4 Requirements Analysis and Conceptual Data Modeling

This chapter shows how the ER and UML approaches can be applied to the database life cycle, particularly in steps I through II(b) (as defined in Section 1.2), which include the requirements analysis and conceptual data modeling stages of logical database design. The example introduced in Chapter 2 is used again to illustrate the ER modeling principles developed in this chapter.

4.1 Introduction

Logical database design is accomplished with a variety of approaches, including the top-down, bottom-up, and combined methodologies. The traditional approach, particularly for relational databases, has been a low-level, bottom-up activity, synthesizing individual data elements into normalized tables after carefully analyzing the data element interdependencies defined during the requirements analysis. Although the traditional process has been somewhat successful for small- to medium-sized databases, when used for large databases its complexity can be overwhelming to the point where practicing designers do not bother to use it with any regularity. In practice, a combination of the top-down and bottom-up approaches is used; in most cases, tables can be defined directly from the requirements analysis.

The conceptual data model has been most successful as a tool for communication between the designer and the end user during the requirements analysis and logical design phases. Its success is due to the fact that the model, using either ER or UML, is easy to understand and convenient to represent. Another reason for its effectiveness is that it is a top-down approach using the concept of abstraction. The number of entities in a database is typically far fewer than the number of individual data elements, because data elements usually represent the attributes. Therefore, using entities as an abstraction for data elements and focusing on the relationships between entities greatly reduces the number of objects under consideration and simplifies the analysis. Though it is still necessary to represent data elements by attributes of entities at the conceptual level, their dependencies are normally confined to the other attributes within the entity or, in some cases, to attributes associated with other entities with a direct relationship to their entity.

The major interattribute dependencies that occur in data models are the dependencies between the entity keys, the unique identifiers of different entities that are captured in the conceptual data modeling process. Special cases, such as dependencies among data elements of unrelated entities, can be handled when they are identified in the ensuing data analysis.

The logical database design approach defined here uses both the conceptual data model and the relational model in successive stages. It benefits from the simplicity and ease of use of the conceptual data model and the structure and associated formalism of the relational model. To facilitate this approach, it is necessary to build a framework for transforming the variety of conceptual data model constructs into tables that are already normalized or that can be normalized with a minimum of transformation. The beauty of this type of transformation is that it results in normalized or nearly normalized SQL tables from the start; frequently, further normalization is not necessary.

Before we do this, however, we need to first define the major steps of the relational logical design methodology in the context of the database life cycle.

4.2 Requirements Analysis

Step I, requirements analysis, is an extremely important step in the database life cycle and is typically the most labor intensive. The database designer must interview the end user population and determine exactly what the database is to be used for and what it must contain. The basic objectives of requirements analysis are:

  • To delineate the data requirements of the enterprise in terms of basic data elements
  • To describe the information about the data elements and the relationships among them needed to model these data requirements
  • To determine the types of transactions that are intended to be executed on the database and the interaction between the transactions and the data elements
  • To define any performance, integrity, security, or administrative constraints that must be imposed on the resulting database
  • To specify any design and implementation constraints, such as specific technologies, hardware and software, programming languages, policies, standards, or external interfaces
  • To thoroughly document all of the preceding in a detailed requirements specification. The data elements can also be defined in a data dictionary system, often provided as an integral part of the database management system

The conceptual data model helps designers accurately capture the real data requirements because it requires them to focus on semantic detail in the data relationships, which is greater than the detail that would be provided by FDs alone. The semantics of the ER model, for instance, allow for direct transformations of entities and relationships to at least first normal form (1NF) tables. They also provide clear guidelines for integrity constraints. In addition, abstraction techniques such as generalization provide useful tools for integrating end user views to define a global conceptual schema.

4.3 Conceptual Data Modeling

Let us now look more closely at the basic data elements and relationships that should be defined during requirements analysis and conceptual design. These two life cycle steps are often done simultaneously.

Consider the substeps in step II(a), conceptual data modeling, using the ER model:

  • Classify entities and attributes (classify classes and attributes in UML)
  • Identify the generalization hierarchies (for both the ER model and UML)
  • Define relationships (define associations and association classes in UML)

The remainder of this section discusses the tasks involved in each substep.

4.3.1 Classify Entities and Attributes

Though it is easy to define entity, attribute, and relationship constructs, it is not as easy to distinguish their roles in modeling the database. What makes a data element an entity, an attribute, or even a relationship? For example, project headquarters are located in cities. Should “city” be an entity or an attribute? A vita is kept for each employee. Is “vita” an entity or a relationship?

The following guidelines for classifying entities and attributes will help the designer’s thoughts converge to a normalized relational database design:

  • Entities should contain descriptive information.
  • Multivalued attributes should be classified as entities.
  • Attributes should be attached to the entities they most directly describe.

Now we examine each guideline in turn.

Entity Contents

Entities should contain descriptive information. If there is descriptive information about a data element, the data element should be classified as an entity. If a data element requires only an identifier and does not have relationships, it should be classified as an attribute. With “city,” for example, if there is some descriptive information such as “country” and “population” for cities, then “city” should be classified as an entity. If only the city name is needed to identify a city, then “city” should be classified as an attribute associated with some entity, such as Project. The exception to this rule is that if the identity of the value needs to be constrained by set membership, you should create it as an entity. For example, “State” is much the same as city, but you probably want to have a State entity that contains all the valid State instances. Examples of other data elements in the real world that are typically classified as entities include Employee, Task, Project, Department, Company, Customer, and so on.

Multivalued Attributes

Classify multivalued attributes as entities. If more than one value of a descriptor attribute corresponds to one value of an identifier, the descriptor should be classified as an entity instead of an attribute, even though it does not have descriptors itself. A large company, for example, could have many divisions, some of them possibly in different cities. In that case, “division” could be classified as a multivalued attribute of “company,” but it would be better classified as an entity, with “division-address” as its identifier. If attributes are restricted to be single valued only, the later design and implementation decisions will be simplified.

Attribute Attachment

Attach attributes to the entities they most directly describe. For example, “office-building-name” should normally be an attribute of the entity Department, rather than the entity Employee. The procedure of identifying entities and attaching attributes to entities is iterative. Classify some data elements as entities and attach identifiers and descriptors to them. If you find some violation of the preceding guidelines, change some data elements from entity to attribute (or from attribute to entity), attach attributes to the new entities, and so forth.

4.3.2 Identify the Generalization Hierarchies

If there is a generalization hierarchy among entities, then put the identifier and generic descriptors in the supertype entity and put the same identifier and specific descriptors in the subtype entities.

For example, suppose five entities were identified in the ER model shown in Figure 2.4a:

  • Employee, with identifier empno and descriptors empname, address, and date-of-birth
  • Manager, with identifier empno and descriptors empname and jobtitle
  • Engineer, with identifier empno and descriptors empname, highest-degree and jobtitle
  • Technician, with identifier empno, and descriptors empname and specialty
  • Secretary, with identifier empno, and descriptors empname and best-skill

Let’s say we determine, through our analysis, that the entity Employee could be created as a generalization of Manager, Engineer, Technician, and Secretary. Then we put identifier empno and generic descriptors empname, address, and date-of-birth in the supertype entity Employee; identifier empno and specific descriptor jobtitle in the subtype entity Manager; identifier empno and specific descriptor highest-degree and jobtitle in the subtype entity Engineer, etc. Later, if we decide to eliminate Employee as a table, the original identifiers and generic attributes can be redistributed to all the subtype tables. (Note that we put table names in boldface throughout the book for readability.)

4.3.3 Define Relationships

We now deal with data elements that represent associations among entities, which we call relationships. Examples of typical relationships are “works-in,” “works-for,” “purchases,” “drives,” or any verb that connects entities. For every relationship, the following should be specified: degree (binary, ternary, etc.); connectivity (one-to-many, etc.); optional or mandatory existence; and any attributes associated with the relationship and not the entities. The following are some guidelines for defining the more difficult types of relationships.

Redundant Relationships

Analyze redundant relationships carefully. Two or more relationships that are used to represent the same concept are considered redundant. Redundant relationships are more likely to result in unnormalized tables when transforming the ER model into relational schemas. Note that two or more relationships are allowed between the same two entities, as long as those relationships have different meanings. In this case they are not considered redundant. One important case of nonredundancy is shown in Figure 4.1a for the ER model and Figure 4.1c for UML. If “belongs-to” is a one-to-many relationship between Employee and Professional-association, if “located-in” is a one-to-many relationship between Professional-association and City, and if “lives-in” is a one-to-many relationship between Employee and City, then “lives-in” is not redundant, because the relationships are unrelated. However, consider the situation shown in Figure 4.1b for the ER model and Figure 4.1d for UML. The employee works on a project located in a city, so the “works-in” relationship between Employee and City is redundant and can be eliminated.


Figure 4.1 Redundant relationships

Ternary Relationships

Define ternary relationships carefully. We define a ternary relationship among three entities only when the concept cannot be represented by several binary relationships among those entities. For example, let us assume there is some association among entities Technician, Project, and Notebook. If each technician can be working on any of several projects and using the same notebooks on each project, then three many-to-many binary relationships can be defined (see Figure 4.2a for the ER model and Figure 4.2c for UML). If, however, each technician is constrained to use exactly one notebook for each project and that notebook belongs to only one technician, then a one-to-one-to-one ternary relationship should be defined (see Figure 4.2b for the ER model and Figure 4.2d for UML). The approach to take in ER modeling is to first attempt to express the associations in terms of binary relationships; if this is impossible because of the constraints of the associations, try to express them in terms of a ternary.


Figure 4.2 Ternary relationships

The meaning of connectivity for ternary relationships is important. Figure 4.2b shows that for a given pair of instances of Technician and Project, there is only one corresponding instance of Notebook; for a given pair of instances of Technician and Notebook, there is only one corresponding instance of Project; and for a given pair of instances of Project and Notebook, there is only one instance of Technician. In general, we know by our definition of ternary relationships that if a relationship among three entities can only be expressed by a functional dependency involving the keys of all three entities, then it cannot be expressed using only binary relationships, which only apply to associations between two entities. Object-oriented design provides arguably a better way to model this situation [Muller, 1999].

4.3.4 Example of Data Modeling: Company Personnel and Project Database

ER Modeling of Individual Views Based on Requirements

Let us suppose it is desirable to build a company-wide database for a large engineering firm that keeps track of all full-time personnel, their skills and projects assigned, the departments (and divisions) worked in, the engineer professional associations belonged to, and the engineer desktop computers allocated. During the requirements collection process—that is, interviewing the end users—we obtain three views of the database.

The first view, a management view, defines each employee as working in a single department, and defines a division as the basic unit in the company, consisting of many departments. Each division and department has a manager, and we want to keep track of each manager. The ER model for this view is shown in Figure 4.3a.

The second view defines each employee as having a job title: engineer, technician, secretary, manager, and so on. Engineers typically belong to professional associations and might be allocated an engineering workstation (or computer). Secretaries and managers are each allocated a desktop computer. A pool of desktops and workstations is maintained for potential allocation to new employees and for loans while an employee’s computer is being repaired. Any employee may be married to another employee, and we want to keep track of these relationships to avoid assigning an employee to be managed by his or her spouse. This view is illustrated in Figure 4.3b.


Figure 4.3 Example of data modeling

The third view, shown in Figure 4.3c, involves the assignment of employees, mainly engineers and technicians, to projects. Employees may work on several projects at one time, and each project could be headquartered at different locations (cities). However, each employee at a given location works on only one project at that location. Employee skills can be individually selected for a given project, but no individual has a monopoly on skills, projects, or locations.

Global ER Schema

A simple integration of the three views over the entity Employee defines results in the global ER schema (diagram) in Figure 4.3d, which becomes the basis for developing the normalized tables. Each relationship in the global schema is based upon a verifiable assertion about the actual data in the enterprise, and analysis of those assertions leads to the transformation of these ER constructs into candidate SQL tables, as Chapter 5 shows.

Note that equivalent views and integration could be done for a UML conceptual model over the class Employee. We will use the ER model for the examples in the rest of this chapter, however.

The diagram shows examples of binary, ternary, and binary recursive relationships; optional and mandatory existence in relationships; and generalization with the disjointness constraint. Ternary relationships “skill-used” and “assigned-to” are necessary, because binary relationships cannot be used for the equivalent notions. For example, one employee and one location determine exactly one project (a functional dependency). In the case of “skill-used,” selective use of skills to projects cannot be represented with binary relationships (see Section 6.5).

The use of optional existence, for instance, between Employee and Division or between Employee and Department, is derived from our general knowledge that most employees will not be managers of any division or department. In another example of optional existence, we show that the allocation of a workstation to an engineer may not always occur, nor will all desktops or workstations necessarily be allocated to someone at all times. In general, all relationships, optional existence constraints, and generalization constructs need to be verified with the end user before the ER model is transformed to SQL tables.

In summary, the application of the ER model to relational database design offers the following benefits:

  • Use of an ER approach focuses end users’ discussions on important relationships between entities. Some applications are characterized by counterexamples affecting a small number of instances, and lengthy consideration of these instances can divert attention from basic relationships.
  • A diagrammatic syntax conveys a great deal of information in a compact, readily understandable form.
  • Extensions to the original ER model, such as optional and mandatory membership classes, are important in many relationships. Generalization allows entities to be grouped for one functional role or to be seen as separate subtypes when other constraints are imposed.
  • A complete set of rules transforms ER constructs into mostly normalized SQL tables, which follow easily from real-world requirements.

4.4 View Integration

A critical part of the database design process is step II(b), the integration of different user views into a unified, nonredundant global schema. The individual end-user views are represented by conceptual data models, and the integrated conceptual schema results from sufficient analysis of the end-user views to resolve all differences in perspective and terminology. Experience has shown that nearly every situation can be resolved in a meaningful way through integration techniques.

Schema diversity occurs when different users or user groups develop their own unique perspectives of the world or, at least, of the enterprise to be represented in the database. For instance, the marketing division tends to have the whole product as a basic unit for sales, but the engineering division may concentrate on the individual parts of the whole product. In another case, one user may view a project in terms of its goals and progress toward meeting those goals over time, but another user may view a project in terms of the resources it needs and the personnel involved. Such differences cause the conceptual models to seem to have incompatible relationships and terminology. These differences show up in conceptual data models as different levels of abstraction, connectivity of relationships (one-to-many, many-to-many, and so on), or as the same concept being modeled as an entity, attribute, or relationship, depending on the user’s perspective.

As an example of the latter case, in Figure 4.4 we see three different perspectives of the same real-life situation—the placement of an order for a certain product. The result is a variety of schemas. The first schema (Figure 4.4a) depicts Customer, Order, and Product as entities and “places” and “for-a” as relationships. The second schema (Figure 4.4b), however, defines “orders” as a relationship between Customer and Product and omits Order as an entity altogether. Finally, in the third case (Figure 4.4c), the relationship “orders” has been replaced by another relationship, “purchases”; “order-no,” the identifier (key) of an order, is designated as an attribute of the relationship “purchases.” In other words, the concept of order has been variously represented as an entity, a relationship, and an attribute, depending on perspective.


Figure 4.4 Schemas: placement of an order

There are four basic steps needed for conceptual schema integration:

1. Preintegration analysis
2. Comparison of schemas
3. Conformation of schemas
4. Merging and restructuring of schemas

4.4.1 Preintegration Analysis

The first step, preintegration analysis, involves choosing an integration strategy. Typically, the choice is between a binary approach with two schemas merged at one time and an n-ary approach with n schemas merged at one time, where n is between 2 and the total number of schemas developed in the conceptual design. The binary approach is attractive because each merge involves a small number of data model constructs and is easier to conceptualize. The n-ary approach may require only one grand merge, but the number of constructs may be so large that it is not humanly possible to organize the transformations properly.

4.4.2 Comparison of Schemas

In the second step, comparison of schemas, the designer looks at how entities correspond and detects conflicts arising from schema diversity—that is, from user groups adopting different viewpoints in their respective schemas. Naming conflicts include synonyms and homonyms. Synonyms occur when different names are given for the same concept; these can be detected by scanning the data dictionary, if one has been established for the database. Homonyms occur when the same name is used for different concepts. These can only be detected by scanning the different schemas and looking for common names.

Structural conflicts occur in the schema structure itself. Type conflicts involve using different constructs to model the same concept. In Figure 4.4, for example, an entity, a relationship, or an attribute can be used to model the concept of order in a business database. Dependency conflicts result when users specify different levels of connectivity (one-to-many, etc.) for similar or even the same concepts. One way to resolve such conflicts might be to use only the most general connectivity—for example, many-to-many. If that is not semantically correct, change the names of entities so that each type of connectivity has a different set of entity names. Key conflicts occur when different keys are assigned to the same entity in different views. For example, a key conflict occurs if an employee’s full name, employee ID number, and Social Security number are all assigned as keys.

4.4.3 Conformation of Schemas

The resolution of conflicts often requires user and designer interaction. The basic goal of the third step is to align or conform schemas to make them compatible for integration. The entities, as well as the key attributes, may need to be renamed. Conversion may be required so that concepts modeled as entities, attributes, or relationships are conformed to be only one of them. Relationships with equal degree, roles, and connectivity constraints are easy to merge. Those with differing characteristics are more difficult and, in some cases, impossible to merge. In addition, relationships that are not consistent—for example, a relationship using generalization in one place and the exclusive OR in another—must be resolved. Finally, assertions may need to be modified so that integrity constraints remain consistent.

Techniques used for view integration include abstraction, such as generalization and aggregation to create new supertypes or subtypes, or even the introduction of new relationships. As an example, the generalization of Individual over different values of the descriptor attribute “jobtitle” could represent the consolidation of two views of the database—one based on an individual as the basic unit of personnel in the organization, and another based on the classification of individuals by job titles and special characteristics within those classifications.

4.4.4 Merging and Restructuring of Schemas

The fourth step consists of the merging and restructuring of schemas. This step is driven by the goals of completeness, minimality, and understandability. Completeness requires all component concepts to appear semantically intact in the global schema. Minimality requires the designer to remove all redundant concepts in the global schema. Examples of redundant concepts are overlapping entities and truly semantically redundant relationships; for example, Ground-Vehicle and Automobile might be two overlapping entities. A redundant relationship might occur between Instructor and Student. The relationships “direct-research” and “advise” may or may not represent the same activity or relationship, so further investigation is required to determine whether they are redundant or not. Understandability requires that the global schema make sense to the user.

Component schemas are first merged by superimposing the same concepts and then restructuring the resulting integrated schema for understandability. For instance, if a supertype/subtype combination is defined as a result of the merging operation, the properties of the subtype can be dropped from the schema because they are automatically provided by the supertype entity.

4.4.5 Example of View Integration

Let us look at two different views of overlapping data. The views are based on two separate interviews of end users. We adapt the interesting example cited by Batini, Lenzerini, and Navathe [1986] to a hypothetical situation related to our example.


Figure 4.5 View integration: find meaningful ways to integrate

In Figure 4.5a we have a view that focuses on reports and includes data on departments that publish the reports, topic areas in reports, and contractors for whom the reports are written. Figure 4.5b shows another view, with publications as the central focus and keywords on publication as the secondary data. Our objective is to find meaningful ways to integrate the two views and maintain completeness, minimality, and understandability.

We first look for synonyms and homonyms, particularly among the entities. Note that a synonym exists between the entities Topic-area in schema 1 and Keyword in schema 2, even though the attributes do not match. However, we find that the attributes are compatible and can be consolidated. This is shown in Figure 4.6a, which presents a revised schema, schema 2.1. In schema 2.1 Keyword has been replaced by Topic-area.


Figure 4.6 View integration: type conflict

Next we look for structural conflicts between schemas. A type conflict is found to exist between the entity Department in schema 1 and the attribute “dept-name” in schema 2.1. The conflict is resolved by keeping the stronger entity type, Department, and moving the attribute type “dept-name” under Publication in schema 2 to the new entity, Department, in schema 2.2 (see Figure 4.6b).


Figure 4.7 View integration: the merged schema

At this point we have sufficient commonality between schemas to attempt a merge. In schemas 1 and 2.2 we have two sets of common entities, Department and Topic-area. Other entities do not overlap and must appear intact in the superimposed, or merged, schema. The merged schema, schema 3, is shown in Figure 4.7a. Because the common entities are truly equivalent, there are no bad side effects of the merge due to existing relationships involving those entities in one schema and not in the other. (Such a relationship that remains intact exists in schema 1 between Topic-area and Report, for example.) If true equivalence cannot be established, the merge may not be possible in the existing form.

In Figure 4.7, there is some redundancy between Publication and Report in terms of the relationships with Department and Topic-area. Such a redundancy can be eliminated if there is a supertype/subtype relationship between Publication and Report, which does in fact occur in this case because Publication is a generalization of Report. In schema 4.1 (Figure 4.7b) we see the introduction of this generalization from Report to Publication. Then in schema 4.2 (Figure 4.7c) we see that the redundant relationships between Report and Department and Topic-area have been dropped. The attribute “title” has been eliminated as an attribute of Report in Figure 4.7c because “title” already appears as an attribute of Publication at a higher level of abstraction; “title” is inherited by the subtype Report.

The final schema, in Figure 4.7c, expresses completeness because all the original concepts (report, publication, topic area, department, and contractor) are kept intact. It expresses minimality because of the transformation of “dept-name” from attribute in schema 1 to entity and attribute in schema 2.2, and the merger between schema 1 and schema 2.2 to form schema 3, and because of the elimination of “title” as an attribute of Report and of Report relationships with Topic-area and Department. Finally, it expresses understandability in that the final schema actually has more meaning than the individual original schemas.

The view integration process is one of continual refinement and reevaluation. It should also be noted that minimality may not always be the most efficient way to proceed. If, for example, the elimination of the redundant relationships “publishes” and/or “contains” from schema 3.1 to 3.2 causes the time required to perform certain queries to be excessively long, it may be better from a performance viewpoint to leave them in. This decision could be made during the analysis of the transactions on the database or during the testing phase of the fully implemented database.

4.5 Entity Clustering for ER Models

This section presents the concept of entity clustering, which abstracts the ER schema to such a degree that the entire schema can appear on a single sheet of paper or a single computer screen. This has happy consequences for the end user and database designer in terms of developing a mutual understanding of the database contents and formally documenting the conceptual model.

An entity cluster is the result of a grouping operation on a collection of entities and relationships. Entity clustering is potentially useful for designing large databases. When the scale of a database or information structure is large and includes a large number of interconnections among its different components, it may be very difficult to understand the semantics of such a structure and to manage it, especially for the end users or managers. In an ER diagram with 1,000 entities, the overall structure will probably not be very clear, even to a well-trained database analyst. Clustering is therefore important because it provides a method to organize a conceptual database schema into layers of abstraction, and it supports the different views of a variety of end users.

4.5.1 Clustering Concepts

One should think of grouping as an operation that combines entities and their relationships to form a higher-level construct. The result of a grouping operation on simple entities is called an entity cluster. A grouping operation on entity clusters, or on combinations of elementary entities and entity clusters, results in a higher-level entity cluster. The highest-level entity cluster, representing the entire database conceptual schema, is called the root entity cluster.

Figure 4.8a illustrates the concept of entity clustering in a simple case where (elementary) entities R-sec (report section), R-abbr (report abbreviation), and Author are naturally bound to (dominated by) the entity Report; and entities Department, Contractor, and Project are not dominated. (Note that to avoid unnecessary detail, we do not include the attributes of entities in the diagrams.) In Figure 4.8b, the dark-bordered box around the entity Report and the entities it dominates defines the entity cluster Report. The dark-bordered box is called the EC box to represent the idea of an entity cluster. In general, the name of the entity cluster need not be the same as the name of any internal entity; however, when there is a single dominant entity, the names are often the same. The EC box number in the lower-right corner is a clustering-level number used to keep track of the sequence in which clustering is done. The number 2.1 signifies that the entity cluster Report is the first entity cluster at level 2. Note that all the original entities are considered to be at level 1.

The higher-level abstraction, the entity cluster, must maintain the same relationships between entities inside and outside the entity cluster as occur between the same entities in the lower-level diagram. Thus, the entity names inside the entity cluster should appear just outside the EC box along the path of their direct relationship to the appropriately related entities outside the box, maintaining consistent interfaces (relationships) as shown in Figure 4.8b. For simplicity, we modify this rule slightly: If the relationship is between an external entity and the dominant internal entity (for which the entity cluster is named), the entity cluster name need not be repeated outside the EC box. Thus, in Figure 4.8b, we could drop the name Report both places it occurs outside the Report box, but we must retain the name Author, which is not the name of the entity cluster.


Figure 4.8 Entity clustering concepts

4.5.2 Grouping Operations

Grouping operations are the fundamental components of the entity clustering technique. They define what collections of entities and relationships comprise higher-level objects, the entity clusters. The operations are heuristic in nature and include (see Figure 4.9):

  • Dominance grouping
  • Abstraction grouping
  • Constraint grouping
  • Relationship grouping

These grouping operations can be applied recursively or used in a variety of combinations to produce higher-level entity clusters, that is, clusters at any level of abstraction. An entity or entity cluster may be an object that is subject to combinations with other objects to form the next higher level. That is, entity clusters have the properties of entities and can have relationships with any other objects at any equal or lower level. The original relationships among entities are preserved after all grouping operations, as illustrated in Figure 4.8.


Figure 4.9 Grouping operations

Dominant objects or entities normally become obvious from the ER diagram or the relationship definitions. Each dominant object is grouped with all its related nondominant objects to form a cluster. Weak entities can be attached to an entity to make a cluster. Multilevel data objects using abstractions such as generalization and aggregation can be grouped into an entity cluster. The supertype or aggregate entity name is used as the entity cluster name. Constraint-related objects that extend the ER model to incorporate integrity constraints, such as the exclusive-OR can be grouped into an entity cluster. Additionally, ternary or higher degree relationships potentially can be grouped into an entity cluster. The cluster represents the relationship as a whole.

4.5.3 Clustering Technique

The grouping operations and their order of precedence determine the individual activities needed for clustering. We can now learn how to build a root entity cluster from the elementary entities and relationships defined in the ER modeling process. This technique assumes that a top-down analysis has been performed as part of the database requirement analysis and that the analysis has been documented so that the major functional areas and subareas are identified. Functional areas are often defined by an enterprise’s important organizational units, business activities, or, possibly, by dominant applications for processing information. As an example, recall Figure 4.3 (reconstructed in Figure 4.10), which can be thought of as having three major functional areas: company organization (division, department), project management (project, skill, location, employee), and employee data (employee, manager, secretary, engineer, technician, prof-assoc, and desktop). Note that the functional areas are allowed to overlap. Figure 4.10 uses an ER diagram resulting from the database requirement analysis to show how clustering involves a series of bottom-up steps using the basic grouping operations. The following list explains these steps.

1. Define points of grouping within functional areas. Locate the dominant entities in a functional area through natural relationships, local n-ary relationships, integrity constraints, abstractions, or just the central focus of many simple relationships. If such points of grouping do not exist within an area, consider a functional grouping of a whole area.

Figure 4.10 ER diagram: clustering technique

2. Form entity clusters. Use the basic grouping operations on elementary entities and their relationships to form higher-level objects, or entity clusters. Because entities may belong to several potential clusters, we need to have a set of priorities for forming entity clusters. The following set of rules, listed in priority order, defines the set that is most likely to preserve the clarity of the conceptual model:

a. Entities to be grouped into an entity cluster should exist within the same functional area; that is, the entire entity cluster should occur within the boundary of a functional area. For example, in Figure 4.10, the relationship between Department and Employee should not be clustered unless Employee is included in the company organization functional area with Department and Division. In another example, the relationship between the supertype Employee and its subtypes could be clustered within the employee data functional area.

b. If a conflict in choice between two or more potential entity clusters cannot be resolved (e.g., between two constraint groupings at the same level of precedence), leave these entity clusters ungrouped within their functional area. If that functional area remains cluttered with unresolved choices, define functional subareas in which to group unresolved entities, entity clusters, and their relationships.

3. Form higher-level entity clusters. Apply the grouping operations recursively to any combination of elementary entities and entity clusters to form new levels of entity clusters (higher-level objects). Resolve conflicts using the same set of priority rules given in step 2. Continue the grouping operations until all the entity representations fit on a single page without undue complexity. The root entity cluster is then defined.
4. Validate the cluster diagram. Check for consistency of the interfaces (relationships) between objects at each level of the diagram. Verify the meaning of each level with the end users.

The result of one round of clustering is shown in Figure 4.11, where each of the clusters is shown at level 2.


Figure 4.11 Clustering results

4.6 Summary

Conceptual data modeling, using either the ER or UML approach, is particularly useful in the early steps of the database life cycle, which involve requirements analysis and logical design. These two steps are often done simultaneously, particularly when requirements are determined from interviews with end users and modeled in terms of data-to-data relationships and process-to-data relationships. The conceptual data modeling step (ER approach) involves the classification of entities and attributes first, then the identification of generalization hierarchies and other abstractions, and finally the definition of all relationships among entities. Relationships may be binary (the most common), ternary, and higher-level n-ary. Data modeling of individual requirements typically involves creating a different view for each end user’s requirements. Then the designer must integrate those views into a global schema, so that the entire database is pictured as an integrated whole. This helps to eliminate needless redundancy—such elimination is particularly important in logical design. Controlled redundancy can be created later, at the physical design level, to enhance database performance. Finally, an entity cluster is a grouping of entities and their corresponding relationships into a higher-level abstract object. Clustering promotes the simplicity that is vital for fast end-user comprehension. In the next chapter we take the global schema produced from the conceptual data modeling and view integration steps, and we transform it into SQL tables. The SQL format is the end product of logical design, which is still independent of any particular database management system.

4.7 Literature Summary

Conceptual data modeling is defined in Tsichritzis and Lochovsky [1982], Brodie, Mylopoulos, and Schmidt [1984], Nijssen and Halpin [1989], Batini, Ceri, and Navathe [1992]. Discussion of the requirements data collection process can be found in Martin [1982], Teorey and Fry [1982], and Yao [1985]. View integration has progressed from a representation tool [Smith and Smith, 1977] to heuristic algorithms [Batini, Lenzerini, and Navathe, 1986; Elmasri and Navathe, 2003]. These algorithms are typically interactive, allowing the database designer to make decisions based on suggested alternative integration actions. A variety of entity clustering models have been defined that provide a useful foundation for the clustering technique shown here [Feldman and Miller, 1986; Dittrich, Gotthard, and Lockemann, 1986; Teorey et al., 1989].

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