How to do it...

Let's programmatically create an environment for our problem:

  1. We start by defining the states and set of actions:
states <- c("1", "2", "3", "4")
actions <- c("up", "down", "left", "right")
cat("The states are:",states)
cat(' ')
cat("The actions are:",actions)
  1. Next, we create a function that will define a custom environment for our example:
gridExampleEnvironment <- function(state, action) {
next_state <- state
if (state == state("1") && action == "down") next_state <- state("4")
if (state == state("1") && action == "right") next_state <- state("2")
if (state == state("2") && action == "left") next_state <- state("1")
if (state == state("2") && action == "right") next_state <- state("3")
if (state == state("3") && action == "left") next_state <- state("2")
if (state == state("3") && action == "up") next_state <- state("4")
if (next_state == state("4") && state != state("4")) {
reward <- 100
} else {
reward <- -1
out <- list("NextState" = next_state, "Reward" = reward)


The following screenshot provides a description of the environment:

  1. Now, we generate some sample experience data in the form of state transition tuples using the sampleExperience() function. This function takes states, actions, iterations, and the environment as input arguments:
# Let us generate 1000 iterations
sequences <- sampleExperience(N = 1000, env = gridExampleEnvironment, states = states, actions = actions)

The following screenshot shows the first few records of the sample data:

  1. Using the sample experience data we generated in the previous step, we can solve our problem using the ReinforcementLearning() function:
solver_rl <- ReinforcementLearning(sequences, s = "State", a = "Action", r = "Reward", s_new = "NextState")


The following screenshot shows the state action table, along with the policy and overall reward for our problem. X1,X2,X3,X4 represents the states 1,2,3,4 respectively:

Here, we can see that our overall reward at the last iteration is 11423.

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