MX Records

DNS uses a single type of resource record to implement enhanced mail routing: the MX record. Originally, the MX record’s function was split between two records—the MD (mail destination) and MF (mail forwarder) records. MD specified the final destination to which a message addressed to a given domain name should be delivered. MF specified a host that would forward mail on to the eventual destination, should that destination be unreachable.

Early experience with DNS on the ARPAnet showed that separating the functions didn’t work very well. A mailer needed both the MD and MF records attached to a domain name (if both existed) to decide where to send mail; one or the other alone wouldn’t do. But an explicit lookup of one type or another (either MD or MF) would cause a nameserver to cache just that record type. So mailers either had to do two queries, one for MD and one for MF records, or they could no longer accept cached answers. This meant that the overhead of running mail was higher than that of running other services, which was eventually deemed unacceptable.

The two records were integrated into a single record type, MX, to solve this problem. Now a mailer just needed all the MX records for a particular domain name destination to make a mail-routing decision. Using cached MX records was fine, as long as the TTLs matched.

MX records specify a mail exchanger for a domain name: a host that will either process or forward mail for the domain name (through a firewall, for example). Processing the mail means either delivering it to the individual to whom it’s addressed or gatewaying it to another mail transport, such as X.400. Forwarding means sending it to its final destination or to another mail exchanger closer to the destination via SMTP, the Internet’s Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. Sometimes forwarding the mail involves queuing it for some amount of time, too.

In order to prevent mail-routing loops, the MX record has an extra parameter, besides the domain name of the mail exchanger: a preference value. The preference value is an unsigned 16-bit number (between 0 and 65535) that indicates the mail exchanger’s priority. For example, the MX record:    IN    MX    10

specifies that relay.hp.comis a mail exchanger for at preference value 10.

Taken together, the preference values of a destination’s mail exchangers determine the order in which a mailer should use them. The preference value itself isn’t important, only its relationship to the values of other mail exchangers: is it higher or lower than the values of this destination’s other mail exchangers? Unless there are other records involved, this:

plange.puntacana.dr.  IN  MX  1 listo.puntacana.dr.
plange.puntacana.dr.  IN  MX  2 hep.puntacana.dr.

does exactly the same thing as:

plange.puntacana.dr.  IN  MX  50  listo.puntacana.dr.
plange.puntacana.dr.  IN  MX  100 hep.puntacana.dr.

Mailers should attempt delivery to the mail exchangers with the lowest preference values first. This may seem a little counterintuitive: the most preferred mail exchanger has the lowest preference value. But since the preference value is an unsigned quantity, this lets you specify a “best” mail exchanger at preference value 0.

If delivery to the most-preferred mail exchanger(s) fails, mailers should attempt delivery to less-preferred mail exchangers (those with higher preference values), in order of increasing preference value. That is, mailers should try more-preferred mail exchangers before they try less preferred mail exchangers. More than one mail exchanger may share the same preference value, too. This gives the mailer its choice of which to send to first. However, the mailer must try all the mail exchangers at a given preference value before proceeding to the next higher value.

For example, the MX records for might be:    IN    MX    0    IN    MX    10    IN    MX    10

Interpreted together, these MX records instruct mailers to attempt delivery to by sending in the following order:


  2. Either or

  3. The remaining preference 10 mail exchanger (the one not used in Step 2)

Of course, once the mailer successfully delivers the mail to one of’s mail exchangers, it can stop. A mailer successfully delivering mail to ora.oreilly.comdoesn’t need to try or

Note that isn’t a particular host; it’s the domain name of O’Reilly’s main forward-mapping zone. O’Reilly uses the domain name as the email destination for everyone who works there. It’s much easier for correspondents to remember the single email destination than to remember which host——each employee has an email account on.

This requires, of course, that the administrator of the mailer on maintain a file of aliases for all email users at O’Reilly, forwarding their mail to the hosts on which they read it, or run a server that offers users remote access to their mail stores, such as a POP or IMAP server. What if a destination doesn’t have any MX records, but has one or more A records? Will a mailer simply not deliver mail to that destination? Actually, you can compile recent versions of sendmail to do just that. Most vendors, however, have compiled their sendmails to be more forgiving: if no MX records exist but one or more A records do, they’ll at least attempt delivery to the address. Version 8 of sendmail, compiled “out of the box,” will try the address of a mail destination without MX records. Check your vendor’s documentation if you’re not sure whether your mail server will send mail to destinations with only address records.

Even though nearly all mailers will deliver mail to a destination with just an address record and no MX records, it’s still a good idea to have at least one MX record for each legitimate mail destination. Most mailers, including sendmail, will always look up the MX records for a destination first when there is mail to deliver. If the destination doesn’t have any MX records, a nameserver—usually one of your authoritative nameservers—still must answer that query, and then sendmail will go on to look up A records. That takes extra time, slows mail delivery, and adds a little load to your zone’s authoritative nameservers. If you simply add an MX record for each mail destination pointing to a domain name that maps to the same address an address lookup would return, the mailer sends only one query, and the mailer’s local nameserver caches the MX record for future use.

Finally, note that you can’t use an IP address instead of a domain name to identify the mail exchanger (in the field after the preference value). While some mailers are forgiving enough to accept an IP address, some aren’t, so your mail will fail unpredictably.’s Mail Server

At, we have a single mail hub, . postmanrings2x runs both an SMTP server and an IMAP server with accounts for all mail users.

To direct mail servers on the Internet to send mail addressed to users at to our mail hub, we add this MX record to  IN  MX  10

Our ISP runs a backup SMTP server as a service for customers; it will queue mail for us if our mail server or our connection to the Internet fails. To tell Internet mailers to try it if postmanrings2x isn’t available, we add another MX record to the zone datafile:  IN  MX  20

What’s a Mail Exchanger, Again?

The idea of a mail exchanger is probably new to many of you, so let’s go over it in a little more detail. A simple analogy should help here: imagine that a mail exchanger is an airport, and instead of setting up MX records to instruct mailers where to send messages, you’re advising your in-laws as to which airport to fly into when they come to visit you.

Say you live in Los Gatos, California. The closest airport for your in-laws to fly into is San Jose, the second closest is San Francisco, and the third Oakland. (We’ll ignore other factors such as price of the ticket, Bay Area traffic, etc.) Don’t see the parallel? Then picture it like this:    IN    MX    1    IN    MX    2    IN    MX    3

The MX list is just an ordered list of destinations that tells mailers (your in-laws) where to send messages (fly) if they want to reach a given email destination (your house). The preference value tells them how desirable it is to use that destination; think of it as a logical “distance” from the eventual destination (in any units you choose), or simply as a “top 10"-style ranking of the proximity of those mail exchangers to the final destination.

With this list, you’re saying, “Try to fly into San Jose, and if you can’t get there, try San Francisco and Oakland, in that order.” It also says that if you reach San Francisco, you should take a commuter flight to San Jose. If you wind up in Oakland, you should try to get a commuter to San Jose or at least to San Francisco.

What makes a good mail exchanger, then? The same qualities that make a good airport:


You wouldn’t want to fly into tiny Reid-Hillview Airport to get to Los Gatos, because the airport’s not equipped to handle large planes or many people. (You’d probably be better off landing a big jet on Interstate 280 than at Reid-Hillview.) Likewise, you don’t want to use an emaciated, underpowered host as a mail exchanger; it won’t be able to handle the load.


You know better than to fly through Denver International Airport in the winter, right? Then you should know better than to use a host that’s rarely up or available as a mail exchanger.


If your relatives are flying in from far away, you’ve got to make sure they can get a direct flight to at least one of the airports in the list you give them. You can’t tell them their only choices are San Jose and Oakland if they’re flying in from Helsinki. Similarly, you’ve got to make sure that at least one of your hosts’ mail exchangers is reachable to anyone who might conceivably send you mail.

Management and administration

How well an airport is managed has a bearing on your safety while flying into or just through the airport and on how easy it is to use. Think of these factors when choosing a mail exchanger. The privacy of your mail, the speed of its delivery during normal operations, and how well your mail is treated when your hosts go down all hinge on the quality of the administrators who manage your mail exchangers.

Keep this example in mind because we’ll refer to it again later.

The MX Algorithm

That’s the basic idea behind MX records and mail exchangers, but there are a few more wrinkles you should know about. To avoid routing loops, mailers need to use a slightly more complicated algorithm than what we’ve described when they determine where to send mail.[*]

Imagine what would happen if mailers didn’t check for routing loops. Let’s say you send mail from your workstation to , raving (or raging) about the quality of this book. Unfortunately, ora.oreilly.comis down at the moment. No problem! Recall’s MX records:    IN    MX    0    IN    MX    10    IN    MX    10

Your mailer falls back and sends your message to, which is up.’s mailer then tries to forward the mail on to but can’t because ora.oreilly.comis down. Now what? Unless checks the sanity of what she is doing, she’ll try to forward the message to or maybe even to herself. That’s certainly not going to help get the mail delivered. If sends the message to herself, we have a mail-routing loop. If sends the message to, will either send it back to or send it to herself, and we again have a mail-routing loop.

To prevent this from happening, mailers discard certain MX records before they decide where to send a message. A mailer sorts the list of MX records by preference value and looks in the list for the canonical domain name of the host on which it’s running. If the local host appears as a mail exchanger, the mailer discards that MX record and all MX records in which the preference value is equal or higher (that is, equally or less-preferred mail exchangers). That prevents the mailer from sending messages to itself or to mailers “farther” from the eventual destination.

Let’s think about this in the context of our airport analogy. This time, imagine you’re an airline passenger (a message) trying to get to Greeley, Colorado. You can’t get a direct flight to Greeley, but you can fly to either Fort Collins or Denver (the two next-highest mail exchangers). Since Fort Collins is closer to Greeley, you opt to fly to Fort Collins.

Now, once you’ve arrived in Fort Collins, there’s no sense in flying to Denver, away from your destination (a lower-preference mail exchanger). (And flying from Fort Collins to Fort Collins would be silly, too.) So the only acceptable flight to get you to your destination is now a Fort Collins-Greeley flight. You eliminate flights to less-preferred destinations to prevent frequent-flyer looping and wasteful travel time.

One caveat: most mailers will look only for their local host’s canonical domain name in the list of MX records. They don’t check for aliases (domain names on the left side of CNAME records). Unless you always use canonical names in your MX records, there’s no guarantee that a mailer will be able to find itself in the MX list, and you’ll run the risk of having your mail loop.

If you do list a mail exchanger by an alias, and it unwittingly tries to deliver mail to itself, most mailers will detect the loop and bounce the mail with an error. Here’s the error message from recent versions of sendmail:

554 MX list for points back to
554 <[email protected]>... Local configuration error

This replaces the quainter “I refuse to talk to myself” error older versions of sendmail emitted. The moral: in an MX record, always use the mail exchanger’s canonical name.

One more caveat: the hosts you list as mail exchangers must have address records. A mailer needs to find an address for each mail exchanger you name or else it can’t attempt delivery there.

To go back to our example, when received the message from your workstation, her mailer would have checked the list of MX records:    IN    MX    0    IN    MX    10    IN    MX    10

Finding the local host’s domain name in the list at preference value 10,’s mailer discards all the records at preference value 10 or higher (the records in bold):    IN    MX    0    IN    MX    10    IN    MX    10

leaving only:    IN    MX    0

Since ora.oreilly.comis down, defers delivery until later and queues the message.

What happens if a mailer finds itself at the highest preference (lowest preference value) and has to discard the whole MX list? Some mailers attempt delivery directly to the destination host’s IP address as a last-ditch effort. In most mailers, however, it’s an error. It may indicate that DNS thinks the mailer should be processing (not just forwarding) mail for the destination, but the mailer hasn’t been configured to know that. Or it may indicate that the administrator has ordered the MX records incorrectly by using the wrong preference values.

Say, for example, the folks who run add an MX record to direct mail addressed to to a mailer at their Internet service provider:    IN    MX    10

Most mailers need to be configured to identify their aliases and the names of other hosts for which they process mail. Unless the mailer on is configured to recognize email addressed to as local mail, it assumes it’s being asked to relay the mail and attempts to forward the mail to a mail exchanger closer to the final destination.[*] When it looks up the MX records for, it finds itself as the most-preferred mail exchanger and bounces the mail back to the sender with the familiar error:

554 MX list for points back to
554 <[email protected]>... Local configuration error

Many versions of sendmail use class w or fileclass w as the list of local destinations. Depending on your file, adding an alias can be as easy as adding the line:



You may have noticed that we tend to use multiples of 10 for our preference values. Ten is convenient because it allows you to insert other MX records temporarily at intermediate values without changing the other weights, but otherwise there’s nothing magical about it. We could just as easily have used increments of 1 or 100; the effect would have been the same.

DNS and Email Authentication

In addition to using MX records stored in DNS to determine where to send mail, some modern mail servers can now use other data in DNS to authenticate a message’s sender. In particular, several recently proposed email authentication mechanisms use resource records to store critical information. While a complete description of any of these proposals is beyond the scope of this book, we’d like to introduce you to the most widely deployed of them, with a particular emphasis on how it uses DNS.

The Sender Policy Framework

We’ll cover SPF, the Sender Policy Framework, both because it’s the most widely deployed of these authentication mechanisms and because it’s fairly simple to describe. SPF allows a company’s postmaster—maybe with the cooperation of his friendly DNS administrator—to specify which mail servers are allowed to send email addressed from the organization’s domain names. It’s a little like the opposite function of the MX record: an MX record tells a mailer to send mail addressed to a particular domain name to particular mail servers, while SPF information tells a mailer which mail servers can send mail addressed from a particular domain name.[*]

Here’s a simple example: Say O’Reilly Media’s postmaster knows that all legitimate email is sent from one of two SMTP servers, and He can advertise this fact in DNS by adding a TXT record to the domain name (or by asking whomever administers the zone to do it for him). Here’s one possible TXT record that accomplishes this:  IN  TXT  "v=spf1 -all"

The tag v=spf1 at the beginning of the record-specific data identifies this TXT record as an SPF record. This is needed because TXT records can be used for many purposes, including human-readable comments, and you wouldn’t want Internet mail servers trying to interpret your comments as SPF instructions. If SPF takes off, it will eventually receive its own, dedicated record type, SPF, and the tag will become unnecessary.

The next two fields specify that mail addressed from can come from any of the IP addresses of the hosts or The leading plus signs are qualifiers, and indicate that email from these hosts’ IP addresses should be allowed. There are four possible qualifiers:


Pass. A mailer that matches is a valid sender.


Fail. A mailer that matches is not a valid sender.


SoftFail. A mailer that matches probably isn’t a valid sender, so the message should be carefully scrutinized.


Neutral. Has no effect.

The default is + (pass), so the plus signs could have been omitted. The final field, -all, tells mailers to deny (fail) every other sender of email.

There are other ways to specify a domain name’s valid senders. Since’s two MX records list and, the postmaster can instead add this shorter TXT record:  IN  TXT  "v=spf1 +mx -all"

Without a colon and a domain name argument, “mechanisms” such as a and mx use the domain name in the owner field. Just plain +mx, then, is the same as in this record.

Here’s a list of common mechanisms used in SPF TXT records:


Specifies the domain name of a mail server whose address or addresses are allowed to send email from the owner domain name.


Specifies a domain name whose mail exchangers are allowed to send email from the owner domain name.


Specifies the IP(v4) address of a mail server that is allowed to send email from the owner domain name. Can also specify a network in CIDR notation (e.g., Note that all four octets of the network must be specified.


Specifies the IPv6 address of a mail server that is allowed to send email from the owner domain name. Can also specify an IPv6 network in RFC 3513 notation.


Requires that a PTR record exist for the sending mail server’s address. The PTR record must map the address to a domain name that ends in the domain name in the owner field of the TXT record or the argument specified after the colon. For example, requires that a sending mail server’s address reverse-map to a domain name ending in

SPF records also support a redirect modifier, which allows multiple domain names to share a common set of SPF instructions. For example, say the administrator of wants the and domain names to use the same rules he’s established for Rather than duplicate’s TXT record, he can add these TXT records:  IN  TXT  "v=spf1"  IN  TXT  "v=spf1"

These tell mailers to refer to the SPF records for when determining which are valid mailers for and Now if the administrator needs to modify his SPF instructions, he must only change one TXT record.

The include mechanism is a similar construct, designed to let administrators refer to SPF instructions configured by someone else. For example, if the administrator also wants to allow any legitimate senders of email to send email, he can amend the TXT record to read:  IN  TXT  "v=spf1 +mx -all"

Note that the separator between include and its argument is a colon, while the separator between redirect and its argument is an equals sign.

A couple of miscellaneous hints: It’s a good idea to use ?all or ~all in your SPF records in the beginning because it can be surprisingly difficult to enumerate all the valid sources of your domain name’s email. You may have remote employees running their own mail servers, mobile workers sending email from PDAs with company email addresses, and many others. You don’t want to inadvertently cut them off.

If your SPF records are very long and complex, they may exceed the maximum length of a TXT record’s data, 255 bytes. In that case, you can break the record into multiple TXT records, each beginning with the v=spf1 tag. They’ll be concatenated before evaluation.

Two final notes of caution: Remember that, even if you publish SPF information, only mail servers with SPF support will look it up and use it. Right now, that’s a very small proportion of the Internet’s mailers. (Still, there’s no harm in publishing SPF records, so why not?) And be aware that SPF may change, may never become a standard, and may be superseded by other mechanisms.

[*] This algorithm is based on RFC 2821, which describes how Internet mail routing works.

[*] Unless, of course,’s mailer is configured not to relay mail for unknown domains. In this case, it simply rejects the mail.

[*] In fact, SPF is descended from a proposal called “Reverse MX,” by Hadmut Danisch.

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