
As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.


3DES ciphers

reviewing 21


Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) 6, 103, 139

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 5, 17, 61

cipher, reviewing 20, 21

decrypting with, on command line 37-41

encrypting with, on command line 37-41

Advanced Encryption Standard in Galois/Counter Mode (AES-GCM) 9

Advanced Encryption Standard in Galois/Counter Mode with a Synthetic Initialization Vector (AES-GCM-SIV) mode 32

reviewing 32

Advanced Encryption Standard New Instructions (AES-NIs) 21

AES programmatically

used, for decrypting openssl enc file 49, 50

used, for encrypting openssl enc file 44, 45

Application Programming Interface (API) 4, 37, 78, 174

bindings 7

compatibility 11

instability 11

Application-Specific Integration Circuits (ASICs) 86

ARIA algorithm 23

ARIA cipher 24


ARMv8.2-SHA 62

ARMv8 Cryptographic Extension 21, 61, 62

asymmetric cryptography algorithms 4, 120

asymmetric encryption algorithms 4, 16, 96, 120

need for 96

private key 96

public key 96

authenticated encryption (AE) 30, 76, 164

Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) 30, 166

authentication tags 71

avalanche effect 56


base CRL 281

Basic Input/Output (BIO) 254

bit rotations 17


BLAKE2b 64, 66

BLAKE2 family

reviewing, of hash functions 64, 65

BLAKE2s 64, 66


blockchain 58

block cipher

padding for 33

versus stream cipher 17, 18

block cipher operation modes 17, 25, 32

AES-GCM-SIV mode, reviewing 32

Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode, reviewing 27, 28

Counter (CTR) mode, reviewing 28, 29

Electronic Code Book (ECB) mode, reviewing 25, 26

Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) mode, reviewing 30-32

selecting 32

block counter 23

blocking sockets 253

Blowfish cipher 23

BoringSSL 10

OpenSSL, comparing with 10, 11

Botan 7

OpenSSL, comparing with 7, 8

Browser Exploit Against SSL/TLS (BEAST) 22, 169

brute force 19

brute-force resistant 85

BSD systems 9


C 7

C++ 7

C++11 7

C++17 7

Camellia algorithm 23

Camellia cipher 24

Carter-Wegman + CTR (CWC) mode 32

CAST5 cipher 23

CAST-128 23

Central Processing Unit (CPU) 19


generating, for web and email client 294-296

generating, for web server 292-294

revoking 296, 297

Certificate Authority (CA) 125, 141, 166, 172, 202, 244

certificate chain 140, 141

certificate depth 195

certificate pinning 244

Certificate Revocation List (CRL) 140, 202, 203, 245, 281

generating 297-300

Certificate Revocation List (CRL), using in C programs 203-205

CRL lookup callback, implementing 206, 207

CRL lookup callback, registering 205

function, implementing for downloading CRL from distribution point 208, 209

function, implementing for downloading CRL from HTTP URL 210, 211

program, running 211, 212

certificate revocation status

providing, via OCSP 301-304

certificate signing chain 140-144

Certificate Signing Request (CSR) 144, 145, 172, 245, 283

Certificate Status Request 213

Certificate Transparency (CT) 280

certificate verification chain 140

ChaCha20 8

ChaCha20 cipher 22

reviewing 22

ChaCha-Poly1305 9

ChaCha stream cipher 65

chain of trust 140

chosen-plaintext attack 28

cipher 16

Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode

reviewing 27, 28

cipher feedback (CFB) mode 32

ciphertext 16

client certificate

generating 294-296

packaging, into PKCS #12 container files 226-228

collision 56

collision attacks 23, 59

command line

HMAC, calculating 77, 78

leaf certificate, verifying 154

message digest, calculating 67

OCSP, using on 214-217

symmetric encryption key, deriving from password 87, 88

TLS client connection, establishing on 170-172

TLS server connection. accepting on 173, 174

Common Name (CN) 179

Compression Ratio Info-Leak Made Easy (CRIME) 169

Context (CTX) 47

Continuous Integration 43

Counter (CTR) mode

reviewing 28, 29

Counter with CBC-MAC (CCM) mode 32

C programs

custom verification, of peer certificates 194-196

OCSP, using in 218, 219

CRL number 281

CRYPTO_BUFFER functionality 10

cryptocurrencies 58

cryptographic algorithm 4, 56

cryptographically secure pseudo random generator (CSPRNG) 35

Cryptographic Doom Principle 76

cryptographic hash functions 56, 66

MDC-2 66

properties 56

RIPEMD-160 66

security, assessing 59, 60

selecting 66

Whirlpool 66

cryptography 3

custom verification of peer certificates, in C programs 194-196

program, running 200-202

verification callback, implementing 198-200

verification callback, registering 197


Data Encryption Standard (DES) 21

ciphers, reviewing 21

Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) 165

data integrity verification 56, 57

delta CRL 281

denial-of-service 59

deterministic 85

Diffie-Hellman (DH) key exchange method 29, 88, 98, 164

digest program

implementing 68, 69

running 69

Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) 63, 98

reviewing 122

selecting 125

Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA), supported by OpenSSL

reviewing 122

ECDSA, reviewing 123

EdDSA, reviewing 124, 125

overview 121

RSA, reviewing 121, 122

SMA, reviewing 125

digital signatures 4, 57, 72, 120

ec-sign program, implementing 130

ec-verify program, implementing 134

features 120

using programmatically 129, 130

verifying programmatically 133

versus MACs 121

Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) 103, 139, 202, 300

Distinguished Name (DN) format 139

DNS poisoning 140

Domain Validated (DV) certificates 145

DTLS protocol 4

dynamic linking 6


ec-sign program

implementing 130-132

running 132, 133

ec-verify program

implementing 134, 135

running 135

Electronic Code Book (ECB) mode 25

reviewing 25, 26

ElGamal algorithm 99

Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) 101

Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) 98

Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) 98

reviewing 123, 124

elliptic curve keypair

generating 126, 127

Encrypt-and-MAC (E&M) scheme 75

encryption key 16, 75, 76

encryption modes 25

encrypt-then-authenticate-then-translate (EAX) mode 32

Encrypt-then-MAC (EtM) scheme 75


engines 5

Envelope API 46

disadvantages 46

Envelope (EVP) 46

Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman (DHE) 164

Ephemeral Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDHE) 164

Ethereum 63

EtM TLS protocol extension 76


exhaustive search 19

existential forgery attack 72

existential forgery under a chosen-message attack 73

Extendable Output Functions (XOFs) 62

Extended Validation (EV) certificates 145, 146

extra data 197


Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) 86

file descriptor (fd) 174

filter BIOs 174

free and open source software (FOSS) projects 6


Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) mode

reviewing 30-32

Git 58


GNU ecosystem 6

GnuPG 63

GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG) 23

GNU Project 6

GnuTLS 6

OpenSSL, comparing with 6, 7

GOST12 65

GOST89 65

GOST89 cipher 23, 24

GOST94 65

GOST2012 65

GOST2015 cipher 24

GOvernment STandard (GOST) 24

Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) 86


handshake secret 167

handshaking operation 99

Hard Core Library (HCL) 7

hash-and-sign paradigm 120

Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) 57, 73-75, 166, 225

calculating, on command line 77, 78

calculating, programmatically 78

Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) program

implementing 79, 80

running 81

hash collision 56

HashEdDSA 124

HMAC-based key derivation function (HKDF) 167

HMAC function 73

HMAC-SHA-256 function 74

hybrid encryption scheme 99

Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE) 99

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 165


IDEA cipher 23

Individual Validation (IV) certificates 146

initialization vector (IV) 167

Input Key Material (IKM) 84

Input/Output (I/O) 253

Integrated Encryption Scheme (IES) 99

Intel SHA extensions 61, 62

intermediate CA certificates 141

generating 287-291

significance, reasons 142

intermediate CA config file

reference link 290

International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA) 25

Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) 169

Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices 8, 170

IPsec 77

irreversible 85


KangarooTwelve (K12) 62

kdf program

implementing 89, 90

running 90

KECCAK Message Authentication Code (KMAC) 74

Kernel TLS (KTLS) 5

key agreement 164

Key Derivation Function (KDF) 84

overview, supported by OpenSSL 87

parameters 85

key exchange 4, 76, 164

operation 99

keypair 96

key signing parties 97

key signing party 97

keystream 18

Kuznyechik 24


leaf certificate 141

verifying, on command line 154

verifying, programmatically 154, 155

x509-verify program, implementing 155-158

x509-verify program, running 158

length extension attack 74

LibreSSL 9

OpenSSL, comparing with 9

Libtasn1 6

lightweight TLS libraries 8

MatrixSSL 8

Mbed TLS 8

OpenSSL, comparing with 8, 9

wolfSSL 8

Local Area Networks (LANs) 24


MAC function 72

MAC function security 72, 73

MAC-then-Encrypt (MtE) scheme 75

Magma 24

Man in the Middle (MITM) attack 32, 96, 97, 140, 164, 244

key fingerprint, verifying over phone 97

key, signing by trusted third party 98

key splitting 98

meeting, in person 97

master secret 167

MatrixSSL 8

Mbed TLS 8

MD4 64

MD5 61, 64, 65

MD family

functions 64

reviewing, of hash functions 64

Mercurial 58

Merkle tree structure 65

message authentication 72

Message Authentication Code (MAC) 22, 57, 72, 164

versus digital signatures 121

Message Digest (MD) 4, 56, 64

blockchain 58

calculating, on command line 67

calculating, programmatically 68

content identifier 58

cryptocurrencies 58

data integrity verification 56, 57

digital signatures 57

Hash-based Message Authentication Codes (HMACs) 57

need for 56

network protocols 57

password verification 58

proof-of-work 58, 59


running 279

running, openssl ca subcommand used 280, 281

Modification Detection Code 2 (MDC-2) 66


national cipher 23

national cryptographic hash functions 65

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 20, 60

National Security Agency (NSA) 60

Nettle 6

network protocols 57

Network Security Services (NSS) 7

OpenSSL, comparing with 7

non-blocking sockets 253

non-repudiation 72

non-self-signed certificate

generating 150-153

NSS library 7

number used once (nonce) 18


OAEP padding 105

OCSP responder 213

OCSP stapling 213, 245

OCSP, using in C programs

OCSP callback, implementing 219-224

OCSP callback, registering 219

program, running 224, 225

offset codebook (OCB) mode 32

Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) 140, 213, 245, 289

using 213

using, in C programs 218, 219

using, on command line 214-217

certificate revocation status, providing via 301-304

OpenBSD 9

OpenSSH 9, 63

OpenSSL 3-6

available asymmetric encryption 98, 99

comparing, with BoringSSL 10, 11

comparing, with Botan 7, 8

comparing, with GnuTLS 6, 7

comparing, with LibreSSL 9, 10

comparing, with lightweight TLS libraries 8, 9

comparing, with NSS 7

compiling 42-44

component purpose 36, 37

downloading 35

history 4, 5

installing 35

key derivation functions, overview 87

linking 42-44

URL 35, 140

used, for verifying TLS peer certificate 194

OpenSSL 3.0 5

features 5, 6

OpenSSL BIOs 174-176

openssl ca subcommand 280

used, for running mini-CA 280, 281

OpenSSL compatibility layers 4

openssl dgst subcommand 77

openssl enc file

decrypting, with AES programmatically 49, 50

decryption program, implementing 50, 51

decryption program, running 52

encrypting, with AES programmatically 44, 45

encryption program, implementing 45-48

encryption program, running 49

OpenSSL library

initializing 41, 42

uninitializing 41, 42

openssl mac subcommand 77, 78

OpenSSL operation implementation providers 5

operating system kernel 5

Operating System (OS) 244

opportunistic TLS 165

oracle 30

Organization Validation (OV) certificates 146

output feedback (OFB) mode 32

Output Key Material (OKM) 84


Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption (POODLE) 169

partial hash inversion 58

passphrase 84

password 84

symmetric encryption key, deriving on command line 87, 88

symmetric encryption key, deriving programmatically 88, 89

versus symmetric encryption key 84

Password-Based Key Derivation Function (PBKDF) 84-86

properties 85

password hashing 64

Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) 164

PGP 66

PKCS #12 container 296

PKCS #12 container files

client certificates, packaging into 226-228

plaintext 16

Poly1305 8


Power ISA 62

prehash function 124

preimage attacks 59

pre-master secret 167

Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) 23, 63, 97

Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) 103, 139, 300

private key 72, 96

proof-of-work 58, 59

propagating CBC (PCBC) mode 32

provider 5

pseudorandom cipher digit stream 18

Pseudorandom Function (PRF) 76, 167

Pseudo-Random Number Generator (PRNG) 18

public key 96

Public Key Cryptography Standard number 7 padding (PKCS #7 padding) 33

disadvantage 34

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) 98, 244

Public or Private Key (PKEY) 102

PureEdDSA 124

Python 7


quantum computing 20, 102


Random Number Generator (RNG) 123

RC2 cipher 23

RC4 cipher

reviewing 22

RC5 cipher 23

RC cipher family 24

Rijndael algorithm 21

RIPEMD-160 66

Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) algorithm 98

reviewing 122

using, to decrypt programmatically 115

using, to encrypt and decrypt on command-line 105-107

root CA certificate 141

generating 281-287

root CA config file

reference link 285

rsa-decrypt program

implementing 116

running 117

rsa-encrypt program

implementing 108-110

running 110, 111

RSA key exchange 164

RSA keypair

generating 102-105

RSA security 99-102


S-boxes 24

Scrypt algorithm 88

secret key 72

Secure Multipurpose Mail Extension (S/MIME) 63

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 4


assessing, of cryptographic hash functions 59, 60

security bits 20

SEED algorithm 23

SEED cipher 24

selective forgery attack 72

self-signed certificate

generating 147-150

Server Name Indication (SNI) 167, 268

session key 99

SHA-0 61

SHA-0 hash functions

reviewing 63, 64

SHA-1 61, 64, 65

SHA-1 hash functions

reviewing 63, 64

SHA-2 65, 66

SHA-2 family

hash functions 60

reviewing, of hash functions 60, 61

SHA-2 functions 60

SHA-3 65, 66

SHA3-256 66

SHA-3 family

reviewing, of hash functions 61, 62

SHA3 family

functions 61

SHA-256 59

SHA-512 61

SHAKE128 62

SHAKE256 62

Shang Mi 2 (SM2)

reviewing 125


subcommands, for signing and verification of 127-129

SM3 65

SM4 algorithm 23

SM4 cipher 24

Sophie Germain Counter Mode (SGCM) mode 32

Source Code Management (SCM) 58

source or sink BIOs 174

spam 59

SSH 66, 77

SSL 3.0 64

SSLeay library 4

SSL/TLS library 3

standard block padding 33

stream cipher 18

versus block cipher 17, 18

Streebog 65

Subject Alternative Names (SANs) 179


symmetric cipher

national cipher 23

overview, by OpenSSL 17

RC cipher family 24

reviewing, by OpenSSL 23

symmetric cipher security 19

symmetric cryptographic algorithms 20

symmetric cryptography 4

symmetric encryption algorithm 4, 16, 17, 164

symmetric encryption key 84

deriving, from password on command line 87, 88

deriving, from password programmatically 88, 89

generating 34

versus password 84

Synthetic Initialization Vector (SIV) 32


TLS 66, 76

TLS 1.0 64

TLS 1.1 64

TLS certificate pinning 244, 245

cert_verify_callback() function, implementing 249-251

cons 246

pros 245

run_tls_client() function, modifying 247-249

tls-cert-pinning program, running 251-253

using 246

TLS client certificates

generating 225, 226

loading 236-240

program, running 232-234

requesting 228

response generation function, implementing 230-232

using 225

verifying 229, 230

verifying, on server side programmatically 228

TLS client connection

code inherited from tls-client program, modifying 235, 236

establishing, on command line 170-172

establishing, programmatically 176, 177

establishing, with client certificate programmatically 234, 235

program, running 240, 241

tls-client program, implementing 177-182

tls-client program, running 182

tls-client program

implementing 177-182

running 182

TLS connection 7, 194

TLS handshake 5, 166, 167

consequences 167, 168

TLS on non-blocking sockets

run_tls_client() function, modifying 254-260

tls-client-non-blocking program, running 260, 261

using 254

TLS on non-standard sockets 262, 263

run_tls_client() function, reimplementing 266-273

service_bios() function, implementing 264-266

tls-client-memory-bio program, running 273, 274

using 263, 264

TLS peer certificate

verifying, with OpenSSL 194

TLS protocol 164, 165

history 168-170

TLS server connection

accepting, on command line 173, 174

accepting, programmatically 183, 184

certificates, preparing 172, 173

tls-server program, implementing 184-190

tls-server program, running 190-192

tls-server program

implementing 184-189

running 190-192

TLS socket 5

TLS (Transport Layer Security) 4

TLS Working Group (TLS WG) 169

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) 165

Transport Layer Security (TLS) 98, 243

Triple DES (3DES) 21

TrueCrypt 66

Trusted Third Parties 141

twisted Edwards curves 124

two-clause BSD license 8


universal forgery attack 72

User Datagram Protocol (UDP) 165


VeraCrypt 66

verify depth 195


web of trust 7, 98

Whirlpool 66

wolfSSL 8


x86/x86_64 62

X.509 63, 66

X.509 certificate 138-140

fields 139

X.509 certificates 3, 4, 57, 164

generating 144-146

generating, stages 144

X.509 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) 147

X509v3 extensions 146, 147, 301

x509-verify program

implementing 155-158

running 158

XOR (eXclusive OR) 18


zero round-trip time (0-RTT) 170

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