
    • a
    • Affine map  266
    • Affine transform  50, 113, 266
      • rotation  113
      • scaling  113
      • translation  113
    • Aliasing  3, 73
    • Analog‐to‐digital converter  17
    • Approximation  7
      • error  9
      • least squares  9
    • Artifacts  72
    • Attractor  267
    • Autoregression  213
    • b
    • Back propagation  154
    • Banach Fixed Point Theorem  264
    • Bandlimit  1, 123
    • Basis  4, 135
      • matrix  4
    • Bayer color filter array  19
    • biased mean covariance window  243
    • Bicubic  103
    • Bilinear  98
      • kernel  99
    • Bit
      • resolution  21
    • Block averaging  56
    • Blocking  75
    • Blurring  74
    • Boundary extension  30, 228
      • constant  31
      • cropping  33
      • infinite  32
      • periodic  31
      • symmetric  32
      • zero padding  31
    • Brightness  61
    • c
    • Chromaticness  61
    • Chrominance  59
    • Collage error  268
    • Collage Theorem  268, 274
    • Color
      • Bayer  19, 60
      • chroma  61
      • demosaic  19, 60
      • depth  62
      • filter array  19, 60
      • hue  61
      • PSNR  79
      • resolution  62
      • saturation  61
      • true  59
    • Color Space  60
      • HSV  60
      • Perceptual  60
      • RGB  58
      • YCbCr  60
    • Compact support  187
    • Constant extension  31
    • Contraction
      • affine transform  266
      • mapping  264
      • Transform Theorem  264
    • Convolution  10, 28
    • covariance difference  250, 252
    • covariance mismatch  239
    • Cropping33
    • Cycle‐spinning
      • wavelet  179
    • Cyclic‐spinning  149
    • d
    • DFT  1, 4
    • Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT)  132
    • Discrete Fourier Transform  1, 4
    • Discrete Time Fourier Transform  3
    • Domain block  267, 270
    • Dots per inch  20
    • DTFT  3, 124
    • Dyadic  161
    • Dynamic range  22
      • normalization  141
    • e
    • Edge  34, 72
      • center  35
      • detector  36
        • Laplacian  41
        • Prewitt  37
        • Robert  37
        • Sobel  37
        • threshold  37, 39
        • zero‐crossing  40, 41
      • directed interpolation
        • explicit  193
        • implicit  196
      • direction  34, 36
      • first order derivative  36
      • jaggy  91
      • magnitude  34, 37
      • map  35, 193
      • normal  35
      • orientation  35
      • pixel  34
      • position  35
      • second order derivative  40
      • zero‐crossing  36
    • Edge halo  74
    • Edge‐directed?interpolation  192
    • EIDCT
    • Enhanced Modified Edge Directed Interpolation  242
    • Error image  77
    • Extendible IDCT (EIDCT)  149
    • f
    • Filter
      • 2D  28
      • analysis  162
      • average  56
      • bank  162
      • bicubic  110
      • bilinear  110
      • decimation  54
      • delta  55
      • Gaussian  42
      • gradient  37
      • kernel  93
      • median  65
      • nearest neighbor  110
      • order  111
      • rank order  65
      • reconstruction  10
      • Sinc  55
      • sinc  110
      • spline
        • cubic  112
        • linear  112
        • second order  112
      • subband  162
      • synthesis  163
    • First order hold  10, 11, 98
      • filter  10
    • Fitting  7, 185, 285
    • Fixed Point
      • Theorem  264
    • Fixed point  264
    • Fractal  263
      • attractor  267
      • codebook  271
      • collage
      • decoding  277
      • domain block grayscale scaling  274
      • encoding  268, 269, 276
      • enhancement layer  286
      • exact interpolation  285
      • interleave layer  286
      • interpolation  283
      • overlap  287
      • zoom  283
    • Frequency  123
    • Function approximation  7
    • g
    • Gaussian
      • noise  63
      • smoothing  42
        • filter  65
      • window  84
    • Geometric
      • object  45
      • ordered matrix  45
      • resolution  20
      • shape  45
      • transformation  45
        • homogeneous  46
        • reflection  47
        • rotation  49
        • scaling  47
        • shearing  49
        • translation  46
    • geometric duality  215
    • Gibbs phenomenon  131
    • Gradient  36
      • direction  36
      • filter  37
      • magnitude  37
    • Grayscale  18, 59
    • Grayscale scaling  274
    • i
    • IDFT  5
    • IFS  264
      • partitioned  266
    • Image
      • aliasing  73
      • block average  56
      • blocking  75
      • blurring  74
      • color  58
      • decimation  51, 54
      • digital  17
      • edge  72
      • edge halo  74
      • enlargement  52
      • error  77
      • features  72
      • homogeneous  72
      • interpolation  51
      • jaggy  73
      • pixel  17
      • resize  51
      • ringing  75
      • rotation  114
        • bicubic  118
        • bilinear  115
        • nearest neighbor  115
      • smoothing  74
      • texture  72
      • washed out  74
    • Improved Modified Edge Directed Interpolation  253
    • Infinite extension  32
    • Intensity  17
      • function  17
    • Interpolation  7, 12
      • bicubic  103
      • bilinear  98
      • digital  12
      • explicit edge directed  193
      • first order hold  98
      • fractal  283
      • image  92
      • implicit edge directed  196
      • kernel  93, 94
      • multi‐resolution  170
        • bilinear  170
      • nearest neighbor  94, 96
      • nonadaptive  91
      • nonparametric  91
      • wavelet
        • alternate zero  173
        • regularity preserving  177
      • zero order hold  94
      • zero padding
    • Interpolation:wavelet
      • high frequency subband estimation  181
    • Invariance
      • grayscale scale  94
      • rotation  94
      • shift  94
      • translation  94
    • Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform
    • Iterative
      • error correction  152
    • Iterative Covariance Correction  249
    • Iterative function system  264
    • Iterative Modified Edge Directed Interpolation  255
      • covariance correction  249
    • j
    • Jaggy  73
    • k
    • Kernel  4
      • EIDCT  150
      • matrix  4
      • multi  149
      • size  142
    • l
    • Laplacian  41
    • Laplacian of Gaussian  42–44
    • Lightness  61
    • local covariance window  221
    • Luminance  59, 61
    • m
    • Matrix
      • Vandermonde  5
    • Mean absolute error  77
    • mean covariance window  215, 241
    • Mean opinion score  73
      • MOS  73
    • Mean squares error  76–78
      • MSE  76
    • Median filter  65
    • Modified Edge Directed Interpolation  235
    • Multi‐resolution  170
      • subband estimation  170
    • Multi‐resolution analysis  164
    • n
    • Nearest neighbor  10, 94, 96
      • kernel  95
    • NEDI
      • window definition  220
    • New Edge Directed Interpolation  215
    • Newton method  264
    • Noise  62
    • Nyquist
      • frequency  2, 3
      • rate  2
    • o
    • Optimal grayscale transform  274
    • Orthogonal  133–135, 187
      • discrete transform  138
    • Orthonormal  133, 164
    • Overlap  144
    • p
    • Partitioned iterative function  266
    • Peak signal‐to‐noise ratio  76, 78–81
      • edge  79
      • PSNR  76
    • Perfect reconstruction  163
    • Periodic extension  31
    • Piecewise  111
    • Pixel  17
      • current  23
      • Neighbor  23
      • per inch  20
    • Power
      • spectrum  5
    • Power complementary  164
    • q
    • Quality
      • FRIQ  71, 75
      • full reference  71
      • no reference  71
      • NRIQ  71
      • objective  71, 75
      • reduced reference  71
      • RRIQ  71
      • subjective  71
      • universal  85
    • Quantization  5
      • decision intervals  6
      • reconstruction level  6
    • r
    • Radiometric
      • resolution  20
    • Ramp  131, 136
    • Range block  268
    • Rank order filter  65
    • Reconstruction
      • FOH  10
      • ZOH  10
    • Regularity  99, 186
    • Resampling  92
    • Resolution
      • bit  21
      • enhancement  52
      • geometric  20
      • radiometic  20
      • spatial  20
      • spectral  20
      • time  20
    • Ringing  75
    • Row‐column  25
    • s
    • Sampling  1
    • Sampling Theorem  2
    • Separable  133
    • separable transform  28
    • Smooth
      • Gaussian  42
    • Smoothing  42, 65, 74
      • filter  65
    • smoothing  39, 42
    • Smoothness187
    • Sobel  37
    • Spatial  20, 123
    • Spectral
      • resolution  20
    • Spline
      • cubic  112
      • linear  112
      • second order  112
    • SSIM  72, 81–87
      • contrast  84
      • luminance  83
      • sensitivity  85
      • structural  84
    • Structural integrity  116
    • Structural similarity  76, 81
    • Structural similarity index  81
    • Structure similarity  72
    • Sub‐sampling  55
    • Subband
    • Subband estimation  170
    • Symmetric extension  32
    • t
    • Taylor series  171
    • Texture  72
    • Time
      • resolution  20
    • Transform  4, 123
      • affine  50, 113
      • blocked  138
      • Discrete Fourier  4
      • geometric  45
        • homogeneous  46
        • reflection  47
        • rotation  49
        • scaling  47
        • translation  46
      • Inverse Discrete Fourier  5
      • kernel  28
      • lapped  149
      • orthogonal  138
      • overlap  144
      • unitary  4
    • True color  59
    • u
    • Unitary  4
      • transform  4
    • Universal quality index  85
    • UQI  85
    • v
    • Vandermonde  5
    • Vanishing moment  164, 186
    • w
    • Washed out  74
    • watercolor  233
    • Wavelet  161
      • alternate zero  173
      • bilinear  170
      • cycle‐spinning  179
      • DWT  161
      • dyadic  161
      • error correction  184
      • kernel size  187
      • local regularity  177
      • perfect reconstruction  163
      • power complementary  164
      • regularity
        • preserving  177
    • Wavelet:subband estimation  181
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