Mathematical Background

A.1. Non-decreasing functions

DEFINITION A.1 (Non-decreasing function).– A function image is non-decreasing if


A.2. Infimum and supremum

DEFINITION A.2 (Infimum, Supremum).– Let image. Then,


In particular, we have the following properties:

PROPOSITION A.1.– Let image. Then:

  1. 1) image
  2. 2) image
  3. 3) image

PROPOSITION A.2 (Inf/Sup decomposition).– Let image be two sets.


A.3. Continuity

DEFINITION A.3 (Left- and right-limits).– Let image and image. If they exist, then we denote image the right-limit and image the left-limit of f at x:


DEFINITION A.4 (Continuity).– The function f is said to be left-continuous at x if f (x–) exists and f (x–) = f (x), which is equivalent to requiring that for any image there exists image such that for any image.

Symmetrically, the function f is said to be right-continuous at x if f(+–) exists and f(x+) = f (x).

The function f is continuous at x if it is both left- and right-continuous.

The function f is left-continuous (respectively right-continuous or continuous) if the property holds for any image.

We call a discontinuity of f any value image such that image or image.

DEFINITION A.5 (Piecewise continuity).– A function f is said to be piecewise continuous if it has a finite number of discontinuities at any finite interval.

Note that some authors such as those in [BRO 07, section] require that a piecewise continuous function has a finite number of discontinuities at any interval. With our definition, the ceiling function eq is a piecewise continuous function, whereas it has an infinite number of discontinuities (for each integer value, see Figure A.1(a). However, it has at most image discontinuities in any interval of length . On the contrary, Figure A.1(b) shows a function that is not piecewise continuous: function g(x) is defined by g(x) = xi for image, with image, and g(x) = 1 for x > 1 has an infinite number of segments in the interval [0, 1], and so it is not piecewise continuous.

DEFINITION A.6 (Right- and left-continuous closure).– Let image be a piecewise continuous function. Then, its right-continuous extension fr (respectively left-continuous extension fl) is defined as


Since f is piecewise continuous, it allows left and right limits at any point x.


Figure A.1. Piecewise continuity.

PROPOSITION A.3 (Stability of continuity by sum, min, max).– Let image be two functions. For any image, if f (x–) and g(x–) exist, imageimageimage and the same for the right-limit.

If f and g are left-continuous (respectively right-continuous, respectively continuous) at x, then so are f + g, f – g, image.

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