Chapter 9. Prototyping

Prototyping is a big part of the design process for anything. I come from the world of experience design, and I couldn’t imagine a project for which we don’t figure out if we’re building the right thing and eventually work out the kinks of a product by using prototypes. Prototyping lets you quickly build a lower-fidelity (not fully functional but enough to learn from) version of your project to get a better understanding of what you’re building, and eventually get feedback from people in terms of how they understand it. This chapter covers the why part of prototyping, the tools, and processes that are available to prototype wearable devices. We even dive in to some of the technical aspects involved.

Why Prototype?

I feel like a lot of people see the role of prototypes as something that you use for feedback on a design, mainly in user testing. In fields of design with a more established language, you can get by with using prototypes only in this way. I could verbally describe an application to someone, and because the design elements that we use for two-dimensional design are so established, you could probably get a good feel for the idea this way. In this newer world of wearable devices, though, it’s a little different. Not only is there no established common language, but the products themselves are so divergent and new that we can’t even know that it’s a good idea to begin with without prototyping it to make it real in some way.

In the world of traditional two-dimensional design, you can draw a picture of something and convey a lot of what’s going on with the product. In fact, a two-dimensional image of the design has a lot in common with the product you’re describing because of the physical limitations of the platform for which you’re designing. In designing wearable devices, by the nature of what you’re building, those limitations don’t exist, because you’re designing a service that only exists over time and isn’t contained to the device or devices that you’re using to enable the service. In most cases, the devices that you’re building to support the service are only a small part of the whole, and they exist more as a symbol of the service in the minds of the users.

What Does That Look Like?

There’s no single answer to the question, What Does That Look Like? because the types of wearable devices we’ve covered in this book are so different. But we can break down the big parts of the prototyping process that are going to be common to a lot of wearable devices, such as sensors, connectivity, and data. What we’re going to be doing here is chaining together a broad set of skills and technologies to take a service from an abstract idea to something tangible and from which we can learn. To do this, we’re going to have to get pretty technical in terms of programming and electrical engineering, which can be intimidating, but you can do it!

So, here’s the part where I say the words, “You need to learn to code,” and we both let out a sigh because we’ve collectively been having this conversation forever and we’re both tired of talking about it, so I’ll try to be brief. You need to learn to code to prototype these products; however, the type of programming that you need to learn is not the same as a traditional developer. The type of code that I’m talking about here is a sketching medium that comes from a place of exploration and will not directly translate to the production code that will eventually power what you’re building. These skills are great for all kinds of design, and on top of everything, it’s fun!

Foundational Tools

The two primary tools that I use for this type of prototyping are Processing and Arduino. Processing is an open source programming language. Its development environment is based on Java and was originally built for designers and artists. Arduino is an open source hardware platform for designers and artists with a development environment based on Processing. I’ll get much more specific about the tools later, but the primary reason I believe in these technologies as the foundational tools in your workshop is because of their accessibility, both in terms of community and in learning curve.

I wouldn’t say that Processing and Arduino are inherently easy to pick up, but I do believe they’re significantly easier than almost anything else because of the incredible community that supports them. There are near infinite resources for all skill levels that are available in nearly any form you’d prefer. And if you have any question or need any help, the forum-based communities are amazingly friendly and helpful. This is what makes these tools so great.

Processing Overview

Processing is the main tool that I use for sketching. Its main functional advantages are that it’s really quick to set up, you don’t need to configure much of anything, and that most of what you do in Processing has a visual output so that what you’re making is less abstract. When I prototype wearable devices, Processing is the tool that does most of the heavy lifting. For this section, I’m going to go through an extremely brief overview of Processing—this is not meant to teach it by any means; it’s just to get an idea of what it looks like.

The Processing IDE

The first thing you need to do is go to to download the Processing integrated development environment, or IDE (which is where you write the code). After you download it, the Processing IDE unzips as an application. You can install that wherever you install your applications and then open it up. It should look something like Figure 9-1.

Processing’s IDE
Figure 9-1. Processing’s IDE

The play button compiles and runs the sketch; the stop button stops the sketch; the debug button opens up a debugging screen; the Java button lets you switch modes (we’ll get to the modes part soon); the black part at the bottom is where you see any console outputs; and the second tab is where any errors will show up when you run your sketch.

The structure of a sketch

There are two main parts to a sketch: the setup part and the draw loop. Between the curly brackets following void setup(), you define some characteristics of your sketch, such as how big the output window will be and the background color of the sketch. In the curly brackets following void draw() is where you put the majority of the instructions for the sketch. This is called the draw loop, because Processing executes the instructions (code) in the draw loop from beginning to end, and then it loops back around to the beginning and does the same thing. This happens about 60 times per second. In Figure 9-2, the setup part runs once, and then the draw part runs over and over again.

Structure of basic sketch
Figure 9-2. Structure of basic sketch

The sketch output window

Processing is a visual-oriented language, so every time you run a sketch in it, there’s an output window that pops up to show you what’s going on, as demonstrated in Figure 9-3. In the preceding example, we defined the size of this output window in the setup section as 500 pixels wide by 400 pixels in height, with a background of white, and drew a line in the draw loop.

Screenshot of basic sketch with output window
Figure 9-3. Screenshot of basic sketch with output window

What the code looks like

Figure 9-4 shows that for a lot of the code instructions you’ll be writing, there are two main parts: the function (line, in this case), and the arguments (the numbers), which are specifically structured pieces of information that you type in the parentheses.

Diagram of line instructions
Figure 9-4. Diagram of line instructions

Figure 9-5 presents a diagram for line, which draws a line between two points. The four arguments are the x-coordinate for the first point; the y-coordinate for the first point; and then the x-coordinate for the second point; and, finally, y-coordinate for the second point. In the example, those values are 20, 30, 350, and 300.

Drawing on the pixel grid

When drawing things to the screen, everything (two-dimensional at least) is drawn on an x–y pixel grid. As Figure 9-5 illustrates, the first pixel in the upper-left corner is (0,0), the one to the right of it is (1,0), and the one below it is (0,1). When you’re drawing something, it helps to think of its position as follows:

(“number of pixels from the left side,” “number of pixels from the top)

Diagram of pixel grid
Figure 9-5. Diagram of pixel grid

In the preceding example, we drew a line that begins at a grid position 20 pixels from the left side and 30 pixels from the top, and it ends the line at 350 pixels from the left side and 300 pixels from the top (Figure 9-6).

Points of the line with pixel locations labeled in the output window
Figure 9-6. Points of the line with pixel locations labeled in the output window


Every time the draw loop is run, it draws what you define on top of the previous layer (Figure 9-7). In the example, the first instruction of the draw loop is a background color that gives the impression of a clean slate every time. If that weren’t there, you’d see everything the sketch has ever drawn to the screen.

Diagram of layers
Figure 9-7. Diagram of layers

Reference and examples

All of the functions you can use in Processing are listed in the reference page on the Processing website. It’s incredibly useful and shows you how to use each function with a short chunk of example code. You can also highlight a function in your sketch, right-click the highlighted function, and select “Find In Reference,” which will take you to that function’s page in the reference. There are also a large number of examples. To access them, on the menu bar, click file, and then click examples. These are really helpful when you’re trying to do something and you need to see how particular commands and functions work.


Processing Libraries are really useful ways to extend the functionality or make some advanced tasks a little easier. To add a library to your sketch, on the menu bar, click the Sketch drop-down menu, and then select Import Library. There are a handful of libraries that ship with Processing. Also on the menu bar, you can click Add Library, which lets you add all kinds of great third-party libraries. I suggest starting out with Andreas Schlegel’s controlP5—a great graphical user interface library for Processing.

Android mode

Android mode is one of my favorite parts of Processing. You can use it to export your processing sketch to an Android device. To switch to this mode in the upper-right corner of the IDE, click Java, click Add Mode, and then select Android mode. Then, plug in an Android device to your computer, and when you run the sketch, it will run on an Android device! I’ll get a little more in depth with this toward the end the chapter.

Getting comfortable with processing

There are seemingly endless resources out there to help you learn Processing. Of course, everyone learns in different ways, but there are a couple resources that really helped me become comfortable with Processing. First is just going through the examples that ship with it. They’re small, complete sketches that explain a lot of what Processing can do. I’d start by just clicking through a few of those to get an idea of what’s going on. The second resource is anything that comes from Daniel Shiffman, an amazing creative coder and professor in NYU’s ITP program. Daniel’s “Orange Book,” Learning Processing, is the primary way I was able to learn Processing so quickly, and I still reference it from time to time when I need to do something that I haven’t done in a while. Additionally, Daniel has an incredibly comprehensive video series hosted on his Vimeo account at

Arduino Overview

On a high level, an Arduino board (Figure 9-8) is a very simple computer that takes an electrical input (usually from a sensor, but it also could be from a device, computer, or transmitter), does some form of computation, and outputs a corresponding electrical signal to some device (a motor, a transmitter, etc.). For example, I could configure a motion sensor to trigger a light to come on by setting up the Arduino so that whenever it received an input from the motion sensor, it would send power to the light. I could also turn on the light by hooking my Arduino up to a Bluetooth antenna that I could trigger from my phone.

The Arduino board

At the top of the Arduino Uno that you can see in Figure 9-9, there’s a place to plug it in to a power outlet, and the serial port with which you plug it in to your computer. The rest of the Arduino board comprises a series of contact points called pins. In the Power and Ground section above the pins are labeled GND, 3.3 V, and 5 V. You use these pins to provide power for a sensor that you plug in to the board. Below the Power and Ground pins are the analog pins, which are labeled A0 through A5. This is where you can plug in analog sensors. These pins are input only; the board doesn’t have analog output. On the opposite side are the digital pins, they’re labeled 0 through 13 and can function as both input and output ports. You can use the digital pins with the tilde (~) next to them for what’s called pulse width modulation, which is when you mimic an analog output by turning the digital pin on and off so quickly that it seems like an analog output (e.g., it turns an LED on and off so quickly that it looks like it’s dimming).

The Arduino Uno, the most common Arduino board
Figure 9-8. The Arduino Uno, the most common Arduino board
Inputs and outputs of the Arduino board
Figure 9-9. Inputs and outputs of the Arduino board

Different boards

I’m using the Arduino Uno in my example because it’s the most common Arduino board. But, one of the wonderful things about open source hardware is that you can make your own boards! This means that they come in all shapes and sizes, as depicted in Figure 9-10, with different built-in capabilities. I’ll go through a few of these toward the end of the chapter.

A variety of different Arduino boards
Figure 9-10. A variety of different Arduino boards

The Arduino IDE

The Arduino IDE (Figure 9-11) is very similar to that of Processing. There are the buttons at the top that start the code, and there is a console output on the bottom. The big differences are that Arduino has more buttons for starting a new sketch, opening an existing sketch, and saving the current sketch. You’ll also notice that there’s no button to stop the code. This is because after the code is loaded on to the Arduino board, it will keep running over and over again as long as the board has power—it doesn’t need to be still plugged in to the computer.

The Arduino IDE
Figure 9-11. The Arduino IDE

Arduino code

Similar to the structure of the sketch for Processing, the Arduino sketch has two main parts: the setup part and the loop (Figure 9-12). Between the curly brackets following void setup(), you define some characteristics of your sketch, such as stating what certain pins will be used for. In the curly brackets following void loop() is where you put the majority of the instructions for the sketch. Just like Processing, it executes the instructions (code) in the draw loop from beginning to end, and then loops back around to the beginning and does the same thing over and over again.

Basic Arduino sketch structure
Figure 9-12. Basic Arduino sketch structure

The code itself is also structured similarly to Processing with a function, arguments in parentheses, and semicolon line endings. In this line shown in Figure 9-13, we’re configuring digital pin number 11 to turn on.

Diagram of line instructions
Figure 9-13. Diagram of line instructions


Sensors are obviously a huge part of wearable devices, so before we get more detailed about how Arduinos work, let’s talk about what sensors actually do. Generally, sensors take some kind of physical input like touch, motion, light waves, or audio waves, and converts those signals to an electrical signal.

As Figure 9-14 shows, there are two main types of sensor outputs that the Arduino can receive: digital signals and analog signals. Digital signals are either on or off (represented in code by a 1 or a 0, or high signal or low signal), kind of like a light switch.

Digital sensor input and output
Figure 9-14. Digital sensor input and output

Analog signals (Figure 9-15) contain a lot more information. Analog sensors that work with the Arduino usually output an electrical signal somewhere between 0 and 5 volts. Then the Arduino converts that input to a digital signal that returns a value between 0 and 1,023. In short, digital sensors are either on or off (two states), and analog sensors have 1,024 different potential states (0 is also a potential state, thus the total of 1,024).

Analog sensor inputs and outputs
Figure 9-15. Analog sensor inputs and outputs

Short example

For an incredibly short (only two lines of code!) self-contained Arduino example, we’re going to take an analog sensor and make it dim an LED. Figure 9-16 shows what it’s going to look like.

Everything hooked up
Figure 9-16. Everything hooked up

For this example, I’m using my favorite analog sensor, a MaxSonar EZ1 by Maxbotix. The EZ1 is an incredibly simple ultrasonic range finder. It sends out ultrasonic audio waves, listens for them to bounce back off of something, and then converts that distance to a voltage between 0 volts and 5 volts. I plugged the GND pin on the sensor to the GND pin on the Arduino, and the +5 pin on the sensor to the 5 V power to provide power to the sensor. I then plugged the AN pin on the sensor to the A0 pin on the Arduino.

To dim an LED, you need to plug it in to a PWM pin with the tilde (~) symbol next to it on the board. For this example, I took a white LED and plugged the long lead into the 11 pin and the short lead in to the GND pin that’s right next to the 13 pin.

The code is incredibly simple:

void setup() {
  pinMode(11, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  analogWrite(11, analogRead(A0)/4);

The first line of code in the setup section declares that we’re going to use pin number 11 as an output.

The second line of code in the loop section instructs the Arduino to write an analog signal to pin number 11 by using the analogWrite function. The first argument for this function is 11, which specifies that pin number 11 is the one to which to write. The second argument, analogRead, is also a function that instructs the Arduino to take the signal from the A0 pin which is the pin that we’ve used for the sensor. The signal is going to come in to the Arduino as a number between 0 and 1,023, so I divided that number by 4 in order to map it to the PWM pin, which takes an input between 0 and 255.

If everything is hooked up properly, you’ll be able to move your hand closer and further away from the sensor to make the LED become brighter and dimmer, respectively.

Getting comfortable with Arduino

Similar to Processing, there are many resources out there that you can use to learn all about Arduino. A great start is definitely to poke around with the examples that come with the IDE and maybe pick up a starter kit. I always suggest getting everything from because it has the most well-constructed learning material for everything it sells. Another great resource is the O’Reilly book Getting Started With Arduino, which is very helpful when you’re first starting out.

Processing and Arduino Together

I have a confession to make: I very rarely ever use Arduino by itself. For me, it’s a lot easier to just pipe the data from the Arduino board directly to Processing so that I can visualize the data in a way that isn’t just blinking an LED. I think you’ll find this particular setup a lot more useful if you’re prototyping a wearable device.

Putting Firmata on your Arduino board

The first step is to load the Firmata sketch on to your Arduino. Firmata is a collection of software libraries for both Processing and Arduino that lets them interface with each other. Firmata ships with the Arduino IDE and you can find it by going to the File menu in the Arduino IDE, selecting Examples, and then, in the “Examples from Libraries” section, select Firmata and click StandardFirmata, as illustrated in Figure 9-17.

Finding Firmata
Figure 9-17. Finding Firmata

This will bring up the Standard Firmata sketch. Load that on to your Arduino, and then close the Arduino IDE, (if you don’t close out of the Arduino IDE, Processing won’t be able to communicate with your board).

Connecting to Processing

Now, you need to download the Firmata library for Processing. To do so, go to the Sketch menu in Processing, click Import Library, and then click Add Library (Figure 9-18).

Firmata in Processing
Figure 9-18. Firmata in Processing

This opens up the Contribution Manager. Simply click the library with the title of Arduino (Firmata), and you’re good to go.

Now we’re going to open a new sketch in Processing. The first thing we’re going to do is import the Firmata library and the Serial library (the Serial library ships with the IDE). To do this, write the following code before the setup section:

import processing.serial.*;
import cc.arduino.*;

Next, we need to set up the Arduino and make a variable to store the sensor information:

Arduino arduino;
float potRead = 0;

Then it’s time for the setup section. The code that follows sets the size of the sketch to 300 pixels wide and 300 pixels tall, and the background of the sketch to white:

void setup() {
  size(300, 300);
  fill(255, 0, 0);

  for (int i = 0; i <= Arduino.list().length-1; i++)
  println(i + " - " + Arduino.list()[i]);

  arduino = new Arduino(this, Arduino.list()[REPLACE], 57600);

  for (int i = 0; i <= 13; i++)
    arduino.pinMode(i, Arduino.INPUT);

After you run the sketch for the first time, in the console output window beneath the text editor, you’ll see a list of ports that looks something like Figure 9-19.

Console output
Figure 9-19. Console output

You now need to determine which one of these ports are connected to your Arduino. It’s going to be one of the ports labeled usbmodem, and you’re probably going to need to go back and forth a few times picking different ones. In the preceding code example, look for the line that has REPLACE, delete that word, and replace it with the number in the list in Figure 9-19 that corresponds to the port connected to Arduino—in this example, the port is /dev/tty.usbmodem1411, so I replaced the word REPLACE with 5.

Now for the draw loop. It comprises only two lines. The first line draws the background every time it goes through the loop, which basically clears the slate for each layer. The second line draws a circle with the ellipse() function. The ellipse() function takes four arguments; the x-position of the center of the circle, the y-position of the center of the circle, the width of the circle, and the height of the circle.

We’re drawing the circle at the dead center of the sketch, at 150 pixels from the left side and 150 pixels from the right side. For the width and height of the circle, we’re reading the 0 analog pin from the Arduino. Here’s the code to do that:

void draw() {

  ellipse(150, 150, arduino.analogRead(0), arduino.analogRead(0));

If everything is working properly, when you move your hand in front of the sensor, the circle should grow larger; when you move your hand away from the sensor, the circle should become smaller.

More Prototyping Tools

Processing and Arduino are the most ubiquitous prototyping tools for this kind of work, but they exist in a much larger ecosystem that has spurred even more specific and exciting tools. Here are a few of my favorites.

Adafruit FLORA

FLORA is a circular Arduino board by Adafruit (Figure 9-20) that’s made specifically for wearables projects. You can buy special conductive thread and sew the board into your clothes (along with specially-designed FLORA sensors and actuators). This is a really useful Arduino to have.

The FLORA platform from Adafruit
Figure 9-20. The FLORA platform from Adafruit

Intel Curie

The Intel Curie chip (Figure 9-21) powers the Arduino 101 board, which was made specifically to prototype wearable devices. It has built-in Bluetooth LE connectivity as well as a six-axis accelerometer/gyroscope. What makes this board even more powerful are Intel’s IQ Software Kits, which include out-of-the-box abilities like identity verification, notifications, step/calorie tracking, data visualizations, and social media integrations. The Curie chip already powers a few commercial smart watches, such as the TAG Heuer Connected watch.

Intel’s Curie board
Figure 9-21. Intel’s Curie board


Particle makes Arduino-like microcontroller boards that are focused on connectivity. There are two main Particle boards (Figure 9-22): the smaller Photon, which has built-in WiFi, and the larger Electron, which has built-in 3G connectivity and comes with a SIM card. The on-board connectivity isn’t what makes these boards special, though; tons of Arduinos come with on-board radio antennas, but what makes Particle stand out is its cloud integration.

Particle makes it easy to connect your device to the internet, but, more important, Particle makes it easy for people who don’t know how to set up servers to log events and connect their projects to other services, such as If This Then That (IFTTT).

Particle boards
Figure 9-22. Particle boards

Android Mode in Processing

One of the coolest things that Processing can do is export your sketches directly to Android phones! It’s extremely easy to set up, and very few changes are necessary to make your normal Processing sketches Android-ready. Android Mode (Figure 9-23) gets a lot more useful for prototyping when you think about the sensors and actuators that are on an Android phone. Generally, a (relatively) cheap Android phone has built-in WiFi, Bluetooth, cellular connectivity, an accelerometer, a gyroscope, a camera, a microphone, a large amount of local storage, and a big touch screen. It’s basically an extremely capable prototyping platform that’s ready to go without plugging anything in to it.

Bluetooth sniffing app made in processing in Android Mode
Figure 9-23. Bluetooth sniffing app made in processing in Android Mode


Ketai is an extremely useful Processing library that’s built for Android Mode. Ketai gives you access to everything on the phone, such as the accelerometer, gyroscope, light sensor, camera, and microphone; but it also has some other useful things like data storage, computer vision (face detection), location information, and internet connectivity.

Android Watch

Android watch, in this instance, is not talking about Android Wear, but when trying to prototype a smartwatch, I found out that you can actually find watches that run full Android. I can’t really think of why someone would want a watch that runs Android, but they definitely work really well with Processing Android Mode.

Pulling It All Together

I understand that this technical stuff can be pretty intimidating for someone who doesn’t have any technical experience, but one of the major reasons the wearable community and many other spaces that involve hardware are thriving right now is because of the open source community. All of this stuff was completely out of nontechnical people’s reach a decade ago, but there are millions of free, open source resources for people of every level of technical understanding. I know it’s scary, but you can definitely do it, and when you start getting things working, it’s absolutely thrilling and you’ll be hooked. Just give it a shot!

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