Sub-classes of Functions

In the previous chapter, we defined the dioid of (min,plus) functions and studied its properties from an algebraic viewpoint. We also stressed several sub-classes such as functions that are non-decreasing and null at the origin. Indeed, the cumulative processes and curves we use in this book belong to this class.

In this chapter, we will investigate some properties of the (min,plus) operations from a calculus and analysis viewpoint. In particular, we will study more restricted sub-classes of functions. First, there are some shapes of functions that are very frequently encountered, such as leaky-buckets or rate-latency functions, and the (min,plus) operations can be computed very efficiently for these functions. This will be the purpose of section 3.1.

Next, in section 3.2, we will focus on the properties of the functions, such as the continuity and the monotony. Indeed, we saw in Chapter 1 that cumulative flows are modeled by non-decreasing, left-continuous functions, representing a cumulative amount of data. We will in particular focus on cases where the infimum of the (min,plus) convolution is in fact a minimum.

Finally, we will focus on concave and convex functions. These classes of functions are also widely used and, in Chapter 4, we will demonstrate that the (min,plus) operators can be efficiently implemented for these classes of functions.

A mathematical background about monotony and continuity can be found in the Appendix.

3.1. Usual functions

Several types of functions are commonly used in network calculus. In this section, we define these functions and use them to illustrate the computation of the (min,plus) operators – the convolution, the deconvolution and sub-additive closure – defined in Chapter 2. These examples will be used as illustrations of the notions that we will introduce in this chapter and the following ones.

DEFINITION 3.1 (Classes of usual functions).–

  1. 1) For all image, the pure delay d is defined by image
  2. 2) For all image, the guaranteed rate R is defined by image.
  3. 3) For all image, the rate-latency is defined by image.
  4. 4) For all image, the token-bucket is defined by image.
  5. 5) For all image and image, the staircase function is defined by imageimage, where image.
  6. 6) For all image, the test function is defined by image

Note that when image, the zero element of the dioid and that image, the unit element (see Definition 2.3). We also have the following relations: imageimage. The staircase function image is sometimes denoted as image when J is null. Note that unlike the other parameters, J can take negative or positive values. A positive value shifts the curve to the left, whereas a negative value shifts the curve to the right, as illustrated in Figure 3.1.


Figure 3.1. Usual functions. For a color version of this figure, see www.iste.co.uk/bouillard/calculus.zip

All of these functions are piecewise continuous and left-continuous. They are also null at 0 (except image with d < 0). In addition, image and image are continuous.

PROPOSITION 3.1 (Sub/super-additivity of usual functions).–

  1. 1) For all image is super-additive and image.
  2. 2) For all image is both sub- and super-additive and image.
  3. 3) For all image is super-additive and image.
  4. 4) For all image is sub-additive and image
  5. 5) For all imageand all image is sub-additive and imageimage.
  6. 6) For all image and all image is super-additive and imageimage.

Note that, except for the specific case of image, the function image is neither sub-additive nor super-additive.

PROOF.– From Definition 2.10, a sub-additive function satisfies for all imageimage and a super-additive function such that imageimage. We only need to show the sub/super-additivity as all those functions are null at 0. Lemma 2.6 and its equivalent with the super-additive closure in the (max,plus) setting allow us to conclude:

  1. 1) For all image.
  2. 2) Will be deduced from 3) and 4) using image.
  3. 3) For all image, if image, then image. If image, then image
  4. 4) For all image, if s = 0, then image. If s > 0, then image.
  5. 5) First, as image is sub-additive, so is image. Second, if f is a sub-additive and non-decreasing function, so is image for image. Indeed, image. Therefore, image is sub-additive for image.
  6. 6) image is super-additive: image. Moreover, if f is a sub-additive and non-decreasing function, so is image image. Thus, finally, image and image for image are super-additive.

PROPOSITION 3.2 (Convolution and deconvolution by pure delays).– Let image be a non-decreasing function, and image. Then,

In other words, convolution and deconvolution by pure delay functions are time-shifts.

PROOF.– For all image If image, then for all image

On the other hand, if imageimage, hence image.

Let us now compute the deconvolution of f by image. For all imageimage. Therefore, imageimage. On the other hand, image image. Finally, we have image.

PROPOSITION 3.3 (Sub-additive functions and pure delays).– Let image be a sub-additive function, and image . Then,

PROOF.– From Corollary 2.1, we have image. We now have to prove that image is sub-additive. As f is non-negative, image. Letimageimage.

3.1.1. Convolution and deconvolution of the usual classes of functions

PROPOSITION 3.4 (Catalog of convolutions).–

  1. 1) For all image
  2. 2) For all image.
  3. 3) For all image.
  4. 4) For all image.
  5. 5) For all image.

No expression involving a staircase function is given since no simple analytic expression exists. To handle such curves, we may prefer to use algorithms which will be presented in Chapter 4. The convolution of a staircase function by a guaranteed rate is illustrated in Figure 3.2.


Figure 3.2. Convolution and deconvolution of a staircase function. For a color version of this figure, see www.iste.co.uk/bouillard/calculus.zip

PROOF.– 1) and 2) are direct applications of Proposition 3.2.

3) For all image.

4) image.

5) From Proposition 3.1, image and image. Then, from Proposition 2.6, image, and it is enough to prove that image is sub-additive (trivially image. Without loss of generality, we can assume that image and image (the other cases are symmetric or such that image is either smaller or greater than image). There exists a unique t0 > 0 such that image. For all image and for all image, image. Let image. If image, then image. The same holds for image with image replaced by image. Suppose that image. Then image.

Before introducing the catalog of deconvolution, let us define the linear function image. Note that image, leading, from Proposition 2.1, to image.

PROPOSITION 3.5 (Catalog of deconvolutions).–

  1. 1) For all image.
  2. 2) For all image.
  3. 3) For all image.
  4. 4) For all image.
  5. 5) For all image.
  6. 6) For all image.

As in the catalog of the convolution, no expression involving a staircase function is given. An illustration is shown in Figure 3.2.

PROOF.– 1), 2) and 3) are direct applications of Proposition 3.2.

4) and 5) are a direct consequence of 6), by taking T = 0 and b = 0.

6) From the definition of the deconvolution, for all image image. As image is non-decreasing and image for all u < T, we can write image image.

The supremum is obtained for u = T when image, hence image image. On the other hand, if image image and image.

3.1.2. Horizontal and vertical deviations for the usual classes of functions

Let us first recall from Definition 1.5 the horizontal and vertical deviations:


We can now note that image.

In practice, pure delay functions play a very important role in network calculus. The following results are often used to have a fast implementation of horizontal deviation when the second argument is a pure delay function. We prove it formally although it is quite intuitive as shown in Figure 3.3.


Figure 3.3. Horizontal deviation and pure delay functions. For a color version of this figure, see www.iste.co.uk/bouillard/calculus.zip

PROPOSITION 3.6 (Horizontal deviation and pure delay functions).– For all image, and image,

PROOF.– For all image and all u > d, image, so image, and image.

We will show a slightly stronger result than the second statement: the result holds if for all t > 0, f (t) > 0. Indeed, in that case, for all image, so for all image. This is true for all image, so image, hence image.

PROPOSITION 3.7 (Catalog of deviations).–

  1. 1) For all image.
  2. 2) For all image.
  3. 3) For all image.
  4. 4) For all image.

PROOF.– 1) is the direct application of Proposition 3.6.

3) and 4) are direct applications of Proposition 3.5, using the relation hDev(f, g) = f image g(0).

image, so image = 0. For all t > 0,


So image, and image, and +∞ otherwise.


Figure 3.4. Horizontal and vertical deviations for token-bucket and rate-latency functions. For a color version of this figure, see www.iste.co.uk/bouillard/calculus.zip

3.2. Non-negative and non-decreasing functions

Note that the set of non-negative and non-decreasing functions is image. We have the following properties that are either proved in Chapter 2 or straightforward:

  • – if image, then image;
  • – if image and image, then image.

However, we saw in Chapter 1 that some network calculus operations use subtraction, which does not preserve the monotonicity. In order to avoid this problem, and because it is consistent with the network calculus theory, we introduce some closure operators to remain in the set of non-negative and/or non-decreasing functions.

DEFINITION 3.2 (Non-negative and non-decreasing closures).– Let image be a function. Its non-negative, non-decreasing and non-negative non-decreasing closures are, respectively, defined by

The semantics of image clearly appears once the definition of the (max,plus) convolution is expanded: image.

For example, the rate-latency function βR,T is the non-negative closure of linear function image. An example of non-decreasing closure is shown in Figure 3.5.


Figure 3.5. A function f and its non-decreasing closure image. For a color version of this figure, see www.iste.co.uk/bouillard/calculus.zip

It should be obvious that image is the least non-negative function that is greater than or equal to image. Let us prove a similar property for image ; then it can also be deduced that image is the least function greater than or equal to image that is both non-negative and non-decreasing.

LEMMA 3.1.– Let image be a function. Then, image is the least non-decreasing function greater than or equal to image, i.e.

PROOF.– If s < t, then image. Therefore, image is non-decreasing.

Moreover, for all image.

Finally, if there existed image and timage such that image, then, by definition of image(t), there would exist s < t such that g(t) < image. However, as image, g cannot be non-decreasing, hence the implication.


Figure 3.6. Pseudo-inverse of a function

3.2.1. Pseudo-inverse of a function

For a bijective function image (especially when image is strictly increasing), inverse functions can be defined: for each value image, there exists a unique timage such that image, and we can set image. However, in the network calculus context, we deal with functions that are only non-decreasing, so we have to deal with the notion of pseudo-inverse instead.

DEFINITION 3.3 (Pseudo-inverse).– Let image be a non-negative and non-decreasing function. Then, pseudo-inverse imageis defined by image,

The definition of pseudo-inverse is illustrated in Figure 3.6. An inverse cannot be defined as for all t ∈ [2,3], image = 2. With our definition, image, and image. Note that other definitions of pseudo-inverse exist, for example, by replacing the non-strict inequality by a strict inequality. When considering two pseudo-inverses, two different notations must be used, like image in [BOY 16] or image in [LIE 17].

Our choice has been driven by the preservation of the left-continuity of the function, as it will be proved in Proposition 3.8. First, Lemma 3.2 gives an alternative equivalent definition of the pseudo-inverse.

LEMMA 3.2.– Let image be a non-decreasing function. Then, for all image,

Before proving this lemma, let us introduce a notation that will be used in the next two proofs: image, where image. For example, image.

PROOF.– We have to prove that image. First note that image form a partition of image. Indeed, for all timage, either image (and timage), or image. Moreover, as image is non-decreasing, image is an interval of the form image (it can be either open or closed on the left): if timage, then for all image, and by consequence, image is an interval of the form image. Finally, image.

In the proof, we also showed that if image is non-decreasing, then image and image.

PROPOSITION 3.8 (Pseudo-inverse properties).– Let image be a non-negative and non-decreasing function, then:

  1. 1) image.
  2. 2) Pseudo-inversion relations: for all timage and all image,
  3. 3) image is left-continuous.

PROOF.– 1) First, let image be such that image. Then image, so image, and image is non-decreasing.

Second, image, so 0 ∈ image, and image, which is equivalent to image.

2) The first set of implications can be expanded to:


and the second set is the contraposition of the first set.

3) Fix image. We have image from Lemma 3.2 and let us denote image. We want to show that for any increasing sequence image converging to image converges to t. As image is non-decreasing, we have that, for all image, so (tn) is converging to some value image. Moreover, image.

Suppose that image. Then, there exists s such that image < s < t. For all image, image. The third implication comes from (3). As image converges to x, this means that image, and then image.

PROPOSITION 3.9 (Catalog of pseudo-inverses).–

  1. 1) For all image if image and image otherwise.
  2. 2) For all dimage.
  3. 3) For all image.
  4. 4) For all R, Timage R > 0.

The fact that the pseudo-inverse is idempotent (i.e. image in these examples is not a general property, but due to the left-continuity of the functions, and their belonging to image. For example, the function image defined by image and image have the same pseudo-inverse.

3.2.2. Convolution and continuity

In this section, we continue our investigations regarding the (left-)continuity of the function, with regard to the (min,plus) convolution. Indeed, the convolution is defined as an infimum, and one important problem that arises in network calculus is knowing whether that infimum is a minimum or not. Roughly speaking, for the convolution of image and g, this would imply the existence of s such that image, and simplify the reasoning.

PROPOSITION 3.10 (Convolution infimum can be a minimum).– Let image be two non-decreasing functions:

  1. 1) if image and g are left-continuous, thentimage, ∃s ∈ [0, t] such that image
  2. 2) if g is continuous, thentimage, ∃s ∈ [0, t] such that image.

The proof of the first statement is taken from [BOU 11a, Lemma 1] and the second from [LEB 01, Th 3.1.8].

PROOF.– Note that if the functions are non-decreasing, image exists for all ximage (possibly +∞).

  1. 1) Fix timage and define image. Let (un) be a sequence such that F(un) is decreasing and converges to image. As for all n un ∈ [0, t], a compact set, there exists a subsequence of (un) that converges. Let us denote this limit by u. Moreover, it is possible to extract from this subsequence another subsequence that is either increasing or decreasing. Let us assume that (un) is this subsequence and, without loss of generality, that it is also increasing (by exchanging the role of image and g and replacing (un) by (t - un) if needed).

    As image is left-continuous, image and, as g is left-continuous and non-decreasing, limn→∞ g(t - un) image g(t - u). Then, limn→∞ F(un) image F(u). As a result, F reaches its minimum on [0, t].

  2. 2) The previous proof is modified as follows: consider a sequence (un) converging to u defined previously. Without loss of generality, (un) is either increasing or decreasing. If (un) is increasing, then image and if (un) is decreasing, then image. As g is continuous, then limn→∞ g(t - un) = g(t - u). Therefore, in any case, limn→∞ F(un) image F(u-), and there exist sequences where F(u-) is reached ((un) = (u - 1/n), for example), hence the result.

PROPOSITION 3.11 (Continuity of the convolution).–Let image be two non-decreasing functions. If image and g are left-continuous, then, so is image * g.

PROOF.– For all simage, define image. The left-continuity of Fs directly follows from that of g, and for all image. The latter equality is because image is non-decreasing. Note that from Lemma 3.10, this is a minimum, and we denote one value by ut such that image (if ut is not unique, it can be chosen arbitrarily).

Fix timage and (tn) a non-decreasing sequence converging to t. To prove the left-continuity of image at t, we need to show that image converges to image, with image.

As in the previous proof, we can extract from (un) a converging and increasing sequence (by exchanging the roles of image and g if needed), and then assume without loss of generality that (un) is increasing, and denote its limit by u. We have image where g+ is either g(t - u) or g(t - u+), depending on how tn - un is converging.

On the other hand, from Lemma 2.3, image is non-decreasing, so image, and finally image.

3.3. Concave and convex functions

Most of the functions we defined in section 3.1 are concave or convex. For example, rate-latency and pure delay functions are convex and token-bucket functions are concave. These functions can also be combined so that we have to consider concave and convex functions (e.g. the minimum of token-buckets functions is a piecewise affine and concave function, and the maximum of rate-latency functions is a piecewise affine and convex function). In the remaining part of this chapter, we will focus on these two classes of functions.

3.3.1. Concave functions

We deal in this section with the concave functions, and we mainly state that concave functions are almost a sub-class of sub-additive functions defined in Chapter 2. Let us first recall the definition of a concave function:

DEFINITION 3.4 (Concave function).– A function image is concave if and only if


Graphically, the arc drawn between two points of a concave function is below the function, as depicted in Figure 3.7. The interested reader may refer to [ROC 97] for a more complete reference to concave functions. Concave functions of image are also continuous on image{0}.


Figure 3.7. Concave function, with image and image

The next proposition states some useful properties of concave functions regarding the (min,plus) operators.

PROPOSITION 3.12 (Properties of concave functions).– Let image, g be two concave functions. Then:

  1. 1) image + g is concave;
  2. 2) imageg is concave;
  3. 3) if image is sub-additive;
  4. 4) image. In particular, if image;
  5. 5) if image, then image.

We can deduce from these properties that the set of concave functions is a sub-dioid of image (the zero and unit elements are concave).

These properties have a huge practical impact on computational aspects of network calculus. First, the computation of the convolution can be reduced to the computation of the minimum, which is usually a simpler operation to perform.

Note that sub-additive functions that are not concave do exist. For example, we can check that the function image is sub-additive as image, but is not continuous on (0, +∞), hence it is not concave.

Based on these properties, the class of concave piecewise linear functions will be presented in section 4.2.

  1. PROOF.– 1) image,

    so image + g is concave.

  2. 2) image,

    Similarly, image. Therefore,


    and imageg is concave.

  3. 3) If image, then for all timage and all image. Now, for all s > 0, set image and image , we can write

    which proves that image is sub-additive.

  4. 4) First assume that image (0) = g(0) = 0. We know that ∀timage and image, image and qg(t) image g(qt). Then, image, and we can write, using p = s/t and q = (ts)/t,

    with equality when image or image. Therefore, imageimage.

    In the general case, we have


    and the result with image and image can be applied.

  5. 5) By Corollary 2.1, image. But, f is concave and image, so imageimage is also concave, hence sub-additive, and image. Thus, by Lemma 2.6, image.

3.3.2. Convex functions

The class of convex functions has different properties regarding the (min,plus) dioid. Indeed, convex functions are not stable by the minimum, hence they do not form a sub-dioid. However, an equivalent of the Fourier transform (the Legendre–Fenchel transform) can be defined, and the convolution corresponds to the addition in the space of the transforms, which will translate into efficient algorithms in Chapter 4. This also enables us to prove the stability of the convex functions by the convolution.

Let us first recall the definition of a convex function.

DEFINITION 3.5 (Convex function).– A function image is convex if and only if


In other words, f is convex if and only if image is concave and the next proposition is a direct consequence of Proposition 3.12. Moreover, we note that the functions that are both convex and concave are exactly the linear functions (satisfying imageimage.

The two first points of the next proposition are deduced using the duality of (min,plus) and (max,plus) dioids and Proposition 3.12.

PROPOSITION 3.13 (Properties of convex functions).– Let f and g be two convex functions of image. Then:

  1. 1) image is convex;
  2. 2) image is convex;
  3. 3) image is convex.

PROOF.– For all image and all image, with image,


We are now ready to define the Legendre–Fenchel transform [ROC 97]. As already mentioned, it can be roughly seen as the equivalent of the Fourier transform in the classical algebra. However, as image is not a field, the space where this transform in an involution is not the whole space image. We will see that there is a close relation with convex functions. This transform has already been used in the network calculus literature to efficiently compute performance bounds [FID 06a] or in the context of a formal series of the idempotent semi-ring image [BUR 03, COH 89].

DEFINITION 3.6 (Legendre–Fenchel transform).– The Legendre–Fenchel transform of the space image is the mapping image defined by

We are now ready to define the Legendre–Fenchel transform [ROC 97]. As already mentioned, it can be roughly seen as the equivalent of the Fourier transform in the classical algebra. However, as image is not a field, the space where this transform in an involution is not the whole space image. We will see that there is a close relation with convex functions. This transform has already been used in the network calculus literature to efficiently compute performance bounds [FID 06a] or in the context of a formal series of the idempotent semi-ring image [BUR 03, COH 89].

DEFINITION 3.6 (Legendre–Fenchel transform).– The Legendre–Fenchel transform of the space image is the mapping image defined by


The next proposition gives some examples of computations of Legendre–Fenchel transforms.

PROPOSITION 3.14 (Examples of Legendre–Fenchel transforms).–

  1. 1) For all image.
  2. 2) For all image.
  3. 3) For all image.

PROOF.– 1) For all image. If image, the supremum is reached for image and image; if image is not bounded and image.

2) For all image, since image.

3) For all image. Similar to the first case, the supremum is unbounded when image, and the supremum is obtained for image when image, so that image.

Note that it is also possible to deduce (3) from (1) and (2) using the third property of the next result: the convolution corresponds to the addition in the transform space.

PROPOSITION 3.15.– image

  1. 1) image is convex and non-decreasing;
  2. 2) image;
  3. 3) image;
  4. 4) if f is convex and non-decreasing, then image.

PROOF.– 1) Let image with image. Then, imageimage, so image is non-decreasing.

Let image and image. Then,


Thus, image is convex.

2) image


3) image


4) Let f be a convex and non-decreasing function of image. First, image. Indeed, for image,


Fix image and we obtain that image.

Next, we need to show the equality. For this, let us introduce the concept of a supporting line. We say that f has a supporting line at image of slope image if image, i.e. the affine function of slope α that meets f at x is below f. It should be obvious to an alert reader (if not, the reader can refer to [RoC 97] for the basic properties of convex functions) that a non-decreasing convex function has supporting lines at each point image either f is differentiable at x and the slope is unique and equal to image, or f is not differentiable and the possible slopes form an interval. This interval is image where image and image are respectively the left and right derivatives of f at x. Moreover, f can be characterized as the infimum of all its supporting lines. Now, if f has a supporting line at x of slope image, then image has a supporting line at image of slope x. Indeed, on the one hand, imageimage, as the minimum is reached for image. On the other hand, for any image (taking image). Thus, image.

Now, if image has a supporting line at image of slope x, then image has a supporting line at x of slope image, and then image and f has exactly the same set of supporting lines, so they are equal.

We can see from points 2) and 3) of this proposition that image is a (non-injective) homomorphism. Therefore, the following equivalence relation is a congruence, i.e. an equivalence relation compatible with operations image and image of image

Therefore, all functions that have the same Legendre–Fenchel transform belong to the same equivalence class modulo image

Another consequence of the last point of this proposition is that image is an involution over the sets of convex non-decreasing functions, and the convolution of two functions can be computed with the formula image.

Note that, here, we only deal with non-decreasing functions. In fact, the result can hold in the more general framework of convex functions when the functions are defined on image and not image (hence the result about the stability of convex functions regarding the convolution could be stated without the non-decreasing property).

3.4. Summary

Usual classes of functions


For a color version of this figure, see www.iste.co.uk/bouillard/calculus.zip

The main properties (Propositions 3.4 and 3.5) can be summarized by:


Non-negative and non-decreasing functions: image is stable by image

Closure operators:


Pseudo-inverse: Lemma 3.2 and Propositions 3.9:


Concave function: concave functions are stable by image.

f, g concave and image and image.

Convex functions: convex functions are stable by image.

Legendre–Fenchel transform (Definition 3.6): image


f convex and non-decreasing image and image.

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