
accounts, establishing appropriate, 3435

adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM), 13, 21

vs. fixed, 145150

vs. hybrid, 148149

administration fee, 185

AIG, 9, 13

“Alternative A,” 6, 78

alternative credit, 3234

alternative documentation loan programs, 107108

alternative loans, 6, 78

appraisals, 7579

code of conduct, 113116

costs, 116117, 163

management company, 116117

relationship changes, 117118

saving costs and, 164165

approval, from AUS, 9193

assets of borrowers, 8586

for down payment money, 190191

attorney fees, 166

authorized user, 30

automated underwriting system (AUS), 25, 74101

automated double-check, 9091

borrowers, 8286

documentation, 8990

getting to yes, 9193

loan application ready for, 8790

loan officer’s knowledge of approval process, 128130

property, 7482

required items from, 9395

available credit, credit score and, 27

bad loans, original lender repurchase of, 22

bank sales of loans, 3, 1718, 131

banks in mortgage industry, 103104

regulation, 119

reserve requirements, 176

shopping for best rate, 106108

best rate, shopping for, 106108

bond loans, 7173

bonds, for mortgage investors, 9


assets, 8586

income verification, 8285

“bulk” sales, 20

cable TV companies, 32

caps for adjustable rate mortgage, 145146

clean title, 82

closing account, credit score and, 2830

closing costs, 161166

fee disclosure, 166179

gifts for, 188189

lender payment of, 186188

money for, 186193

negotiable, 162164

nonnegotiable, 165166

regulations to prevent surprises, 167, 171

retirement accounts for, 189190

seller payment of, 80

closing fee, 165

negotiating with lender, 183185

code of conduct, for home valuation, 113118

commitment fee, for locked-in interest rate, 179

commodity, mortgages as, 1920

comparable properties, availability, 76

comparative market analysis (CMA), 198199

condominiums, PMI policies and, 99

conforming loans, 21

contract rate for negative amortization loan, 149

conventional loans, 2122, 135142

cosigning for, 145

vs. FHA loans, 136139

cosigning for conventional loans, 145

credit cards, 32

“credit default swap,” 9

credit guidelines, 14

credit report

costs, 163

impact of foreclosure, 198

credit score

alternative credit and, 3233

available credit and, 27

changes to underwriting, 2526

changes to underwriting in regard to, 3537

closing account and, 2830

FHA loans minimum requirements, 63

importance of, 41

length of credit history, 30

limiting credit inquiries, 3032

payment patterns to improve, 2627

for private mortgage insurance, 9899

repairing, 3738, 208210

short sales impact, 201

types of credit, 32

credit, underwriting requirements, 33

credit unions, 102

debt ratios, 8384, 93, 100

declining market, 7980

defaulting on loans, 25

Department of Housing and Urban Development, 3

website, 136

Desktop Originator, 88

Desktop Underwriter, 88

disclosure requirements, for yield spread premiums (YSPs), 120122, 124

discount point, 163

document preparation fee, 166

documentation, 156159

from Internal Revenue Service, 158159

for short sale, 198199

down payment, 2, 161162

FHA loan limits on sources, 143

money for, 186193

and mortgage options, 135

drive-by appraisal, 164

employers, mortgage assistance from, 191192

Equifax, 25

escrow fee, 165

escrow for tax and insurance payments, 136

Experian, 25

Fair Isaac Corporation (FICO), 25

Fannie Mae (Federal National Mortgage Association; FNMA), 34, 8, 88, 130

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 165

Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC; Freddie Mac), 4, 18, 88

Federal Housing Administration, 3

Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA; Fannie Mae), 34, 18, 88, 130

FHA loans, 3, 5868, 143145

closing costs, 6263

vs. conventional loans, 136139

and cosigners, 145

down payment, 130

limits, 6162

market share decline, 12

minimum credit score requirements, 63

MIP refunds, 5960

reverse mortgages, 6367

first-time homebuyer

defined, 139

mortgage insurance as tax deduction, 100101, 139

reserve requirements, 86

fixed rate loans, vs. adjustable, 145150

flood certificate, 165

floor/ceiling cap for adjustable rate mortgage, 146

“flow” selling, 20

for sale by owner options (FSBO), 196197

foreclosed government loan, 22

foreclosure timeline, 196198

4506-T IRS form, 158159

401(k) plans, for closing costs, 189190

Freddie Mac (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation; FHLMC), 4, 18, 88

fully indexed rate for negative amortization loan, 149

funding fee, for VA loans, 135, 142

GI Bill, 4


for closing costs, 188189

for down payments, 144, 188189

good faith estimate (GFE), 124, 166, 167

interest rates, 175177

new form, 172174

new language in, 171, 175

sample, 168170

government-backed loan programs, 2122, 7173, 134135

appraisals for, 164

government grants, for down payment money, 192193

Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae), 17, 18

government-sponsored entity (GSE), 4

Great Depression, 23

guarantee fees, for USDA loans, 6970

GUS (government underwriting system), 88

“hard” credit inquiries, 31

high-cost area, 24

Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP), 204206

home loans, organizations issuing, 102

home ownership, federal government push for, 8

home prices

appreciation assumption, 12

deterioration, 13

Home Valuation Code of Conduct (HVCC), 113118

HUD, 3, 136

HUD foreclosure sale, 22

hybrid mortgage, 13, 147148

vs. adjustable, 148149

identity theft, 29

impounds, 136

income verification, 8285, 157158

index for adjustable rate mortgage, 146

inflation, Fed Funds rate and, 176177

inspection fees, 163164


escrow account for payments, 136

for mortgage banks, 9

see also mortgage insurance

interest paid, loan terms and, 151

interest rates

comparison, 177179

fixed vs. adjustable, 145150

getting quotes, 178

on good faith estimate, 175177

locks, 180182

interim cap for adjustable rate mortgage, 146

Internal Revenue Service, documentation from, 158159

Internet, and locating loan officers, 131

investment properties, 4142

IRAs, for closing costs, 189190

IRS form 4506, 9091

IRS form 4506-T, 91

It’s A Wonderful Life (movie), 17

“jumbo” loans, 5, 21, 24, 153

appraisals for, 164

junk fees, 185186

“kiddie condo,” 145

late payment, report to credit bureau, 196

lender fees, 162

lenders, communicating with, 207208

liens, 8182

lifetime caps for adjustable rate mortgage, 147

liquid assets, 86

list to sales price ratio, 80

listing agreement, for selling house, 198

listings, 79

loan level pricing adjustment (LLPA), 3841, 106

Loan Prospector, 88

loan terms, 150151

loan to value (LTV), 40

locking in interest rate, 179, 180182

manual underwriting, 87

margin for adjustable rate mortgage, 146

market conditions report, 78

market value, 78

marketability of property, 76

maximum loan limits, 5

changes to, 23

monthly payment schedules, 212217


bank sales of, 3, 1718

changing terms to gain approval, 92

comparisons, 177179

documentation, 156159

loan limits, 153156

loan modifications, 202208

loan terms, 150151

monthly payment schedules, 212217

as top-tier credit account, 32

see also specific types of mortgages

mortgage banks, 102, 104

advantages of, 126128

vs. mortgage brokers, 111113

regulation, 119

mortgage brokers, 1012, 14, 102103, 104113

fees, 107, 164

licensing, 118119

vs. mortgage banks, 111113

Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Corporation (MGIC), 96

mortgage insurance, 90, 135

avoiding, 138139

down payment and, 136

FHA requirement, 137

mortgage loan officers

finding good, 128132

national registry for licensed, 118120

new licensing rules, 120125

mortgage market

changes, 12, 134135

history, 25

original lender repurchase of bad loans, 22

negative amortization loan, 11, 149150

Nehemiah Corporation of America, 60

net sheet, 199

nonconforming loans, 21

nonlender fees, 162

nonliquid assets, 86

nonrecurring fees, in closing costs, 162

nonwarrantable condos, 107

notice of default, 196, 206

Office of Housing and Economic Development, 23

origination fee, 107, 163

overtime income, 84

part-time income, 84

payment option arms, 149150

payment patterns, to improve credit score, 2627

payment problems, 195

percentages, and best rates, 106108

piggyback loan, 140142

to avoid jumbo rates, 153155

points, 106107, 121

portfolio loans, 156

prepayment penalties, 152153

price of property, appraisals and, 76

principal, interest, taxes and insurance (PITI), 9899

print media, interest rates listed, 179

private agencies, to buy and sell jumbo loans, 24

private mortgage insurance (PMI), 95101

processing fee, 164, 185

property issues in AUS, 7482

appraisals, 7579

declining market, 7980

seller concessions, 8081

title report, 8182

property taxes, fees for monitoring, 164

rapid rescore, 209

rate and term modification, 202

real estate agents, sales commission costs, 196

real estate investors, new rules, 4344

Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA), 122124

rebates, 122123

recording fees, 166

recurring charges, in closing costs, 162

refinance mortgage, 7

AUS for, 94

locked rates and, 181182

qualifying for, 202203

regular savings account, as alternative credit, 3435

rental properties, 4142

reserves underwriting guideline, 86

Residential Funding Corporation (RFC), 5

retail mortgage company, 104

retirement accounts, for closing costs, 189190

reverse mortgages, 6367

cost of, 67

qualifying for, 6566

rotating wheel for appraisals, 116117

savings and loans, 102

Scorecard, 88

second mortgage lien, 140142, 192

secondary market for mortgage loans, 3, 17

growth, 56

lending guidelines, 1921

secret ratio, for available credit, 27

securities, for mortgage investors, 9

self-employed, 85

income verification, 158

seller-assisted FHA loans, 144

seller carrybacks, 192

seller concessions, 8081

closing costs payment, 187

short sales, 198202

being buyer in, 201202

impact on credit, 201

reasons for request denial, 200201

“soft” credit inquiries, 31

stated documentation loan, 159

stated income loans, 15

states, mortgage brokers’ licensing, 118119

stock market crash, 3

subprime loans, 615

super-conforming loans, 2324

tax deductions, mortgage insurance and, 100101

tax service, fees, 164


escrow account for, 136

mortgage insurance and, 100101, 139

teaser rates, for ARM, 148

temporary withdrawal, from 401(k) plan, 190

terms of loan, 150151

third-party originators, 100

time of day, for interest rate quotes, 178179

title insurance, costs, 166

title report, 8182

TransUnion, 25


changes impacting credit scores, 3537

fees, 164

guidelines, 5

U.S. Department of Agriculture, loan program, 6871

utility accounts, 32

VA loans, 4758, 142

eligibility for, 4751

funding fee, 135, 142

jumbo loans, 5556

loan limits, 5455

qualifying for, 5154

rules removing stigma, 5658

verbal verification of employment, 157

W-2 form, 83, 157, 158

Wall Street, 9

warrants for loan, 19


Department of Housing and Urban Development, 136

for interest rates, 149

wholesale mortgage company, 104105

income to broker from, 120

rate sheet, 106, 107

workout department of lender, 199200

yield spread premiums (YSPs), 184185

disclosure requirements, 120122, 124

negotiating, 125

zero-down mortgage loans, 4, 6871, 99

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