5. Tablet Applications

When Steve Jobs introduced the iPad on January 27, 2010, the world expected another game-changing product from Apple. But few of us in publishing and design realized how profoundly it would change our world. Today, an increasing number of books and magazines are read with a swipe and a touch onscreen. Buttons and video are becoming as commonplace as editorials and classifieds. And the experience of reading is becoming much more immersive and engaging in the process.

InDesign is at the center of the publishing world for print, so it’s not surprising that it has now become a key part of publishing to the iPad and other tablets. With InDesign and Adobe’s complementary set of tools, known as the Digital Publishing Suite, a whole new world of design and interactivity has opened up to designers and publishers everywhere.

Understanding Digital Publishing Suite Apps

Several third-party products allow you to convert your InDesign layouts to tablet apps for the iPad, Kindle Fire, or Android tablets. Most of them provide a set of free plugins for creating interactive overlay elements, along with some means of converting your documents into an app. Our focus in this chapter will be on Adobe’s solution: the Digital Publishing Suite, also known as DPS.

Adobe’s Digital Publishing Suite consists of several components that allow you to bring your InDesign layouts to life as applications on tablets that include the iPad, the Kindle Fire, Android tablets such as the Samsung Galaxy, and even the iPhone (though our focus throughout this chapter will be on tablet apps). The DPS tools allow you to add interactive features to your publication and to publish your file in a folio format that allows it to be shared and published to tablet devices.

DPS tools

DPS tools include several components. Each plays a different part in the process of creating a tablet app from your InDesign layout.

Folio Overlays panel: An InDesign panel that allows you to add interactive features for tablets to your layout.

Folio Builder panel: An InDesign panel that allows you to assemble your files into folios, which are files that can be previewed and shared.

Adobe Content Viewer (desktop version): A computer application that allows you to preview your content and interactivity as it will appear on a tablet.

Adobe Content Viewer (device version): A free application that is installed on your iPad (or other tablet) and allows you to preview your content and interactivity.

Folio Producer: A browser-based application for organizing your folio files, adding metadata, and publishing folios.

Viewer Builder: An Adobe AIR application that allows you to build a custom viewer app for your content that you can submit to Apple’s App Store, Amazon’s Appstore for Android, or Google Play.

The Folio Builder panel is part of the standard installation of InDesign CS6. When you first open the panel, you will be prompted to update the panel by clicking a link. This takes you to Adobe’s website, where you can download the latest version of the DPS tools. Installing this package will add the Folio Overlays panel to InDesign and install the Desktop Viewer on your computer’s hard drive. As the DPS tools are updated, the Folio Builder panel will prompt you to download the latest version.

To finally publish your app and make it available for sale requires that you sign up for one of three DPS subscription programs. At the highest and most expensive level are the Enterprise and Professional Editions, which are geared to mid-sized or large publishers. These allow publication of an unlimited number of single-issue folios or subscription-based, multi-issue folios (such as monthly magazines) on the iOS and Android platforms. Both also provide analytics, or data, about the folio downloads, with the Enterprise Edition offering additional services, such as the ability to create in-app custom navigation.

The Single Edition, which allows you to publish single-issue folios only, offers a more affordable entry point for small and individual publishers. In fact, the Single Edition will be made available to all Adobe Creative Cloud members for free. Non-subscribers to Creative Cloud have to pay a one-time license fee, which at the time of this writing is $395. The Single Edition is currently available for iPad only.

No matter which version you use, the tools and the creation process are the same. And anyone with an Adobe ID can use these tools to create and share folios with others.

One important thing to note is that the components of DPS are regularly updated, so you’ll want to check out the resources mentioned at the end of this chapter.

DPS workflow overview

The basic DPS workflow involves multiple steps. The diagram below illustrates the overall process.


The basic DPS workflow includes adding interactivity to your layouts, using the Folio Builder panel to assemble them into a folio to preview and share, publishing the folio, and creating an app for sale in the appropriate marketplace.

The first step is to design your publication for viewing on a tablet and to add interactivity where appropriate. Design issues are discussed in the next section, “Design and Workflow Considerations” on page 125. Interactivity is added using InDesign’s built-in features (covered in Chapter 2) and the Folio Overlays panel, discussed in the section “Interactivity and Digital Overlays,” on page 130.

Next, your individual InDesign documents, called articles, are assembled into a folio, which you can think of as the file format for a tablet app. This assembly is done using the Folio Builder panel in InDesign, which is discussed in the section “The Folio Builder Panel” on page 157. You can also import HTML articles into your folio, but we’re going to focus on working with InDesign files.

Once you’ve created your folio, you can preview it in a number of ways. You can view it on your computer by clicking the Preview button in the Folio Builder panel, which opens the Desktop Viewer. Or, install the Adobe Content Viewer on your iPad or other tablet, then sign in with your Adobe ID. The folio will then be available on your tablet. Both of these options are discussed further in “Previewing folios and articles” on page 167.

If you need to share your folio with others on your team or with a client, you can do so by clicking the name of the folio in the Folio Builder flyout menu and choosing Share from the menu. You can then enter multiple email addresses inviting others to view the folio. In order to view the folio, invitees must have an Adobe ID to sign in, and they can view the folio either on their tablet (using the Adobe Viewer) or in their Folio Builder panel in InDesign. See “Sharing folios” on page 170 for more information.

Once your folio is complete, use the Folio Producer to publish it to Adobe’s distribution system, the first step to getting your app in the Apple App Store, Amazon’s Appstore for Android, or Google Play.

DPS app navigation and user interface

Whether you create a folio to share with a few colleagues or publish your app for sale to the general public, all DPS apps allow you to navigate pages in the same way, and all share a common user interface, or chrome — controls that appear when the user taps the screen. The only exceptions are Enterprise Edition apps created with a custom interface. But the vast majority of DPS apps share the same “look and feel.”

When you download the free Adobe Content Viewer for your tablet, you’ll find an illustrated help file that explains this basic navigation and interface. It’s also common when publishing an app to include a similar help file so that users unfamiliar with the interface can fully experience and engage with your app.

Most DPS apps are set so that you read an article by swiping vertically. The article may be set as individual pages or as one long, scrolling article. Swiping horizontally moves to the next article. However, a folio can also be set so that the user swipes horizontally only, much the way a print publication is read. With this navigation, the user basically swipes through every page of the publication.

When the user taps the screen, standard DPS navigation controls appear. These controls include the following icons:

Home: tap to return to the app library.

Table of Contents: tap to display the table of contents.

Previous View: tap to go back to the previously viewed page.

Browse Mode: tap to display thumbnail images of the articles.

Scrubber: drag to scroll through the article thumbnails.


DPS apps have a standard interface for navigation, also known as the chrome. The user taps the screen once to display the chrome and can then navigate the app’s pages.

Design and Workflow Considerations

Although tablet apps are electronic, they still use the concept of “pages.” But the design issues involved can be quite different from those encountered when designing for print. Interactive elements require a different way of thinking about how information is presented, and even about how the user is informed that elements of the page are interactive.

Another important difference is that many print publications, especially books and magazines, are really designed as facing-page spreads. Because the reader experiences both pages at once, they are effectively viewed as though they were a single page. When content moves to a tablet, there is no notion of spreads, and the overall design and design elements need to hold up in what are essentially single-page layouts.

Page orientation: H, V, or both?

One of the first decisions you need to make when converting a print publication to a tablet app is the orientation of the pages in the app. Because the iPad and most other tablets have a built in accelerometer, the screen rotates depending on how you hold the device. You can design your publication with pages that can be viewed in only a vertical orientation, only a horizontal orientation, or both vertical and horizontal orientations.


Some publications use only a single orientation. Martha Stewart Living (left) is vertical only, and National Geographic (second from left) is horizontal only. Others, like Wired (right and second from right), use both vertical and horizontal orientations.

There is no right or wrong decision regarding page orientation. One thing to keep in mind, though, is that creating a publication with both orientations is going to be more work than creating a single-orientation app. New features in CS6, such as Liquid Layout rules and alternate layouts (discussed in Chapter 4), help with the process, but building an app with both orientations still requires extra effort.

Scrolling vs. individual pages

Although tablet apps don’t display pages in spreads like print publications do, the content still needs to hold up on its own page. One nice thing about pages on tablet apps is that they can be set as individual pages (similar to a print publication) or as scrolling pages (so that content is one continuous page that scrolls vertically).

The most common types of articles or pages that are set as scrolling pages are tables of contents, letters from the editor, credits, and colophons — “list type” articles. Other types of stories that are well suited to scrolling pages are articles that consist of short snippets of information, such as new product releases, new hot spots to visit, or anything that is essentially a list of items. On the other hand, long blocks of text such as feature stories can be harder to read in a scrolling view. It’s usually best to set those types of articles in a page-by-page view.

Scrolling pages are easy to set up in InDesign. Simply make the InDesign page long enough to fit the article. For example, you might set a horizontal page to 1024 × 2000 pixels and a vertical page to 768 × 2000 pixels. (The maximum page size in InDesign is 15,562 pixels.) You can also set the article to Smooth Scrolling in the Article Properties dialog box, discussed later in this chapter.

Whether content is set up in individual pages or as one scrolling page, it’s a good idea to give the reader some visual cue that more content is available. This cue could be a graphic image that you can see only part of, or it could be an arrow or other icon that points toward the rest of the article.

Fonts and images

Fonts look beautiful on tablets, especially on the Retina display iPad (2012), but that doesn’t mean you don’t have to make adjustments for tablet apps. When it comes to fonts, the main difference between layouts in print and on tablets is that very often body text that looks fine in print is too small on the tablet version. Most publications increase the body text size by at least 1 point or more, along with increasing any smaller text in the layout.

When you’re working with images for tablet apps, there are a couple of things to keep in mind. Like fonts, images look fantastic on most tablets. But keep in mind that tablets use an RGB color space, so it’s a good idea to keep your images in RGB whenever possible. You can download an ICC profile for the iPad at http://indesignsecrets.com/downloads/forcedl/iPad.icc. Load this profile into all your Creative Suite applications, and you’ll get more accurate color matching results.

You’ll also want to keep your options open when cropping an image. Avoid destructive cropping. For example, you may crop an image one way for the cover of your vertically oriented print publication, but if you are creating a horizontal orientation for your tablet app, you’ll need to crop the image differently, with more of the image showing on the sides.

Use high-resolution images for all non-interactive content. InDesign will automatically sample the images correctly for the device you’re designing for. Some interactive content is sampled and some is not, as we’ll discuss in later sections.

Interactivity visual cues

Part of what makes publications on tablets so compelling are the interactive features that can be included. There’s nothing like buttons, slideshows, or movies to spice things up! Because interactivity is such an important part of the tablet app experience, it’s important that your readers know it’s there.

The most common way to guide users to interactive elements is to develop a series of icons that indicate different types of activity. These can be included on a help page at the beginning of your publication to let users know how to navigate and use the DPS controls that appear when the screen is tapped.


Indicate interactive elements in your app by developing a system of icons. These are the icons used in National Geographic (top) and Martha Stewart Living (bottom).

Workflow considerations

There are many issues regarding workflow when creating a tablet app publication, especially when it’s in conjunction with a print version. We can’t cover them all in detail here, but we’d like to mention a couple of very important things to consider.

First and foremost is the issue of resources. Whether you work on your own or are part of a workgroup, it takes time and energy to create a tablet app of your publication. Even with the tools that were added to CS6 to make the process of creating documents in multiple sizes and orientations easier, don’t underestimate the additional work that’s going to be involved. As we’ve been highlighting in this section, the design considerations for tablet apps are quite different from those for print.

Another part of the typical workflow that is affected is proofing. How do you proof interactive content? How do you mark it up for changes? Certain elements can be output from InDesign in PDF format, but many cannot, or not very easily. Imagine you have a slideshow created with object states, each of which includes an image and text. You could make a PDF, but you’d have to make one for each state, one by one, and this can be very time consuming.


The most important step you can take in planning your workflow for creating a tablet app is this: Plan ahead!

If you know you will be creating both a print and a tablet app version of your publication, plan for both at the very beginning. Allocate resources, whether it’s your own time or that of others, and right from the start, think about the assets as they relate to both your print version and your digital version.

Setting Up Your Document

Part of the creation process for a tablet app is to set up your file properly. If you’re creating a document, InDesign CS6 has a new intent in the New Document dialog box: Digital Publishing.


The Digital Publishing intent changes several default settings in the New Document dialog box, and it sets the Swatches panel to RGB when the document is created.

The Digital Publishing intent sets a primary text frame, which allows your text to reflow when you create alternate layouts. It also sets the Pages panel to display alternate layouts. Dimensions are set to pixels, pre-set page sizes for a number of popular mobile devices are listed, and the Swatches panel is set to RGB colors. Any of these settings can be changed, of course, and they can be captured for future use with the Save Preset option.

Keep in mind that many devices have an area that is used for navigation. For example, the iPad has a 6-pixel wide area on the right side of the screen that displays a scroll bar and crops the layout. You can download templates for the iPad that have guides to indicate parts of the screen that will be covered by the scroll bar or other parts of the interface at http://gilbertconsulting.com/resources-misc.html.


Pre-set page sizes in the New Document dialog box include several popular mobile devices.

Interactivity and Digital Overlays

Many of the interactive features for tablet apps are added to your InDesign documents using the Folio Overlays panel. These elements are called overlays because when you create a folio, all the non-interactive elements in your layout are flattened to a JPEG, PNG, or PDF file, depending on the settings you use; the interactive elements sit on top of that, as an overlay.


Interactive elements are in an overlay that sits on top of the non-interactive elements in your layout.

One of the nice things about overlays is that they are maintained in both a horizontal and a vertical orientation, with no special action required on your part. As long as the same name is used for objects in each layout, the overlay will be consistent. For example, that means that if you are viewing the second slide in a slideshow in one orientation, the same slide is displayed when the user rotates the tablet.

Some of the interactivity that you can add to DPS apps is created using InDesign’s native interactive features (discussed in Chapter 2), which can be used in PDFs as well as DPS apps. But most of these elements require some additional settings in the Folio Overlays panel, because of characteristics that are unique to tablets. For example, when you have a hyperlink to a website, you need to indicate whether the page will open directly within the tablet app or in the tablet’s browser app.

Other interactive elements are unique to tablet apps, and these elements are added using the Folio Overlays panel. We’ll discuss each of these in detail later in this section.

Native interactive features supported

Most, but not all, of InDesign’s native interactive features are supported by DPS. The following table shows which native InDesign interactive features are supported and which are not.


The Folio Overlays panel extends the native features it supports by allowing you to add elements that are unique to tablet apps. But the panel also adds overlays that provide additional interactive features to DPS apps, including the following:

• Image sequencing

• Panoramas

• Web views

• Pan and zoom on images

• Scrollable frames

These features are created entirely using the Folio Overlays panel and, usually, a set of external files.

Folio Overlays panel basics

The Folio Overlays panel is essential to adding much of the interactivity to DPS apps. After you install the DPS tools from the Folio Builder panel, you can find the Folio Overlays panel under the Window menu.


The Folio Overlays panel lets you access all of the interactive features you can modify or create for DPS apps.

Think of the Folio Overlays panel as your hub for adding interactivity to your DPS apps. It provides important tools for creating engaging experiences for your publication’s readers, and previewing your work as you go along, either using the desktop Content Viewer or directly on your iPad.

Creating links with buttons and hyperlinks

Both buttons and hyperlinks play an important role in providing interactivity to DPS tablet apps. They provide navigation, allow us to play videos and sounds, click through slideshows, and link us to the outside world.

When to use buttons vs. hyperlinks

Because both buttons and hyperlinks have similar linking functionality, it can sometimes be confusing to know when to use a button rather than a hyperlink. But they each have unique characteristics that when understood make it easy to choose the right feature for the job.

For one thing, only entire objects or frames can be made into a button; you can’t select text within a frame and set a button, you can only set a hyperlink. That makes hyperlinks the only choice when you need to link selected text within a frame.

On the other hand, buttons are the only choice when you want the appearance of your link to change when it’s tapped. Buttons have appearance options for Normal, Rollover, and Click, but only Normal and Click appearances are utilized by DPS. Only buttons let you jump to an object state, which is useful for slideshows, remote rollovers, or button “hot spots.”

You can use either buttons or hyperlinks for similar kinds of links:

• To link to websites

• To link to other pages or articles

• To send email

• To link to other content

Creating buttons for DPS apps

Creating a button for a DPS folio is the same as creating a button in InDesign for any other type of use, such as for a PDF file. However, there are certain events and actions that do not work in DPS apps and cannot be used. In fact, the only button event that is supported by DPS is On Release or Tap.


The only button event supported in DPS is On Release or Tap. The others have no effect when exported to a DPS folio.

There are also certain button actions that are not supported in DPS folios, including Go To Destination, Go To Next/Previous Page, and Show/Hide Buttons And Forms. None of the PDF Only actions are supported.

DPS supports the following button actions for hyperlinks:

• Go To First/Last Page

• Go To Page

• Go To URL

• Sound

• Video

DPS supports the following button actions for object states:

• Go To Next/Previous State

• Go To State

These actions are supported by DPS with no additional settings required. But whether you use buttons or hyperlinks, you must use the Folio Overlays panel to set how URL hyperlinks behave.


Use the Hyperlink settings to specify whether a link opens in the app (folio) or in a browser.

Panel settings

Open in Folio: By default, a website will open in the app, in an in-app browser, where all links on the website are fully functional. With this option, the user never leaves the app. To return to the app, the user simply taps the Done button in the upper-left corner of the screen.

Open in Device Browser: Choose this option if you want the user to be taken to the device’s browser app, such as Safari on the iPad, when a link is tapped. With this option selected, the user will exit the app and go to the external browser. Always choose this option for email links, because you always want the user’s email client to open to send a pre-addressed email.


When setting a link to iTunes or the Apple App Store, use the Open in Device Browser option to avoid a Cannot Open Page error message.

Select the Ask First check box to specify that a prompt will appear, requesting permission to exit the app. It’s usually a good idea to specify this prompt, so the user knows what’s about to happen. Once the user is in the browser app, the DPS app has been completely exited and the app has to be re-opened.

Jump to another article

To create a hyperlink to jump to another article in your folio, use the navto:// syntax. Then specify the name of the article as it appears in the Folio Builder panel, not as it appears in the Article Properties dialog box. (Both are discussed in detail later in this chapter.) Add a page number if you wish to link to a specific page in the article. When you’re linking to a specific page in an article, keep in mind that the first page in the document is counted as page 0 (zero). So, for example, if you specify #3 in the URL, the link will jump to page 4. A typical URL to link to another article in your folio might be something like navto://articlename#3.

Creating slideshows with object states

Slideshows are just one of the many interactive elements that can be made using object states. In DPS apps, slideshows can be navigated by using buttons or by using tablet actions (such as Tap or Swipe) that are specified in the Slideshow section of the Folio Overlays panel.

As discussed in Chapter 2, you make an object state, also known as a multi-state object or MSO, by combining multiple objects into one. Select the objects — whether several images or a series of images grouped with text — and align them on top of each other using the alignment icons in the Control panel. Then in the Object States panel, click New, which groups the objects into a new object state.


Creating an object state: Select a group of images and align them; click the Convert Selection to Multi-state Object icon in the Object States panel.

To allow the user to view the slideshow by tapping buttons that access a specific state or by browsing slide by slide, set the buttons to the Next/Previous State action. Or, you can allow the user to view a slideshow without any buttons by selecting the appropriate settings in the Slideshow section of the Folio Overlays panel.

Panel settings

Auto Play: As soon as the user turns to the page, the slideshow will play; this is also known as “play on page load.” If you select this setting, you can set a delay in the time it takes to play.

Tap to Play/Pause: The slideshow will play when the user taps the top image or state. If you select this option, it’s a good idea to give some kind of visual cue, such as an icon or text, that clearly indicates that the slideshow should be tapped to see the action, since the user otherwise just sees the static image of the first slide.


Use the Slideshow section of the Folio Overlays panel to specify settings for your slideshow.

Delay: If Auto Play is selected, you can specify a delay in the time between when the user turns the page and when the slideshow starts to play. You can specify from 0 (zero) seconds to 60 seconds. It’s usually a good idea to set a small delay so the page elements have time to fully load before the slideshow starts to play.

Interval: If Auto Play or Tap to Play/Pause is selected, you can specify the amount of time each slide displays. The allowable range is 0.125 seconds to 60 seconds.

Play-Time: If Auto Play or Tap to Play/Pause is selected, you can specify how many times the slideshow plays. This option is not available when Loop is selected.

Loop: If Auto Play or Tap to Play/Pause is selected, selecting Loop will cause the slideshow to play continuously until the user double-taps the slideshow or turns the page. Many electronic document designers decry Loop as a distraction.

Stop at Last Image: If Auto Play or Tap to Play/Pause is selected, this setting will stop the slideshow at the last slide.

Cross Fade: This setting provides a transition fade to the next slide. The default time for the transition is .5 seconds, but you can specify any value from 0.125 seconds to 60 seconds. This applies to slideshows advanced manually or with Auto Play or Tap to Play/Pause selected.

Swipe to Change Image: This setting lets the user swipe from slide to slide.

Stop at First/Last Image: When Swipe to Change Image is selected, use this setting to specify that the slideshow stop on the first or last slide.

Hide Before Playing: If this setting is selected, the slideshow is hidden until it is triggered, either by user action or by other settings in the Folio Overlays panel.

Play in Reverse: Just like it sounds, selecting this option causes the slideshow to play backwards.

Creating remote rollovers with object states

Object states are used frequently in DPS apps because you can do so many different things with them. One common use of objects states is to create what is sometimes referred to as a “remote rollover.”

Remote rollover usually refers to an effect where the user rolls over one part of a page onscreen and a change occurs in a remote (unconnected) part of the page. On tablets, there is no rollover state, so in this case it refers to when the user taps one part of the screen and a change occurs in another part of the screen. Remote rollovers can be created using an object state and buttons that go to specific states in the object state.

In this example, the user taps any one of four buttons to display a different yoga pose, along with how-to instructions.


In this remote rollover, the user taps one of the numbered buttons to display a different yoga pose with instructions.

1. The first step is to create each object state. A yoga pose image is positioned next to the text frame containing its instructions, and then the two are grouped.

2. Once all four images are grouped with their instructions, the four groups are then aligned on top of each other and converted to an object state using the Object States panel.

3. Next, the four buttons are created. Each button has a different image for the Normal and Click appearances. See Chapter 2 for information about using external graphics for button appearances.

4. For each button, the event is set to On Release or Tap and the action is set to Go To <the appropriate> State.


Each state is made up of an image grouped with instructional text in an adjacent text frame.


Each button is targeted to a specific state in the object state to create the remote rollover effect.

This technique offers a lot of flexibility, and with a little imagination and creativity you can produce a variety of engaging experiences for your users. You’ll see this technique used in many of today’s tablet publications.

Image sequencing

Image sequencing allows you to combine many images into a continuous series that can be stepped through by the user. It is particularly useful for creating a rotating 360° view of images or a time-lapse series of images. Image sequencing is one of the interactive features that are unique to DPS, and it uses the Folio Overlays panel rather than the File > Place command to import the images used.

There are a variety of ways to create source images. One way is to use Adobe Photoshop Extended to export an image sequence of a video, whether a 3D object or a scene. Open the movie in Photoshop Extended, and use the File > Export command. Choose Render Video and change the settings in the dialog box as needed.


The Render Video dialog box in Photoshop. You can create the assets needed for an image sequence by opening a movie file in Photoshop Extended and exporting the frames as an image sequence.

You can also use Adobe Flash Professional or Adobe After Effects to export frames from an animation or a video. And, of course, you can use any 3D authoring application to generate images.

Images should be saved in JPEG format, or PNG if you wish to include transparency. InDesign won’t compress the files in any way, so for JPEG files, use medium compression to keep your folio size down.

The files should be named with sequential ascending suffixes, such as image01.jpg, image02.jpg, image03.jpg, and so on. You also need to make the images the same pixel size as they will appear on the tablet; for example, 568 × 320 pixels.


Use at least 30 to 60 images so their rotation will not be jerky. You usually don’t need more than that, and using too many images will just make your file larger without a better result.

Combine all your images in a folder that will be just for these assets. You’ll point to this folder to create the overlay.


Image sequence files must be named with sequential ascending suffixes. Shown are three files from different points in a sequence.

The next step is to create a container frame in your InDesign layout and decide on the poster image you want to display. This will be the image the user sees when turning to the page. You can set the first image in the sequence as the poster, or you can use File > Place to insert an image that’s not in the sequence as the poster.

If you want the first image in the sequence to be the poster, you can draw a frame of any size, because when you load the images the frame will automatically be re-sized to fit the content. If you want some other image to be the poster, place an image into a frame that is the exact size of the images in your sequence.

To import the images, select the container frame, and in the Image Sequence section of the Folio Overlays panel, click the Load Images folder icon at the top. Locate the folder containing the image assets.


Use the Image Sequence controls to load your images and to specify settings such as Auto Play and Swipe to Change Image.

Panel settings

Show First Image Initially: This setting will use the first image in the sequence as the poster and will re-size the selected frame to fit the image.

Auto Play: This will cause the image sequence to begin playing on page load.

Tap to Play/Pause: This setting will allow the user to tap the image sequence to begin playing; a second tap will pause it.

Delay: If you set the image sequence to Auto Play, this setting lets you set a delay before it starts playing. It’s a good idea to set a short delay to give the page time to fully load before the image sequence starts to play.

Speed: This allows you to set the number of frames per second at which the sequence will play. It should not exceed the frame rate at which your images were sequenced.

Play: This setting lets you specify how many times you want the sequence to play.

Loop: This setting causes the sequence to loop, or play continuously, until stopped by a user action, such as a tap or a page turn.

Stop at Last Image: If Auto Play or Tap to Play/Pause is selected, this setting will stop the slideshow at the last slide.

Swipe to Change Image: This setting allows the user to swipe the image and move the images as slowly or quickly as desired, essentially allowing the user to step through the sequence.

Stop at First and Last Image: When Swipe to Change Image is selected, selecting this setting will stop the sequence at the first image and the last image. If this setting is deselected, the user can spin the image sequence continuously.

Play in Reverse: This setting will play the image sequence in reverse.

Working with audio overlays

You can include both audio and video files in DPS apps. Some of the properties for audio and video are set in the Media panel, as discussed in Chapter 2, and others are set in the Folio Overlays panel.

In order to include audio files in your DPS app, use the File > Place command to position an audio file in your InDesign layout. For DPS apps, the audio file must be in the MP3 format.

Next, you may optionally use the Media panel. You can use the Media panel to set the file to Play on Page Load, which automatically turns on the audio Auto Play option in the Audio & Video section of the Folio Overlays panel. You can also use the Media panel to set a simple poster for your video, but if you want a controller image for play and pause, for example, use the Folio Overlays panel, as discussed in the next section. Frankly, unless you want to set a single image for a poster, there is no particular reason to use the Media panel.


Some settings for audio can be controlled from the Media panel.

Next, you can set the audio file to play when the user turns to the page, or you can create buttons that the user can tap to play, pause, or stop the video. These options are discussed in more detail in Chapter 2. Alternatively, you can use controller files instead of buttons to allow the user to play or pause the sound file, as discussed in the next section.

Working with controller files

One of the interesting things you can do with the Folio Overlays panel is to set images to control the audio playback. You can create either a simple controller or a progressive controller, which shows the progress of the audio as it plays.

For a simple controller, you need only two files. However, they must have very specific names. Name the files with a _pause or _play suffix, such as audio_play.png and audio_pause.png. Add these two images to an assets folder that contains no other files.


Use the Folio Overlays panel to load a series of images that will display as a progressive controller bar, showing the progress of the audio as it plays.

Next, load the images by clicking the Controller Files folder icon in the Folio Overlays panel. Point to a folder that contains only the controller images. To use the audio_play.png image as the poster image, select the Show First Image Initially check box.

For a progressive controller, the images must be named in a very specific sequence that includes an increasing number, such as audio01_play.png, audio01_pause.png, followed by audio02_play.png, audio02_pause.png. As the audio plays, the images will be shown in a sequence that displays a visual of the audio progress. The total number of play files you use will be divided equally by the length of the audio. For example, if your audio is 30 seconds and you want the image bar to progress every second, create a total of 30 files, named audio_play01.png to audio_play30.png, with their corollary pause versions.


These images are part of a sequence that displays the progress of the audio as a controller that fills up from bottom to top as the audio plays.

It’s also a good idea to create the images in the exact pixel size they’ll appear in; scaling them up will cause pixelation, and scaling them down will make the file size larger than it needs to be. Use PNG or JPEG images with medium compression to best balance image quality and file size.

Because it can take quite a bit of time to create the images for a progressive controller (unless you automate the process; see the sidebar on the next page), it’s a good idea to decide on a controller look that you want to use throughout your app publications. It can be very time consuming to change them all with each new issue.

Other panel settings

Auto Play: This setting is the same as Play on Page Load in the Media panel. It causes the sound to play when the user turns to that page.

Delay: If you set Auto Play in the Folio Overlays panel or Play on Page Load in the Media panel, only the Folio Overlays panel allows you to set a [delay] before the audio plays. It’s usually a good idea to set a brief delay, even .125 seconds, so that the audio does not start playing before the page loads.


Use the Folio Overlays panel to set a delay on Auto Play, which helps prevent the audio file from playing before the page is fully loaded.

Working with video overlays

It’s easy to include video files in DPS apps. As with audio files, choose the File > Place command to position a video file in your layout. For DPS apps, it’s usually best to use a video file in MP4 format with H.264 encoding, which is compatible with Apple iTunes. Some of the settings for video will be set in the Media panel (see Chapter 2), and others will be set in the Folio Overlays panel.

It’s most efficient to use a video that is the exact proportion and size in pixels as it will appear when played. For full-screen videos, make the width the number of pixels of the device you’re targeting; for the iPad and iPad 2, for example, make the video 1024 pixels wide.

After you place the video, select it and open the Media panel. Select the Play on Page Load check box. This automatically turns on the video Auto Play option in the Audio & Video section of the Folio Overlays panel. You can also use the Media panel to set a poster for your video: None, Standard, a frame from the video, or an image file. The Loop option is not honored in DPS at this time.


Many of the settings for video files are controlled in the Media panel, which is used in conjunction with the Folio Overlays panel to specify the appearance of your video.

You can use the Media panel to set the appearance of the controller for the video, with controls for play, pause, and volume. You can also create buttons with actions assigned that play or pause the video, as described in Chapter 2.

The Folio Overlays panel options are a little different than those in the Media panel. Both panels are used to control how video behaves in your DPS app. The Folio Overlays panel includes three options for controlling video behavior.

Panel settings

Auto Play: While setting Play on Page Load in the Media panel sets Auto Play in the Folio Overlays panel, and vice versa, it’s only in the Folio Overlays panel that you can set a Delay before the video plays. It’s a good idea to set a brief delay, even .125 seconds, so that the video does not start playing before the page fully loads.


With these settings for video files, you can set a delay or specify whether the movie takes up the full screen when it plays.

Play Full Screen: This setting lets you specify that the video play in full-screen mode, whether via Auto Play or a tap on the screen. To return to the page after the video plays, the user taps the Done button in the upper-left corner of the screen.

Tap to View Controller: Setting this causes the controller to display when the user taps the video poster.

If you want to put an icon or other visual cue on top of the video file, simply place the icon on top of the video. When the user taps the video, the video, which is in a overlay, will move above the icon image and cover it while it is playing. When it is done, it will revert to the first frame of the video, with the icon image on top.


Place a visual prompt or icon on top of the video in InDesign (top). In the DPS app, the image will be visible on the video. When the user taps, the video plays in an overlay and the icon is hidden.

Creating panoramas

Panoramas let you put the user “inside” a locale and experience it as though the scene were viewed from a fixed location, looking around in all directions. For example, you could be inside a car and look around 360° or zoom in on the dashboard.

To create a panorama, you need six images that represent the six interior surfaces of a cube. If you have an existing panorama photo or image, convert it to six images. You can use Photoshop to stitch images together to create the initial panorama. Then you can convert the panorama to the required six images using a third-party utility such as Pano2VR, which is available in Apple’s App Store.


Images required to make a panorama. They show north, south, east, west, top, and bottom. Use the Folio Overlays panel to set exactly which parts of the images can be viewed.

Source files must be in JPEG or PNG format. Source files are not compressed by InDesign in any way, so to keep file sizes reasonable, use JPEG files with medium compression. The size of the panorama on the DPS page is determined by the first image, and the closer you can make the source images to their final sizes, the more efficient your final file size will be.

The six files must be named with ascending numbers, such as pan01.jpg, pan02.jpg, pan03.jpg, and so on. Copy all six images into their own folder, with no other files.

To import the images, click the Load Images folder icon in the Panorama section of the Folio Overlays panel and point to the folder containing the images. By default, the first image in the sequence will be used as the poster. Once this image is on the page, you can resize it as you would any graphic. However, as mentioned, it’s best if the image is already sized.


Panorama images are imported using the Folio Overlays panel. The panel also includes settings for controlling what the user sees in the panorama.

Panel settings

Use First Image for Poster: Selected by default. If you wish to use another image for the poster, choose File > Place to position it in the frame that will contain the six images.

Initial Zoom: This sets the initial zoom of the images when the user taps the panorama. Use a setting between the minimum zoom (30 percent) and the maximum zoom (80 percent).

Vertical/Horizontal: This lets you specify values that determine which area of the panorama is initially displayed. For Vertical, you can specify a value from –90 (tilted all the way up) to 90 (tilted all the way down). For Horizontal, specify a value from –180 (rotated all the way left) to 180 (rotated all the way right). The default of 0 (zero) sets the first image to display initially.

Field of View: This setting relates to how much the user can zoom in or zoom out, not to rotation.

Limit Vertical Pan: This setting limits the vertical tilt of the panorama. If you don’t want users to be able to tilt through the image until it’s upside down, set it to at least –1 and 1.

Limit Horizontal Pan: This limits how far the user can view the panorama to the left and the right.

Web Content overlays

Web Content overlays allow users of your app to access all the resources of the web. Web Content overlays can be used for websites, RSS and Twitter feeds, or local HTML files.

To create an overlay to a website, first draw a frame of the dimensions and location of the desired view area. If you want to display a poster before the website displays, place an image in the view area frame; if you want the website to display when the page loads, leave the view area frame empty. The user’s computer must have an Internet connection in order for the webpage to load.


To display a webpage from an external URL, type the URL in the Web Content section of the Folio Overlays panel.

Type the URL of the website into the panel. Remember, since your viewers will be using an iPad, you’ll want to send them to the mobile version of the website (if there is one); for example, http://mobile.twitter.com/username.

If you want to display a local HTML page, draw an empty frame or a frame with a placed poster image for the viewing area. In the Web Content section of the Folio Overlays panel, click the URL or File folder icon and browse to the HTML file. The HTML file should be in its own folder, along with any resources, including images or scripts, that the HTML file refers to.

You can use this feature to display things like a Google map or Twitter widgets. Copy the code from the Google or Twitter page, save it in a file, and point to the file in the Folio Overlays panel.


A local HTML file should be in a folder with any assets or scripts the file refers to.

As shown in the table on page 131, InDesign animations are not currently supported in DPS. Animations in DPS can play only if they are converted to HTML5 files. You can start with InDesign’s native animation features, discussed in Chapter 2, but then you must convert them HTML5 files.

One way to do this is to export your InDesign animations as Flash files (FLA format) and convert them using Adobe’s experimental application Wallaby, available from Adobe Labs (http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/wallaby/). Watch a video overview of this process on Adobe TV, at http://adobe.ly/jWXPD8.

Alternatively, you can create the animations in Adobe’s Edge software and save them to HTML5 in Edge’s OAM file format.

Once the files have been converted to HTML5, the Web Content overlay option is used to display and play the animation.

Panel settings

Once you’ve set the URL or local file that the user will view in the view area frame, several settings can be adjusted in the Web Content overlay:

Auto Play: This setting will cause the webpage to load when the user turns to the page, without any tap necessary. You can also set a delay; it’s a good idea to set a small delay so the page doesn’t load before the rest of the app page appears.

Transparent Background: Select this option to set that the transparent background in a webpage be preserved. If this option is deselected, the web content background is used.

Allow User Interaction: This option lets the children play; that is, it lets the user interact with the displayed webpage, allowing them, for example, to click links and go to another page.

Scale Content to Fit: This option will cause the webpage to fit to the dimensions of the view area frame that you created. Be sure the frame is large enough that the webpage is still readable when it’s inside the frame. If you do not select this option, the webpage will be displayed at actual size and will be cut off if the frame is not large enough to view the page, and in most cases users will need to scroll in both directions to view the page.

Pan & Zoom overlays

Pan & Zoom overlays allow your users to explore an image beyond what is displayed in the static view. Specifically, it makes a large image available in a small view area, allowing the user to tap the image and then pinch to zoom in or out, and move to parts of the image that are not seen in the static view.

To create an image for Pan & Zoom, make sure the image has the exact dimensions you want to use. For example, if you want users to be able to pan a 1024 × 1024 pixel image in a 300 × 300 pixel view area, create a PNG or JPEG image that is 1024 × 1024 pixels in 72 dpi. You can do this using Photoshop or Illustrator: Choose File > Save for Web & Devices, then specify the dimensions.

Draw a frame that will define the dimensions of the view area, and then place the image inside the frame. The image should be larger than the view area frame. Position the image so the view area contains the appropriate part of the image. Try to select a focal point or some part of the image that is interesting on its own. The image in the view area will essentially become the poster image.


The view area (left) and the full image (right), which the user will be able to experience with Pan & Zoom enabled.

Once the image is positioned, select the image, including the view area frame. Use the Pan & Zoom section of the Folio Overlays panel to turn Pan & Zoom on.


The Pan & Zoom settings simply allow you to turn Pan & Zoom on or off for a selected image.

With Pan & Zoom, it’s particularly important to let the user know that the images are not static images. Clear instructions or icons should be included on the page.

Once the user taps an image, the image can be scrolled or panned. The user can also pinch the image to see it reduced in the view area and visible in its entirety.


In this example, all three images are set to Pan & Zoom, and each image has been pinched and zoomed out to show the entire image.

Scrollable frames

Scrollable frames are unique to tablet apps. They allow the user to view more content on the same page by scrolling that content within a fixed area. Scrollable frames can contain text, images, other overlays, or any combination of content.

Scrollable frames are created using a container frame and a content frame. The content is positioned in the container frame using the Edit > Paste Into command.

For example, to create a scrollable text frame, place the text you wish to scroll in its own frame on the page. Draw another frame that is the size of the area you wish to be visible.


Scrollable frames require both a container frame, which will be the viewing area, and a content frame, which contains the content that will scroll.

Next, position the content frame so it displays the part of the text that you want to be visible when the page opens, and position it where you want it to appear in the container frame. Select the content frame, and use Edit > Cut to move it to the clipboard. Select the container frame, and use Edit > Paste Into to position the content frame inside the container frame. You can adjust the size of the container frame, which determines how much of the content frame will display before the text scrolls.


Cut the content frame, select the container frame, and use Edit > Paste Into to position the content inside the container frame.

Now you’re ready to select the container frame, with the content inside, and use the Scrollable Frame section of the Folio Overlays panel to change settings for the behavior of the content.


The Scrollable Frame section of the Folio Overlays panel with default settings.

Panel settings

Scroll Direction: These settings determine the scrolling action of the enabled frames. Auto Detect determines the scroll direction based on the height and width of the container frame and content frame. For example, if the heights of the frames are the same but the widths are different, the content scrolls only horizontally. To make sure that the content scrolls in only one direction — even if the container frame is narrower and shorter than the content frame — choose Horizontal or Vertical. Choosing the Horizontal & Vertical option allows the content to scroll in both directions, assuming the content frame is larger than the container frame.


The direction options for scrollable frames.

Scroll Indicators: Select Hide if you don’t want scroll bars displayed as the user scrolls the content.

Initial Content Position: Use this setting to determine the initial position of the content on the page. Select Upper Left to align the content frame to the upper-left corner of the container frame as the initial view. Select Use Document Position to use the location of the content frame as the initial view.

The “sliding drawer” effect

Because scrollable frames can have any kind of content, you can do all sorts of fun things with them. One of our favorite tricks is to make a sliding drawer, or pull tab, effect. This lets you make tabs that users can drag out to reveal additional content. The following steps show just one example of the kinds of things that can be created using this general technique. It has the advantage, too, of allowing you to include more content in the relatively small amount of screen real estate available on tablets.

1. Create and group the objects that will make up the tab content. In this example, we have the tab graphic, some text, and an image.


The content of the tab is created, in this case, with the gray tab graphic, some text, and an image (left). The objects are positioned and grouped (right).

2. Draw the container frame. Since our tab will pull out from the right side of the page, the height of the container frame should be the same as, or a little greater than, the content group. With a typical scrollable frame, at this point the content group would be cut and pasted into the container frame. But if we do that, the tab will not have a pullout effect. There just won’t be that much room for the content to slide back and forth.

3. The trick to this technique is to draw an invisible rectangle that is positioned so that when it is grouped with the other content, the tab sits in just the right location in the container frame. This is illustrated on the following page.


Draw an invisible rectangle and group it with the other content, which positions the gray tab in the correct closed position. You can adjust the position later if necessary.

4. Group the rectangle with the other content, then select Edit > Cut to move it to the clipboard. Select the container frame and choose Edit > Paste Into to create the scrollable frame. You can click the content group and position it as needed once it’s pasted into the container frame. If the invisible rectangle is not in the correct position, double-click it to select it within the group and move it to the appropriate location.


Use Edit > Paste Into to position the content group in the container frame. If the tab location needs to be adjusted, double-click the rectangle to select it within the group and reposition it.

5. In the Folio Overlays panel, choose Horizontal from the Scroll Direction menu. And finally, select the Hide check box so that a scroll bar doesn’t appear when the user slides the tab out.


The result, as viewed in the Desktop Viewer, is a pull tab, or drawer, that the user taps and pulls out to reveal the content. The tab can be moved back and forth at will by the user.

The Folio Builder Panel

The Folio Builder panel in InDesign is an essential part of creating a DPS app. The purpose of the Folio Builder panel is to assemble your documents into a folio file that can be converted into an app. The panel allows you to set properties for the folio; preview your work, including the interactive components; and share your folios with others for review.

Exploring the Folio Builder panel

The Folio Builder panel is used to create a folio file that will ultimately become a standalone app, such as a book or a single issue in a multi-issue app (as in a monthly magazine). Folios are made up of articles, which in turn are made up of layouts. Each folio may contain multiple articles. Each article may contain a layout that is horizontal only, vertical only, or one of each, depending on how the folio is set up.


A folio consists of articles, which are made up of InDesign layout files.

The Folio Builder panel is a multi-level panel. It displays folios when you are working on folios, articles when you are working on articles, and layouts when you are working on layouts. The key to using the panel is to pay attention to the label at the top of the panel, which tells you which level is being displayed.


The key to using the multi-level Folio Builder panel is to keep an eye on the top of the panel, which shows you if you are viewing folios (left), articles (center), or layouts (right).

To navigate to the next level, click the arrow to the right of the folio or article, or double-click the folio or article name. To go back up from a layout or article, click the left-facing arrow at top.

When you are viewing folios and articles, the bottom of the panel will have a Preview button, a New or Add button, and a Trash Can icon to delete folios or articles. When viewing layouts, you can Add a layout only if you are missing either the horizontal or vertical version.


The buttons at the bottom of the Folio Builder panel let you preview the entire folio (left), an article (center), or an individual layout (right).

When you have a list of multiple folios, you can filter which ones are displayed. At the top of the panel, click the black triangle next to Folios: All. You’ll see a list of the various kinds of folios that can be listed. The default setting is In the Cloud (that is, uploaded to the Acrobat.com web host), but there are other options that are discussed later in this chapter. Regardless of how you filter the list, you can also sort the list of folios alphabetically, by most recently modified, or by publication date.


You can filter the kinds of folios that are displayed in the Folio Builder panel, and sort the filtered list.

Creating a folio

The first step to creating a folio is to open the Folio Builder panel (Window > Folio Builder) and log in with your Adobe ID. If you already have an Adobe ID you wish to use, choose Sign In from the panel’s flyout menu; choose Sign Up if you don’t have an Adobe ID or want to create a new one.

Next, click the New button at the bottom of the Folio Builder panel to display the New Folio dialog box. Here you will set various important attributes of the folio, including the Name of the folio. The name of the folio will be used for production purposes, and is not the name users will see in the final app.

You can also specify the Viewer Version. The viewer version is associated with the version of any viewer app you’ve previously built, or the Adobe Content Viewer on your device used to preview your work. To change the version for the folio, click on the version number in the New Folio dialog box; the Viewer Version dialog box will display, then select the appropriate choice. You’ll want to make sure that your folio is an equal version or lower than any viewer app you’ll want the folio viewed in.


To determine the version of the Adobe Content Viewer on your tablet device, go to any app in the Library. Tap once to display the navigation controls, then tap twice on the name of the publication at the top of the screen. The version and build number will display.

Specify the Size of the folio, which should be the same aspect ratio as your articles. The folio doesn’t need to be exactly the same size, but the same aspect ratio is important; for example, 4:3 for iPads or 16:9 for Android tablets. You can also set the Orientation of your folio to contain only horizontal, only vertical, or both horizontal and vertical articles.

By default, when you create a folio it is uploaded to the Acrobat.com web host. However, if you don’t need to share the folio or preview it on another workstation, you can select the Create Local Folio check box. This will save the folio to your local hard drive, a good alternative when you want to work quickly or don’t have an Internet connection. Local folios are indicated by a disk icon Image next to them.


The New Folio dialog box lets you define several important settings for your folio, including size, orientation, and image format.

Image format options let you specify the format of the flattened part of the folio. Remember that your InDesign layout is flattened to an image, with the interactive elements in an overlay. The options are JPEG, PNG, and PDF.

JPEG creates an efficient file size and is ideal for most tablets. You can also set the Default JPEG Quality, or compression, to Minimum, Low, Medium, High, or Maximum; the default is High, which gives good results on most devices. This setting can be changed when adding new articles to the folio. PNG format is required, however, for transparency effects.

PDF folios are often the best choice, because they hold their resolution regardless of the device resolution. PDF folios work best for the Retina display on the third-generation iPad, but they can also be used for the iPad 1 and 2. However, at this time PDF folios do not preview in the Desktop Viewer, which means they must be uploaded to the cloud in order to be previewed. This is cumbersome and takes time for each preview.

Adding a single article

Once you’ve created a folio, you can add the currently active InDesign document to the folio as an article. Click the folio name to go to the Articles level, then click the New button at the bottom of the panel. This displays the New Article dialog box.


The New Article dialog box lets you name an article, and if you have used alternate layouts for the two orientations, it will load them automatically.

In this dialog box, specify a Name for the article. This does not have to match the document file name and should relate to the content of the article in some way. This name is also used for creating links between articles, but it is not displayed to the end user in the viewer app. For instance, an article called “How to Train Your Cat” might be named “Cat” in the Folio Builder panel.

You can also specify the Default Format of the non-overlay components of the article: JPEG, PNG, or PDF.

If your InDesign document uses alternate layouts and contains both horizontal- and vertical-orientation pages, these will be automatically loaded for the Portrait Layout and the Landscape Layout. If the InDesign document is set up as a long scrolling page, you can turn on Smooth Scrolling for the page; the default is Off (Snap to Page).

If your InDesign file contains only one orientation, open that file or make it the currently active document file, and then create a new article. When you click OK, the file is added to the article and the orientation of the document is determined automatically. Once that file is loaded, make the file with the other orientation the active document. Then double-click the name of the article in the Folio Builder panel and click the Add button. The file will be added and the orientation automatically determined.


If you have only one orientation layout in each InDesign file, make one orientation active and create a new article, then make the other orientation file active and click the Add button.

Importing articles

Instead of adding articles one by one, you can import a folder of several articles at once. The file names and organization on your hard drive must be very specific, however. Start with a folio folder that contains article folders. When you import, you’ll point to the folio folder.

The folders for articles with both horizontal and vertical orientation must contain two InDesign files. One must have an _h suffix and one must have a _v suffix, such as filename_h and filename_v. If the article has a single orientation, the InDesign file within the article folder must have the correct orientation suffix.


The file structure and naming conventions must be very specific in order to import articles.

To import articles, first create a folio in the Folio Builder panel. Next, choose the Import command from the flyout menu on the panel. You can import one or more articles.


To import multiple articles into a folio, choose the Import command and target the folio folder containing the article folders.

Once InDesign has imported the article folders, the articles are listed in the Folio Builder panel. You’ll still need to modify the article properties, as discussed in the next section.


The imported folders are added as articles and will appear in the articles list for the folio.

Setting folio and article properties

After you create a folio, you can set the properties for the folios and articles. These properties specify what will appear in the app and be seen by the user, unlike the production-related settings you assign when first creating the folio.

Setting folio properties

To access the Folio Properties dialog box, click the name of the folio in the Folio Builder panel. From the flyout menu, choose Properties.


Folio properties are set after the folio is created and can be accessed from the flyout menu in the Folio Builder panel.

Use the Folio Properties dialog box to set the Publication Name of the folio; this is the name that the user will see in the viewer app and is different from the folio name in the Folio Builder panel. You can also change the Viewer Version number, which specifies the version of the viewer app your folio will be viewed in. Be sure the version number of the folio is equal to or lower than the version of the viewer app.


Use the Folio Properties dialog box to set the name and to preview the icons that will appear in the viewer app.

The folio is represented in the viewer app library by a preview image. These images should be 72 dpi JPEG or PNG files and the same pixel dimensions as your folio, such as 1024 × 768. To load the preview, click the Folder icon and point to the image file. If you want to change the image, select it, click the Trash Can icon to delete the image, and load a new one.

Setting article properties

As with folio properties, the information and images in the Article Properties dialog box will be seen by the user in the viewer app. Article properties you can add include information like that often seen in print publications, such as the title and the author’s name (byline), along with additional information about the content.

To access the Article Properties dialog box, click the name of an article in the Folio Builder panel. Next, choose Properties from the flyout menu.


The Article Properties dialog box is displayed by clicking an article and choosing Properties from the flyout menu.

The Title of the article is displayed when in Browse mode in the viewer app and also in the table of contents. The title here is different from the name of the article used in the Folio Builder panel; the article name in the Folio Builder panel is used for creating links between articles but is not displayed to the end user in the viewer app.


The Article Properties dialog box lets you specify the title, description, byline, and kicker that will display for each article in the viewer app.

The Description of the article will appear above the article in the viewer app. This text could be similar to what’s called a deck in magazine articles — text that usually sits between the title and the body text — and further explains what the article is about.

If you’re working with an article that you want to scroll as one long page, change Smooth Scrolling to the direction you want it to scroll. If you have an article made of individual pages, you can set them to Horizontal Scroll, which causes the pages to no longer display vertically within an article, but horizontally only, so the user goes through the article page by page.

The Byline will appear below the title in the viewer app. The byline is usually where the author’s name would appear.

The Kicker will appear above the title in the viewer app. It will also display above the title in the table of contents. This is often used to designate the different sections in a publication, such as Departments or Features. But this is not a hard and fast rule, and you can use it for any text that makes sense in this context.


The Kicker and Title text display in the table of contents in the viewer app, along with the thumbnail preview specified in the Article Properties dialog box.

To specify an image for the table of contents thumbnail, click the folder icon next to Table of Contents Preview. Select an image that is 70 × 70 pixels and 72 dpi, in JPEG or PNG format. If you don’t specify an image in the Article Properties dialog box, a table of contents icon is automatically generated from the first page of the article.

If your folio contains a page that is an advertisement that you don’t want to appear in the table of contents, select the Advertisement check box. If it’s some other kind of article you don’t want to appear in the table of contents, select the Hide From TOC check box.

Previewing folios and articles

It’s important, of course, to be able to preview your folios, articles, and interactive layouts. But even single pages, if they contain interactive settings or elements created using the Folio Overlays panel, will not preview in the SWF Preview panel. Instead, use the Folio Builder panel to access the Adobe Content Viewer.

There are two versions of the Adobe Content Viewer: a desktop application and a mobile device application. The Desktop Viewer is automatically added to your computer when you install the Folio Producer tools. The viewer for mobile devices is available for download in the Apple App Store, Google Play, and Amazon’s Appstore for Android.

Preview on your computer

The desktop version of the Adobe Content Viewer provides a quick and easy way to preview folios, articles, or even individual pages in your layout, right on your computer screen.

It does have some limitations, though. You cannot preview an entire folio at once if it contains both dual-orientation articles and single-orientation articles. But you can still preview individual articles within the folio. Another limitation is that you cannot preview PDF folios, at least at the time of this writing.

To preview a folio, select it in the Folio Builder panel. At the bottom of the panel, click Preview to display the menu. Choose Preview on Desktop to display in the Desktop Viewer on your computer.

The Desktop Viewer displays the folio and all its articles. There are several shortcuts you can use to mimic viewing the folio on a mobile device. Use Cmd/Ctrl with the + and – keys to simulate pinching in and out.


The Desktop Viewer uses keyboard shortcuts to allow you to view a folio as you would on a mobile device.


Use Cmd/Ctrl-R to rotate orientation in the Desktop Viewer.

To view an article in the Desktop Viewer, select the article in the Folio Builder panel and click the Preview button at the bottom of the panel.

If you’re working with 1024 × 768 pixel documents, you can also preview your current open InDesign file. Choose File > Folio Preview, and the Desktop Viewer will preview the file. This will preview the file even if it hasn’t been added to a folio and can come in handy when you don’t have an Internet connection and can’t get to your folio in the cloud.


Folio Preview lets you preview your current layout file in the Desktop Viewer.

You can control the image format of the Desktop Viewer by choosing File > Folio Preview Settings and selecting the image format in which to display previews. Select Preview Current Layout if you want the Desktop Viewer to display only your current layout.

You can also preview the interactive content on your current page using the Folio Overlays panel. Click the interactive content on the page to access the appropriate section of the panel, then click Preview at the bottom of the panel.

The desktop version of the Adobe Content Viewer is a good “quick and dirty” way to preview your work, but it doesn’t precisely emulate the experience your users will have when viewing your app. You should always check your work periodically by previewing it on the target device.

Preview on your device

You can also preview folios and articles on an iPad, an iPhone, or Android tablets. That way, you’ll know exactly how your app will look and feel on its destination device.

There are two different ways you can preview folios. In both cases, you must have the Adobe Content Viewer installed on the target device. Download the app from the appropriate store for your device.

You can preview your folios from the cloud (that is, on Acrobat.com). Simply go to the Adobe Content Viewer on your device and log in with the same Adobe ID you used to create your folios. Once you sign in, all your folios in the cloud will be available for downloading and previewing. Local folios will not be available for preview.

You can also preview your folios and articles without an Internet connection by connecting your iPad, iPhone, or Android tablet to your computer. To view your folio and articles, the device must be physically attached to your computer, and the Adobe Content Viewer must be open. To preview a folio, select it in the Folio Builder panel. At the bottom of the panel, click Preview to display the menu. Choose Preview on <device name>. The folio will appear in the Library window of the Content Viewer.


You can preview folios and articles by connecting your device to your computer, without any Internet connection required.

There are a couple of advantages to previewing on your device with a direct connection. For one, you can often preview folios and articles more quickly, as no Internet connection is involved and you don’t have to wait for your articles to upload and then download. Also, you can preview local folios with a direct connection.

Keep in mind that the Adobe Content Viewer is basically a generic version of an app viewer, and its primary purpose is for testing your digital content directly on the iPad, iPhone, or Android device. The Adobe Content Viewer is updated along with the Folio Producer tools, which are updated frequently.

Sharing folios

While the ultimate goal of your tablet app is its publication to a wide audience, it’s also important to be able to share your interactive content with others who are part of a smaller group, especially during the development process. Fortunately, the Folio Builder panel makes it easy to share folios and articles with other members of your workgroup or with your client.

To share a folio, select it in the Folio Builder panel and choose Share from the flyout menu. The dialog box that is displayed lets you send an email to the person, or group of people, with whom you’d like to share the folio. You can input multiple email addresses separated by commas. The default subject line reads “<your name> has shared a folio with you.” Fill out the Message field to include a message with the email. Click the Share button, and an email will be sent to the addressee(s).


The Share option in the flyout menu of the Folio Builder panel lets you send an email to members of your workgroup or to your client, allowing them to preview the folio.

Once you’ve shared a folio, the folio name will be displayed with a share icon Image. Hover your cursor over the folio name to display a tool tip that includes information about the folio, its owner, and how many people have shared it.


A tool tip displays information about the folio, such as that it has been shared with one person.

The person with whom you’ve shared the folio must log in using their Adobe ID in order to view the shared folio. In fact, you must send the email to the email address used by their ID in order for them to be able to view the shared folio. The folio will be available in the Folio Builder panel on their copy of InDesign, as well as in the library of the Adobe Content Viewer on their iPad or Android tablet.

If you want to stop sharing a folio, choose Unshare from the flyout menu on the Folio Builder panel. A dialog box displays a list of all the users sharing the folio. You can unshare with any individual member of the list or unshare the folio from the entire list.

If someone shares a folio with you, that folio will display in your Folio Builder panel and in the library of your device’s Adobe Content Viewer. You’ll see the folio in your Folio Builder panel list with the share icon next to it, but when you go to the articles list, the article names will be grayed out (meaning you cannot change them, but you can preview them).


You cannot share local folios from the Folio Builder panel. Instead, move them to the cloud. From the flyout menu on the Folio Builder panel, choose Upload to Folio Producer, which puts the folio in the cloud so it can be shared.

Sharing folios is the method used by advertisers to submit ads to publications. The advertiser shares the ad folio with the publication. The ad can then be added to the publication’s folio in Folio Producer, the next step in the publishing process.

Folio Producer

After you’ve created your interactive content and added your folios with articles to the Folio Builder panel, the next step toward creating an app is to upload your content to Folio Producer. Folio Producer is a web-based tool that allows you to organize, edit, share, and publish the folios you’ve created in InDesign. It’s part of the DPS Dashboard, which contains several tools and resources for publishing your app.

Because the focus of this book is on the tools in InDesign, we’ll just give you a quick overview of Folio Producer to get you started exploring on your own.

To access Folio Producer, choose Folio Producer from the flyout menu on the Folio Builder panel or use your computer’s browser to log in to the DPS Dashboard at http://digitalpublishing.acrobat.com. Log in with the same Adobe ID you used to create your folios in the Folio Builder panel in InDesign. Anyone with a valid Adobe ID can log in to the DPS Dashboard, but certain options are available only to DPS subscribers.


Sign in to the DPS dashboard using the same Adobe ID you used to create your folios in the Folio Builder panel in InDesign.

From the Dashboard, click Folio Producer. You will now be in the Folio Producer Organizer and will see a list of all the folios you created in the Folio Builder panel in InDesign. From this list view, you can specify various settings for the folio, such as the Publication Name and the Folio Number. Settings that are marked with an asterisk are required to publish the folio. Any changes you make here are updated and show in your Folio Builder panel in InDesign.

You can also share the folio from here by clicking the Share icon Image at the top of the window. Just as when sharing from the Folio Builder panel, you’ll get an email you can address to invite others to share the folio.


The Folio Producer Organizer lists all the folios from your Folio Builder panel in InDesign. Changes made here are reflected in the folios in the Folio Builder panel.

If you have local folios you want to work with in Folio Producer, you must upload them. Click the name of the local folio and choose Upload to Folio Producer from the flyout menu. The list in Folio Producer will be updated to include the local folio.


To list local folios, upload them to Folio Producer from the Folio Builder panel in InDesign.

You can use the Folio Producer Editor to rearrange articles, move articles to and from other folios, and change article settings. To access the Editor, click the name of a folio in the Organizer list and click Open.

You can work with articles in either a thumbnail view or a list view. To change the article properties, click an article and edit the information shown on the right side of the window.


The Folio Producer Editor lets you rearrange articles or change article properties.

You can still edit your InDesign documents after you have done work on them in Folio Producer. From InDesign, choose Update from the flyout menu on the Folio Builder panel.

Once your folio is organized the way you want it, you can publish your folio to the Adobe Distribution Server. This option is available to anyone and does not require a DPS subscription. Simply click the name of the folio in the Folio Producer Organizer window, then click Publish. Once the folio is published, you can download it to your device’s Adobe Content Viewer and experience the app exactly as your users will see it.

If you have a DPS subscription, you will need to embed this published folio in your custom viewer app. The folio is embedded in the viewer app as a ZIP file. To create this ZIP file, click the Export button in the Folio Producer Organizer window.


The final step in Folio Producer is to export your folio as a ZIP file that can be embedded in the app.

Think of the Folio Producer as a bridge between the production of your folio and the actual app development, which requires a DPS subscription. The app development is the final step in making your app available for sale to the general public.

What’s Next: Publishing Your App to a Store

The final step to selling your app to the public is to turn it into an actual device application. As we mentioned in the first chapter of this book, designers and creative professionals are expected not only to be creative and produce documents, but also to become application developers. Details of the process are beyond the scope of this book, but we offer an outline of what’s involved to get you started.

Once you’ve published your folio and exported it, the next step is to build a viewer app. The Viewer Builder app can be downloaded from the DPS Dashboard, where you signed in for Folio Producer. Use the Viewer Builder wizard to name your app, add icons and splash screens, and point to the ZIP file of the folio created using Folio Producer.

If you are publishing to the iPad or iPhone, you’ll need to sign up to become an Apple Developer. The cost is $99 a year, and you can sign up at https://developer.apple.com/programs/ios/.

Amazon has its own requirements for developers for the Kindle Fire, details of which can be found at http://developer.amazon.com/. There is yet another set of guidelines for Android developers, which can be found at http://developer.android.com/index.html.


As mentioned at the beginning of this chapter, the details of creating apps using the Digital Publishing Suite are quickly changing. The features of the Folio Builder panel and Folio Producer, the details of DPS subscriptions, and the final process of development will all change frequently.

Here is a list of important resources that will supplement this book and bring you the most up-to-date information about DPS.

• Robert Bringhurst, author of the documentation for InDesign and the Digital Publishing Suite, has created a fantastic publication app for the iPad called DPS Tips. It’s a must-have app if you want to learn more about DPS: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/digital-publishing-suite-tips/id436199090?mt=8

• The Adobe Help files for DPS are available online: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/digitalpubsuite/home/

• The DPS Developer Center has fantastic resources, including white papers and videos: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/digitalpublishingsuite.html

• There are many excellent videos covering DPS on Adobe TV: http://tv.adobe.com/product/digital-publishing-suite/

• Adobe provides a gallery of all the publications that have created DPS apps — a great source of inspiration, and a list that is growing daily: http://blogs.adobe.com/digitalpublishinggallery/

• Don’t forget to check out our blog. We’ll add information as it becomes available on new features and processes for creating tablet apps using DPS: http://www.indesigndigitalpublishing.com/

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