
$inc, 69, 73

$set, 72, 73, 194

1NF. See first normal form

2NF. See second normal form

3NF. See third normal form

abstraction, 132–34, 138, 180, 199

ACID. See Atomic, Consistent, Isolated, and Durable

alternate key. See key, alternate

Amazon, 14, 22, 70, 193

ambassador, 16, 17

architect, 199

associative entity, 200

Atomic, Consistent, Isolated, and Durable, 20, 199

attribute, 37, 200

conceptual level, 37

logical level, 37

physical level, 37

Axis Technique, 9, 108

Barnes & Noble, 14

BASE. See Basically Available, Soft-state, Eventual consistency

Basically Available, Soft-state, Eventual consistency, 21, 200

business analyst, 9, 200

business assertions, 8, 15, 104, 134

business professional, 9, 200

business sketch, 105

C++, 27

candidate key. See key, candidate

characteristics of, 47

selection process for choosing, 50

cardinality, 41, 200

CDM. See conceptual data model

chaos, 124

class diagram, 15

classword, 115, 201

collection, 3637, 201

Collection History Template, 150, 151, 152, 185

column, 37

column-oriented, 24, 29, 201

composite key, 47

concept, 84, 110, 201

concept definition, 16

Concept Template, 91, 93, 164

conceptual data model, 79, 83, 110, 201

reasons for, 84

steps to complete, 85, 162

conformed dimension, 201

creativity, 15

data architect, 9

data element. See attribute

data model, 8–9, 17, 202

map analogy for, 7

precision in a, 11

data modeler, 9, 45, 202

creativity of, 9, 15

data modeling, 1, 15, 202

80/20 rule of, 16

iterative process of, 12

questions asked during, 12

uses for, 9–11, 17

database administrator, 9, 202

database developer, 9

DBA. See database administrator

degenerate dimension, 150

denormalization, 202

dependent entity. See entity, dependent

developer, 9, 202

dimension, 107

dimensional data model, 78, 138, 203

document, 3536

document-oriented, 24, 25, 29, 203

domain, 39, 203

type of, 39

driver, 27

embed, 141

embed vs. reference, 141–45, 182

entity, 32, 203

categories for, 32, 92

conceptual level, 33

dependent, 142

independent, 142

logical level, 33

physical level, 34

entity instance, 32, 204

extensibility, 25

field, 3739, 204

field name, 38, 39, 68

field value, 38

find( ), 67–70

first normal form, 123, 125–27, 173

foreign key. See key, foreign

forward engineer, 10, 204

Fully Communication Oriented Information Modeling, 9

Globally Unique Identifier, 31, 53, 62

grain, 204

graph, 24, 29, 204

GUID. See Globally Unique Identifier

hierarchy, 43

horizontal partitioning. See partitioning, horizontal

How, 32, 92

IDEF1X. See Integration Definition for Information Modeling

identity, 59

IE. See Information Engineering

independent entity. See entity, independent

index, 153, 204

Information Engineering, 9, 15

initial chaos, 124–25

insert( ), 63–66

integration, 52

Integration Definition for Information Modeling, 15

inversion entry. See key, inversion entry

key, 47

alternate, 50, 199

candidate, 47, 200

foreign, 54, 204

inversion entry, 55

natural, 52, 205

primary, 50, 122, 206

secondary, 55

surrogate, 51, 208

key-value, 24, 29, 205

LDM. See logical data model

logical data model, 79, 111, 205

mapping using, 112

steps to complete, 113, 169

measure, 205

metadata, 205

meter, 107, 137, 205

modeling pyramid, 77


datatypes in, 40

four properties of, 25–27

installation of, 27–28

RDBMS and data model object comparison with, 31

natural key. See key, natural

network, 43

non-unique index, 56

normalization, 12236, 138, 205

NoSQL, 19, 29, 205

history of, 19

RDBMS versus, 19

types of, 22–25

object, 3, 206

Object Role Modeling, 15

ObjectId, 53, 65

operator, 68

organizer, 15

ORM. See Object Role Modeling

parent reference, 45–47

partition, 206


horizontal, 153, 155, 186

vertical, 153, 155, 186

PDM. See physical data model

physical data model, 79, 139, 206

steps to complete, 140, 182

precision, 11

primary key. See key, primary

program, 206

project, 206

Properties Template, 113, 114, 117, 120, 169, 170

Property Characteristics Template, 114, 116, 119, 121, 169, 170, 171

Python, 27

Questions Template, 97, 166

RDBMS. See Relational Database Management System

record, 35

recursive relationship. See relationship, recursive

reference, 55, 141

relational data model, 78

Relational Database Management System, 3, 207

relational versus dimensional, 78, 89

relationship, 41, 207

conceptual level, 43

logical level, 43

physical level, 43

reading a, 42

recursive, 43

remove( ), 74–75

reverse engineer, 11, 207

risk mitigation, 10

rolldown, 59

rollup, 60

Ruby, 27

scaling, 20, 26

second normal form, 123, 128

secondary key. See key, secondary

sharding, 20, 111, 139, 140, 153, 155, 159, 186, 206

slowly changing dimension (SCD), 207

SME. See subject matter expert

spreadsheet, 13, 208

stakeholder, 208

star schema, 149, 155, 208

subject matter expert, 208

subtype, 58, 148

subtyping, 5658

supertype, 58

surrogate key. See key, surrogate

table, 36

technical debt, 80

third normal form, 123, 180

UML. See Unified Modeling Language

Unified Modeling Language, 8, 9, 15, 41

unique index, 51

update( ), 70–73

user, 208

vertical partitioning. See partitioning, vertical

view, 208

What, 32, 92

When, 32, 92

Where, 32, 92

Who, 32, 92

Why, 32, 92

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